Initial Evaluation Demographic Information: Patient’s Name: Address: Age: Date of birth: Civil Status: Dominant hand: Sex: Race: Ethnicity: Religion: Occupation: Date of admission: Referring Doctor: Date of referral: Rehab/Attending doctor: Medical Diagnosis: /S/: C/C: HPI: Functional Hx: Social Hx: Cultural and Religious Belief: Family and Caregiver resources: Financial support: Employment/Work Prior work: Current work: Living environment General Health Status: (circle one if applicable) I would rate my health as Excellent Good Fair Poor Yes No Yes No Do you have any sores that have not healed or any changes in size, shape, or color of a wart or mole? Have you had any unexplained weight gain or loss in the last month? Have you experienced any of the following? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 1. Blood in urine, stool, vomit, mucus 2. Dizziness, fainting, blackouts 3. Fever, chills, sweats (day or night) 4. Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite 5. Changes in bowel or bladder 6. Skin rash or other skin changes 7. Heart palpitations or fluttering 8. Numbness or tingling 9. Problems seeing or hearing Yes No 11. Joint pain Yes No 12. Memory loss Yes No 13. Sudden weakness Yes No 14. Trouble sleeping Yes No 15. Cough, dyspnea Yes No 10. Unusual fatigue, drowsiness Yes No Yes No 16. Throbbing sensation/pain in belly or anywhere else 17. Headaches What number would you assign to your level of stress today? (On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being no stress and 10 being the most extreme stress you have ever experienced) Social/Health habits Diet: Allergies coffee drinker: soda drinker: milk drinker Alcohol and Drugs: alcoholic beverage: smoker: substance abuse: Family Health Hx: Condition Heart disease Hypertension Stroke Diabetes Mellitus Cancer Psychological conditions Arthritis Osteoporosis Maternal Paternal Patient Medical/Surgical Hx: Condition/Surgery Date Hospital Medications: Indication Medication Adverse Effects Dosage/ Frequency Other clinical tests: Procedure Taken (When & Where) Results Pt.’s Goals: /O/: OI: Palpation Systems Review ● Cardiovascular/Pulmonary System: Vital signs: ā tx During tx p̄ tx Normal BP (mmHg) R or L brachial artery, auscultatory 120/80 PR(bpm) R or L radial artery, palpatory or pulse oximeter 60-100 RR(cpm Diaphragmatic or Chest (Thoracic) 12-20 T (⁰C) R or L Axilla 36.1-37.2 O2 Sat R or L index finger, pulse oximeter 95-100% ● ● Integumentary System: ● Neuromuscular System: Gait: Locomotion: Balance: Motor function: ● ● ● ● Communication: ● ● ● Musculoskeletal System: Gross symmetry: Gross range of motion: Gross muscle strength: Affect: Emotional/behavioral responses Cognition: Level of consciousness: Orientation to person, place & time: Learning Barriers: Vision: Hearing problems: Reading problems: Language barriers: Learning Style: Education Needs: Neurological Assessment 1. MMSE: 2. Arousal: 3. Orientation: Cranial Nerve Testing: Cranial Nerve Tests CN1 – Olfactory Nerve Ask patient to identify non noxious odors CN2 – Optic Nerve Snellen chart Ask patient to cover one eye and state how many fingers of the PT they see CN3 – Oculomotor Nerve CN4 – Trochlear Nerve CN6 – Abducens Nerve Pupillary light reflex (test CN3) CN5 – Trigeminal Nerve Corneal reflex Sensory tests of face (light touch) Open and close jaw against resistance Jaw jerk reflex. Palpate temporal and masseter muscles Ability of eyes to follow a moving target without head movement Findings CN7 – Facial Nerve Do facial movements: ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Raise eyebrows Frown Wrinkle nose Eye close Smile, show top teeth Lips purse✔ Compress cheeks