PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL It is the systematic evaluation of employees’ efficiency in the performance of their duties and responsibilities during a given period on the basis of a pre-determined criteria or standards mutually established/agreed upon by the employee and his superior. Overview: 1. Benefits of appraisal Identify strengths and weaknesses Determine suitability for promotion Important feedback 2. Questions to be addressed Who should be appraised? Who should undertake the appraisal? What should be the frequency of appraisals? Should there be an open system of appraisal? 3. Methods of appraisal Achieving objectives Performance agreement of contract 4. Principles and ethics Psychological principles Adequate and timely feedback Clear, attainable goals Setting of task and goals Ethics Credibility based on ethical principles Individual development, trust and openness APPLYING ETHICAL PRINCIPLES Basis of representative information Basis of sufficient information Basis of relevant information Honest appraisal Keep written and oral appraisals consistent 5. Establishing the system 6. Potential problems Allowance for discretion Managers loss of expertise Emphasis on past performance Regular review of performance TEAM – NEVER ALLOWING ANYONE TO FAIL What to evaluate? Organizational performance against key performance measure (kpm’s) Group performance against KPM’s Individual performance against KPM’s Objective: Evaluative Developmental STEPS IN DEVELOPING A PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Determine performance requirements Choose appropriate appraisal method Train supervisors Discuss methods with employees Appraise according to job standards Discuss appraisal with employees Determine future HOW DO YOU DO PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL? o o Relative Judgment Ask supervisors to make judgment Absolute Judgment Based on performance Performance Appraisal Helps an organization effectively manage people Enables employees to meet their job goals Let’s employees know how they are doing FOCUS ON DISTRIBUTION OF AWARDS FAIRLY The system must be objective in order to tie performance and incentives together ONE ON ONE COMMUNICATION ON PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: (SANDWICH) Positive Negative Motivation OBSERVANCE PER COMPANY POLICIES: SPECIFIC