Section II Bare Aluminum Wire and Cable Chapter 4 Product Identification and Data This chapter supplements Chapter 3 with tables of mechanical and electrical properties of specified sizes of commercially available bare conductors. Some of the bare­ conductor data is also applicable to conductors that are covered with weather-resistant materials. which provide moderate protection against corrosion and abrasion but have no voltage rating, Further information regarding weather-resistant coverings is in Chapters 7 and 8. Serricc Application of Bare Conducrors The tvpicat electric power svstem has many applications for bare stranded conductors, from the strain bus at the generation plant substation through the transmission con­ ductors and overhead ground wires to the distribution sys­ tem and the neutrals for service drops. Product Classification of Bare Aluminum Conductors ACSR/TW (Shaped Wire): 1350-H19 Trapezoidal wire ACAR (Aluminum Conductor Alloy Reinforced): 1350-H19 and Strands of 6201-T81 Aluminum-Clad Steel Wire and Strand 3. Expanded core designs for EHV generally use 1350­ H19 strands for conductance along with steel rein­ forcement. Expansion is by open helices of aluminum wires, flexible concentric tubes or combinations of aluminum wires and fibrous ropes. No tables of properties of EHV cables are included herein because each project requires special analysis, and design practice is not as yet standardized. A typical exam­ ple of an expanded-core cable is shown in Fig. 3-6. NOle: The tlbove list comprises cond"Jctofs that ordinarily are installed in :,are condition: that is. without covering or it'lSuJa tion. As a convenience, tables also are included in this chapter thut list modificutions of (he hnsic bare conduetOfs which ordi­ narily are to be covered or inSUlated before use. Thus, all~alumiw num condLlctors listed as with B. C. and D strandin!! ore usually covered or insulated when in use, though may be bare for short lengths in apparatus, terminal leads, etc. M The alloy and conductor-type designations used for bare aluminum conductors are described in Chapter 3. They arC summarized below to aid reference to the: various tables herein: 1. Homogeneous designs ofaluminum conductor consists of: AAC (see Aluminum Conductor): 1350-H19 (Standard Round of Compact Round) AACrrW (Shaped Wire): l380-H19 (Trapezoidal wire) AAAC (see Aluminum Alloy Conductor): 6201-T8l 2. Composite designs of aluminum conductor consist of: ACSR (Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced): l350-H19 Aluminum strands with: Class A (Standard Weight) Coated Galvanized Steel Core (ACSR) ACSR (Compact Round): 1350-H19 Strand. Outside diameter reduced after stranding. Tables 4-26 and 4-27 covering Aluminum Unilay 19 wire conductors and the 8000 series Aluminum Alloy conduc­ tors are included in this chapter in order to list the details of the various strandings for the bare condition. For information on their eventual applications reference should be made to the chapters in Section 3 on "Covered and Insulated Wire and Cable." Product Identification For ease of reference. many of the various conductors are identified not only by size and description. but also by an industry code word, as registered with The Alumi­ num Association. The word may be that of a bird, flower, fish. etc. to which a suffix may be added to denote product variations. Other designations associated with the con­ ductor such as AAC, AAAC, ACSR, ACAR. and the 4·1 bare aluminum wire and cable alloy temper designations, such as 1350-H19 and 6201­ T81, have been explained in previous chapters. Use of the code word system and possible variations is described in the Aluminum Association pUblication "Code Words for Aluminum Electrical Conductors." Common practice in conductor designation utilizes as­ sumptions and abbreviations. A. For 1350 aluminum, the Hl9 temper is assumed. For 6201 alloy, the T81 temper is assumed. For ACSR, the core is assumed to have standard­ weight galvanized class A steel core and 1350-HI9 aluminum wires. B. Suffix notations that designate other than what is implied in A (above): For 1350-aluminum and Temper (for physical properties, see Table 1-1) 1350-0 designates fully annealed wire. 1350-H12 and -H22 designate \<i-hard wire. 1350-H14 and -H24 designate V,-hard wire. type ofconductor than ordinarily would be expected. This comes about because replacement ofone type ofconductor by another is facilitated if they have equal dc resistance, or if their outside diameters are equai. Thus, the odd-size 477.0 kcmil 1350-HI9 aluminum conductor has approxi­ mately the same dc resistance as 300.0 kcmil copper, and the 795.0 kcmil conductor corresponds to 500.0 kcmil copper. Similarly, some AAAC and ACAR conductors are sized for diameter equivalence with certain sizes of ACSR. The wide range of breaking strengths of a given size of ACSR because of variations of steel-to-aluminum ratios also adds to the conductors available for transmission line design. The trend in recent years, however, is toward reducing the number of generally available sizes that are based on equivalence with other conductors, and SOme larger-than­ AWG all-aluminum conductois are now sized on the basis of 50,000 emil increments. Hence each is not exactly the equivalent of any other type of conductor as to conduc­ tance Or diameter. 