See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: IoT based biomedical waste classification, quantification and management Conference Paper · July 2017 DOI: 10.1109/ICCMC.2017.8282737 CITATIONS READS 3 846 3 authors, including: Pooja Raundale Sardar Patel Institute of Technology 18 PUBLICATIONS 25 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Pooja Raundale on 04 June 2021. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) IoT Based Biomedical Waste Classification, Quantification and Management Dr. Pooja Raundale∗ , Sachin Gadagi† , Chinmay Acharya‡ , ∗ Prof. and Head of Dept, MCA Email: † Student, Third Year MCA Email: ‡ Student, Third Year MCA Email: ∗ † ‡ Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Andheri (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058 Abstract—Biomedical waste management and treatment is one of the critical process for organizations (HCF and CBMWTF) because if not handled properly would lead to hazardous effects like mass infection. Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 was published vide notification number S.O. 630 (E) dated the 20th July, 1998, by the Government of India.[4]. 60 per cent of secondary care and 54 per cent of tertiary care health facilities were in the RED category i.e. absence of a credible BMW management system in place or ones requiring major improvement. [5] Amount of Biomedical waste generated every year is more than 8% as compared to previous per year . [6] Efforts are being taken to automate waste management by introducing wireless systems. Segregation plans are proposed in order to maximize the recycling of waste and proper handling of non-recyclable waste. That classification would not sustain in wide variety of wastes such as biomedical waste . Hence this type of waste is treated differently. Therefore, such a waste has its own management unit. This study goes over current followed practices that are undertaken by countries and also studies various available technologies to automate such processes and carefully handling biohazardous waste automatically. Fig. 1. Current System III. T ECHNICAL BACKGROUND I. I NTRODUCTION Problems faced by government authorities is to keep surveillance on HCF and organizations that produce biomedical waste for 1. Understanding the day to day quantity of waste being generated 2. Understanding the ratio & proportion of type of waste being generated 3. Understanding the status of disposal of waste (collection to final processing) 4. Collecting and analysing the periodic reports While currently the reports are being filled, submitted and analysed manually, it is difficult to understand which organization produces certain waste above the cap/tolerance limit. II. L ITERATURE SURVEY Efforts are being taken to waste management but deal with automating generic waste [1][2][3]. Our proposal has focused apporoach in biomedical waste management. Bio-Medical Waste (BMW) refers to any waste, which is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings or animals or in research activities pertaining thereto or in the production or testing of biological and including categories mentioned in Schedule I of the BioMedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998. [7] While currently the reports are being filled, submitted and analysed manually, it is difficult to understand which organization produces certain waste above the cap/tolerance limit. A. Categories of BMW 1) Current System: Current System Biomedical waste generated at sources which include hospitals, factories and chemical laboratories is segregated manually in various types color coded as yellow, red, blue/white, black by employees of the organization [8]. Those simple color 978-1-5090-4890-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 487 Proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) coded waste is further segregated into waste categories 1, 2, 3 and so on. At a high level, the sources that generate the waste transport it to central facilities called Common Biomedical Medical Waste Treatment Facilities (CBMWTF) throgh vans. These CBMWTF which receive waste in mammoth quantity are responsible for quantifying, record-keeping and proper treatment of waste. A governing body is authorized to keep a close contact with such facilities and monitor their daily functioning. The Governing body also demands reports every year from these CBMWTF as well as sources every year called annexure to analyse 1. How much, what kind of waste was generated 2. Are the CBWTF abiding the rules by which they can : Ask sources to change the way they handle the operations to reduce the amount of wastage they make Ask sources to change the way they tune the CBMWTF to handle the waste properly. Carry out actions under legally for violation of provisions Understand how many times the CBMWTF/HCF has been violating the rules in order to make decisions of validating/cancelling their licences. Fig. 2. Monthly breakup of expenses Limitations of existing system: Even though the existing system in place has been working well for years, there are flaws that are potentially hazardous to environment and life of human beings. Some of the flaws include: 1) Unnecessary cost incurred in transportation contributing to 43% (fig.2) 2) Weak decision making capabilities & algorithms to route the transportation 3) Human error: As currently the process of quantification and segregation is completely human based, a chance of human error is more. 4) Fraud: Sources like hospitals could hide the actual facts and lie about them to fool the authorities to extend or get the license. 5) Delay: as the mechanisms are human oriented it takes time for segregating correct data and measuring it 6) Bureaucracy: As with any other government managed system, the hierarchy of authority and Bureaucracy is a cause of delay 7) Corruption: corrupt employees could take bribery and destroy the entire purpose of the system. 8) Not real time: The data is not real-time as its collected annually, which is does not provide the authorities with the instant action plan. 2) Proposed System: The proposed system by making utilization of recent advancements in technology and wireless connectivity could help to fully automate this system. For purpose of automating this system IoT devices can easily be used as they are very cheap to invest in and setting them up is easy. Generally the IoT COTS components are used. The existing internet infrastructure is used for real-time data transfer. At a high level the proposed system would be Fig. 3. centre Distribution of beds in 75, 50 and 25 km radii with CBMWTDF in implemented at sources, the color coded bags will be marked with RFID tags which are automatically issues and indexed by a system. The bins in which these bags are put into would have weighing sensors which would immediately trigger the Van that carries the waste to CBMWTF. This quantified weighted value for a particular color coded bag will be sent to the government authorities directly by IoT based microcomputer connected to internet. This would instantly record the correct and non-fraudulent data on governments servers. It can also help government to analyze and fetch the data every month or even instantly every second. Big data analyzing techniques can further be used to classify. As this system is completely distributed and based on real-time data, it can overcome every possible flaw of the previous decentralized system, the server arrangement in case of iot based architectured devices allows individual devices to connect to their local servers and also peer to peer with each other, Such a smart and instantaneously reactant network could help prevent frauds in the data as the data at any point is available on many nodes before it is synchronized into main server as a backup. 