3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Better Tomorrow (SESBT 2022), July 23 – 24, 2022, VIT Chennai VERY IMPORTANT: You are requested to remove this first page when submitting your paper to ● sesbt@vit.ac.in Indicate the appropriate paper code (CN / EV / GB / SM / ES / CM / CT / AI / OP ● / RE) suitable for your paper in the subject of your email, like Submission of Full Length Paper with Paper Code CN (please refer our conference website www.vitsesbt.com under Call for Papers for understanding the 10 conference themes and their paper codes) Submit both the WORD and PDF files with their file names as Paper Code_First ● Author First Name without Initials (CN_Ram.docx & CN_Ram.pdf) Please consider these general guidelines when preparing your manuscript: (1) The title should not contain abbreviations, and should be appealing and clearly identifying the topic. (2) The keywords should represent the topic and content of your paper. Keep in mind what keywords interested readers would typically use to easily find your paper. (3) Abbreviations should be defined in the text when the first time used and their use should be minimized. (4) The symbols used in equations should be defined following the equation and they should be provided in the Nomenclature together with respective SI units. (5) The Abstract should be concise and inform the readers of background, research question, hypothesis, methodology, the main results and conclusions of research presented, and ideally, the main implications and broader context of your findings. (6) The Introduction should be written starting from a broader context of your research, leading readers to more specific aspects, and the research gaps which you are addressing should be clearly identified. (7) The novelty should be clear and additionally highlighted, together with the objectives of your research, in the last paragraph of the Introduction. A section explaining organization of the paper is a redundancy and should be avoided. (8) Your previous relevant work and work from other researches should be properly cited and relevant references used. Findings presented elsewhere and used in your work should be summarized and written in your own words, and the original sources should be cited. (9) If you used figures or similar material from other sources, you should obtain the necessary permission to reuse their copyrighted material in addition to citing the original source. (10) Relevance to Journal / Conference Proceedings / Book Series should be clear and you should consider relevant papers published in the journal during last few years. (11) Lumping references (citing several papers together) should be avoided and such sections should be rewritten to be clear what the main contribution of each cited paper is. (12) The Methodology should be concise and logical, allowing interested researchers to be able to repeat your work. If the methodology, or some parts, has been already published elsewhere, you should summarize it and provide reference. (13) The results should be quantitative, discussed and compared with the results published in the literature, and speculations should be avoided. It must be clear what results are original and presented for the first time and what is used from the literature for comparison, providing references. (14) Repeating the same results in different figures/tables is not allowed. Uncertainty of the results needs to be discussed, especially in the context of the main findings. (15) In addition to the main findings, the Conclusions section should indicate research gaps and research directions identified as the results of research presented. (16) The English language should be at required standards, without typos and grammar errors. Too long sentences difficult to follow should be avoided. Ideally, it should be edited by a native English speaker. We believe that complying with these general remarks when preparing your manuscript will greatly improve the quality of your manuscript and the impact of your research. Wishing you all the very best! SUBMIT YOUR FULL LENGTH PAPER TO sesbt@vit.ac.in 1 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Better Tomorrow (SESBT 2022), July 23 – 24, 2022, VIT Chennai Title of Paper (14 pt., Time New Roman, Bold) Authors’s name1 and Authors’s name2,* (12 pt., Time New Roman, Bold) 1 School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT Chennai (10 pt., Time New Roman) 2 School of Civil Engineering, VIT Chennai *Corresponding author E-mail address: xyz@vit.ac.in Abstract (10 pt., Time New Roman, Bold) A single page abstract not more than 300 words should be written in English. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references It should be in A4 size paper with margin 2.3 cm (0.9”) on all sides in MS Word format in 10 points Times New Roman type single line spacing. Keywords: Please provide 5 keywords separated with semicolons (10 pt., Time New Roman) 1. Introduction (12pt., Times New Roman, Bold) Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 12 pt., Times New Roman with single spacing) for text and Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages. Reference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets. Some examples: 1. Negotiation research spans many disciplines [3]. 