May 10, 2022 To Whom It May Concern: It is my pleasure to enthusiastically recommend Jordan Possehl for admission to the University of Oklahoma Summer String Academy in the Young Artists Division. My name is Keely Brown, String Instructor for McMichael Music, in Norman Oklahoma. I have had the opportunity to work with Jordan during her musical journey since December of 2020. She has shown-and continues to show-- dedication, talent, enthusiasm, and curiosity in her musical education. Her intellectual practice methods, self-confidence, and teamwork allow her to excel in solo and chamber performances. Jordan’s repertoire encompasses works from Vivaldi, Boccherini, Seitz, CM von Weber, Mosier, Telemann, Marcello, Khandoshkin, Marias, Rachmaninov, Mozart, and Bach. Through these pieces she has learned and refined numerous technical and expressive intricacies. However, the beautiful quality with which she plays is due in larger part to her constant striving to become a great musician. I am confident without reservation that Jordan will fit wonderfully in your ranks of up-and-coming violists. Sincerely, Keely Brown String Instructor