978-1-5090-4890-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 488 Proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) Notification Server Local Database The CBWTF • Smart Bins (classified as processing bins) with capability to weigh the contents and send information to the local server • Microcomputer/Raspberry Pi • Application Server • Notification Server • Local Database The Central governing authority • Application Server • Notification Server • Local Database (Altogether termed as central system) At each of the places, the commnication will operate and follow standard tcp based communication protocols (eg. xmpp) The smartbins, processing bins will sense the change in weights and send the data to local system Certain part of local system will be available to CBWTF to understand the amount of biomedical waste generated and collection status . which will be achieved by syncing the collection status with CBWTF and in turn with the smart trucks • • Fig. 4. Proposed System Functionality Information about waste storage in bins Information about collection status of bins Segregation of waste Having transparency in total quantity of waste collected vs actual waste submitted Components Smart bins (based on weight & full sensors) Sensor networks Self identifying objects Use of master & slave bins Waste generation & storage at hospital Generation of bmw waste and collection into slave bins. 1.The waste will be stored in disposable color coded bags which act as self identifying objects. These bags will be attached with qr code . The slave bins will be locked and won’t open until the disposable bags matches it’s own color code, and will be connected to sensor network which will read the self identifying bags and open respective slave bins. This will ensure the appropriate segregation and quantification of waste. Each smart bin will have filler sensors & weighing capabilities . 2. Collection from slave bins to master bins Before the time of point of collection, the bmw will be moved from slave to master bin which will calculate and identifying whether all the generated Waste is collected. 3.Notifying collection van about status of capacity of collection. The vans will have cheap smartphone device that will be notified about capacity of various healthcare facilities 4. Collection from master bin to van 5. Collection from van to treatment centers The hospitals CBWTF will have the following technical architecture: • Self identifying disposable baggages • Smart Bins (classified as slave and master) with capability to weigh the contents, open close according to certain parameters, send data to local server • Microcomputer/Raspberry Pi • Application Server B. Data flow All the slave bins are connected with a master bin through900-1900 MHz (2G spectrum) network. As this network has the most wide area coverage these bins will easily be able to connect to internet from most places. This way the challenge of connecting at remote places is achieved as the 2G spectrum is available at most places. The current available sensors use the least amount of power to connect to this spectrum. Although, 2G spectrum comes with a tradeoff of having less bandwidth available. This is where the IoT based specialized protocols can help us transfer data in an extremely fragile and slow internet connectivity as they are meant to work in very less bandwidth. Challenges of using existing application level protocols: HTTP: This protocol uses 40 bytes of header, which is a complete overhead to actual payload and completely beats our purpose. TCP: this protocol makes it sure that the message is delivered, in fragile network like 2G. Following is the section wise list of IoT protocols that can be used: Discovery: The master bin in rural area would require a list of bins registered under it so that it can keep track record of the status of those bins also the quantity of particular material in it. For which purpose The following two discovery protocols can be made use of: mDNS (multicast Domain Name System): slave bins will be able to figure out the ip of the master bin to report to HyperCat: An open, lightweight JSON-based hypermedia catalogue format for exposing collections of URIs. Can be used to by slave bins. To figure out where to report the data about C. Data Protocols MQTT : To transfer the real time data from slave bins to master bins we use MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry 978-1-5090-4890-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 489 Proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) Transport) , it is a publisher subscriber based serialized data publishing mechanism, therefore we can pump events into queue to which all the subscribers would react, hence when a slave bin is full, slave bin can queue an event of full to the queue to which the van would react by coming to the bin. LLAP (lightweight local automation protocol) [13] [14] Waste management principles http:www.apiindia.orgpdfmedicine update 2007162.pdf [15] Categorizarion of waste D. Cost/ Expense 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) IoT Microcomputer $5 Weight sensor $1 Tilt Sensors $1 Central Application/Database Servers $15 Local Application/Database Server $5 RFID Tags & Reader kit $2 IV. C ONCLUSION The solution proposed by the system aims to successfully solve various problems as described. It aims to reduce human interaction and fully automate the waste management system for hospitals, laboratories and pathological labs. The system designed is capable of completing entire plaster management plan without a single user input or manipulation. Therefore, it can be thought of as a Blackbox system which can’t be altered to create wrong data. The data that is generated though the IoT systems are generated based on real-time sensor information, which is constantly fed to authorities at their server which in turn allows full automation of the data monitoring system. The system also reduces the data transportation cost by optimizing the van timings as an when required. This project entirely touches and solves the management biomedical waste by introducing automation in the field. 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