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First Project Team Meeting: A Guide

How to Conduct Your First
Project Team Meeting
How to be prepared for just about
Scheduling the Meeting
• Schedule the first project team meeting
about a week after kickoff. This allows you
– Fine tune your project plan.
– Look into problems that team members might
throw at you.
– Run issues or problems by senior
– Gather feedback.
The List of Invitees
• Invite the following:
– All working members of the project
implementation team
• Do not invite the following:
– Customers/clients
– Members of the executive management team
– Stakeholders
Establish the Model for Future
• Start on time!
• Develop and distribute an agenda before
the meeting.
• Conduct one agenda item at a time.
• Conclude it before going on to the next
• Avoid getting hung up on the order of
Establish a Model for Future
• Encourage open communication. No idea
is stupid.
• Take notes.
• Establish the time and place for the next
project team review meeting.
• Agree on and go over any follow-up
activities or action items.
• Assign people to follow up on tasks and
get their commitment to complete them.
Establish a Model for Future
• End the meeting on time.
• Distribute minutes to all attendees within
two business days of the meeting.
• Make sure that action items and
responsibilities are indicated in the
minutes. (This prevents project team
member amnesia.)
Other Stuff to Keep in Mind-1
• Introduce the members of the team and
their project roles.
• Review priorities for the project.
• Repeat objectives and reiterate overall
• Review individual plans for getting work
• Discuss methods and tools to be used to
manage, control and operate the project.
Other Stuff to Keep in Mind-2
• Deal with objections to the current project plan,
and try to work them out, if possible.
• If decisions must be made by the group, then:
– Discuss the problem and ask everyone for an opinion.
– Don’t allow any one person to dominate the
– Test for readiness to make a decision.
– Make the decision.
– Assign roles and responsibilities.
One-on-One Meetings
• Meet with key individuals at the beginning of a project to
make sure they have all the info they need to get started.
• Clarify the following with each individual you meet with:
Why s/he was selected for the project
Performance expectations
Individual priorities, tasks and milestones
Administrative procedures, project management tools and
methods to be used
Challenges and issues
Problem-solving processes
A schedule for future one-on-one meetings
Action items for future meetings
• Ask for questions and feedback.