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GTX 3X5 Installation Tool Guide

Installation Tool Guide
Version 2
© 2020-2021 Garmin International, Inc. or its subsidiaries
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GTX 3X5 Installation Tool Guide Version 2
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Information Subject to Export Control Laws
This document may contain information which is subject to the Export Administration
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Record of Revisions
Production release
Update for install tool version 4.21
Update for install tool version 4.22
Update for install tool version 4.23
Update for install tool version 4.25
Current Revision Description
Section Number Description of Change
Updated version information.
Documented process for determining the transponder mode
at power-up.
The Squitter Monitor failure no longer causes the unit to be
held in standby mode.
Added new On-Ground Power-Up Mode configuration item.
Documented a limitation of the Legacy Traffic and MX
Format 1 serial output formats.
Added new MX Format 3 serial output format.
Added new Autopilot Off discrete input functions.
Added new Altitude Valid discrete output function.
Reduced the minimum configurable altitude deviation alert
threshold from 200 feet to 150 feet.
Clarified references to transponder software versions
throughout the document.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 4
Table of Figures .............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Tables ............................................................................................................................. 10
Overview ............................................................................................................................... 11
Product Components ...................................................................................................... 11
Terms .............................................................................................................................. 13
Reference Documents .................................................................................................... 13
Installation ............................................................................................................................. 14
Troubleshooting Installation Problems .......................................................................... 14
Digital Signatures ........................................................................................................... 15
Version and License Information ................................................................................... 16
View Changelog ............................................................................................................. 17
Connecting ............................................................................................................................. 18
Automatic Connection.................................................................................................... 18
Manual Connection ........................................................................................................ 19
Troubleshooting Connection Problems .......................................................................... 20
Uploading Software ............................................................................................................... 22
Software Upload Checkout ............................................................................................ 25
Software Regions ........................................................................................................... 27
Status Information ................................................................................................................. 28
Status Overview ............................................................................................................. 28
State ................................................................................................................................ 29
Status .............................................................................................................................. 32
Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 39
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Configuration Menu ....................................................................................................... 40
Saving and Loading Configuration ......................................................................... 40
Checking Configuration for Errors ......................................................................... 41
Push to Configuration Module ................................................................................ 46
Comparing Configuration to a File ......................................................................... 47
Offline Mode .................................................................................................................. 49
Pro Line 4/21 Installations ............................................................................................. 50
Configuration Pages ....................................................................................................... 51
Aircraft .................................................................................................................... 52
Airframe .................................................................................................................. 54
Unit ......................................................................................................................... 59
Interfaces ................................................................................................................. 61
Sensors .................................................................................................................... 77
Audio....................................................................................................................... 85
Display .................................................................................................................... 87
Diversity.................................................................................................................. 89
Fault Code Assignments ......................................................................................... 90
Control Port Selection ............................................................................................. 50
Review/Apply Configuration ......................................................................................... 91
Adjustments ........................................................................................................................... 92
GAE Point Adjustment................................................................................................... 92
Internal AHRS Calibration ............................................................................................. 94
Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................ 95
Diagnostic Reports ......................................................................................................... 95
ADS-B Recordings ......................................................................................................... 96
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Downlink Aircraft Parameters (DAP) ............................................................................ 98
Discrete States ................................................................................................................ 99
Discrete Override ......................................................................................................... 100
Connection Status ......................................................................................................... 101
Hardware Statistics ....................................................................................................... 102
Internal GPS ................................................................................................................. 103
Bluetooth ...................................................................................................................... 105
8.10 Pro Line ........................................................................................................................ 106
Product Data ........................................................................................................................ 107
Product Configuration .................................................................................................. 108
Field Enablements ........................................................................................................ 109
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Table of Figures
Figure 1: Digital Signature OK ..................................................................................................... 15
Figure 2: About Dialog ................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 3: Changelog ...................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 4: GTX Install Tool ........................................................................................................... 18
Figure 5: Additional Connection Options ..................................................................................... 19
Figure 6: Unit Connected .............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 7: Garmin Aviation Device ............................................................................................... 20
Figure 8: Garmin Aviation Device Driver .................................................................................... 21
Figure 9: Software Load Sequence Warning ................................................................................ 23
Figure 10: Software Upload .......................................................................................................... 24
Figure 11: Status Overview .......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 12: Status Overview Failure .............................................................................................. 28
Figure 13: Status Overview Connection Lost ............................................................................... 29
Figure 14: State Page .................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 15: Status Page .................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 16: Configuration Menu .................................................................................................... 40
Figure 17: Aircraft Registration Entry .......................................................................................... 41
Figure 18: Configuration Summary - Comparison View ............................................................. 42
Figure 19: Configuration Summary - Compact View................................................................... 43
Figure 20: Configuration Status .................................................................................................... 44
Figure 21: Configuration Summary .............................................................................................. 45
Figure 22: Push to Configuration Module Enabled ...................................................................... 46
Figure 23: Configuration File Comparison ................................................................................... 48
Figure 24: Offline Mode Unit Type Selection .............................................................................. 49
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Figure 25: Offline Mode Active ................................................................................................... 49
Figure 26: Pending/Uncommitted Configuration Changes........................................................... 51
Figure 27: Configuration Error ..................................................................................................... 52
Figure 28: Aircraft Configuration ................................................................................................. 52
Figure 29: Airframe Configuration ............................................................................................... 54
Figure 30: Aircraft Length and Width Determination .................................................................. 57
Figure 31: Unit Configuration ...................................................................................................... 59
Figure 32: Serial Configuration .................................................................................................... 61
Figure 33: A429 Configuration ..................................................................................................... 65
Figure 34: Discrete Configuration ................................................................................................ 70
Figure 35: HSDB Configuration ................................................................................................... 76
Figure 36: Altitude Encoder Correction ....................................................................................... 77
Figure 37: Altitude Encoder Configuration .................................................................................. 78
Figure 38: GPS Source Configuration .......................................................................................... 79
Figure 39: Antenna Position Offset .............................................................................................. 80
Figure 40: Internal AHRS Configuration ..................................................................................... 81
Figure 41: Internal AHRS Orientation .......................................................................................... 82
Figure 42: Additional Sensor Configuration................................................................................. 84
Figure 43: Audio Configuration.................................................................................................... 85
Figure 44: Display Configuration ................................................................................................. 87
Figure 45: Diversity Configuration ............................................................................................... 89
Figure 46: Fault Code Configuration ............................................................................................ 90
Figure 47: Review/Apply Configuration ...................................................................................... 91
Figure 48: Altitude Point Adjustment ........................................................................................... 92
Figure 49: Internal AHRS Calibration .......................................................................................... 94
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Figure 50: Diagnostic Report ........................................................................................................ 95
Figure 51: ADS-B Recording Menu ............................................................................................. 96
Figure 52: Download ADS-B Recording ...................................................................................... 97
Figure 53: DAP Diagnostics ......................................................................................................... 98
Figure 54: Discrete State Diagnostics ........................................................................................... 99
Figure 55: Discrete Override Diagnostics................................................................................... 100
Figure 56: Connection Status Diagnostics .................................................................................. 101
Figure 57: Hardware Statistics .................................................................................................... 102
Figure 58: Internal GPS Diagnostics .......................................................................................... 103
Figure 59: GPS Position Initialization ........................................................................................ 104
Figure 60: Bluetooth Diagnostics ............................................................................................... 105
Figure 61: Pro Line Diagnostics ................................................................................................. 106
Figure 62: Transponder Product Data ......................................................................................... 107
Figure 63: Product Data Configuration....................................................................................... 108
Figure 64: Apply Feature Code................................................................................................... 109
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Table of Tables
Table 1: Supported System Software ............................................................................................ 12
Table 2: Reference Documents ..................................................................................................... 13
Table 3: Problematic Software Load Sequences .......................................................................... 23
Table 4: Pilot Alerts ...................................................................................................................... 34
Table 5: Failures ........................................................................................................................... 35
Table 6: Faults............................................................................................................................... 36
Table 7: Warnings ......................................................................................................................... 37
Table 8: Information ..................................................................................................................... 38
Table 9: Control Port Selection..................................................................................................... 50
Table 10: Emitter Categories ........................................................................................................ 57
Table 11: Serial Configuration...................................................................................................... 62
Table 12: A429 Input Configuration............................................................................................. 67
Table 13: A429 Output Configuration .......................................................................................... 68
Table 14: Discrete Input Configuration ........................................................................................ 71
Table 15: Discrete Output Configuration ..................................................................................... 73
Table 16: Altitude Source Selection ............................................................................................. 84
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1 Overview
The GTX Install Tool provides a means to configure a connected GTX using a PC. Transponder
system software can be loaded using this tool. The monitoring of status and diagnostic values is
also provided. Configuration can be developed without having a unit physically connected
through the use of Offline Mode.
Some items such as configuration parameters and diagnostic pages only apply to certain GTX
models. If an item does not apply to the connected unit, it will be hidden. This guide assumes
that all items apply to the unit; as a result, some images in this guide may be different from what
is displayed when the tool is being used.
While the GTX Install Tool supports multiple transponders, this guide is focused on the GTX
3X5 product family. The following sections describe general operation of the tool.
1.1 Product Components
A product component is part of the GTX Install Tool that is designed for a specific version of
transponder system software. The GTX Install Tool is a collection of product components; when
you connect to a unit its version is determined and the appropriate product component is
executed. Product components may also be selected manually. Some product components
support multiple versions of transponder system software; this can be seen from the Help –
About menu. Newer versions of the GTX Install Tool usually include additional product
components, and may include updates to previously released product components. This means
that when updating to the most recent version of the GTX Install Tool, the product component
that supports your version of transponder system software may remain the same.
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Table 1: Supported System Software
Product Component
Supported System Software
Installation Tool Guide
v2.02 (006-B2466-02)
Version 1 (190-01499-30)
v2.03 (006-B2466-00)
v2.05 (006-B2466-01)
Version 1 (190-01499-30)
v2.10 (006-B2466-03)
Version 1 (190-01499-30)
v2.11 (006-B2466-04)
Version 1 (190-01499-30)
v2.12 (006-B2466-05)
Version 1 (190-01499-30)
v2.15 (006-B2466-06)
v2.18 (006-B2466-07)
Version 1 (190-01499-30)
v2.19 (006-B2466-08)
v2.52 (006-B2466-09)
Version 1 (190-01499-30)
v2.53 (006-B2466-0A)
Version 1 (190-01499-30)
v2.54 (006-B2466-0B)
Version 1 (190-01499-30)
v2.55 (006-B2466-0C)
v2.60 (006-B2466-0D)
Version 2 (190-01499-33)
v2.61 (006-B2466-0E)
v2.62 (006-B2466-0F / -M0)
v2.63 (006-B2466-0G)
v2.64 (006-B2466-0H / -M1)
v2.65 (006-B2466-0J)
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v2.66 (006-B2466-0K / -M3)
Version 2 (190-01499-33)
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1.2 Terms
The term “GTX 3X5” includes all unit models.
The term “GTX 345” includes internal GPS, diversity, panel mount, and remote GTX 345
The term “GTX 335” includes internal GPS, diversity, panel mount, and remote GTX 335
Specific models such as remote/panel mount, diversity, or GPS equipped are explicitly stated as
1.3 Reference Documents
The following documents are referenced in this manual and provide additional information.
Table 2: Reference Documents
Part Number
GTX 3X5 Transponder TSO Installation Manual
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2 Installation
Hardware/software requirements for installation are as follows:
1. Windows XP or newer
2. Microsoft .NET 4.0 (included in installation)
3. Serial COM port or USB
Follow these steps to install the GTX Install Tool on your computer:
1. Download the most recent version of the tool from the dealer resource center.
2. Run “setup_gtx.exe”.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions:
Read and accept the license agreement.
