ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE MANAGEMENT By Sizwell Phiri 6/19/2022 Sizwell INTRODUCTION • Obstetric haemorrhage is one of the leading cause of maternal mortality in developing countries and in developed countries , it is a complication of substandard care. A study by the World Health Organisation (WHO) revealed that 25-30% of maternal death are due to peripartum haemorrhage. • Applying conventional definition of haemorrhage to peripartum haemorrhage may be misleading as blood loss up to 1000mls is not uncommon during deliveries. Although no consensus exists on the definition of massive obstetric haemorrhage. Presence of EITHER of the following has been described 6/19/2022 Sizwell INTRODUCTION con… • Sudden blood loss >1500mls (25% of blood volume) • Blood loss >3000mls in less than 3hours (50% of blood volume) • Blood loss of 150mls/min in 20minutes (>50% of blood volume) • Requirements of acute transfusion of >4 units of packed red cells Hemodynamic collapse occurs only when almost 35-45% of circuilating volume is lost 6/19/2022 Sizwell Definition: • Any bleeding from the genital tract after 24 weeks and before the onset of labour. All cases are admitted to hospital. • This state may place the life of the fetus or the mother or both at risk 6/19/2022 Sizwell General Classification • Placenta Praevia • Placenta Abruption • Other causes - show • ruptured uterus • local causes • cause unknown 6/19/2022 Sizwell ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE: CAUSES (1) UTERUS Abruption, placenta praevia Significant APH is always due to placental separation (2) CERVIX (3) IN LABOUR (4) CAUSE UNKNOWN 6/19/2022 Erosion, polyp, carcinoma Show = blood-stained mucus Ruptured uterus 50%. Bleeding comes from the uterus Sizwell Management of massive haemorrhage • SHOUT FOR HELP. Urgently mobilize all available personnel •A- Assess airway •B- Breathing •C- Evaluate the circulation •Monitor vital signs (pulse, blood pressure, respiration, temperature). • E = Eliminate the cause: Think about possible causes when taking a history and assessing the patient •Haemorrhage may be concealed 6/19/2022 Sizwell ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE: HISTORY Take an ample history; Amount Mucus Pain Life Episodes/ Events surrounding bleed 6/19/2022 Sizwell ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE: HISTORY TAKING (1) AMOUNT Teaspoon, cupful; Did it go down legs, bed wet? Pads Beware of concealed abruption (10 - 20 %) Clotting = abruption (2) PAIN What does this suggest? Especially back and abdo (3) MUCUS Mucus with light blood staining = show if in labour. Bright = previa Dark = abruption Beware of Concealed abruption (4) LIFE 6/19/2022 Does she still feel the baby moving? If not moving?? Sizwell Management of massive haemorrhage If before birth, position mother in the left lateral position (30degrees) to minimise the effects of aortocaval compression 6/19/2022 Sizwell ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE: EXAMINATION •GENERAL If low BP = shock = needs resuscitation If high BP = ? •ABDOMINAL Signs of abruption Tenderness and hardness of the uterus. What other condtions can present like this? Rupture Abdominal preg Signs of Praevia Presenting Part ? High suggests PP Fetal heart CS scar Clots suggest PP 6/19/2022 Sizwell ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE: INVESTIGATIONS 6/19/2022 •ULTRASOUND This will locate the placental site and will show if the fetal heart is present. •FETAL HEART TRACING Looking for signs of fetal distress Absent FH suggests Abruption Sizwell ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE: MANAGEMENT (a) Maternal condition (b) Fetal condition (c)Gestational age 6/19/2022 If shocked, need IV fluids fast. Cannulate with 2x largebore(grey/green)canula .Oxygen therapy. Put in lateral position, watch urine (catheter).Collect FBC.grouping and x-match If distressed, deliver at any gestation Under 37 weeks, try to be conservative if there is no fetal distress and the bleeding stops. The aim is to avoid prematurity. After 37 weeks, usually deliver as the baby is now mature. Usually CS if blood loss Sizwell greater than 500 mls Rapidly infuse IV fluids (normal saline or Ringer’s lactate) initially at the rate of 1 L in 15–20 