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Cyber Security Issues and Challenges for Smart Cities A survey

2019 13th International Conference on Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science and Statistics (MACS)
Cyber Security Issues and Challenges for Smart
Cities: A survey
Bushra Hamid1
University Institute of Information Technology
PMAS, Arid Agriculture University
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
NZ Jhanjhi 2
School of Computing & IT (SoCIT),
Taylor’s University
Subang Jaya Selangor, Malaysia
Mamoona Humayun 3
Dept. of Information System, College of Computer and
Information Sciences, Jouf University Al-Jouf,
Saudi Arabia
Azeem Khan 4
ADP Taylor’s University
Selangor, Malaysia
Ahmed Alsayat 5
Dept. of Computer Science, College of Computer and
Information Sciences, Jouf University Al-Jouf,
Saudi Arabia
Abstract— The increasing need and implementation of
Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in urban
infrastructure have led to greater attention in smart cities. Smart
cities make use of ICTs to enhance: the quality of life of citizens
by paving the way to improve local economy, enhance transport
system and transport management thereby providing conducive
environment to build strong relationships together with public
authorities. The assiduous goal of a smart cities is to improve the
quality of life and services of citizens. Nevertheless, the
instigation of ICTs has raised various issues pertaining to privacy
and security issues concerned with smart cities and the
inhabitants residing in them. The current research is an effort to
present briefly the core concepts of security and privacy issues
concerning to the smart cities and reveal cyber-attacks that were
recent targeting smart cities based on current literature. Further,
this research has elaborated and identified numerous security
weaknesses and privacy challenges pertaining to various cyber
security, the issues, challenges and recommendations in order to
provide future directions.
Keywords— Smart Cities, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity Issues,
Cybersecurity Challenges, Smart Cities Infrastructure, Smart Cities
Cyber Attacks
mobile devices, electronic equipment’s, Internet of things, etc.
During the latest era, the notion of Smart City is becoming
the more prevalent and taking main share in literature as well
as in policies. This is the time to realize the importance of
urban areas, and to understand why people consider urban
areas safer and faster for their future growth. Main cities in any
country have significant role in their economy, environment.
A smart city is a city equipped with state-of-the-art ICT
facilities aimed at improving the quality of life by improving
the efficiency of the citizens dwelling in it. [1].
A. Dimensions of smart cities
Normally, there are six regions where cities can have the
ability to become smarter. These areas include: governance,
people, economy, living, mobility, and environment as
depicted in Figure1.Smart city does not only mean to
organizing platforms that perform city-relevant features
effectively, but it is a big idea that consists of numerous
electronic and physical objects which intermingle and
Smart cities are those cities which incorporates the modern
technologies for automatic and effective service that are
provided to increase the lifestyle of citizens. The recent
research studies reveal that the modern cities will be populated
by 60 percent of the country’s population by 2030. Which is a
clear indication that lives in the cities will be a great challenge,
and not easy to manage easily. The smart cities concept will
only be able to accommodate this great number of population
and manage their needs, since smart cities are equipped with
the latest technologies including cloud computing, networks,
978-1-7281-4956-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
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Recent studies depict that nearly 1.6 billion of IoT devices
and modules has been used by 2017, which shows a rise of
39% compared to 2015. The same rate is even with more
exponential rise for the year 2018 which is 42%. Further
research shows that smart cities have deployed a large number
of IoT devices and components for about almost 3.3 billion
Figure 1: Dimensions of Smart City
Role of ICT in smart cities
The municipalities which have outsized amount of
population in cities areas needs extra effort for the managing
the resources and infrastructure, that’s why it is essential to
report the requirements of citizens and extend the solutions of
the identified problems in those areas. Several solutions are
proposed various line of action, such as below,
a) Management
b) Well-organized/ maintainable public transport
Better Urban planning
d) Citizen information and contribution instruments
The use of ICTs technologies is the backbone for smart
cities, which provide services in all sector of life, to manage
the cities in a way that citizen can be able to get access to all
desired applications/services. The contribution of citizen in the
smart cities can be measured and referred as communities
work program, which provides decision power to the citizen in
most of their needs. Digital devices permit interoperability to
provide ease of access to the citizens. The usage of ICT in a
smart city consists of four main phases that are associated to
the flow of information [4].
e) Gathering information
Storage and Data Access
g) Dissemination of information
IoT in Smart Cities
IoT is stated as a set of techniques that are used for
accessing the data gathered through numerous devices like
through wire and wireless Internet networks. Though there are
prominent dissimilarities in the available definitions of IoT.