Select an installation directory.
Select appropriate product components to support your GTX version.
Note: Additional product components can be installed later by re-running the
Select a start menu folder.
Select additional shortcuts, if desired.
Review your selections and install.
If prompted, install Microsoft .NET 4.0.
When prompted, install the USB Garmin Aviation Device driver.
4. The GTX Install Tool is now installed on your computer.
2.1 Troubleshooting Installation Problems
Problem: My anti-virus software detects the GTX Install Tool as a threat.
1. Verify the installer is digitally signed by Garmin International (See Digital Signatures).
2. Add the GTX Install Tool to your anti-virus software’s list of trusted applications.
Temporarily disable your anti-virus software.
Run “setup_gtx.exe” and follow the on-screen instructions to install the GTX
Install Tool.
Add the application to your anti-virus software’s list of trusted applications.
Re-enable your anti-virus software.
3. Report the GTX Install Tool as a false positive to your anti-virus software provider.
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2.2 Digital Signatures
Installation files are digitally signed by Garmin International, which ensures that files have not
been tampered with. This digital signature is automatically verified during installation and can be
manually verified at any time. The following steps detail how to manually verify a digital
signature in Windows 10:
1. Open the file properties dialog.
2. Navigate to the digital signatures tab.
3. Select Garmin International from the signature list and view details.
4. Verify the digital signature is OK.
Figure 1: Digital Signature OK
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2.3 Version and License Information
Version and license information can be viewed from the Help – About menu. The GTX Install
Tool version and part number are displayed at the top. The table below lists the version, part
number, and supported transponder system software of each installed product component. Once a
product component has been selected, only that component will appear in this window.
Figure 2: About Dialog
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2.4 View Changelog
Product component v2.54.00 or later
Differences between the previous and current product component are documented in a
changelog. For example, the changelog in Figure 3 describes differences between product
components v2.54.00 and v2.54.01. The changelog is viewable from the Help – View Changelog
Figure 3: Changelog
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3 Connecting
3.1 Automatic Connection
When the tool is launched, you will be presented with an option to either configure the
transponder or load software. Selecting “Load software” will attempt to connect to a unit and
then provide software upload options. Selecting “Configure Transponder” will attempt to
connect to a unit and then provide configuration and diagnostic options.
Follow these steps to connect to your unit using the recommended method:
1. Connect the unit to your PC via USB (recommended) or COM port.
Note: When connecting via COM, the unit’s RS-232 port must be configured to the
Transponder Format.
2. Apply power to the unit.
3. Launch the GTX Install Tool.
4. Press “Configure Transponder” or “Load Software” as desired.
5. Wait for the unit to become connected.
Figure 4: GTX Install Tool
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3.2 Manual Connection
Manual connection is also available and allows a specific product component to be launched.
This can be used to configure your transponder in offline mode or connect if automatic
connection fails. Follow these steps to connect manually:
1. Launch the GTX Install Tool.
2. Expand additional connection options by pressing the “+” button.
3. Select the desired model and software version.
4. Press “Configure Transponder” or “Load Software” as desired.
5. Connect the unit to your PC via USB (recommended) or COM port.
Note: When connecting via COM, the unit’s RS-232 port must be configured to the
Transponder Format.
6. Apply power to the unit.
7. Select the appropriate port on the connection status panel.
8. Press the “Connect” button.
9. The unit is connected once “Unit Online” is displayed in green.
Figure 5: Additional Connection Options
Figure 6: Unit Connected
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3.3 Troubleshooting Connection Problems
Problem: My GTX is connected and powered on, but I get a “No unit detected” message.
1. Make sure there are no loose wires.
2. Do not use COM to USB adaptors if possible, these are known to be unreliable.
3. Make sure another instance of the GTX Install Tool is not open and connected.
4. Power cycle the transponder.
5. When connecting using a serial COM port, make sure the UART port on the unit is
configured to Transponder Format 1 or Transponder Format 2.
6. Connect manually.
7. If you are still unable to connect, restart your computer and try again.
Problem: My GTX is connected and powered on, but I get an “Unknown unit detected”
1. Disconnect or power off all other Garmin products connected to your computer.
2. Make sure there are no loose wires.
3. Power cycle the transponder.
4. If you are still unable to connect, restart your computer and try again.
Problem: I can’t connect using USB.
1. Make sure there are no loose wires.
2. Make sure the unit is powered on.
3. Make sure another instance of the GTX Install Tool is not open and connected.
4. Make sure the unit appears in device manager:
Connect the unit to your computer using USB and apply power.
Open Device Manager from the windows start menu.
Verify that a “Garmin Aviation Device” exists under “Garmin Devices”.
If the device does not appear re-run the installer and install the USB Garmin
Aviation Device driver when prompted.
Figure 7: Garmin Aviation Device
5. Use a different USB port.
6. Use a different USB cable (6ft is the maximum recommended length).
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7. Power cycle the transponder.
8. Reinstall the USB device driver:
An entry in Programs and Features should exist for the USB device driver.
Reinstall the driver by running the GTX Install Tool Installer and, when
prompted, install the Garmin Aviation Device USB driver.
Figure 8: Garmin Aviation Device Driver
9. If you are still unable to connect, restart your computer and try again.
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4 Uploading Software
Prior to uploading system software, it’s recommended that configuration data is saved to a file.
This can be used to highlight configuration differences between old and new software. Follow
these steps prior to uploading system software:
1. Connect the unit to your PC using USB (recommended) or COM port.
2. Apply power to the unit.
3. Launch the GTX Install Tool.
4. Press “Configure Transponder” and wait for the unit to become connected.
5. Select the GTX – Configuration – Save menu item, then choose a location to save the unit’s
6. Close the configuration window and continue with the software upload.
The following steps detail the software loading procedure. Do not power off or disconnect the
unit while loading software.
1. Download the desired system software from the dealer resource center.
2. Connect the unit to your computer via USB (recommended) or COM port.
Note: When connecting via COM, the unit’s RS-232 port must be configured to the
Transponder Format.
3. Apply power to the unit.
4. Launch the GTX Install Tool.
5. Press “Load Software” and wait for the unit to become connected.
Note: Automatic Connection should be used. If Manual Connection is required, select the
most recent software version.
6. Press “Browse” and select the GCA file downloaded in Step 1.
7. Press “Auto-select” to select images that require an update.
8. Review your selection, then press “Upload” and wait for the upload to complete.
Note: Certain software load sequences may result in corrupted unit calibration data (see
Table 3). If you have attempted one of these sequences, a warning similar to the one
shown in Figure 9 will appear. Follow the warning’s instructions before continuing with
the upload process.
Individual items will be marked as complete as they are installed.
If any item fails, repeat the upload process.
A message box will appear once the upload is complete.
9. After loading software, perform Software Upload Checkout.
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Table 3: Problematic Software Load Sequences
On Unit
In GCA File
Main system software version earlier than 2.50
Main system software v2.53
Main system software v2.53
Main system software version 2.50, 2.51, or 2.52
Figure 9: Software Load Sequence Warning
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Figure 10: Software Upload
Note: The items that appear in the file or on the unit vary depending on the connected unit. See
Software Regions for a full list of items that may appear.
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4.1 Software Upload Checkout
Review New Configuration Items
A system software update may add new configuration items. Values for new items should be
determined and assigned. Configuration changes for each system software version are
documented in the GTX 3X5 TSO Installation Manual.
This can be done quickly by comparing configuration to the configuration file saved prior to the
upload. Differences will be highlighted in yellow. See Comparing Configuration to a File for
Resolve Configuration Failure
A system software update may add additional restrictions on existing configuration, which could
result in a configuration failure. Follow these steps if a configuration failure exists after a
software is loaded.
1. Compare configuration saved prior to the software load to the unit’s current configuration.
See Comparing Configuration to a File for details.
2. Highlighted items that exist in both configurations indicate problem and will be set to their
default value.
3. Modify the configuration setting by changing its value and applying configuration. Then,
select the desired value and apply configuration again.
When updating to main system software version 2.50 or later, the following steps can be
performed to ensure a clean/valid configuration if the configuration fault persists:
1. Verify configuration was saved prior to the upload.
2. Reset configuration using the GTX – Configuration – Reset menu item.
3. Load the previously saved configuration.
Note: If configuration was not saved prior to the software upload, backload to the previous
system software version, save configuration, and then load desired system software again.
Resolve Non-Volatile Memory Fault
After loading software, further action is needed under the following conditions:
1. Main system software was updated from version 2.02, 2.03, 2.05, or 2.10.
2. Main system software was updated to version 2.11 or later.
3. The unit is failed due to a non-volatile memory fault and configuration failure.
In this situation, IO configuration will be defaulted due to an incompatibility in discrete
configuration. To resolve this issue, perform the following actions:
1. Connect to a unit and navigate to the discrete configuration page.
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2. Re-assign discrete functions as desired, then Review/Apply Configuration.
Note: If desired discrete configuration is the default, assign an arbitrary discrete function
and apply configuration. Then unassign that function, and apply configuration a second
3. Enable Push to Configuration Module if the installation includes a configuration module.
4. Power cycle the transponder.
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4.2 Software Regions
Depending on the connected GTX 3X5 model, some regions may or may not be updated during a
software upload. The GTX Install tool automatically decides which regions to load. Below is a
complete set of all software regions that can be loaded:
1. Transponder main board boot block software
2. Transponder main board public keys
3. Transponder main board region list
4. Transponder main board system software
5. Transponder main board audio
6. Transponder main board FPGA
7. Transponder main board remote configuration XHTML
8. ADS-B In board boot block software
9. ADS-B In board public keys
10. ADS-B In board system software
11. ADS-B In board FPGA
12. GPS board system software
13. GPS board loader
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5 Status Information
5.1 Status Overview
An overview of the connection is displayed at the bottom on the Install Tool. There are four
overview panels:
Connection Status
This panel allows connecting and disconnecting from the transponder and shows the current state
of the connection. See Manual Connection to use this panel to connect to a specified port. “Unit
Online” is displayed in green when the communication with the transponder is occurring (See
Figure 11). If communication stops “Connection Lost” is displayed in yellow (See Figure 13).
Unit Mode
This panel allows the operating mode of the transponder to be set. Most of the time configuration
mode will be entered when needed. To change modes, first select the desired mode from the drop
down, then press “Set”. Pressing “Set” with normal mode selected will cause the unit to reboot.
The operating mode will be displayed in red when the unit is failed (See Figure 12), otherwise it
will be displayed in green (See Figure 11).
The current transponder mode is indicated on this panel, as well as a summary of transponder
health information. It can be seen in Figure 11 that the transponder is currently in standby. If any
alert, failure, fault, or warning is active, the associated item will be highlighted on this panel. The
transponder panel in Figure 12 indicates that at least one alert and one failure is active.
Unit Software Version
The transponder main system software and ADS-B In system software (on GTX 345 and 45
units) is indicated in this panel.
Figure 11: Status Overview
Figure 12: Status Overview Failure
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Figure 13: Status Overview Connection Lost
5.2 State
Transponder state information such as normal operation status indications, pressure altitude, and
the transponder mode is displayed on this page.
Figure 14: State Page
Selected Transponder
In a dual transponder installation, this indicates whether or not the GTX is the active
transponder. When a transponder is not active, it will be in standby mode.
Indicates that the current air state is airborne.
Ident Active
Indicates that ident is active.
Reply Active
Indicates that the GTX is replying to interrogations.
