Uploaded by Prof. Dr. Paresh Shah

जैन दर्शन पर हरित विकास रणनीतियाँ

Crafting - Green Growth Strategies based on
Jain Philosophy
International Conference on Environment, Healthcare,
Food Security and Sustainable Development 5th to 7th June,
Shobhit Institute of Engineering &
Technology, Shobhit University,
Association (India)
Key Note Address:
Prof. (Dr.) Paresh Shah
FCMA., Ph.D., FDP (IIMA)., D.Ed.,
D.D.M., Dip. Edu. Psychology
Alumnus of IIM, Ahmedabad; University of
Illinois, US; University of Virginia, US;
University of London; University of Navarra,
Spain; University of New South Wales,
Australia; Institute of Cost Accountants of
India, etc.
Principal and Professor,
Rai School of Management Studies, Rai
University, Ahmedabad
Parliament of World’s
Religions at Chicago (USA) in
• Virchand R. Gandhi
• (1864-1901)
• Deputed by reverend Jaina Monk
Acharya Atmanandji
World Jain
• Launched in Mumbai by
Prime Minister Shri Atal
Bihari Vajpayee during
the 2600th Bhagwan
Kalyanank Mahotsav on
April 8, 2001.
Who Cares
How many are really concerned about
what is happening to the environment?
On account of
Unnecessary possession of material things,
No Truth.
The Universe (ब्रह्मांड)
Looked at things from two points of views:
Dravyarthika naya – means the world in without beginning
and end (द्रव्यार्थिका नया:)
■ Paryayarthika naya – means it is born every moment and
dies every moment (पयाि वरणर्थिका नया:)
Dharma means the body of rules of conduct
R. William in his book ‘Jain Yoga’ remarks that the
central position and pervading character of Ahimsa
separate Jain ethnic sharply from Hinduism as well as
from Islam and Christianity.
The Universe (ब्रह्मांड)
Almost everything in Jainism is alive, and has a
consciousness of some sort.
Water, air, earth and soil, all material that comes from
the Earth , Galaxy (आकाशगंगा), Cosmos (ब्रह्ां ड),
a) living things imbedded in them, and
b) interconnectedness to all other living things, so to
disturb one things causes a rippling to effect many other
Jiva and Ajiva
Jain reality comprises two components, jiva (“soul,”
or “living substance”) and ajiva (“nonsoul,” or
“inanimate substance”).
Ajiva is further divided into two categories:
nonsentient material entities and nonsentient
nonmaterial entities.
Essence of Jainism in Green Growth of Society
in Thoughts/Speech/Action …
Five Great vows
• Ahimsa--Nonviolence / Compassion
Not to cause harm to any living beings
• Satya--Truthfulness
To speak harmless truth only
• Asteya--Non stealing
Not to take anything not properly given
• Brahmacharya--Chastity
Not to indulge in sensual pleasure
• Aparigraha--Non possession / Non attachment
Complete detachment from people, places, and material
Animal Compassion
For thousands of years,
Jains have been practicing
(गैर र्नरं कुश)
(Respect other views)
(Truth has many perspectives)
Help each other;
Realize one’s own full
potential; To manage
one’s passions
Jain Way of Life is Universal
Irrespective of your Religion
A profound truth for all times
“One who neglects or disregards the existence of earth, air,
fire, water and vegetation, disregards his own existence
which is entwined with them”
- Lord
Mahavir (599-527 BC)
Help Each Other
• Parasparopgraho Jivänäm –
• परसपरोपाग्रहो जीवनार्ि
• Tattvärtha Sutra
All life is bound together by mutual
support and interdependence (If one does
not care for nature one does not care for
• Refreshingly contemporary in its
premise and in its promise.
• Forms the basis of the modern day
science of ecology.
Types of Violence
• Accidental
• Occupational
• Protective
• Intentional
Compassionate Living
Ahimsä (non-violence):
• Not to cause pain to any living beings in words, in thoughts,
and in actions. We do not have right to harm, abuse, or
exploit animals, birds, fish etc.
• It is a compassionate living in harmony with nature.
• Vegetarianism – To live a life with minimum violence and
avoid animal base products.
Environment Possesses Life
• Jainism believes that all Five basic Elements of the Universe
which make our environment possess life
• Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Vegetation
• Vegetarianism – To live a life with minimum violence and
avoid animal base products.
• It also believes that every living being possesses one to five
• Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, and Hearing
Environment Possesses Life
• Vegetation (वनस्पर्ि), Earth, Air, Water, Fire, plants(पौधे ),
etc. possesses one sense (touch) while Insect(कीडा), Animals
and Humans possess more than one sense and maximum
five senses.
• Also human beings alone are blessed with the sixth sense of
advanced developed thinking. Therefore,
• Humanity is responsible for achieving oneness and
harmony with all life by being careful, compassionate,
loving and nonviolent.
What does Jainism teach about
• Not possible to survive with absolute non-violence. Hence
the destruction of one sense life is essential for our
• Destruction of higher sensed living beings is a more cruel
act because of higher development of their senses, which
inflicts more pain on them.
• It also has a greater impact on environment
• Hence Jainism advocates vegetarianism(शमकमहमर) against
raising animals for food.
Non-violence and Compassion
behavior towards every
living being -
• Ahimsä
• Dashvaikalika Sutra (6/9)
• Absence of violence of
any sort towards all
beings at all times is
• Yogasutra
• In
‘Ahimsä is the absence of
feelings or attitude’
Non-Possession or Self-restraint
• Non-Possession/Self-restraint is the
most important Jain
• Reduce one’s needs and wants as
far as possible.
• Not to waste the gifts of nature
• Nature provides enough for our
NEED not enough for our GREED
• Reuse or Recycle products
• Share Resources
Guilt vs Responsibility
That these are Ideas … We are not here to
judge people, though at the same time we do
not want to underestimate the degree of the
Guilt – BAD
Responsibility and Empowerment = GOOD
Jainism - humans not separate from other nonhuman life and Natural Environment or God’s
Gift, like Water, Air, Plants, etc.
Humans NOT at the top of the Environment
Might/ Brains ≠ Right
Humans are not really superior … our might and our intellect
does not make it right to take from others … it never makes it
right for us to do this.
How many of us really believe this??
Is being Vegetarian enough?
Is vegetarianism the main component of ahimsa
Violence today = mainly indirect (done by others)
and unintentional (sure, who ever means to hurt
others) and unknowingly (now this is controversial) - many degrees of separation
Such violence may exceed that of eating meat
Material Or Overconsumption globalization
Overpowers the globalization or RIGHTS, ENVIRONMENT,
The ECONOMY is worshiped like a GOD
(I am not saying that the economy is not important)
Remember, that Jainism does not believe that private property
is an absolute right- Capitalism and Property are Tools or
Human Convention
Where is the Damage??
Life looks good to me!
A) far away
the damage to people, animals, environment –
the benefits are in front of us – personal
hidden, just pictures on the TV or internet
the powers that control these things want it that way
B) in front of you but you don’t realize
Anekantevaad again
Prof. (Dr.) Paresh Shah
• Email Id:
• paresh@profparesh.in
• profpareshshah@yahoo.co.in
• Voice and Message No.
• +91 9824358505
• YouTube Channel:
• https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXbiD
• Research Gate:
• Website: https://profparesh.in
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