While a common and most acceptable internet of things
description is the ability to extend important information to the
citizens, by collecting from several devices, users using wire
and wireless internet services.
Cyber-attacks targeting smart cities infrastructure
Smart cities face challenges in assessing susceptibilities
and improving plans. Considering that security is an expensive
activity and that it requires an enough budget which requires a
lengthier duration for processing in the public sector. Security
issues in smart cities are a real concern and need attention in
order to ensure the continued success of smart cities.
Therefore, issues related to security, privacy, are important
topics, especially in the technologies and systems of the
“smart city”, which are becoming very important for
optimizing cities and improving living standards. It is worth
noting that smart cities have brought immense paybacks to
users, while users are concerned about the privacy of their
data, which is transferred via unsecured channels. Therefore, it
is necessary to have secure communication channel to extend
secure support for moving data, especially over wireless
networks [1]. The following sections, section 2, section 3,
section 4 and section 5 are aimed at describing literature
review, issues, challenges, discussions, recommendations and
conclusions pertaining to cybersecurity for smart cities
respectively and, lastly, section 6 presents future work.
In smart Cities, the researchers have been interested in the
security and privacy of data. The cybersecurity depends on
three types of concerns in the smart city, namely those that are
related to the governance, the other concerned with socioeconomic sector and lastly technological viewpoints. From
social perspective concerns are related to communication,
citizen’s safety, transportation, banking, and finance. The
governance concerns are utility, health, infrastructure,
education, transport, and technical concerns are RIFD, smart
grid, biometrics, M2M communication, Smart Phones [1].
In [6], the authors represent a model and address the
cybersecurity challenges. They discussed main challenges
concerning to privacy and security. The main elements of the
smart cities and their collaboration between them represented
by the mathematical model that are vulnerable. The graphical
and mathematical model aid for IoT by locating the security
and privacy, people, and servers, but the methodology is not
In [7], the author’s debate the security conventions and
privacy damages and they state that these conventions are not
suited the security and privacy issue importance and criticality.
In [9] for the IoT application, a distributed framework is
proposed, which assures the information delivery with respect
to trust, privacy and security. IoT plays a significant role in
building smart cities, hence distributed framework is able to
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address the issues concerned with information security
concerns to large extent in a smart cities.
The authors in [11] highlighted the requirements, benefits,
and challenges of smart city. They also discuss integration of
technology, IoT and cloud computing CC8 which forms the
new vision of the Cloud of Things (CoT), and it discusses how
CoT based can provide in the smart cities services and what are
their security concerns.
In [20], the authors presented an innovative approach to
identify denial of service (DoS) attack, with invisible hosts that
used the IEEE 802.11 DCF protocols, a DoS attack invades
wireless networks. They emphasized that the IEEE 802.11
standards are being modified by malicious nodes to illegally
hijack a network and expand the possibility of successful
packet transmission that follow protocol standards through
innocent nodes.
The authors in [21] discussed cyberattacks and presented
Wide-Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) a
theoretical gaming approach to address the issue of cyberphysical security. They concluded by highlighting how cyberphysical testbeds are used for the evaluation of the security.
39% of global data Breach
due to malware Attack.
Citizen safety/ Privacy
81% attack found [42]
The prime cybersecurity issues and challenges pertaining to
smart cities are discussed in this section. These challenges are
categories according to the governance perspective, socioeconomic perspective, and technological perspective. Figure 2
depicts taxonomy pertaining to concerns and challenges in
smart cities.
The [39] EINSA report shows the frequency of successful
cyber-attack during the different years. This frequency is
70.5% in 2015, 75.6 % in 2016, 79.2% in 2017, 77.2%in 2018
and 78.0% in 2019. 78% organizations were affected through
the cyber-attack in 2018 [41]. In [39] the percentage of
different attack found in different elements/components of
smart city.