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TIS-A Requested
GTX 335 and 35 units
Indicates that the transponder is currently requesting TIS-A traffic.
VFR Mode
Indicates that the GTX is currently transmitting in VFR mode. When VFR mode is active, the
active squawk code is the configured VFR code. Activate by pressing the “VFR” key on panel
mount units.
ADS-B Transmit
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 units
Indicates that ADS-B transmissions are enabled. ADS-B transmissions are inhibited while the
transponder is in Standby.
Transponder Ground Test
Indicates that the unit is operating in transponder ground test mode. When transponder ground
test mode is active, the unit will behave as if it was airborne, and thus reply to interrogations.
This is intended to be used when testing transponder functionality while on the ground. Enable
by pressing “Ground Test: Enable” and again to disable. This mode can be entered by holding
the CRSR key on the front panel during a power cycle.
Traffic Ground Test
GTX 345 and 45 units
Indicates that the unit is operating in traffic ground test mode. When traffic ground test mode is
active, the unit will behave as if it was airborne for traffic purposes; TCAS targets won’t be
filtered out as ground targets and traffic alerting will function normally. This is intended to be
used when testing traffic functionality while on the ground. Traffic ground test mode is active in
any of the following situations:
1. Transponder ground test mode is active
2. A connected TAS/TCAS is in ground test mode
3. Traffic ground test mode is commanded active via HSDB
Note: If the GTX 345/45 is configured to interface with a GTS, traffic processing will use 50,000
feet for ownship pressure altitude while in traffic ground test mode. This pressure altitude
override does not apply if the GTX 345/45 is not configured to interface with a GTS. The
override value is not used by the transponder and ADS-B Out functions (i.e., the override
pressure altitude value is not transmitted).
Transponder Mode
The current mode of the transponder. These modes can be entered on panel mount display units
by pressing the “SBY”, “ON”, and “ALT” keys. The three transponder modes are described
1. Standby: All transmissions are disabled
2. On: Transmissions do not include pressure altitude information
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3. Altitude Reporting: Transmissions include pressure altitude information
The transponder mode at power-up when on-ground is configurable when using main system
software v2.65 or later. By default, the transponder mode at power-up is determined as follows:
1. For panel mount units, if a button on the front panel was used to power up the unit (i.e.,
“SBY”, “ON”, or “ALT”), the transponder mode corresponding to the button that was
pressed is selected.
2. Otherwise, if less than 5 ± 2.5 minutes have elapsed since the transponder was last
powered off, the transponder mode from the previous power cycle is selected.
3. Otherwise, Altitude Reporting mode is selected.
Flight ID
The current flight ID, can be entered using the front panel on panel mount units.
Squawk Code
The current squawk code, can be entered using the front panel on panel mount units.
Pressure Altitude
The current pressure altitude reported by the transponder. Green indicates a valid pressure
altitude, red indicates an invalid pressure altitude.
Traffic Test
GTX 345 and 45 units
Executes a traffic test. In installations with a TAS/TCAS, this commands a self-test of the
TAS/TCAS system.
GTX 345 and 45 units
In installations with a TAS/TCAS I, this allows the TAS/TCAS mode to be commanded to
standby or operate.
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5.3 Status
The transponder performs self-monitoring of its internal systems to assure it is functioning
correctly. This information is displayed on the status page and can be used to aid in
troubleshooting. The following sections are listed in order of severity, where failures are the
most severe.
Figure 15: Status Page
When any failure is active (excluding the Squitter Monitor failure) the transponder will be held
in standby mode, meaning all transmit capability is disabled. Active indications in this section
must be resolved. See Table 5 for a description of each item.
Faults result in some loss of functionality, but the transponder will remain operational. See Table
6 for a description of each item.
These indications become active when there is a loss of functionality due to lack of a required
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input or there is an anomalous condition that should be investigated. See Table 7 for a
description of each item.
Indications in this section are only informational and have no direct effect on operation of the
transponder. See Table 8 for a description of each item.
Pilot Alerts
Pilot alerts summarize the detailed failure/fault/warning indications for the pilot. These appear
to the pilot in normal mode as messages on panel mount units. The severity of an alert depends
on the associated causes. All failures, faults, and warnings trigger at least one alert. Some alerts,
such as Ground Test, are not associated with a failure, fault, or warning. See Table 4 for a
mapping of failures, faults, and warnings to triggered pilot alerts.
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Table 4: Pilot Alerts
Pilot Alert
1090 ADS-B In
1090 ADS-B Out
1090 RX
Main Software Version
Any Failure
ADS-B In Traffic Alerting
Traffic Alerting
ADS-B Position Input
No ADS-B Position Input
978 RX
ADS-B Board Comm
FIS-B Weather
Ground Test [1]
Maximum Temperature
High Temperature
Minimum Temperature
Low Temperature
Pressure Altitude
Service Soon
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No Pressure Altitude
ADS-B Board Comm
ADS-B In Calibration
ADS-B In Configuration
ADS-B In Electrical
GAE Calibration
Audio ROM
Backlight Calibration
Configuration Module
Non-Volatile Memory
Suppression Bus
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ADS-B Board Comm
Traffic Processing
Any Failure
978 RX
1PPS Input
Demonstration Mode [2]
v2.50 and later
[1] Active when transponder ground test mode is active or traffic ground test mode is active
[2] Active when demonstration mode is active.
Table 5: Failures
Unit Applicability Main Software Version
1030 RX
The 1030 MHz receiver self-test has failed
1090 TX
The 1090 MHz transmitter self-test has failed
Frequency Lock
FPGA PLL lock failure
High Temperature
Temperature has risen above 95° C
ICAO Address
The configured ICAO address is invalid (0x000000 or
GTX 335/345
GTX 35/45
Low Temperature
Temperature has fallen below -50° C
The unit has detected an internal RAM failure
Squitter Monitor
A squitter generation failure has occurred
GTX 335/345
GTX 35/45
Transmit Monitor
1090 MHz transmission failures have been detected
Transponder system calibration is invalid
Transponder system configuration is invalid
Internal voltages are outside limits
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The transponder FPGA is reporting a failure
The transponder FPGA image is invalid
Transponder ROM
The transponder system image is invalid
Table 6: Faults
Unit Applicability Main Software Version
1090 RX
The 1090 MHz receiver self-test has failed
GTX 345 and 45
978 RX
The 978 MHz receiver self-test has failed
GTX 345 and 45
Either the 1090 RX or 978 RX fault has occurred
GTX 345 and 45
ADS-B In Calibration
ADS-B In calibration is invalid
GTX 345 and 45
ADS-B Board Comm
Internal ADS-B In communication failure
GTX 345 and 45
ADS-B In Configuration
ADS-B In configuration is invalid
GTX 345 and 45
ADS-B In Electrical
Internal voltages are outside limits
GTX 345 and 45
The ADS-B In FPGA image is invalid
GTX 345 and 45
The ADS-B In system image is invalid
GTX 345 and 45
GAE Calibration
The Garmin Altitude Encoder calibration is invalid
Audio ROM
The transponder audio image is invalid
Backlight Calibration
Invalid calibration of the display head has been
Panel mount
Configuration Module
A configuration module is present, but its data is
invalid or a communication error occurred
Traffic Alerting
Data inputs required for ADS-B Traffic Advisory
System (ATAS) processing are
unavailable/insufficient. When using main system
software v2.50 or later, this fault is suppressed for 180
seconds after startup in normal mode. The startup
GTX 345 and 45
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suppression time is 150 seconds when using main
system software prior to v2.50.
Communication with the internal GPS has failed, or it
is reporting a fault. This fault is suppressed for 10
seconds after startup in normal mode. Also, when
using main system software v2.05 or later, this fault is
suppressed if the internal GPS is not configured as a
GPS source.
Internal GPS
Non-Volatile Memory
Internal memory was determined to be invalid, or
failed to load
Traffic Processing
The ADS-B / ADS-R / TIS-B fault is active, the ADSB In Electrical fault is active, or inputs required for
traffic processing are unavailable/insufficient. When
using main system software v2.52 or later, this fault is
suppressed for 180 seconds after startup in normal
mode. The startup suppression time is 150 seconds
when using main system software prior to v2.52.
GTX 345 and 45
Suppression Bus
The external suppression bus is stuck, such that the
unit is unable to output to the bus.
The 1030 MHz receiver self-test or 1090 MHz
transmitter self-test has failed on a single RF channel
Diversity units
v2.50 or later
Table 7: Warnings
No ADS-B Position Input
GPS position input data is unavailable/invalid. When
GTX 335/345
using main system software v2.05 or later, this warning GTX 35/45
is suppressed for 180 seconds after startup in normal
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Unit Applicability Main Software Version
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mode. The startup suppression time is 150 seconds
when using main system software prior to v2.05.
No Pressure Altitude
Pressure altitude input data is unavailable/invalid. This
warning is suppressed for 5 minutes after startup in
normal mode.
GPS Keep Alive
The internal GPS keep alive input is not present
Internal GPS
v2.03 or earlier
Communication with the TAS/TCAS system has
failed, or it is reporting a failure. This warning is
suppressed for 30 seconds after startup in normal
GTX 345 and 45
1PPS Input
The external 1PPS discrete input has been invalid for
30 seconds. This warning is suppressed for 180
seconds after startup in normal mode, or while the
position source is not providing valid position data.
GTX 345
v2.50 or later
Table 8: Information
Unit Applicability Main Software Version
Configuration Module
A configuration module is present
GPS Keep Alive Present
The internal GPS keep alive input is present
Internal GPS
v2.05 or later
Valid SD Card Present
The SD card is present and uncorrupted
GTX 345 and 45
v2.10 or later
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6 Configuration
This section describes how to configure your transponder using the GTX Install Tool. See the
GTX 3X5 TSO Installation Manual for details on the configuration of panel mount units using
the display. The recommended workflow for configuration using the GTX Install Tool is as
1. Connect the unit to your PC via USB (recommended) or COM port and apply power.
2. Launch the GTX Install Tool and select “Configure Transponder”.
3. Save the initial configuration to a file (See Saving and Loading Configuration).
4. Update configuration selections on each page as desired.
5. Review your selections and ensure there are no associated errors or warnings, then send
configuration to the unit (See Review/Apply Configuration).
6. Perform any necessary adjustments:
If a GAE module is installed and requires calibration, perform GAE Point
Perform Internal AHRS Calibration (GTX 45/345 only).
7. Generate a configuration summary (See Checking Configuration for Errors):
Verify there are no configuration errors or warnings.
Reboot the unit into normal mode and verify no failures or faults are active on the
status page.
Refresh and review the unit’s configuration summary.
Print the configuration summary (or save as a PDF).
8. Save the updated configuration to a file (See Saving and Loading Configuration).
Once configuration has been established, it can be verified using a configuration CRC (See
Configuration Status).
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6.1 Configuration Menu
The configuration menu allows Saving and Loading Configuration, Checking Configuration
for Errors, Comparing Configuration to a File, and enabling Push to Configuration Module.
Selecting “Reset” will set all configuration items to their default values. Selecting “Clear All
Pending Changes” will synchronize all configuration selections with the current configuration on
the connected unit. All configuration menu items can be used while Offline Mode is active (no
GTX connected).
Figure 16: Configuration Menu
6.1.1 Saving and Loading Configuration
Saving and loading configuration is performed using the “Save” and “Load” items under the
Configuration menu (See Figure 16). This allows configuration to be saved to a local file on
your computer and later loaded to the unit or another of the same model. Explicit entry of the
aircraft registration and ICAO address configuration items is required when loading
configuration for all units except the GTX 325. This is due to these fields being unique for each
aircraft, and ensures values are not set incorrectly.
