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Ferdinand de Saussure: Linguistic Theory Presentation

Presentated by : Muhammad Saad
Roll no: ENGL51BF20S031
Class: BS English 3rd semester (SS)
Presented to : Mr. Rashid Behram
Course title : Philosophy
Topic : Ferdinand de Saussure
Short Biography
● Ferdinand de Saussure was a Swiss linguist, semiotician and philosopher
● Saussure is considered as the founder of modern linguistics.
● Saussure is one of the most significant figure in linguistics, semiology and
● Became famous after his death.
A course in General linguistics.
A book firstly published in 1916 , 3 years after the death of Saussure.
This book was the compilation of lectures and course notes given
by Saussure to his students, his colleagues and students collected these
notes and published them.
This book made Saussure famous in linguistics all around the world.
This book is considered as the seminal work in the field of linguistics modern linguistics
Semiotic Theory
Saussure argued that every word in a language is a sign and sign is composed of two
components : Signifier and signified.
Signifier +signified = Sign
Sign : the things that stands in for something else.
The word d-o-g stands in for dog, and conveys the idea of dog without the need for
picking up the dog and showing it.
● Signifier ( word, picture or sound pattern).
What you see or hear, the word, sound or image.
Things that give meanings
For example : P-e-n
● Signified (mental concept or idea)
The idea you are trying to get across, the concept of things in our brain .
What is evoked in mind.
The idea of pen in our brain
Arbitrariness of signified and signifier
According to Saussurean theory “signifiers and signified have no direct relationship or
Signifier and signified are mere product of our social interactions
This idea give the basis of structuralism
Ways of studying language by Saussurean theory
Synchronic study of language
In synchronic study a linguist sees a
language as a living whole at one moment
with the consideration of it's historical
background or evolution.
Diachronic study of language
In diachronic view of studying language,
linguists study language's historical
background and it's evolution
Influences of Ferdinand de Saussure
Saussurean theory influenced many linguistic and other concepts like structuralism,
post- structuralism and structural linguistics.
Most notable Philosopher that is inspired by Saussure is American thinker “Noam
His concept of competence and performance is
parallel to Saussure’s theory of langue and parole
Conclusion:Ferdinand de Saussure is one of the most important figures in Linguistics, he gave
important concepts like langue and parole, synchrony and diachrony, signifier and
signified, semiology and semiotics.