Table 1 Percentage of Cyber Attacks
% of Cyber Attack
Components of Smart City
70% cyber Attack found
Education Institute
64% cyber-attack through
the ransomware attack.
Smart Network /
Industrials control System
Figure 2 Smart cities Cybersecurity Taxonomy
17% data breach due to the
ransomware attack [39]
Health Care
through the email and 35%
via malicious URLs [39].
93% of email are cause of
spreading the Attack [39].
Communication (emailbased Attack)
A. Cyber Security concerns in socio-economic perspective of
smart cities:
The smart city provides basic platform of services for the
management and assistance of social issues according to the
peoples’ requests [19]. Smart city enhances the banking,
finance, health, education, communication, and individual
identity by providing the services.
a) Health: The cybersecurity concern related to health is
patient’s privacy and hacker can change the critical
information of the patient [29]. Multiple service
providers like hospitals and social network sellers
provide health and social data. The collaboration
between these social network vendors have some
security issues. The social cloud server can be
vulnerable by unauthorized entity. When the hospital
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infers the patient’s data in an authorized way via cloud,
the user may be reluctant to share the health related
and personal data. Health data is very crucial, hence
high-end security mechanisms should be employed to
secure individual’s data; hence state-of-the-art
technology employed with intelligent systems is used
to protect health related data [30].
b) Communication:
telecommunication infrastructure is very important as
well as vulnerable. Many governance and financial
actions which are carried out through the
telecommunication and wireless networks. Wireless
networking, Bluetooth, cloud computing, have security
and privacy issues. [28].
Transport management systems: The smart cities
provide transport service like road traffic adjustment,
navigation, parking to the citizen. Navigation is an
important element of the intelligent transport system.
Existing GPS devices provide the static location, it
means these devices don’t have ability to measure the
distance dynamically and unable to calculate the fastest
route dynamically. Realtime analysis of data in
managing road traffic is gathered from the traveler as
well as the sensors fixed at specific locations to collect
information about traffic thereby availing dynamic
navigation that envisages the human intelligence and
live road traffic sensing from an individual moving and
the roadside sensing component [22]. During this kind
of distributed navigation, the privacy related to the
location of both querying vehicles and responding vehicles
can be vulnerable [23]. These systems face critical
problems as they cause disasters, especially when they
occur in air traffic systems. In addition, they become
the cause of immense traffic jams, which can last for
hours by hacking traffic control systems and their
sequence, their road signs and their speed limit signs.
d) Citizens’ safety/Privacy: The privacy of an individual
must be guaranteed in the smart city. Social network
privacy issues depend on the level of information
available to individual users. Social network providers
who take responsibility for not disclosing the personal
information of their users [34].
Entrepreneurship: In the smart city economy, the
banking, financial and commercial sectors are essential
components. Although smart cities promise economic
growth, improved banking and business, they are the
most vulnerable components of the smart city. The
vulnerability is associated with the security of personal
financial use. Invaders can also harm the defined
organization or economy of an entire city.
B. Cyber Security concerns in Governance perspective of
smart cities
a) Collaborative and transparent government TMS:
The systems pertaining to governance are always at
risk of intrusions critically because they can cause
disasters, especially when they occur or lead to control
or transportation systems. These systems are
vulnerable to attacks some of the instances discussed in
available literature is that they can cause huge traffic
jams, which may be long lasting based on the traffic
controller malfunctioning and their sequence, traffic
signs and speed limitation signs.
b) Management Systems:
The developers and designers of these systems usually
focus on the tools provided and neglect cybersecurity
issues which results in lack of the cyber security, as
their manufacturers do not support this, and do not
respond to the vulnerabilities.
C. Cyber Security concerns in the technological perspective
of smart cities Units
a) RFID: This is the technology that is in rampant use in
several sectors and extensively used in the smart
environment, smart industry and smart mobility in
order to connect the cyber-physical entity [31]. The
vulnerabilities of RFID tags are a major problem for
the smart city. These tags are vulnerable to
unauthorized access to sensitive information and are
prone to create data privacy issues. RFID tags and
RFID readers communicate via the unique Electronic
Product Code (EPC). A malicious intruder can seize
and read confidential tags if he manages to access
RFID readers or an EPC. The exploitation of RFID can
be achieved by removing tags, cloning tags, interfering
with the signal, scrambling, rejecting the service attack
and monitoring. By compromising with the system, an
intruder can also disrupt the frequency of the message
being sent and push the message away from the
expected receiver in any circumstance. [13].
b) Biometrics: Biometrics automatically recognize a
person by the behavioral and biological characteristics.