Follow these steps to save configuration:
1. Connect to a unit (or activate Offline Mode).
2. Select the “Save” menu item.
3. When prompted, select a directory and save the configuration file.
Follow these steps to load configuration:
1. Connect to a unit (or activate Offline Mode).
2. Select the “Load” menu item.
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3. When prompted, select a previously saved configuration file.
4. If prompted, specify the aircraft registration number and ICAO address and then press “Set”.
See Figure 17
5. The unit’s configuration will be compared to the loaded file automatically; any
unexpected differences will be indicated.
6. If an expected configuration CRC is known, verify the Configuration Status is correct.
Figure 17: Aircraft Registration Entry
6.1.2 Checking Configuration for Errors
A configuration summary compiles all configuration data into a list for review, and can be
generated from the “View Summary” menu item in the configuration menu (See Figure 16).
Configuration errors are highlighted in red and must be resolved for the transponder to operate in
normal mode. Configuration warnings are highlighted in yellow; it is highly recommended that
these are resolved. Hover your mouse over an error or warning to show a message indicating the
cause (See Figure 21). Configuration changes that have not yet been applied to the unit or
require verification are highlighted in blue. The summary can be printed from the “File” menu
and will include all errors/warnings at the top of the page. Printing is disabled while
uncommitted or unverified configuration changes exist. Filtering on configuration issues or
changes is available via the “Filter” button.
If you have any uncommitted or unverified configuration changes when you generate a
configuration summary, a comparison between your configuration selections and the
configuration on the connected unit will be shown (See Figure 18). Otherwise, a more compact
view is shown (See Figure 19). In both examples, the on-unit value for the Max Airspeed
configuration item is “Unknown” and the selected value is “<= 150 knots”. Toggle between the
compact view and the comparison view by pressing “Show Comparison” in the View menu.
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Figure 18: Configuration Summary - Comparison View
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Figure 19: Configuration Summary - Compact View
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The number of configuration errors and warnings (if any) is shown at the bottom right of the
main window. When there are no uncommitted configuration changes, the status indicates issues
associated with the configuration on the connected unit. When changes exist, the status indicates
issues with your configuration selections and is preceded by an asterisk (‘*’). Clicking on this
status indicator will open the configuration summary window if all configuration settings have
passed validation (See Figure 21). If one or more configuration setting(s) has failed validation,
clicking on this status indicator will open the configuration status window (See Figure 20).
Figure 20: Configuration Status
The configuration status window displays each configuration setting which has failed validation.
Conditions which can cause a configuration setting to fail validation may include:
Disconnecting the configuration module from the transponder
Backloading software to a previous version which does not support a new configuration
Forward loading software to a version which adds new restrictions on an existing
configuration setting
Follow these steps to resolve configuration setting validation failures:
1. Apply or discard any uncommitted configuration changes.
2. Power off the unit and verify the correct configuration module is connected.
3. Power on the unit and connect to it.
4. Verify the expected software version is reported for the unit.
5. Select the configuration status in the bottom right of the main window.
6. If the configuration status window is displayed, take note of each of the listed
configuration settings.
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7. Select the “Accept Defaults” button on the configuration status window. This will reset
each listed setting to the default state and reset the unit.
If any configuration validation failures persist, contact product support.
Figure 21: Configuration Summary
Follow these steps to check configuration for errors:
1. Connect to a unit (or activate Offline Mode and load a configuration file).
2. Select “View Summary” from the configuration menu (See Figure 16).
3. Resolve indicated configuration errors and warnings.
1. Hover over an error or warning to determine the cause.
2. Fix configuration errors/warnings associated with your configuration selections.
3. Apply your configuration changes to the unit (See Review/Apply Configuration).
4. Verify all configuration errors/warnings are resolved.
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6.1.3 Push to Configuration Module
Enabling “Push to configuration module” will cause the unit to push its internal configuration to
the configuration module. The unit’s configuration is saved with the aircraft once it has been
pushed. This allows the GTX to be replaced without having to reconfigure the new unit. Push to
configuration module is achieved using the Configuration menu.
If the configuration module is connected, enabling push to configuration module will push all
configuration data immediately. If the configuration module is disconnected (i.e. the unit that has
been removed from the aircraft), internal configuration is pushed on the next power cycle instead
of pulled from the configuration module and the unit will report a configuration module fault
until the next power cycle. When a unit is configured while a configuration module is connected,
configuration data is pushed to the configuration module automatically.
Follow these steps to push configuration to the configuration module if the unit has been
removed from the aircraft:
1. Connect to a unit.
2. Save configuration to a file (recommended).
3. Enable push to configuration module (a checkmark will appear when enabled).
See Figure 22
4. Power off the unit.
5. Connect the configuration module.
6. Power on the unit and verify configuration the “Push to configuration module” indication is
no longer set.
7. Power cycle the unit and verify the configuration module fault is cleared.
Figure 22: Push to Configuration Module Enabled
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6.1.4 Comparing Configuration to a File
It is possible to compare the unit’s configuration to a configuration file from the “Compare to
file” configuration menu item (See Figure 16). Items can be filtered to only show differences
from the “View” menu. This allows the contents of a configuration file to be viewed before it is
loaded to the unit. Comparison is performed automatically after loading configuration. This
function is intended to aid in determining the reason a configuration CRC does not match (See
Configuration Status).
Follow these steps to compare configuration to a file:
1. Connect to a unit.
2. Select “Compare to file” from the configuration menu.
See Figure 16
3. Browse to and select the desired configuration file.
4. Differences are indicated by yellow highlighting.
See Figure 23
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Figure 23: Configuration File Comparison
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6.2 Offline Mode
Offline mode allows Saving and Loading Configuration as well as Checking Configuration for
Errors without having a unit physically connected to your computer. This is useful as it allows
configuration files to be created beforehand and then loaded later. Previously saved
configuration files can be loaded and viewed while in offline mode.
Figure 24: Offline Mode Unit Type Selection
Figure 25: Offline Mode Active
Follow these steps to activate offline mode:
1. Manually select a product component and press “Configure Transponder”.
See Manual Connection
2. Select “Offline Mode…” from the GTX menu.
See Figure 16
3. Select the desired unit type (including field enablements) and press “OK”.
See Figure 24
4. Offline mode is now active, indicated by the connection status panel.
See Figure 25
To set offline mode to inactive, press “Disconnect” on the connection status panel. When loading
a configuration file to a unit that was created in offline mode, it should always be verified that
the configuration was accepted.
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6.3 Pro Line 4/21 Installations
For the purposes of this manual, a “Pro Line Installation” is defined as an installation that has
one or more A429 inputs configured to “Transponder Control Format 2”. When configuring Pro
Line Installations, perform configuration selections for the A429 inputs first. This will cause Pro
Line specific configuration to appear on other pages. After configuration is applied to the unit
with one or more A429 inputs configured to “Transponder Control Format 2”, Pro Line
diagnostics will be available on the Diagnostics tab.
Pro Line installations typically include two or three A429 control inputs to the transponder.
When two control inputs are wired, they are known as port A and port B where port B is the
primary control port. When a third control input is wired, it is referred to as port C. An external
switch may be used to route two or three control ports to a single GTX 3X5 A429 input. The
following paragraphs explain how control data is selected from the configured Pro Line input
ports, based on discrete inputs (See Table 9).
6.3.1 Control Port Selection
Control port selection is performed via discrete input. The control port select 1 discrete input
function must be configured in Pro Line installations, as well as either the control port select 2 or
burst tune discrete input.
Control Port Select 1
This discrete input selects between port A and B. When both A429 inputs are configured to
receive Pro Line data, A429 channel 1 represents port A and A429 channel 2 represents port B.
When only one A429 channel is configured, the transponder assumes received data is either port
A or B data, based on the state of this discrete.
Control Port Select 2
This discrete input selects port C. When both A429 inputs are configured to receive Pro Line
data, A429 channel 1 is assumed to be port A or C, depending on the state of this discrete. When
only one A429 input is configured, both control port select 1 and control port select 2 determine
which port the data represents.
Burst Tune
This discrete enables received Pro Line data to be used from any A429 input configured for
Transponder Control Format 2. When both A429 inputs are configured to receive Pro Line data,
priority is given to the data received on A429 channel 2.
Table 9: Control Port Selection
Control Port Select 1
Control Port Select 2
Control Port
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6.4 Configuration Pages
Each configurable parameter has two data fields; configuration selections are entered on the left,
while the configuration currently stored on the unit is displayed on the right. The applicability of
each item by model and main system software version is indicated in the sections below. Update
configuration selections on all pages as desired before sending configuration to the unit (See
Review/Apply Configuration).
When a configuration item’s entered/selected value differs from the value currently on the unit,
the item will be highlighted in blue and the page containing the item will be starred with an
asterisk ‘*’ (See Figure 26). Pending/uncommitted configuration changes can also be observed
in the configuration summary (See Checking Configuration for Errors).
Figure 26: Pending/Uncommitted Configuration Changes
The GTX will report a configuration error if a configuration item is not set appropriately for
normal transponder operation. When this occurs, the page containing the item is surrounded by
‘< >’ (See Figure 27) and the invalid configuration item will be displayed in red. A message
indicating why the item is invalid can be viewed by hovering your mouse over the item, or by
Checking Configuration for Errors.
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Figure 27: Configuration Error
6.4.1 Aircraft
The aircraft tab allows the configuration of items that are unique to a specific aircraft. For a GTX
325, items on this page only apply when then GDL series serial format is configured.
Figure 28: Aircraft Configuration
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Aircraft Registration
All units – All software versions
The registered aircraft tail number.
ICAO Address Format
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 panel mount units – All software versions
Hex or octal entry style for the ICAO address. When this is not available the ICAO address is
entered in hex.
ICAO Address
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 units – All software versions
The aircraft’s 24-bit address. This can be populated automatically using an entered US tail
number (aircraft registration) by pressing “Generate ICAO from Tail”.
Allow Pilot Entry
All units – All software versions
Should the pilot be able to change the flight ID? Yes must be selected if variable flight ID is
required for the aircraft. To avoid a call sign mismatch (CSMM), the flight ID must always
match the Aircraft Identification (call sign) included in the flight plan for any given flight.
Consult with the aircraft operator to determine if variable flight ID is required for the aircraft. If
the operator intends to file a flight plan using an Aircraft Identification other than the aircraft
registration (i.e., “DCM0000” from FltPlan.com), variable flight ID is required.
Default Selection
Panel mount units – All software versions
Same as Tail will auto populate the default flight ID with the tail number. Manual entry requires
entering an explicit default flight ID.
All units – All software versions
The default flight ID. This is typically desired to be the aircraft tail number. Needs specific to the
aircraft and aircraft operators should be considered prior to configuration.
Prefix Selection
Panel mount units – All software versions
Enable or disable the flight ID prefix.
Panel mount units – All software versions
The flight ID prefix with the carrier abbreviation. For example, Garmin AT is GAT.
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6.4.2 Airframe
The airframe tab allows the configuration of items that describe the airframe the unit is installed
Figure 29: Airframe Configuration
Max Airspeed
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 units – All software versions
The aircraft’s maximum airspeed in knots. Select the smallest setting that is greater than or equal
to the aircraft’s maximum airspeed. For example, if the aircraft maximum airspeed is 275 knots,
select “<= 300 knots”.
Length and Width
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 units – All software versions
The aircraft’s size in meters. Select the smallest setting that is greater than or equal to the
aircraft’s size. For example, if the aircraft length is 52 meters, select “<= 55 meters”. See Figure
30 for an example using rotorcraft.
