Write a 400 word article review about the article below. (own words) Article link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NWR81m5UNjpt84CswuM5cXOqMjyHqDz0/view?usp=sh aring ARTICLE REVIEW Human disturbance and long-term changes in fish taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity in the Yellow River, China Human activities have sparked the sixth major biodiversity crisis, with unprecedented native species extinction and widespread introduction of non-native species, which is probably the main reason why taxonomic, functional, and phylogenic diversity in species is actually affected. However, in many parts of the world, native species have altered species assemblages. Regardless of human activities or disturbances that may cause changes in the taxonomic, functional, and phylogenic diversity of the organism. Many other concerned human beings are still finding their ways to help conserve biodiversity. Thus, to guide conservation efforts of those ecosystem managers and conservation biologists, quantifying the extent of spatial and temporal biodiversity change after ecosystem disturbance and unraveling the environmental drivers of diversity and community assembly should be the primary concern. The researchers have indeed made a thorough research in their study location which is the most important thing to do before conducting an ecological study. Indeed, the researchers examined temporal changes (over the last 50 years) and the relative influence of environmental variables on all three facets of diversity (TD, FD, and PD) in the Yellow River basins at the alpha and beta levels. Nonetheless, the study is unlike any other on the subject about biodiversity and ecology, as mentioned in the article, it was the first study to focus on how different alpha and beta diversity facets change over time, especially when functional and genetic factors are added. In addition, the phylogenetic perspectives on freshwater fish communities in the study was also emphasized which is actually a very interesting knowledge in the field of ecology and biodiversity. The study also hypothesized that while temporal trends in multifaceted components of diversity would be very similar, the relative importance of anthropogenic disturbances in shaping spatial patterns of fish diversity would differ. Thus, the great impact of their study in the field of research is that the findings of their study will be useful in providing additional insight into freshwater ecosystem conservation management. According to the article, the Yellow River's diverse fish fauna is increasingly threatened by dramatic environmental changes and species invasions. With this, the location of the study, the Yellow River basin in China, for me, this would be the best site for the study since the species diversity of the fishes is already there due to environmental changes caused by human disturbance and species invasion. It's also a great way to look at long-term temporal trends and environmental drivers of different aspects of fish diversity. The fish community has changed dramatically as a result of significant environmental changes in the basin over the last five decades, including climate change, flow regime changes, and the introduction of non-native fish. For the conclusion of their study, the research found that different aspects of alpha and beta diversity were highly congruent; however, the rate and magnitude of change varied significantly, with functional and phylogenetic diversity being more sensitive to anthropogenic disturbances than taxonomic diversity. Accordingly, this discrepancy highlights how different facets provide complementary information about biodiversity dynamics, and how a multifaceted approach can help us detect and understand changes in community composition. Although the study did not directly conclude their finding, there are already adequate data which shows that the aims of the study have already met. In terms of fish conservation in the Yellow River, their findings have shown that significant environmental changes were altered the composition of fish communities. The river's current fish assemblages are characterized by a high percentage of non-native fishes and few native fishes. Hence, in comparison to historical composition of climate change, hydrological change, and aquaculture may have accelerated these changes in the last 50 years. As a result, this would help protect the fish resource, a variety of management actions have been implemented in response to these changes. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351989421002614 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/0-306-47534-0_12?noAccess=true https://news.mongabay.com/2020/04/climate-change-makes-some-fish-smaller-and-othersbigger-studyfinds/#:~:text=Climate%20change%20is%20doing%20something,fish%20to%20morph%20in% 20size.