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Financial Accounting: Definition, Users, & Business Types

Financial Accounting and Reporting
Introduction to Accounting
Topic 1: Definition, Nature and Purpose of
Congratulations! You have just completed Topic 1.
I prepared some activities for you to assess your learning. Please
answer/accomplish the following activity/ies
Multiple Choice:
1. Which of the following statements regarding accounting is incorrect?
a. All business transactions and events are recorded in the accounting books.
b. Although bookkeeping and accounting are interrelated, they are not the same.
c. The purpose of accounting is to provide information that is useful in making
economic decisions.
d. A transaction or event is recorded in the accounting records only if it has an effect
on the assets, liabilities, equity, income or expenses of the business.
2. Which of the following is not one of the necessary processes performed in accounting
in order to provide information that is useful to interested users?
a. Identifying
b. Summarizing
c. Recording
d. Counting
3. Accounting is described in various ways. Which of the following is not one of those
a. Accounting is a process and a service activity.
b. Accounting is a social science and a practical art.
c. Accounting is the “language of business” because it is fundamental to the
communication of financial information.
d. Accounting is the art of professionally stealing money and other evil purposes.
4. Accounting has a long history. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the history
of accounting?
a. Accounting can be traced as far back as the prehistoric times.
b. Accounting is as old as civilization and has evolved in response to economic and
social needs of men.
c. Fra Luca Pacioli is the mama of modern accounting.
d. All of these are correct.
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Introduction to Accounting
5. The main purpose of accounting is
a. to account for money so it will not be lost.
b. to provide information that is useful in making economic decisions.
c. to safeguard the assets of a company.
d. to provide a clear view of the state of the industry’s economy.
6. In accounting, the term “recording” is also called
a. journalizing.
b. communicating.
c. debiting.
d. videoing.
7. This process refers to the reporting of the information processed in the accounting
system to interested users.
a. Measuring
b. Identifying
c. Communicating
d. Classifying
8. Which of the following statements regarding the recording of events is valid?
a. Only non-accountable events are recorded in the accounting books.
b. Only accountable events are recorded in the accounting books.
c. Both non-accountable and accountable events are recorded in the accounting
d. Neither non-accountable nor accountable events are recorded in the accounting
9. Accounting has been given various definitions, which of the following is not one of
those definitions
a. Accounting is a service activity. Its function is to provide quantitative information,
primarily financial in nature, about economic entities that is intended to be useful
in making economic decisions.
b. Accounting is the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant
manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part of at
least, of a financial character and interpreting the results thereof.
c. Accounting is a systematic process of objectively obtaining and evaluating
evidence regarding assertions about economic actions and events to ascertain
the degree of correspondence between these assertions and established criteria
and communicating the results to interested users.
10. What is the primary purpose of accounting?
a. To count money.
b. To provide accounts.
c. To provide information that is intended to be useful in making economic
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Introduction to Accounting
d. To produce accountants.
Topic 2: Users of Accounting Information
Congratulations! You have just completed Topic 2.
I prepared some activities for you to assess your learning. Please
answer/accomplish the following activity/ies
1. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Financial accounting is the branch of accounting that deals with the specific needs
of an entity’s management.
b. The internal users of accounting information include management, owners and
c. The external users of accounting information include potential and existing
investors and lenders and other creditors.
d. Government accounting is the branch of accounting that deals with the analysis
of the costs of products and services.
2. These users need accounting information in order to regulate businesses that are
within the scope of their legal authority.
a. Employees
b. Creditors
c. Auditors
d. Government regulatory bodies or agencies
3. These users need accounting information in evaluating the stability of the business in
so far as their job security, future remuneration, and career growth and opportunities are
a. Employees
b. Creditors
c. Auditors
d. Regulatory authorities
4. The following are decisions made by external users except
a. whether to hold or sell investments in stocks.
b. whether or not to extend a loan to the business.
c. whether to sell goods on credit to the business.
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Introduction to Accounting
d. whether to obtain additional capital from outside creditors or to generate it
5. Which of the following users of financial information is not considered a creditor of the
a. A loan provider, such as a bank
b. A supplier that sells goods to the entity on credit
c. A customer that buys goods from the entity on credit
d. A financing company that provides the entity with machineries on a “rent-toown” basis
Topic 3 Common Branches of Accounting
Congratulations! You have just completed Topic 3.
I prepared some activities for you to assess your learning. Please
answer/accomplish the following activity/ies
1. This branch of accounting focuses on catering to the information needs of external
a. Management accounting
b. Financial accounting
c. Auditing
d. External accounting
2. It is the branch of accounting that involves the careful analysis of economic events
and other variables to understand their impact on decisions.
a. Accounting education
b. Cost accounting
c. Accounting research
d. Tax accounting
3. It is the process of objectively evaluating evidence and expressing an opinion
regarding the correspondence between management’s assertions and established
a. Accounting education
b. Auditing
c. Accounting research
d. Tax accounting
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Introduction to Accounting
4. The branch of accounting that deals with providing financial information to external
decision makers is
a. Public accounting.
b. Government accounting.
c. Financial accounting.
d. Managerial accounting.
5. Without this branch of accounting, there will be no accountants
a. Public accounting.
b. Government accounting.
c. Accounting education.
d. Managerial accounting
Topic 4: Forms of Business Organization
Congratulations! You have just completed Topic 4.
I prepared some activities for you to assess your learning. Please
answer/accomplish the following activity/ies
A. Sole Proprietorship
TRUE 1. The owner is the only boss and you keep all the profits.
_TRUE 2. Although it is easier to form, it may be more difficult to raise financing.
_FALSE_3. It has unlimited life.
_FALSE _4. It has limited liability.
B. Partnership
___TRUE__ 1. Compared to a sole proprietorship, risks are spread out over more than
one owner.
FALSE__2. Compared to a cooperative, the business organization is driven more
towards the earning of profit.
___TRUE__3. Compared to a corporation, it is easier to form because of fewer legal
__FALSE___ 4. Compared to a corporation, it has an unlimited life and an unlimited
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Introduction to Accounting
Topic 5: Types of Business According to
Congratulations! You have just completed Topic 5.
I prepared some activities for you to assess your learning. Please
answer/accomplish the following activity/ies.
Make a Table of Comparison about Service, Merchandising, and Manufacturing
Activities of a Business.
Selling other
time, skills, and
personnel and
selling their
Merchandising/Trading Purchasing and
selling goods
Designing goods,
and putting
them all togeth
Purchasing a
wide range of
raw materials
and produced
items and
combining them,
making them
accessible for
sale in places
close to their
clients or online
for delivery
Sari-sari store
Converting raw
resources into
final products by
means of
machinery and
Department store
Food processing
Product assembly
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Introduction to Accounting