minutes; 6/19/2022 Sizwell What are the features about the blood passed vaginally in Praevia and Abruptions Praevia Abruption 6/19/2022 Bright red blood which is clotting Dark red blood which is nonclotting Sizwell APH: PLACENTA PRAEVIA (MANAGEMENT) (1) What is the management of patients with placenta praevia? PP bleed is almost never fatal so keep the mother in hospital until 37-38 weeks. Do a CS then. The aim is to deliver the baby when it is mature (2) When would you need to deliver her before 37 weeks? If heavy bleeding occurs which does not stop. steroids Remember (3) What causes bleeding from Placenta • Praevia? Contractions Vaginal examination 6/19/2022 Sizwell Abruption Aetiology • • • • • • • 6/19/2022 Folic/ascorbic acid deficiency ECV Sudden release of polyhydramnios Short cord Muliparity Anaemia PET Sizwell APH: PLACENTAL ABRUPTIONS (DIAGNOSIS) What is the usual history? • Bleeding in 90% (other 10% =?) • Pain What are the main features on examination? • Tenderness and tenseness of uterus • The fetal heart is absent in most •Remember revealed/concealed • Ultrasound = may show the What investigations abruption and rule out will help in confirming praevia and will confirm the diagnosis? absent FH. 6/19/2022 Sizwell APH: PLACENTAL ABRUPTIONS (MANAGEMENT) (1) RESUSCITATE (2) TRANSFUSE •ABC O2/IV access/urinary output • IV FLUIDS AND BLOOD: How do you know you are giving enough? • BP > 100 and pulse < 100 (3) CHECK FH • Conjunctiva pink and urine flowing Baby alive and < 6cms = do CS (4) DELIVER 6/19/2022 Baby dead = deliver vaginally by AROM and oxytocin i.e. induce labour. Caution with multips. If breech may need IPV with weight on head Sizwell THE SMALL APH and APH CAUSE UNKNOWN (1) Do an ultrasound to exclude placenta praevia. (2) Check the FH to exclude an abruption. (3) Do a speculum examination to exclude local cause in the cervix. Management: Keep the patient in hospital for 48 hours after bleeding has stopped. Danger of preterm labour!!!! 6/19/2022 Sizwell Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH) 6/19/2022 Sizwell INTRODUCTION • More than half of all maternal deaths occur within 24 hours of childbirth, mostly due to severe bleeding. • PPH accounts for about 25% of maternal deaths world wide. • Rapid action is critical for survival. • Incidence varies from 2 to 8% among hospitals 6/19/2022 Sizwell Definition: Any blood loss from the birth channel exceeding 500 ml or more - Primary PPH within 24 h - Secundary PPH after 24 h 6/19/2022 Sizwell PREDISPOSING FACTORS • Prolonged or obstructed labour may result in uterine inertia due to muscle exhaustion • Polyhydramnious (overstretched uterus) • Multiple pregnancy (overstretched uterus and large placental site) • Anaemia and malnutrition (lack of oxygen/glucose/other essential nutrients • Grand multiparity (tired and fibrosed uterus) 6/19/2022 Sizwell Cont… • Induction of labour and augmentation of labour for hypotonic uterine action • Placenta praevia (the lower segment is unable to control bleeding effectively because the thinner muscle layer contains few oblique fibres) 6/19/2022 Sizwell Cont… • Precipitate labour with large baby when the uterus has contracted vigorously during the first and second stage of labour then the muscles have insufficient opportunity to retract. • General anaesthetic agents such as halothane cause uterine relaxation • Mismanagement of third stage such as fiddling with the fundus or manipulation of the uterus may precipitate arrhythmic contractions resulting in only partial separation of the placenta • Previous history of PPH –there is a risk of recurrence in subsequent pregnancies. 6/19/2022 Sizwell Cont… • Fibroids –THESE INTERFERE WITH UTERINE CONTRACTION • High parity-lax abdominal muscles • Full or over distended bladder • Retained products of conception • Anaemia not able to withstand haemorrhage so any small loss may alter condition of woman. 