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GTX 335/345 and 35/45 – Main system software v2.12 or earlier
All units – Main system software v2.50 or later
The aircraft’s ADS-B emitter category. Weight ranges are listed when applicable. See Table 10
for a description of each category.
Stall Speed
All units - Main system software v2.11 or later
The aircraft’s stall speed in knots. If specified, this value is used to enhance air/ground
1090 ES In Capable
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 units – All software versions
Is the aircraft capable of receiving 1090 ES ADS-B messages?
UAT In Capable
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 units – All software versions
Is the aircraft capable of receiving UAT ADS-B messages?
1090 ES Out Control
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 units – All software versions
Determines the state of 1090 ES ADS-B transmissions; always enabled, always disabled, or set
by the pilot. Pilot control of ADS-B Out is not typically required. Always Enabled is the
recommended setting for most installations. Placing the transponder in standby is an acceptable
method of disabling ADS-B Out if directed to do so by ATC. Refer to 14 CFR 91.225 item f, FR
Doc. 2019-15248 section IV B, paragraph 4, and AC 20-165B section for more
UAT Out Remote Control
Panel mount units – All software versions
Enables remote control of an external UAT device. The GDL series serial format must be
configured to support this.
ADS-B In Processing
GTX 345 and 45 units – All software versions
Determines how received ADS-B messages are processed. See the GTX 3X5 Transponder TSO
Installation Manual (section 3.11) for more details. The following settings are available:
1. Disabled: All received ADS-B messages are discarded. Traffic output/alerting is
disabled, and FIS-B output is disabled regardless of the FIS-B configuration.
2. Enabled: Traffic output/alerting is enabled with ATAS. FIS-B output is dependent on the
FIS-B configuration.
3. Enabled with TCAS II (Main system software v2.60 or later): For use in installations
with a TCAS II that is not an ADS-B In source. Traffic output is enabled without ATAS.
Traffic aural alerting is disabled, but CAVS aural alerting (when enabled by a compatible
display) will still occur. FIS-B output is dependent on the FIS-B configuration. The
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TCAS II is responsible for providing traffic visual and aural alerting and resolution
4. FIS-B Only (Main system software v2.60 or later): Traffic output/alerting is disabled.
FIS-B output is dependent on the FIS-B configuration.
Transponder Processing
GTX 345/45 units and GTX 335 units with internal GPS – Main system software v2.60 or later
When disabled, the GTX cannot be selected as the active transponder and thus is held in standby
mode; all transmissions are disabled. The transponder will still process received ADS-B
messages depending on the ADS-B In Processing configuration. The disabled setting is intended
for installations that use the GTX 345 as an ADS-B/FIS-B receiver only, such as TCAS II
installations where the transponder and ADS-B Out functions are provided by a separate TCAS
II compatible transponder. When enabled, the transponder behaves normally; this is the typical
setting for most installations. See the GTX 3X5 Transponder TSO Installation Manual (section
3.11.2) for more details.
NPE Processing
GTX 345 and 45 units – Main system software v2.60 or later
Determines how non-performing emitters (NPEs) are processed; disabled, output only, output
with visual alerting, or output with visual and audio alerting. Because NPEs do not meet the
performance requirements for display on certified traffic display systems, NPE Processing must
be disabled for installations on certified aircraft. See the GTX 3X5 Transponder TSO Installation
Manual (section 3.11) for more details.
Enhanced Surveillance
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 units – Main system software v2.10 or later
Sets the state of enhanced surveillance. Additional data inputs to the transponder are required to
support EHS. If the minimum set of data as defined by CS-ACNS cannot be met, then this
feature should be disabled.
Remote ADS-B In Source Select
GTX 345 and 45 units – Main system software v2.60 or later
Determines remote selectability of the GTX as an ADS-B In (traffic and FIS-B weather) data
source. Used to configure the transponder’s ADS-B In function for use as the single source of
ADS-B In data in the system or as one of multiple sources of ADS-B In data. Most ADS-B In
displays support only a single source of ADS-B In data. In Gx000 System Release 7.1 and later
installations, multiple ADS-B In sources may be installed when supported by appropriate loader
card configuration. The following settings are available:
1. Disabled: Typical setting for most installations. The GTX outputs traffic/FIS-B data
depending on the ADS-B In Processing and FIS-B configuration settings.
2. Enabled: For use with ADS-B In displays that support multiple ADS-B In data sources.
The transponder outputs traffic/FIS-B data when selected as the ADS-B In source by the
controlling display(s). The ADS-B In Processing and FIS-B configuration settings must
be set as appropriate as in the Disabled setting.
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3. Enabled when Selected Transponder: For use with ADS-B In displays that support
multiple ADS-B In data sources, in dual transponder installations that use a shared
transponder antenna through an antenna switch. The transponder behaves the same as in
the Enabled setting, but will only be the selected ADS-B In source when also selected as
the active transponder.
Figure 30: Aircraft Length and Width Determination
Table 10: Emitter Categories
Emitter Category
Do not use this emitter category. If no emitter category fits your
installation, seek guidance from the FAA as appropriate.
Light Airplane < 15,500 lbs
Any airplane with a maximum takeoff weight less than 15,500
pounds. This includes very light aircraft (light-sport aircraft) that
do not meet the requirements of 14 CFR 103.1
Small Airplane ≥ 15,500 to <
75,000 lbs
Any airplane with a maximum takeoff weight greater than or
equal to 15,500 pounds but less than 75,000 pounds.
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Large Airplane ≥ 75,000 to ≤
300,000 lbs
Any airplane with a maximum takeoff weight greater than or
equal to 75,000 pounds but less than or equal to 300,000 pounds.
High Vortex Large Airplane
Any Large Airplane which generates high wake vortex such as
the Boeing 757.
Heavy Airplane > 300,000 lbs
Any airplane with a maximum takeoff weight greater than
300,000 pounds.
High Performance > 5 G and > 400
Any airplane, regardless of weight, that can maneuver in excess
of 5 G’s and maintain true airspeed above 400 knots.
Any rotorcraft, regardless of weight.
Glider / Sailplane
Any glider or sailplane, regardless of weight.
Lighter Than Air
Any lighter-than-air (airship or balloon), regardless of weight.
Ultralight Vehicle
A vehicle that meets the requirements of 14 CFR 103.1. Light
sport aircraft should not use the ultralight emitter category unless
they meet 14 CFR 103.1.
Any unmanned aerial vehicle or system regardless of weight.
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6.4.3 Unit
The unit tab allows the configuration of items that are specific to this transponder.
Figure 31: Unit Configuration
VFR Squawk Code
All units – All software versions
The VFR squawk code for your country in octal (0000-7777).
Installation ID
All units – All software versions
Selects the ID number for the transponder. Set the Installation ID to 1 in single installations. Set
the primary transponder Installation ID to 1, and the secondary transponder to 2 in dual
installations. If the installation ID discrete is configured, it will override this value.
GTX 345 and 45 units – All software versions
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Enable to receive ADS-B weather data. When enabled, “ADS-B In Processing” must also be
GTX 345 and 45 units – All software versions
Enable to allow the transponder to communicate with Bluetooth enabled devices.
Bluetooth Antenna
GTX 345 remote diversity units – Main system software v2.50 or later
Enable this setting if an external Bluetooth antenna is connected to the unit. When disabled, the
unit’s internal Bluetooth antenna will be used.
All units – Main system software v2.13 or later
Enable to switch from standby to altitude reporting mode automatically when transitioning from
on ground to airborne.
Flight Data Logging
GTX 345 and 45 units – Main system software v2.50 or later
When enabled, ADS-B data from past flights is recorded and stored on the SD card. Recorded
data can be downloaded and sent to Garmin personnel to support diagnosing the cause of a
problem. If ADS-B recording is disabled, you may also wish to clear past flight logs. See ADS-B
Recording for more details.
On-Ground Power-Up Mode
All units – Main system software v2.65 or later
Determines the initial transponder mode (Standby, On, or Altitude Reporting) when the
transponder is powered up on-ground. When the Default setting is selected, the initial
transponder mode is determined as described under Transponder Mode in the State section.
Otherwise, the selected setting is used as the initial transponder mode when powered up onground. This configuration does not affect the initial transponder mode determination when
powered up airborne, when powered up with an unknown air state, or when powered up using
the “SBY”, “ON”, or “ALT” keys on panel mount units. The air state at power-up is determined
using the Squat discrete input function if configured, otherwise using the last known air state
from the previous power cycle.
Altitude Units
Panel mount units – All software versions
Sets the format of displayed altitudes to flight level, meters, or feet.
Temperature Units
Panel mount units – All software versions
Sets the format of displayed temperatures to Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Restore Pages on Power-Up
Panel mount units – All software versions
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Enable to display the last selected subpage of each menu set when the unit powers up, instead of
the default.
Flash Message Indicator
Panel mount units – Main system software v2.05 or later
When flash message indicator is set to yes, the “MSG” text on the display will flash when a new
alert occurs. Otherwise, the “MSG” text will always appear solid.
6.4.4 Interfaces Serial
This page allows configuration of the transponder’s serial port formats. RS-232 Channel 4 and
RS-422 ports are only available on GTX 345 and 45 models. Format availability is indicated in
Table 11.
Figure 32: Serial Configuration
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Table 11: Serial Configuration
Main Software
No information is received or transmitted
ADS-B+ Format 1
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
Receives or transmits necessary ADS-B
GPS data at 9600 baud
Output requires
Internal GPS
ADS-B+ Format 2
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
Receives or transmits necessary ADS-B
GPS data at 38400 baud
Output requires
Internal GPS
Transponder Format 1
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
Supports transponder interface to GX000
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
Supports transponder interface and TIS-A
traffic to GX000
GTX 335 and 35
Remote Format 1 [1]
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
Supports transponder interface to GTN
and GNS 480 (CNX80)
Remote Format 2 [1]
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
Supports transponder interface and TIS
traffic to GTN and GNS 480 (CNX80)
GTX 335
Legacy Remote 1 [1]
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
Supports transponder interface to legacy
GTX 335/345
Legacy Remote 2 [1]
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
Supports transponder interface and TIS-A
traffic to legacy G1000
GTX 335
GDL [1]
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
Supports GDL 88 interface (not supported
by GDL 88 software v3.34 or earlier)
GNS [1]
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
Supports GNS 400W/500W Series ADS-B
In weather. Traffic is supported over
A429. Supplies GPS data.
Connext Format 1 [1]
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
Supports G3X for ADS-B In weather and
traffic at 57600 baud
GTX 345 and 45
Transponder Format 2
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Connext Format 3
1, 2, 3, 4
Supports input from a Flight Stream
GTX 345 and 45
Connext Format 4
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
Supports G3X for ADS-B In weather and
traffic at 115200 baud
GTX 345 and 45
v2.60 or later
Altitude Format 1
1, 2, 3
Supports Sandia/Icarus/ACK altitude
format with pressure altitude in 1 to 100 ft
resolution depending on the source of the
Altitude Format 1: 100
1, 2, 3
Supports Sandia/Icarus/ACK altitude
format with parallel Gray source or 100 ft
Altitude Format 1: 25 ft
1, 2, 3
Supports Sandia/Icarus/ACK altitude
format with 25 ft or lower encoding
Altitude Format 3: 100
1, 2, 3
Supports Shadin altitude format with a
parallel Gray code source or 100 ft
Altitude Format 3: 25 ft
1, 2, 3
Supports Shadin altitude format with 25 ft
or lower encoding
ADC Format 1
1, 2, 3
Supports Shadin G/S/Z ADC formats
TIS-A Out Format
1, 2, 3
Transmits TIS-A traffic for non-certified
displays: GPSMAP 396/496/695/696,
G3X, G300
GTX 335 and 35
Legacy Traffic
1, 2, 3, 4 [5]
Supports GDL 90 traffic interface to
GTX 345 and 45
1, 2, 3
Transmits necessary ADS-B GPS data in
support of the GMC 605 and G5
Requires Internal
v2.10 or later
Traffic Format 4
Supports Ryan TCAD
GTX 345 and 45
MX Format 1
All [2] [5]
Supports GMX 200 and FIS-B to G1000.