2. This result was later contradicted by Becker and Seligman [5]. 3. For more than three authors use Becker et al. [5] 4. This effect has been widely studied [1-3, 7]. 1.1 Subheadings Subheadings should be positioned at the left margin, in a bold-faced font the same size as the main text (12 pt., Times New Roman) with single line spacing above and below. The first letter of each word in the subheading should be capitalized. 1.1.1 Sub-subheadings Sub-subheadings should be typed using italic font the same size as that used for the body of the text (12 pt., Times New Roman Italics). Only the first letter of the subheading should be capitalized. Note that a blank line precedes and follows the subheading. 2. Methodology (12pt., Times New Roman, Bold) Never leave any blank space under a heading/subheading/sub-subheading. Some text explaining the methodology shall be included. 2.1. Governing equations Please note that the first paragraph of a section or subsection is not indented. The first paragraphs that follows a table, figure, equation etc. does not have an indent, either. Subsequent paragraphs, however, are indented. Use the equation editor or MathType for equations and all equations should be properly numbered. Displayed equations are left aligned and set on a separate line. X+Y=2Z (1) 2 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Better Tomorrow (SESBT 2022), July 23 – 24, 2022, VIT Chennai 3. Results and Discussions (12pt., Times New Roman, Bold) Table 1: Suitable caption Grashof number Nusselt number 108 22.53 109 60.87 1010 70.69 1011 95.88 Figure and Table Numbering 1) All figures and Tables are to be numbered continuously using Arabic numerals. 2) Table and Figure captions (10 pt., Times New Roman) 3) Figures and Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. 4) Minimum quality of the figures should be 300 dpi Figure 1 : Provide suitable caption (Each figure should have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure depicts.) 4. Conclusions (12pt., Times New Roman, Bold) In addition to the main findings, the Conclusions section should indicate research gaps and research directions identified as the results of research presented References: The list of references should only include work that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished data are not acceptable references. The entries in the list should be numbered consecutively. (10pt., Times New Roman) Reference to journal papers: [1] Hamada KI, Rahman MM, Aziz ARA. Characteristics of the time-averaged overall heat transfer in a direct injection hydrogen fueled engine. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2012; 38(11): 4816-4830. 3 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Better Tomorrow (SESBT 2022), July 23 – 24, 2022, VIT Chennai [2] Rahman MM, Ariffin AK. Effects of surface finish and treatment on the fatigue behaviour of vibrating cylinder block using frequency response approach. Journal of Zhejiang University of Science A, 2006; 7(3): 352-360. [3] Thring RH. Homogeneous-charge compression-ignition (HCCI) engines. SAE Technical Paper: 892068; 1989. **Note that Journal titles should not be abbreviated and italicized. Reference to a book: [4] Juvinall RC, Marshek KM. Fundamentals of machine component design. 5th ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 2011. [5] Stephens RI, Fatemi A, Stephens RR, Fuchs HO. Metal fatigue in engineering. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc; 2000. **Note that the title of the book is sentence case and not-italicized. Reference to a chapter in an edited book: [6] Barky ME, Zhang S. Fatigue spot welds. In: Lee YL, Pan J, Hathaway RB, Barkey ME, editors. Fatigue testing and analysis: Theory and practice, New York: Butterworth Heinrahmanemann, 2005, p 285-311. **Note that the title of the book is non-italicized and sentence case. Reference to proceedings papers: [7] Rahman MM, Bakar RA, Sani MSM, Noor MM. Investigation into surface treatment on fatigue life for cylinder block of linear engine using frequency response approach. In: 15th International Congress on Sound and Vibrations, Daejeon, South Korea, pp. 2119- 2127; 2008. [8] Kamal M, Rahman MM. Fatigue life estimation based on continuum mechanics theory with application of genetic algorithm. In: 1st International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Energy Vehicle, Kuantan, Malaysia; 26-27 August, 2014. Reference to Web Pages: [9] Felippa CA. Advanced finite element methods. Retrieved from http://www.colorado.edu/courses.d /AFM.d/Home.html; 25 August, 2013. [10] Rockwell Automation. Arena. Retrieved from http://www.arenasimulation.com; 21 July, 2014. Reference to Article by DOI: [11] Sajti, C.L., Georgio, S., Khodorkovsky, V., Marine, W.: New nanohybrid materials for biophotonics. Appl. Phys. A (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-007-4137-z Reference to Online Document: [12] Cartwright, J.: Big stars have weather too. IOP Publishing Physics Web. http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/11/6/16/1 (2007). Accessed 26 June 2007 4