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University of Namibia
Faculty of Health Sciences
ATM 3511 & 3531/PPHA3511
14 June 2022
Duration 60 minutes
Total marks 60
Please write legibly (preferably print) and in ink.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the ONE alternative that best complete the statement or answers the question.
Glands which secrete hormones into the blood or tissue fluids are
A. holocrine glands.
B. exocrine glands.
C. endocrine glands.
D. merocrine glands.
A hormone that is structurally related to cholesterol and is lipid soluble?
A. Parathyroid hormone
B. Steroid hormone
C. Prostaglandins
D. Thyroxin
A gland stimulated by neurological and hormonal primary/first messengers.
A. Thyroid gland
B. Adrenal gland
C. Parathyroid hormone
D. Ovaria
Group of cells producing insulin and glucagon.
A. Islands of Langerhans
B. Bowmans’ islets
C. Juxtaglomerular apparatus
D. Follicles of Papaniculou
Where is the hypothalamus located?
A. Anterior in the neck
B. Intra-thoracic
C. Posterior to the cerebellum
D. Midbrain superior to the pons
What hormone is responsible for the PRODUCTION of breast milk, and where is it formed?
A. Oxytocin, in the posterior pituitary gland
B. GnRH in the hypothalamus
C. Prolactin, in the hypothalamus
D. Prolactin, in the anterior pituitary gland
In describing the relationship of the kidneys to the abdominal aorta:
A. The kidneys are lateral to the aorta
B. The kidneys are intermediate to the aorta
C. The kidneys are caudal to the aorta
D. The kidneys are superficial to the aorta
Choose the correct description regarding the kidneys
A. Intra-peritoneal, surrounded by perinephric fat.
B. Pelvic, posterior to the bladder
C. Intra-peritoneal, anterior to the stomach
D. Retroperitoneal, surrounded by perinephric fat
Which is the correct order that urine will flow to the external opening in the female vestibulum
A. Renal pelvis, urethra, bladder, uterus.
B. Renal calyx, ureter, bladder, urethra
C. Renal cortex, medulla, ureter, calyx
D. Renal hilum, cortex, bladder, urethra
From which gestational week is the external genitals can be distinguished as male or female.
A. Week 7
B. Week 9
C. Week 10
D. Week 12
What is the projection of the medulla into the renal cortex called?
A. Medulla
B. Lobe
C. Renal columns
D. Medullary ray
What type of epithelial lines the urethra?
A. Pseudostratified, ciliated, columnar
B. Transitional epithelium
C. Simple, columnar epithelium
D. Stratified, squamous epithelium
The tissue lining the uterus, that is partially shed during menstruation is called:
The finger like structures of the fallopian tube, that ‘pickup’ the oocyte from the ovarian surface are called:
Where is the clitoris (female erectile tissue) located on the perineum?
At the superior convergence of the labia minora
In the posterior wall of the vagina
At the fourchette of the labia minora
In the posterior 2/3 of the labia majora
Choose the most correct answer relating to the epididymis.
A. It stores sperm and is found inferior to the testes, in the scrotum.
B. Sperm become motile and it is found superior to the testis, in the scrotum
C. Sperm is capacitated and it is found superior to the testis in the scrotum
D. Fluid surrounding the sperm is absorbed and it is found inferior to the testes in the scrotum
Which of these glands do not contribute to the fluid component of semen?
A. Prostate
B. Seminal vesicles
C. Cowper’s glands
D. Paraurethral glands
Urinary ‘dribbling’ and obstruction are symptoms of bladder outflow obstruction. This is a common complaint in
older men, usually due to benign enlargement or cancer of ?
A. Cowper’s glands
B. Prostate gland
C. Bulb of the corpus spongiosum
D. Ductus deferens
The apex of the normal sized adult heart should be palpated in which intercostal space?