When using main system software v2.65
GTX 345 and 45
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or later and ADS-B In system software
v3.31 or later, MX Format 3 should be
used instead of MX Format 1 for
providing FIS-B to G1000 systems.
MX Format 2
Supports MX20
GTX 345 and 45
MX Format 3
All [5]
Supports FIS-B to G1000
GTX 345 and 45
v2.65 or later
Optimized Legacy
Supports third-party display of ADS-B In
GTX 345 and 45
v2.05 or later
Aviation Format 2
1, 2, 3
Transmits GPS data in support of a GTR
or GNC
Requires Internal
v2.12 or later
Aviation Format
1, 2, 3
Supports GNS 400/500 Series (nonWAAS)
v2.50 or later
NMEA 0183
1, 2, 3
Supports uncertified GPS sources such as
Aera 500/660/795/796, GDU
370/450/460/470, or GPSMAP
GTX 325/335
and 35
v2.50 or later
Transponder Control
Format 4 [3]
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3,
Supports third party transponder control
from sources such as CTL-92 or CTL-92E. 325/335/345
Based on the Commercial Standard Digital
Bus (CSDB) protocol. RS-232 to RS-422
converter required when using a RS-232
v2.52 or later
[1] Input and output must be simultaneously configured.
[2] Supported on all ports with main system software v2.50 or later. Only supported on RS-422 in main system software versions prior to v2.50.
[3] Requires Transponder Control field enablement.
[4] RS-422 applies to GTX 345 only.
[5] This format is only supported on one output channel at a time.
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Revision E A429
This page allows configuration of the transponder’s A429 channels. High and low speeds are
available. Setting the output speed to default will automatically select high or low depending on
the format. Input and output format availability is indicated in Table 12 and Table 13,
Figure 33: A429 Configuration
Transponder Control Format 1 Options
All units – Main system software v2.50 or later
For use with A429 Mode S Control Panels that include a feature to select the altitude source via
A429 label 031, such as the Honeywell PS-550 or Gables G7614. Configure this setting “Off” if
not using such a controller. This is not intended for controllers that switch sources via a
transponder discrete input. For those controllers, instead configure the Altitude Source Select
discrete input. See the GTX 3X5 Transponder TSO Installation Manual for more details on
altitude source selection.
To configure the GTX to switch between two configured altitude sources, set this to “Altitude
Data Select” or “Altitude Data Select – Inverted”. The two altitude sources are the primary and
secondary altitude sources on the additional sensors page.
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The normal versus inverted settings allow the interpretation of the A429 label 031 altitude source
selection to be configurable. This provides flexibility by allowing the system to be set up such
that both transponders follow the same altitude/air data source or such that each transponder
follows an on-side/cross-side altitude source, depending on the installation needs.
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Table 12: A429 Input Configuration
Main Software
Information is not received
Receives heading, roll, pitch, and yaw information
from systems with AHRS
Receives altitude, airspeed, and altitude rate
information from air data systems
EFIS Air Data
Receives altitude, airspeed, altitude rate, and heading
information from EFIS and Air Data systems
Flight Control
Receives selected altitude, barometric setting, and
non-standard pitch discrete data for Bendix King KFC
Receives GPS information from ARINC 743A
Transponder Control Format 1 [1]
Third party transponder control
v2.05 or later
Transponder Control Format 2 [1]
Third party transponder control for Pro Line
v2.10 or later
Radio Altitude
Receives radar altitude information
Receives heading information
Traffic 1 - GTS 8xx
Receives traffic information from Garmin GTS 800,
820, and 850 systems
GTX 345 and 45
Traffic 2 - Skywatch
Receives traffic information from L-3 Comm SKY497 GTX 345 and 45
Skywatch and SKY899 Skywatch HP
Traffic 5 - Honeywell KTA
Receives traffic information from KTA 870 (KTA
810), KTA 970 (KTA 910), KMH 880 (KMH 820),
and KMH 980 (KMH 920)
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Flight ID
Receives Flight ID
v2.50 or later
[1] Requires Transponder Control field enablement.
Table 13: A429 Output Configuration
Default Speed
Main Software
Information is not transmitted
Transponder control format 1
v2.05 or later
Format 2
Garmin concentrator
Format 3 [1]
Garmin concentrator
Transponder control format 1
v2.05 or later
Format 4
Garmin TAS and GPS data
GTX 335/345
GTX 35/45
Format 5
Garmin concentrator
Garmin TAS and GPS data
GTX 335/345
GTX 35/45
Format 6 [1]
Garmin TAS and GPS data
Transponder control format 1
GTX 335/345
v2.05 or later
Format 7 [1]
Garmin concentrator
Garmin TAS and GPS data
Transponder control format 1
GTX 335/345
v2.05 or later
Format 8
Garmin TIS-A
GTX 335 and 35
Format 9
Garmin concentrator
Garmin TIS-A
GTX 335 and 35
Format 10 [1]
Transponder control format 2
v2.10 or later
Format 1
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Format 11 [1][2]
Garmin TIS-A
Transponder control format 1
GTX 335
v2.10 or later
Format 12 [1][2]
Garmin concentrator
Garmin TIS-A
Transponder control format 1
GTX 335
v2.10 or later
Format 13 [1]
Transponder control format 1
ADS-B traffic output for GNS 400W/500W Series
GTX 345
v2.10 or later
ADS-B traffic output for GNS 400W/500W Series
GTX 345 and 45
Combined TAS/TCAS/ADS-B Traffic output for
ARINC 735A compatible displays
GTX 345 and 45
v2.50 or later
Combined TAS/TCAS/ADS-B Traffic output for
BCAS compatible displays
GTX 345 and 45
v2.50 or later
[1] Requires Transponder Control field enablement.
[2] Label 350 is output per the TIS-A traffic format; this may cause compatibility issues with some transponder controllers that rely on this label for
transponder diagnostic information.
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Revision E Discretes
This page allows the transponder’s discrete functions to be assigned to pins. Polarity of the squat discrete input function is also
available. Pins P3252-13 and P3252-14 are only available on GTX 345/45 models. Input and output function availability is indicated
in Table 14 and Table 15, respectively.
Figure 34: Discrete Configuration
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Table 14: Discrete Input Configuration
Input Function
Main Software
Audio Mute
Any input
The audio output will be muted until the discrete is opened.
This is connected to a higher priority audio such as TAWS.
Audio Cancel
When this discrete is grounded by a momentary switch,
audio alerts are canceled.
When this discrete is grounded by a momentary switch, the
SPI activates.
When this discrete is grounded, the unit will go into
standby mode.
Squat [2]
This input determines the on-ground status of the aircraft.
Air Data Source Select
Selects an air data source; A429 input channel 1 or 2. Both
channels must be configured to the same format (Air Data
or EFIS/Air Data). Channel 1 is used when the discrete is
open, and channel 2 is used when the discrete is grounded.
Altitude Source Select
Any input
Selects a pressure altitude source. The primary and
secondary altitude source configuration items specify the
sources. The primary source is used when the discrete is
open, and the secondary source is used when the discrete is
TIS-A Select
P3251 inputs
When this discrete is momentarily grounded, TIS-A will
toggle between operate/standby.
GTX 335 and 35
Install ID Select
P3251 inputs
Selects the system ID and overrides the installation ID
configuration setting. GTX 1 system ID is selected when
this discrete is open. GTX 2 system ID is selected when the
discrete is grounded.
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Control Port Select 1 [1] Any input
Selects between two transponder controllers. Port A and B
are set during configuration. Port A is used when the
discrete is grounded and Port B is used when the discrete is
open. Used in installation with multiple A429 transponder
controllers. Required for Pro Line installations (See Pro
Line Installations - Control Port Selection).
v2.05 or later
Control Port Select 2 [1] Any input
For use with the Control Port Select 1 discrete. When
grounded port C is selected (See Pro Line Installations Control Port Selection).
v2.10 or later
Burst Tune Select [1]
Any input
For use with the burst tune select discrete in Pro Line
Installations (See Pro Line Installations - Control Port
Selection). Used only in dual GTX Pro Line installations
with Burst Tune. Intended to be connected to the
transponder active output of the other GTX.
v2.10 or later
Transponder Active [1]
P3251 inputs
When Burst Tune Select and this discrete are both
grounded, the transponder is put into standby. In dual GTX
installations, intended to be used with the transponder
active output of the other GTX.
v2.10 or later
Traffic Audio Mute
Any input
The traffic audio output will be muted until the discrete is
opened. This is connected to a higher priority audio source
such as TAWS. Does not mute timers or altitude alert
GTX 335/345
and 35/45
v2.50 or later
Traffic Audio Cancel
Any input
When this discrete is grounded by a momentary switch,
traffic audio alerts are canceled. Does not cancel timers or
altitude alert messages.
GTX 335/345
and 35/45
v2.50 or later
If the discrete is grounded while there is no traffic alert
condition, the GTX will annunciate “Traffic Clear” when
the discrete is opened. If the discrete is grounded while
there are active traffic alert conditions but no active traffic
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audio alerts, an updated traffic audio alert will be
annunciated for the highest priority alert when the discrete
is opened.
Demonstration Mode
Any input
When grounded the GTX simulates a functional
transponder while not transmitting.
v2.50 or later
Gillham Altitude
Activates all ten Gillham/Gray code inputs. If set to OFF,
the input pins are available for configuration to other
discrete input functions.
Autopilot Off 1[3]
Any input
The GTX plays the “Autopilot Off” aural alert when this
discrete transitions to active, if the Autopilot Off 2 discrete
is not already active. This aural alert will interrupt any
currently playing messages (except test messages).
v2.65 or later
Autopilot Off 2[3]
Any input
The GTX plays the “Autopilot Off” aural alert when this
discrete transitions to active, if the Autopilot Off 1 discrete
is not already active. This aural alert will interrupt any
currently playing messages (except test messages).
v2.65 or later
[1] Requires Transponder Control field enablement.
[2] A ground on this input can be configured to mean On Ground or In Air.
[3] This discrete input function’s active state can be configured to either ground or open.
Table 15: Discrete Output Configuration
Output Function
Main Software
Fail 1
Failure of transponder causes discrete to ground.
Fail 2
Any output
Failure of transponder causes discrete to open.
Equipment Status
Alert [1]
Any output
All Units
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If the unit needs service soon, this discrete will switch
between open and ground for the first 30 seconds after
power up.
GTX 335/345 and 35/45
If after 30 seconds, there is no detection of pressure
altitude or ADS-B In/Out failures the discrete opens. The
discrete will ground if any pressure altitude or ADS-B
In/Out failures are detected after 30 seconds. Failures
related to ADS-B output are instead reported by the ADSB Out Function Fail discrete if configured. Pressure
altitude failures are instead reported by the Altitude Valid
discrete if configured.
GTX 325
If there is no detection of pressure altitude failures after 30
seconds, the discrete opens. The discrete will ground if any
pressure altitude failures are detected after 30 seconds.
Pressure altitude failures are instead reported by the
Altitude Valid discrete if configured. If the Altitude Valid
discrete is configured, the equipment status discrete will
only provide the service soon indication (first 30 seconds
after power up).
