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Modern Greek Myth: Travisius's Quest for Immortality

Pre-AP English I Honors, Period 2
31 March 2022
A Modern Myth
This is not your typical Greek myth. Whereas Zues is well known for constantly cheating on Hera, the roles here are reversed after thousands of years. It is the year 2022, and Hera has had a child. Nobody knows who the father is; however, all of the gods are sick of Zeus. This causes all of them to try and help the child. Zeus, who is very angry, wants to make life very difficult for the child. The child has been named Travisius. From birth, the child faces many challenges, Zeus made him a mortal and unknowing of his heritage. Despite this, Hera came to her child once he became old enough, telling him everything that had happened, and how she could help him take his spot amongst the gods. Although he had never met this woman, he believed her from the instant she began speaking. To start, he trained in hand to hand combat, and learned how to use many mythical, and modern weapons by Ares. He trained for months daily, and under Ares' instruction became quite powerful very quickly. Once he became strong enough he needed to begin the plan. To do so, he would have to rob Hermes. This plan took careful planning; however, this would most importantly require Travisius to catch him by surprise.. Although Hermes was known for being extremely fast, he had no chance on the element of surprise and Travisius’s hardcore training. This allowed for him to grab Hermes, steal his sandals and get away. After,Travisius then left for Olympus. Once he reached Olympus, Hera hid him in the throne room until she could trap Zeus. Once they met, and Zeus realized who he was he was put into a rage. He instantly pulled out his lightning bolt and tried to kill him. However, Travisius was too quick for him and dodged them all. However, he was not able to hurt Zeus either due to him not being able to get close enough. Eventually, after realizing that they were at a stalemate, Travisius decided to ask for a wish. Zeus agreed due to him not wanting to continue fighting. However, Travisius did not wish for any sort of treasure, land, or any other physical object. He asked for immortality. Zeus then pulled out a blank book and began writing, simply saying “you shall be immortal through remembrance…” And then struck him with a lightning bolt, killing him.