Uploaded by Astrid Wilson


Persuasive Speech Rubric
Name: ____________________________________
1) Performance/Delivery Criteria
a) Eye contact was sufficient; not “read”
4 3 2 1
x 1=
b) Vocal quality – rate, tone, volume were adequate or better
4 3 2 1
x 1=
c) Energy – no monotone voice, confident projection, variety
4 3 2 1
x 1=
d) Poise – no giggling, “you knows,” “uhs,” “like,” recovers
4 3 2 1
x 1=
2) Content (Analysis, reasoning, evidence, organization)
a) Analysis: speaker really understands the topic
4 3 2 1
x 4=
b) Reasoning: is this speech reasonable? Avoid logical fallacy
4 3 2 1
x 4=
c) Evidence: quality support material? Justified claims?
4 3 2 1
x 4=
d) Organization: effective introduction/conclusion/flow?
4 3 2 1
x 4=
e) Length – 2-3 minutes
4 3 2 1
x 1=
Works Cited
= ____/10
Bonus: notes, outline, research material= up to 10 extra points:
Total Score = ____/94
Student Congress Speeches
Persuasive Speech #1:____/94
Persuasive Speech #2:____/68
Bill/Resolution: ____/40