Altitude Alert
Any output
When this discrete is grounded, it indicates a deviation
from the preset altitude setting.
Panel mount
Reply Active
Any output
Discrete grounds when transponder sends replies to
Traffic Standby
P3251 outputs
Commands TAS/TCAS standby/operate is controlled by
the GTX via this discrete when configured
GTX 345 and 45
Traffic Test
P3251 outputs
Commands TAS/TCAS into test mode.
GTX 345 and 45
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Traffic Alert
Any output
When a traffic alert is active, this discrete will ground. The
discrete will not ground when ADS-B In Processing is
configured to Enabled with TCAS II. It should not be used
in these installations. This discrete output is not activated
by a CAVS Minimum Range alert.
GTX 345 and 45
TCAD Sensitivity
Any output
Supports automatic control and integration with Ryan
TCAD and Avidyne TAS600 Series traffic systems.
GTX 345 and 45
Transponder Active
P3251 outputs
In dual GTX Pro Line installations with Burst Tune, the
discrete grounds when transponder is not in standby.
Intended to be connected to the transponder active output
of the other GTX.
v2.10 or later
ADS-B Out Function
Fail [1] [2]
Any output
When configured, this discrete activates instead of the
Equipment Status Alert discrete for causes related to ADSB output failures.
GTX 335/345
GTX 35/45
v2.10 or later
Diversity Fail
Any output
Grounded when the diversity fault is active.
Diversity units
v2.50 or later
Standby Alert
Any output
Grounded when the selected transponder is operating in
standby mode.
v2.50 or later
Altitude Valid[1][2]
Any output
Active while pressure altitude is valid and being
transmitted (i.e., the transponder is not in standby mode
and altitude reporting is enabled). When configured,
pressure altitude failures are reported by this discrete
instead of the Equipment Status Alert discrete.
v2.65 or later
[1] Some failure/warning indications that affect this discrete output state are suppressed for a duration after power up. For example, the position input
warning is suppressed for 3 minutes and the pressure altitude warning is suppressed for 5 minutes. These suppressions do not occur if the unit is in
configuration mode.
[2] This discrete output function’s active state can be configured to either ground or open.
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This page controls communications with GDU 620, GTN 6xx/7xx (or similar navigator), GTS
8x5, Gx000, GMC 605, and Standby Flight Display (SFD) devices that are interfaced with the
GTX via HSDB and is only applicable to GTX 345 and 45 units.
Figure 35: HSDB Configuration
Indirect A429 TCAS
When configured to present, the GTX receives traffic inputs from the GIA via A429 instead of
directly from the TAS/TCAS. Intended for Gx000 installations where the TAS/TCAS is
connected to a GIA.
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6.4.5 Sensors Garmin Altitude Encoder
All units – All software versions
The Garmin Altitude Encoder (GAE) module supplies the required barometric altitude source for
ADS-B Out compliance. This page allows configuration of an installed GAE module. After
configuration is complete, point adjustment may be performed (See GAE Point Adjustment).
Ceiling refers to the maximum operating altitude of the aircraft. Point count refers to number of
altitude points that corrections are applied to. One point is always placed at -1000ft and another
at the altitude ceiling plus 5000ft. Remaining points are spaced evenly between these two points.
The minimum point count required is 3. If the altitude is out of tolerance while conducting the
return to service inspection IAW FAR part 43 Test and inspection, then readjust the GAE with
additional points. The maximum number of points depends on the altitude ceiling; a higher
ceiling means a higher maximum point count. Linear interpolation is performed on the measured
altitude using the correction of each point. This is demonstrated in the Figure 36, where an
altitude encoder is configured to a ceiling of 9000ft with 5 points:
Figure 36: Altitude Encoder Correction
Before the adjustment was performed, an actual altitude of 1000ft was incorrectly reported as
1750ft. Likewise, an actual altitude of 8000ft was incorrectly reported as 7100ft. To fix this, a
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correction of -750ft was applied to the 1000ft point and a correction of 900ft was applied to the
8000ft point. No correction was applied to the -1000ft, 3000ft, and 14000ft points. Notice how
the correction applied at 1000ft affected altitude ranging from -1000ft to 3000 ft. Increasing the
number of points increases the granularity of corrections that are applied but is only necessary
when additional corrections are needed to satisfy the return to service inspection. Modifying the
ceiling or point count configuration will require corrections to be reapplied to every point.
Figure 37: Altitude Encoder Configuration
Follow these steps to configure the GAE and perform point adjustments:
1. In the "Configuration" box, select values for the following items:
Installed - GAE-12
Ceiling - maximum operating altitude of the aircraft
Point Count - desired number of points to apply corrections to
2. Finish updating configuration selections on all pages as desired.
3. After applying your configuration changes to the unit, perform GAE Point Adjustment on the
“Adjustments” tab.
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This page allows the configuration of the primary (GPS 1) and secondary (GPS 2) GPS sources.
Figure 38: GPS Source Configuration
All units – All software versions
Where the GTX retrieves GPS data from. RS-232 and A429 input channels are available for all
units. Internal GPS is available for units with an internal GPS. GIA is available for GTX 345
units. GTN is available for GTX 345 and 45 units.
Source Integrity Level (Errors/Hour)
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 units – All software versions
The source integrity level of the GPS source in errors per hour. SIL values are shown on the left
in parenthesis. Automatic is only available for Garmin GPS devices.
Lateral Antenna Offset
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 units – All software versions
Distance in meters from the centerline of the aircraft (longitudinal axis) to the antenna. Distances
are positive towards the left wing, and negative towards the right wing. Ranges from -6 to +6
meters in 2-meter increments, or unknown. See Figure 39 for an example using rotorcraft.
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Longitudinal Antenna Offset
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 units – All software versions
Distance in meters from the nose of the aircraft to the antenna. Measured along the longitudinal
axis until even with the antenna. Ranges from 2 to 60 meters in 2-meter increments, or unknown.
See Figure 39 for an example using rotorcraft.
System Design Assurance Level
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 units – All software versions
System design assurance level of the GPS source. SDA values are shown on the left in
parenthesis, and errors per hour on the right.
The SDA for ADS-B out is determined to be the lowest level SDA of the selected GPS source
and the GTX 3X5 unit’s SDA (which is level C, <= 10-5). For example, if the SDA of the
selected GPS source is level B, ADS-B out transmissions will report level C. If the SDA of the
selected GPS source is level D, ADS-B out transmissions will report level D.
Figure 39: Antenna Position Offset
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Revision E Internal AHRS
This tab allows configuration of the unit’s internal AHRS orientation, and only applies to GTX
345 and 45 units. Each item is described in detail in the following sections. After configuration is
complete, perform Internal AHRS Calibration on the Adjustments tab.
Figure 40: Internal AHRS Configuration
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Figure 41: Internal AHRS Orientation
Connectors and Vent
GTX 345 and 45 – All software versions
Choose the closest orientation of the transponder, using the direction the connectors and vent are
facing as shown in Figure 40. Available options are as follows:
1. Forward
2. Aft
3. Left Wing
4. Right Wing
5. Up
6. Down
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GTX 345 and 45 – All software versions
The current yaw angle of the transponder with relation to the configured connectors and vent
orientation. When looking top down on the aircraft (not the transponder), positive values indicate
clockwise rotation and negative values indicate counter-clockwise rotation. Value can range
from [-30, 30] degrees.
See Figure 41
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Figure 42: Additional Sensor Configuration
Altitude Sources
All units – All software versions
Configuration of these items is optional. When altitude sources are configured to “None”, the
GTX will use any available altitude source, per its internal priority scheme. Otherwise, altitude
will be retrieved using the specified sources (See Table 16).
Table 16: Altitude Source Selection
Source Select
Primary/Secondary Altitude Source
Active Pro Line control port
Primary or secondary source, determined
by the Altitude Source Select discrete
Primary when available, secondary
Any altitude source, determined using
internal priority
OAT Probe
All units – All software versions
Indicates that an outside air temperature probe is either installed or not installed.
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6.4.6 Audio
The audio tab allows configuration of audio settings and alerts. To facilitate testing,
configuration changes in the Audio Options group are immediately applied to the unit. After
updating configuration selections on all pages as desired, apply configuration to verify these
changes (See Review/Apply Configuration).
Figure 43: Audio Configuration
All units – All software versions
Sets the destination of transponder audio. Select “Transponder” to use the audio output of the
GTX. HSDB audio output is only available for GTX 345 and 45 units and should be used in
Gx000 installations.
All units – All software versions
Audio volume ranging from 0 to 100.
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All units – All software versions
Sets the audio voice to male or female.
Test Audio
All units – All software versions
Testing audio will repeatedly play the selected audio message/tone. Press the “Test” button to
start playing audio and again to stop.
Timer Expired
Panel mount units – All software versions
Configures the audio message that is played when a flight timer expires. The alert can be
configured with or without a chime.
GTX 335/345 and 35/45 – All software versions
Configures the audio message that is played when a traffic alert occurs. The message with chime
option is only available for GTX 335 and 35 units.
Altitude Monitor
Panel mount units– All software versions
Configures the audio message that is played when an altitude deviation alert occurs. The alert
can be configured with or without a chime.
Altitude Deviation
Panel mount units – All software versions
Amount of deviation from the selected altitude that will cause an altitude alert, ranging from 150
to 999 feet.
Note: Prior to main system software v2.65, the minimum value for this item was 200 feet.
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6.4.7 Display
The display tab allows configuration of items related to the front panel, and only applies to panel
mount display units. To facilitate testing, configuration changes made on this page are
immediately applied to the unit. After updating configuration selections on all pages as desired,
apply configuration to verify these changes (See Review/Apply Configuration).
Figure 44: Display Configuration
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Display Backlight and Key Backlight
Panel mount units – All software versions
Allows the lighting of the display and keypad to be configured, respectively. See below for
Backlight Source
Panel mount units – All software versions
Configures the source for the backlight control and adjustment. Select “Photocell” if the lighting
level uses ambient lighting. Select “Lighting Bus” if an input from the lighting bus is used to dim
the lighting.
Backlight Minimum Brightness
Panel mount units – All software versions
Configures the minimum brightness. The range is 0 to 100. The higher the number, the brighter
the minimum brightness.
Brightness Offset
Panel mount units – All software versions
The default brightness offset, ranging from -10 to 99.
Contrast Offset
Panel mount units – All software versions
The default contrast offset, ranging from -50 to 50.
Photocell and Lighting Bus Slope
Panel mount units – All software versions
Configures the sensitivity of the input level. The field has a range of 0 to 100. Set the slope
higher for a brighter display for a given increase in the input level.
Photocell and Lighting Bus Offset
Panel mount units – All software versions
Configures the lighting level up or down for any given input level. This field has a range of 0 to
100. Use the offset setting to match lighting curves with other equipment in the panel.
Photocell Transition
Panel mount units – All software versions
Configures a point on the lighting bus. When the lighting bus is below this point, the GTX uses
the photocell to adjust the display brightness. The range is 5 to 50.
Lighting Bus Type
Panel mount units – All software versions
Configures the voltage of the lighting bus input.
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6.4.8 Diversity
The diversity tab allows configuration of antenna settings related to diversity operation.
Figure 45: Diversity Configuration
Diversity Operation
Diversity units – Main system software v2.50 or later
Allows or inhibits transponder diversity operation. When inhibited, the transponder will operate
on the bottom antenna only.