A. 6th intercostal space just left of the sternum.
B. 5th inter-costal space in the mid-clavicular line on the left.
C. 2nd intercostal space in the mid-clavicular line on the right.
D. 5th intercostal space in the anterior axillary line on the left.
Choose the correct sequence of pericardial layers from external to internal:
A. Fibrous pericardium, visceral serous pericardium, pericardial fluid, parietal serous pericardium.
B. Parietal serous pericardium, pericardial fluid, visceral serous pericardium, fibrous pericardium.
C. Fibrous pericardium, pericardial fluid, visceral serous pericardium, parietal serous pericardium.
D. Fibrous pericardium, parietal serous pericardium, pericardial fluid, visceral serous pericardium.
What type of epithelial lines the conducting respiratory airways
A. Simple columnar, ciliated epithelium.
B. Pseudo-stratified, ciliated columnar epithelium.
C. Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
D. Stratified, columnar, epithelium.
Which type of cartilage is found in the trachea?
A. Elastic cartilage
B. Fibrous cartilage
C. Hyaline cartilage
D. Elastic and hyaline cartilage
Which of the following muscle types contains intercalated discs?
A. Smooth muscles
Cardiac muscles
Skeletal muscle
Smooth and skeletal muscles
In which structure of the respiratory system is type ll pneumocyte located?
A. In the trachea
B. In the pharynx
C. In the alveoli
D. In the bronchioles
Which layer in an artery contains the endothelium?
A. Tunica intima
B. Tunica media
C. Tunica externa
D. All of the above
The conducting passageways of the respiratory system include all the following except:
A. Trachea
B. Nasopharynx
C. Alveoli
D. Bronchus
Which chamber of the heart pumps deoxygenated blood into the pulmonary trunk?
A. Right Ventricle
B. Right Auricle
C. Left Atria
D. Left Ventricle
An atrial septum defect often occurs at the site of this interatrial septal shunt in the foetal heart. Which of the
following structures or features of the foetal heart are involved in this defect?
A. Foramen Ovale
B. Ductus Arterious
C. Ductus venosus
D. Foramen secundum
29 Which structure is the primary pacemaker of the heart?
A. The Sino-atrial node
B. The Bundle of His
C. The Atrio-ventricular node
D. The node of Ranvier
30. Where does the spermatocyte usually encounter the oocyte?
A. At the fallopian tubes
B. At the ductus deferens
C. At the ovarium
D. At a party
Match the classification of exocrine glands with the correct mode of secretion and anatomical location.
You need only provide the question number together with the letter corresponding to your answer.
3.1 Merocrine
3.2 Apocrine
3.3 Holocrine
Mode of action and location
a. The product is lost as well as part of the cytoplasm of the cell.
b. Sebaceous glands
c. Salivary glands
d. Product secreted through vesicles.
e. Mammary gland
f. The entire cell is lost.
In reference to the sketch below, answer the next questions.
Write down the letter AND the NAME of the structure
1. Which structure forms part of the regulatory axis of the endocrine system?
2. Which structure is responsible for secreting cortisol hormone?
3. Which structure secretes a hormone that regulates metabolism?
Write the question number, the letter and the name of the structure you are choosing
.1. Intraperitoneal fluid (pus/blood) would usually accumulate in which area, in an ambulant person?
.2. A muscular sphincter that forms the end of the digestive system?
.3. The area where a PAP smear is taken from?
.4. Structure lined with transitional epithelium?
Match the embryologically homologous male structure in Column B to the correct
female structure in column A . Write the number and the correct letter.
X.1. Labia Majora
A. Skin on dorsal aspect of the penis
X.2. Glans clitoris
B. Vestigial appendix of the testes
X.3 Round ligament of the uterus
C. Ductus deferens
D. Gubernaculum testes
E. Scrotal skin
F. Glans penis
Answer the questions in reference to the sketch above.
(4 (17))
1. What structure is depicted in this sketch ?
2. The structure marked 7, is it a vascular/glandular structure (write down your choice on your paper)?
3. What is the function of this unit?
4. Which number represents the urinary pole?
Annotate marked structures on the frontal section of the heart.
Name the five anatomical differences between fetal and adult cardio-vasculature,
in the correct order blood would flow from the placenta and back.
(6x½=3 (24))
Annotate structures A-D
During diastole which two heart valves are closed?
TOTAL [60]