6/19/2022 Sizwell CAUSES: Primary PPH Tone Tissue Trauma Thrombosis TTTT Secundary PPH: Subinvolutio uteri, infection Retention 6/19/2022 Sizwell Assessment and mgt • Assessment should be coupled with resuscitative measures • It should be focused at finding the cause • Look for occult bleeding were vaginal bleeding is less compared to haemodynamic changes • Bimanual palpation may reveal atonic uterus and hematomas • Look for vaginal and cervical lacerations 6/19/2022 Sizwell Cont… •Re-examine placenta •Look for other bleeding sites 6/19/2022 Sizwell CONT… Have protocol in labour ward 1. Call for help 2. Perform Rapid Evaluation (Vital Signs & cause BP, pulse, RR, Pallor) 3. Massage Uterus 4. If shock is present/suspected, start Immediate Resuscitation Start IV Infusion 1 litre/15 min Give Oxytocin 10Units IM ff 40iu in 1litre NS Take Blood for X-Match and coagulation studies Give Oxygen 6/19/2022 Sizwell Cont… • Catheterize to monitor urine output (>30ml/hr)normal while <30ml/hr not normal • Check Placenta for completeness • Examine birth canal for tears • Monitor closely for further bleeding • When client is stabilized Check HB • If low, treat anaemia • In massive haemorrhage order a minimum of 6 units whole blood 6/19/2022 Sizwell ATONIC UTERUS! FIRST ACTION IS MASSAGE UTERUS DRUG DOSE & ROUTE CONT. DOSE OXYTOCIN IM 10 IU IV 40 Iu in 1000ml at IV 20 IU in 40 drps 1000 ml NS /min at 60drp/min 6/19/2022 Sizwell MAX DOSE PRECAU& CI NOT more DO NOT than 3 litres Give IV of IV fluids Bolus containing Oxytocin ATONIC UTERUS cont DRUG DOSE & ROUTE MISOPROSTOL ORAL/SL (CYTOTEC) INTRAVAG RECTAL 200800mcg (600mcg) CONT. DOSE MAX DOSE CAUTIONS & CI 200mcg Every 4 hours 2000mg Asthma Heart Disease Sizwell 6/19/2022 ATONIC UTERUS OTHER MEASURES • Bimanual compression • Uterine artery ligation • Hysterectomy 6/19/2022 Sizwell MANAGING RETAINED PLACENTA • • • • Ensure bladder is empty Apply Controlled Cord Traction: If it fails, Repeat Oxytocin 10u IM: If not successful in 30 min Attempt Manual Removal of Placenta • Give Pethidine and diazepam • Give antibiotics: (Ampicillin 2g + Metronidazole 500mg) • Perform procedure and examine placenta for completeness • Give Oxytocin 40 iU/1000 mls NS or RL at 40 dpm • Monitor BP, Pulse, Pad and Urine output closely • Add Ergot or Prostaglandin if bleeding continues • Transfuse PRN and treat for anaemia 6/19/2022 Sizwell SPECIFIC NURSING CARE IN THE PUERPERIUM • As primary postpartum haemorrhage predisposes to secondary postpartum haemorrhage and puerperal sepsis, this patient must be carefully monitored. SPECIFIC NURSING CARE • Pulse, respiration and blood pressure are taken quarterly-for the first hour, hourly for the next 4 hours and then four hourly. 6/19/2022 Sizwell Cont… • The uterus is checked at least quarter-hourly for the first hour, hourly for the next 4 hours and then 4 hourly for the first 24 hours. It is then checked twice daily and measured daily for any sign of sub-involution. • The lochia is checked at the same time as the uterus and any abnormally heavy red lochia, clots, pieces of placenta and/or membrane passed, are reported to the doctor. 6/19/2022 Sizwell Cont… • Where traumatic postpartum haemorrhage has taken place, the midwife must inspect the site of haemorrhage regularly for further haemorrhage and for the possible formation of a haematoma. • The intravenous infusion is usually continued for at least 24 hours. 6/19/2022 Sizwell Cont… • It is essential to ensure that the patient empties her bladder when she micturates. • The patient is encouraged to take extra fluids and the fluid balance is monitored until normal. 6/19/2022 Sizwell Cont… • Blood is taken for haemoglobin estimation and if between 911g/dl, patient is usually treated with oral iron tablets. • Haemoglobin levels of less than 7 g/dl may require blood transfusion. 6/19/2022 Sizwell Cont… • If there are signs of infection that is fever or foul smelling vaginal discharge, give triple antibiotic therapy Ampicillin 2g iv 6hrly, gentamicin 80mg 8 hourly Metronidaaazole 500mg iv 8hrly. 6/19/2022 Sizwell PREVENTION OF PPH • Ensuring that no woman goes in labour with anaemia. • Prompt management of conditions that can predispose to PPH • Active management of third stage. • Proper use of the partogram to prevent prolonged labour • Ensure that the bladder is empty before second stage of labour. 6/19/2022 Sizwell COMPLICATIONS • DIC • Anaemia • Shock • Puerperal infection • Sheehan’s syndrome 6/19/2022 Sizwell Massive obstetric haemorrhage •Can occur •Antepartum: APH •Postpartum: PPH •REMEMBER: sometimes it is the APH that weakens and the PPH that kills 6/19/2022 Sizwell