Antenna Cable Loss
Diversity units – Main system software v2.50 or later
The antenna cable loss ranging from 0 dB to 2 dB in 0.25 dB increments. Entered separately for
the top and bottom antennas. If the difference between the top and bottom cable loss is 0.5 dB or
more, the cable loss must be configured. Select the difference in cable loss for the antenna cable
with the higher loss, to the nearest 0.25 dB. Select 0 dB for the antenna cable with the lower
Note: Antenna Cable Delay configuration was removed in main system software v2.60
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6.4.9 Fault Code Assignments
Set the values on this tab to configure fault codes the unit sends in A429 label 350 on the
Transponder Control Format 2 output. The occurrence of a fault code is reported on the Pro Line
diagnostic page. Pressing the “Default” button will set all fault codes to their default values.
Specific fault codes can be turned off by assigning their value to 0.
Figure 46: Fault Code Configuration
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6.5 Review/Apply Configuration
After updating configuration selections on all pages as desired, press the “Apply Configuration”
button at the bottom of the Configuration tab to view the “Review/Apply Configuration” window
(See Figure 47). Press the “View Configuration Summary” button to review your configuration
selections and check for issues. Your configuration selections are shown on the left and the
configuration on the connected unit is shown on the right. Uncommitted or unverified
configuration changes are highlighted in blue. See Checking Configuration for Errors for a more
detailed description of the configuration summary. It is highly recommended that all
configuration issues are resolved before continuing.
Figure 47: Review/Apply Configuration
When you are satisfied with your selections, press the “Apply Configuration” button to send
configuration to the unit. After configuration is applied, the unit will automatically reboot in
order to verify configuration was accepted and stored to non-volatile memory. Do not power off
or disconnect the unit during this process. If any configuration items are not accepted by the unit,
a failure will be reported and the rejected configuration items will be shown.
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7 Adjustments
7.1 GAE Point Adjustment
If a Garmin Altitude Encoder (GAE) module is installed and configured, this page provides a
method to adjust the reported altitude by applying corrections at specific altitude points.
Figure 48: Altitude Point Adjustment
Follow these steps to perform altitude point adjustment:
1. Verify the GAE module is correctly configured and review the point adjustment example
if necessary (See Garmin Altitude Encoder).
2. Connect a Pitot/static test set.
3. Adjust the Pitot/static test set to match the first or last point’s altitude.
4. Wait for the measured altitude to stabilize, then press “Start”.
5. Wait for a correction to be calculated, then press “Continue”.
1. If a correction cannot be calculated, verify the altitude is stable and the Pitot/static
test set is properly set up and connected.
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2. Correction override for the current point is available on the bottom left but should
only be used if automatic correction fails.
6. Set the Pitot/static test set to the next point’s altitude.
7. Wait for the measured altitude to stabilize, then press “Continue”.
8. Repeat steps 5-7 until adjustments have been applied to all points.
9. Press “Accept” to finalize adjustment.
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7.2 Internal AHRS Calibration
This page provides a method to calibrate the unit’s internal AHRS, and only applies to GTX 345
and 45 units.
Figure 49: Internal AHRS Calibration
The pitch and roll offsets represent the current pitch and roll of the transponder, and must be
calibrated after orientation has been configured. This is done automatically by pressing the
“Calibrate” button. Calibration usually takes 1-2 minutes to complete. During this process, the
transponder must remain stationary. The calibration process must be repeated any time the
orientation changes.
Follow these steps to complete internal AHRS calibration:
1. Verify the orientation configuration is correct and has been applied to the unit (See
Internal AHRS).
2. Press the “Calibrate” button to calculate the pitch and roll offsets.
3. Wait for the calibration process to finish.
Note: The “Seconds Remaining” field may not count down for some time
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8 Diagnostics
8.1 Diagnostic Reports
A diagnostic report contains information about your transponder such as the unit’s assert log,
status information, current configuration settings, and software version information. This may be
requested by Garmin personnel to support diagnosing the cause of a problem.
Figure 50: Diagnostic Report
Follow these steps to create a diagnostic report:
1. Connect to a unit.
2. Select “Save Diagnostic Report” from the GTX menu.
3. Select a location to save the diagnostic report file.
4. Wait for the diagnostic report to be created.
Note: Report creation may take up to a few minutes
5. Send the diagnostic report file to product support.
Prior to product component version 2.11.00, the diagnostic report feature did not exist. Instead,
the unit’s assert log can be retrieved by following these steps:
1. Connect to a unit.
2. Navigate to the “Assert Log” or “ADS-B Assert Log” page.
3. Press “Get Assert Log” and wait for the assert log download to finish.
Note: Assert log download may take up to 30 seconds
4. Save the assert log using the “Save To File” button.
5. Send the saved file to Garmin personnel, if requested.
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8.2 ADS-B Recordings
An ADS-B recording contains ADS-B data from past flights and is available on GTX 345 and 45
units using main system software v2.50 or later. This may be requested by Garmin personnel to
support diagnosing the cause of a problem. Downloaded ADS-B recordings are encrypted and
can only be viewed by Garmin personnel. Recording can be configured to on/off from the unit
Figure 51: ADS-B Recording Menu
Follow these steps to erase all ADS-B recordings:
1. Connect to a unit.
2. Select “Erase” from the ADS-B Recordings menu.
3. Confirm that all ADS-B recordings will be permanently erased.
4. Wait for ADS-B recordings to be erased.
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Figure 52: Download ADS-B Recording
Follow these steps to create and download an ADS-B recording:
1. Connect to a unit.
2. Select “Download” from the ADS-B Recordings menu.
3. Enter configuration mode if not already in configuration mode.
4. Select a flight and time duration. Note that flight times are in UTC, not local time.
Note: Due to the size of large flight logs and the amount of time required for download, it’s
recommended that a time duration of 30 minutes or less is selected. If more than 30 minutes
of data is needed, multiple downloads can be performed.
5. Select the data options as requested by product support.
6. Select a location to save the downloaded flight log.
7. Press download and wait for the download to complete.
8. Send the ADS-B recording to product support.
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8.3 Downlink Aircraft Parameters (DAP)
The DAP page indicates the value and validity of all DAP items processed by the GTX. Green
highlight means the item is currently valid. Yellow highlight indicates the item is currently
invalid/timed out. An asterisk (*) next to a value indicates that the item has been invalid at some
point. These indications can be reset by pressing “Reset” in the settings box.
Figure 53: DAP Diagnostics
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8.4 Discrete States
The discrete states page indicates the current state of all discrete functions. The squat discrete
state is either “Not Present”, “In Air”, or “On Ground”. For all other discrete functions “Not
Present”, “Active”, or “Inactive” is displayed. Only discrete functions that apply are shown, per
Table 14 and Table 15.
Figure 54: Discrete State Diagnostics
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8.5 Discrete Override
The discrete override page allows the state of discrete output pins to be overridden to open or
grounded. Only pins assigned to discrete output functions may be overridden. This may be useful
to check wiring. It is important to realize that the internal state of the assigned function is not
affected by overriding its pin. Therefore, the values on the discrete states page will not be
affected by these overrides.
Note: These overrides are disabled anytime the unit is reset or power cycled and will need to be
re-enabled if desired.
Figure 55: Discrete Override Diagnostics
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8.6 Connection Status
The connection status page shows the state of devices connected to the GTX. Enter configuration
mode for this page to be populated. Connection status is not supported for some inputs; these
items are marked “N/A”.
Figure 56: Connection Status Diagnostics
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8.7 Hardware Statistics
The hardware statistics page shows temperature history and lighting voltages. Lighting voltages
only apply to panel mount units. The temperature history can be reset by pressing the “Clear”
Figure 57: Hardware Statistics
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8.8 Internal GPS
A unit with an internal GPS is required for this page to appear. The Internal GPS page reports
satellite strength and location, as well as some GPS parameters. Signal strength is shown on a
graph at the top of the page. Satellite positions are shown in a sky plot on the bottom left. The
same satellite ID’s and colors are used on the sky plot and signal strength graph.
Figure 58: Internal GPS Diagnostics
GPS Position Initialization
Initializing the GPS position can reduce the time it takes for the Internal GPS to get a fix. This
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may be useful if the GPS is taking a long time to initialize, especially if the unit has moved a
great distance since the last time it had a GPS fix.
Figure 59: GPS Position Initialization
Follow these steps to initialize the GPS position:
1. Connect to a unit.
2. Navigate to the Internal GPS diagnostics page and press “Enter Position”.
3. Enter an approximate latitude, longitude, and height.
4. Verify the time displayed (UTC) is correct.
Note: Local PC time is used and converted to UTC. If this value is incorrect select
“Specified Time” and enter the correct Date/Time.
5. Press “Initialize GPS”.
6. Wait for GPS to initialize.
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8.9 Bluetooth
The Bluetooth diagnostics page is only available on GTX 345 and 45 units. Status of the
Bluetooth receiver on the unit is shown at the top of the page. Information about paired devices
is shown at the bottom of the page.
Figure 60: Bluetooth Diagnostics
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8.10 Pro Line
This page summarizes information related to Pro Line and will only appear in Pro Line
installations after “Transponder Control Format 2” is configured as an A429 input. Discrete
states are indicated, as well as the status of each control port (“OK” or “Failed”). If a fault code
exists, it will be displayed on this page in red. The currently active control port is displayed as
Port A, Port B, Port C, or Invalid.
Figure 61: Pro Line Diagnostics
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9 Product Data
There are multiple products (images) that are stored on the unit. Some images only apply to
specific transponder models. Information about each image, such as the version and part number
can be viewed on these pages. See Uploading Software to make changes to these images.
Note: The items that appear vary depending on the connected unit. See Software Regions for a
full list of items that may appear.
Figure 62: Transponder Product Data
The primary transponder product data.
The product data associated with the unit’s ADS-B In capability. Product information on this tab
only applies to GTX 345 and 45 units.
Internal GPS product data. Product information on this tab only applies to units with an internal
Garmin Altitude Encoder
Product information of the connected Garmin Altitude Encoder. It is not possible to load an
image to this item.
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9.1 Product Configuration
The product data configuration page displays an overview of configuration settings. Current
configuration identifiers and the state of field enablements are shown.
Figure 63: Product Data Configuration
Configuration Status
A configuration CRC is a number that identifies the current state of configuration items. If a
CRC is checked against a known value, then it is not necessary to individually check each
configuration item. These CRC values are visible from the configuration product data page (See
Figure 63) and also appear on printed configuration summaries (See Checking Configuration for
Errors). The following four CRC’s capture the state of all configuration:
1. Aircraft
2. Unit
3. Wiring
4. Display (Panel mount units)
Field Enablements
The state of field enablements are displayed in this section. “Enabled” is shown after a feature
code has been successfully applied. See Field Enablements for details.
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9.2 Field Enablements
Additional unit capabilities can be enabled through the purchase of a Field Enablement Coupon.
Field enabled features are stored on the configuration module, and thus are enabled for the
aircraft rather than the transponder. The GTX 3X5 TSO Installation Manual contains information
about available field enablements.
Figure 64: Apply Feature Code
Follow these steps to apply a field enablement code:
1. Connect to the unit.
2. Verify the field enablement code’s GTX serial number matches the connected unit’s
serial number (See Product Data).
3. Verify the configuration module used with this unit in the aircraft is connected.
Verify the state of the field enablement being applied is disabled on the Product Data
– Configuration page.
Note: In dual transponder installations, field enablements must be applied to both
configuration modules. Do not apply two codes intended for different GTX serial
numbers to the same configuration module.
4. Select “Apply Feature Code…” from the GTX menu.
See Figure 64
5. Enter the 25-character field enablement code.
6. Press “Apply Code”.
7. The unit will reset when a field enablement code is accepted.
8. Verify the state of field enablements on the Product Data – Configuration page.
See Figure 63
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