Biometric characteristics are of two types:
physiological and behavioral characteristics acquired
through the application of appropriate sensors [16].
Biometrics plays a significant role for several security
aspects of a smart city specifically things pertaining to
malicious attacks, data theft and online frauds [17]; the
application in the smart cities related to biometrics are
Health, Education, Utility, Institution, corporate
sectors, Patrol and security [28].
Smart Grid: Smart grids have vital role in smart
cities, where they are responsible for energy
development. Smart grids are comprised of sensors
enabled with networks that can communicate remotely.
[18]. The application of smart grids in smart cities
envisages energy, power, utility, smart homes, smart
appliances, and infrastructure to avail them. The
security concern related to the smart grids are; threats
to the availability of networks.
d) Smart Networks: Since smart grids are the source to
enforce the smart cities. However, in case of
malfunctioning by the hackers it can be used as major
source to create disturbance. [31] For instance, in case
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of smart grid compromised the hacker can easily
control the power management and power distribution
as well, which leads to the power failure, and which
further leads to the smart devices and smart systems
deactivations [2].
Smart Phones: The weaknesses of smartphones that
could affect the security of smart cities contain smart
apps, harmful GPS location and GPS, as well as threats
from social networks. Ijaz et al. note that [5]
Smartphones are a crucial in smart city infrastructure,
because they are the source of many installations, and
intelligent applications. Invaders can download
harmful smart apps to the phone of an unsuspecting
user to contaminate the device that serves as a link to
the smart city. If an invader is able to infect several
smartphones, thereby creating a botnet that can
undergo instant attacks on the smart grid. User privacy
on smartphones and security can be tempered by taking
risks with the GPS services offered by smartphones,
like the yacht previously declared used by researchers
for $ 80 million. The use of spyware involves listening
to users' conversations or accessing their sensitive
information. These attacks can be carried out over the
Internet, through Wi-Fi networks that are not secure
and are not reliable with connectivity or unauthorized
Bluetooth networks. Similarly, social networking sites
that host personal user information on a smartphone
may be attacked if personal id’s are used [13].
Smartphones used in IoT rely on security services,
such as secure messaging capability, secure and safer
browsing, and other internet transactions.
device that transmits radio signals may interfere with or
block the operation of the RFID reader. Two Dos
attack methods are commonly used: flood services and
failure services [27].
Spoofing: It is a security threat in which malicious
attackers links their MAC address with the IP address
of the vulnerable network. Through this attack, data
can be theft and deleted. In case of RFID security
protocol is used, the data is duplicated and then
communicated to the reader [26]. For example, in case
of an electronic mail, the information can send through
an address that is not the real address of the person who
is sending the message. Three common types of
spoofing are ARP (address resolution protocol)
Spoofing, IP Spoofing, and DNS spoofing attack.
Cryptanalysis attack: The cryptanalysis technique is
used to breach the cryptographic security system and
get access to encrypted messages. There are many
techniques of cryptanalysis attacks like cipher-text
attacks, differential cryptanalysis attacks, Man-in-themiddle attacks, Integral cryptanalysis attacks, and
dictionary attacks [26].
D. Security and privacy attacks:
This section is focused on discussion of some attacks that
are causes of the security and privacy loopholes and
susceptibilities in the smart city. “An attack is an
information security threat that destroys, reveals the
information without authorized access”.
a) Jamming attack: This attack disturbs communication
in the wireless environments. Some devices like
cordless phones and Bluetooth-enabled devices can be
vulnerable through this attack. Powerful transmitters
are used in this attack [26]. The jamming attack is done
on the physical (Media Access Control) layer of the
network. Jamming attack has different techniques like
jams concerned with the barrage, sweep, deceptive and
spot Jamming technique. Different anti-jamming
technique are proposed like JAM, Ant System, and
Channel hopping, Reactive jamming detection using
Denial of Service: it is also acronymized as DoS, this
attack shut downs the network or machine and the
authentic user is unable to use it. Usually, Banking,
media companies, government organizations, trade
organization, and commerce applications are
vulnerable of this attack. This attack does not steal
information but can cause a lot of cost and time. This
attack is importantly regarded to RFID technology. A
Eavesdropping attack: This attack passively listens
to network communication and steal the information.