against teeth Identify different tastes (using anterior tongue) CN8 – Vestibulocochlear Nerve Weber Test (on top/center of head) Rinne Test (bone and air conduction) CN9 – Glossopharyngeal Nerve Examine taste on posterior one-third of tongue Examine gag reflex. CN10 – Vagus Nerve (supplies the palatoglossus) CN11 – Spinal Accessory Nerve CN12 – Hypoglossal Nerve Sig: Examine swallowing (drink water/eat food); observe uvula and soft palate for any asymmetry (tongue depressor). Examine strength of the SCM and trapezius muscles. With tongue protruded, examine ability to move the tongue rapidly from side to side. Sensory Evaluation: ***Grading: 0- absent, 1 - impaired, 2 - normal Superficial Sensations: Area Tested Pinprick R L Light Touch R Deep Pressure L R L Face C2-C8 L2-S2 Sig: Deep Sensations Modality Right UE LE Left UE LE Kinesthesia Proprioception Vibration Sig: Cortical Sensations: Modality Right UE LE Barognosis Stereognosis Sig: Motor Function Assessment Tone Assessment: Grading 1 slight increase muscle with catch at end of ROM Left UE LE 1+ 2 3 4 Slight increase in muscle tone More marked increase in muscle tone considerable increase in muscle tone affected parts rigid in flexion or extension Muscle Groups Grade Wrist Flexors Wrist Extensors Elbow Flexors Elbow Extensors Shoulder Flexors Shoulder Horizontal Abductors Shoulder Horizontal Adductors Shoulder Abductors Sig: Reflex Assessment: ***DTR Grading 0 -Absent, 1- Diminished , 2- Average, 3-Exaggerated, 4- Clonus Muscle Groups Grade Biceps 2+ Triceps 2+ Brachioradialis 2+ Patellar 2+ Achilles 2+ Sig: Pathologic Reflexes Result Babinski Test Sig: Coordination Assessment: *** Grading 4- Normal , 3- Minimal Impairment, 2- Moderate Impairment, 1- Severe impairment Grade (L) Coordination Test Grade (R) Finger - to - Nose Finger - to - Finger Finger - to - Therapist’s Finger Sig: Balance/Tolerance Assessment: Berg Balance Scale Activity Sitting to Standing Standing Unsupported Sitting with Back Unsupported but feet supported on floor Standing to sitting Transfers Standing unsupported with eyes closed Standing unsupported with feet together Reaching forward with outstretched arm while standing Score Pick up object from the floor from a standing position Turning to look behind over left and right shoulder while standing Turn 360 degrees Placing alternate foot on step or stool while standing unsupported Standing unsupported one foot in front Standing on one leg Total Sig : Pt. acquires a score <45 et presents c̅ greater risk of falling 2 UMNL Overall Motor Function Significance: Pt is hypertonic on R UE 2 U; severe impairment on coordination et balance; no significance noted on reflex assessment. ROM: All major joints of the body are actively et passively assessed and found to be WNL, pain-free and c N end-feel, Except: Joint motion AROM PROM Normal Difference AROM ® SH Fl 0-180° ® SH IR 0-70° ® SH ER 0-90° ® Elbow Fl 0-150° ® Wrist Ex 0-70° PROM End-feel ® Wrist Flex 0-80° ® Knee Fl 0-150° ® Ankle Dorsi 0-20° ® Ankle Plantar 0-50° SLR 0-90° Sig: MMT/FMT: ***Grading Muscle Groups ® Sh Fl ® Sh IR ® Sh ER ® Elbow Fl ® Wrist Ex ® Wrist Fl ® Knee Fl ® Knee Ex ® Ankle Dorsiflex ® Ankle Plantarflex ® Hip Fl Sig: Grade Overall Musculoskeletal Significance: Postural Analysis: Anterior/ Posterior Lateral Head and Face Cervical spine (neck) Trunk Upper extremity Hip and Pelvis Knee and Thigh Lower leg, ankle, and foot Sig: Gait Analysis: (See RLA Observational Gait Analysis form) Findings: Functional Independence Measure: (See Functional Independence Measure form) to a healthy and active lifestyle to support his children; full recovery is not attainable d/t location of stroke.