Formula for final exam Biostatistics n Px n! (n X)! n Cx Dr Alia Al nuaimat n! X!(n X)! Discrete Variables Expected Value (or mean)= E(X) N x P( X x ) i 1 Variance of a discrete variable = σ 2 i N [x i 1 i i E(X)]2 P(X x i ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Binomial Probability Distribution P(X x | n , p) x n! p (1 p) n x x!(n x)! σ 2 np(1 - p ) μ np ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poisson Distribution P( X x | ) e x x! μλ σ2 λ x = number of events in an area of opportunity, = expected number of events, e = base of the natural logarithm system (2.71828...) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal Distribution Z X μ σ X μ Zσ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Central Limit Theorem (or CLT) Standard error of mean = 𝝈 Confidence Interval for a Mean √𝒏 / √ or / √ Formula for final exam Biostatistics Error Margin SE = Sample Size 𝛼/2 𝑛= 𝜎 𝑛 or 2 2 𝛼/2 / Dr Alia Al nuaimat √ 2 Hypothesis Testing ZSTAT Xμ σ n t STAT X μ S n z α = tail area central area = 1 – 2α 0.10 0.80 z 0.05 0.90 z 0.025 0.95 z 0.01 0.98 z 0.005 0.99 z .10 .05 α = 1.28 = 1.645 .025 .01 .005 = 1.96 = 2.33 = 2.58