This attack is done in two ways: Directly listening to
digital or analog voice communication, interception or
sniffing of the data. Eavesdropping are the most
common attack on a RFID system. Data have a unique
identifier that is emitted by RFID tag. It is at the risk of
snooping when the data is communicated to the RFID
readers. In this particular situation, spying is performed
by infectious data on the invader with a reader
corresponding to the appropriate tag family and reading
at a tag by the official reader [26].
Botnet is basically a number of
interconnected devices and running on one or
more bot. DDos (distributed denial-of-service)
attack is performed through the botnet. It steals the
information allows the intruder to access the
device and connection. It attacks with malware
that persecute largely using an e-mail attachment
or from smart applications or harmful websites.
g) Spyware: it is malware that gathers information
about a person and organization secretly.
Attackers use this information to hack the cell
phone, which enables hackers to grasp the control
of smart phone completely by controlling their,
mike, camera, GPS and other services.
• Here we mention some suggestions to prevent the
security threat in the smart city.
The first thing to maintain the citizen’s privacy and
secrecy, privacy-aware communication should be
provided. Privacy measurement should be strong.
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Homomorphic encryption can use to user data privacy
and social network and health data can make invisible
to the unsafe cloud servers [30]
A security solution should be simple, easy, and
efficient to ensure the authenticity and integrity of
data. It should secure IoT devices and communication
with the cloud application center.
Citizens should be aware to utilize resources of the IoT
network safely.
The secure health system should develop that make
sure the security and privacy of the patients records
from all unauthorized access. The health systems must
be ensuring the security concept of confidentiality,
integrity and availability besides of privacy. The
patient record may be prevented from its location as
well from the unauthorized user’s access.
Eavesdropping can be prevented by using data
aggregation effectively on smart phones [14].
Interference problems in the RFID system can be
distributed by coding, data integrity checking and
multiple retransmission [28]. Hash Link and HashLock methods are also significant as they offer better
authentication. There are some other verification
techniques depends on hash like ID exchange and
distributed RFID challenge/answer authentication
In the smart city, there is a need of effective and safe
executions of all services of mobile devices. From this
point of view, Elliptic Curve Cryptography
acronymized as ECC is considered to be the most
reliable solution for protecting devices and embedded
systems with limited resources. It uses public key
cryptography and depends on the algebraic structure
of elliptic curves over finite fields. The advantages of
ECC are the ability to offer a level of security similar
to that of other cryptography algorithms, but there
should be lower memory, smaller keys, and
computational requirements [29].
PKI, Digital Licenses and Data Encryption Secure
Wi-Fi network solutions ensure secure management
of network access control to prevent unofficial
Susceptibility and attack surfaces increase when
systems come together and integrate. For that reason,
it is imperative to build solutions with robust
mitigation strategies and integrated cybersecurity
[24It is very important to plan systems with secure
information and flexibility to stop serious security
events that can have catastrophic results in terms of
data, financial reliability, and damage to reputation.
Smart cities have major concerns of security as
mentioned in [46-50]. These security concerns could
be linked with smart applications authentication
mechanisms or likely to be misused of hacked data for
ransomware use. Hence, security in all aspects is the
core requirement of the smart cities, to making sure its
successful operations.
In smart cities, the major concern is providing the
unmatched quality service for the citizens to make their living
better and avail standard living. Thus, it is essential to consider
the confidentiality, safety measures and challenges to assure
the privacy of the citizens. In this research, we have examined
the smart city’s security and privacy challenges in three
perspectives, 1) socio-economic, 2) governance, and 3)
technological perspective, and also discuss security and privacy
attacks. In addition, this research provides some suggestions to
prevent the attacks pertaining to security and privacy for the
smart cities.
Safety and confidentiality are the primary concerns and are
considered as the open threats in smart cities and are obliged
to be explored further by providing a model to address the
security issues availing context-awareness, privacy-respecting
and privacy-preserving solutions.
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