1350-H 16 and -H26 designate %-hard wire. For ACSR GB designates Class B galvanized steel core wire. GC designates Class C galvanized steel core wire. AZ designates aluminized steel core wire. AW designates aiuminllm-clad steel core wire. "Camp" designates compact stranding. Technical Data and Catalog In/ormalion The construction and properties of many kinds of bare aluminum conductors are covered by individual ASTM specifications and unless otherwise noted, data in this chapter are based on these specifications. Specification numbers and descriptions at time of this publication are shown in Table 4-1. Individual ASTM Specifications and a book, ASTM volume 02.03 Electrical Conductors, which includes all specifications pertaining to Metallic Electrical Conductors, are available at moderate cost from ASTM. * Size Relationships The tables of properties of aluminum conductors herein show a larger number of sizes within a given range and 4·2 • 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 product identification and dolo LIST OF TABLES IN CHAPTER 4 4, 1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 4-24 4-25 4-26 4-27 Titles and Numbers of ASTM Specifications for Bare Aluminum Conductors Conductor Metals. Physical and Electrical Constants Aluminum Wire Data. Tensile Strength and Elongation Solid Round 1350 Aluminum Wires. Physical, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties. AAC All-Aluminum 1350-H19 Stranded Conductors. Physical and Mechanical Properties. AAC Electrical Properties of Conductors listed in Table 4-5 AAC All-Aluminum 1350-H19 Stranded Conductors. Physical and Electrical Properties for Even kcmil Sizes AAC All-Aluminum 1350 of Various Hardnesses in Class B, C, and D Strandings. Physical and Mechanical Properties AAC All-Aluminum 1350-HI9 Compact Round Conductors. Physical and Electrical Properties AAC,TW Shaped Wire Compact Conductors in Fixed Diameter Increments. Physical and Electrical Properties AAClTW Shaped Wire Compact Conductors. Areas Equal to Standard AAC Sizes. Physical and Electrical Properties AAAC AU-.'\luminum Alloy Conductors 6201-T81 to ACSR Diameters. Physical and Electrical Properties AAAC All-Aluminum Alloy Conductors 6201-T81 for Even AWG and kcmil Sizes. Physical and Electrical Properties ACSR Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Galvanized A, B, and C and Aluminized (AZ) Core Sizes ACSR Conductors Single-Layer sizes. Electrical Properties ACSR Conductors Multi-Layer sizes. Electrical Properties ACSRJAW Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum-Clad Steel Reinforced. Physical and Electrical Properties ACSR Compact Round Conductors. Physical and Electrical Properties ACSRlTW Shaped Wire Compact Conductors. Steel Reinforced, Sized to Standard ACSR Areas. Physical Properties ACSRfIW Shaped Wire Compact Conductors. Steel Reinforced, Sized to Standard ACSR Areas. Electrical Properties ACSRfTW Shaped Wire Compact Conductors. Steel Reinforced, Sized to Have Diameters Equal to Standard ACSR. Physical Properties ACSRfTW Shaped Wire Compact Conductors. Steel Reinforced, Sized to Have Diameters Equal to Standard ACSR. Electrical Properties ACAR Aluminum Conductor Alloy Reinforced. Physical and Electrical Properties AW Aluminum-Clad Wire and Strand. Physical and Electrical Properties AWAC Aluminum Conductors with Aluminum Clad Steel Wires as Reinforcement. Physical and Electrical Properties AAC All-Aluminum 1350 Combination Unilay 19 Wire Stranded Conductors. Physical and Electrical Properties AAAC AU-Aluminum Alloy Conductors 8XXX Series. Physical and Electrical Properties 4·3 bare aluminum wire and cable TABLE 4-1 ASTM Standard Specifications for Bare Aluminum Conductors Standard No. B 230 B 231 B 232 B 258 B 341 B 3% B 397 B 398 B 399 B 400 B 401 B 415 B 416 B 498 B 500 B 502 B 524 B 549 B 606 B 609 B 682 B 701 B 711 B 778 B 779 B 786 B 800 B 801 4-4 Aluminum 1350-H19 Wire for Electrical Purposes Aluminum 1350 Conductors, Concentric-Lay-Stranded (AAC) Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Coated, Steel-Reinforced (ACSR) Standard Nominal Diameters and Cross-sectional Areas of Solid Round Wires Aluminum-Coated (Aluminized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSRIAZ) Aluminum-Alloy 5OOS-HI9 Wire for Electrical Purposes Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum-Alloy 5OO5-H19 Conductors Aluminum-Alloy 6201-T81 Wire for Electrical Purposes Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum-Alloy 6201-TSI Conductors Compact Round Concentric-Lay-Stranded 1350 Aluminum Conductors Compact Round Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSRlCOMP) Hard-Drawn Aluminum-Clad Steel Wire Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum-Clad Steel Conductors Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) Stranded Steel Core for Aluminum Conductor, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized), Steel-Reinforced (ACSR) Aluminum-Clad Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum-Clad Steel-Reinforced Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum Alloy Reinforced (ACAR and 1350/6201) Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum Clad Steel-Reinforced, (ACSRlAW) High-Strength Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Conductors, Steel Reinforced Aluminum 1350 Round Wire, Annealed and Intermediate Tempers for Electrical Purposes Standard Metric Sizes of Electrical Conductors Concentric-Lay-Stranded Self-Damping Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSRlSD) Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum-Alloy Conductors, Steel Reinforced (AACSR) (6201) Shaped Wire Compact Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors (AAClTW) Shaped Wire Compact Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors. Steel Reinforced (ACSRITW) 19 Wire Combination Unilay-Stranded Aluminum 1350 Conductors 8XXX Series Aluminum Alloy Wire for Electrical Purposes Aluminum Alloy 8XXX Concentric-Lay-Stranded Conductors for Subsequent Covering or Insulation product identification and data TABLE 4-2 Conductor Metals· Physical and Electrical Constants I 1350-H19 Aluminum 8000-H12 -H22 Aluminum 6201-T81 Alumimum Min, average conductivity, percent lACS at 2O"C 61,2 61,0 Max, average resistance at 2O"C Ohm-cmil/It 16,946 Temp, coefficient of resistance per degree C at 2O"C 25% Aiuminum-Ciad SteeIAW" HD Copper Galvanized Steel 52,5 96,16 8,0 20,3 17,002 19,755 10,785 129,64 51.01 0,00404 0,00403 0,00347 0,00378 0,00290 0,0036 Density at 2(rC'" Grams per cubic centimeter Lb, per cubiC inch 2.705 0,0975 2.710 0,098 2,690 0,097 8,89 0,321 7.78 0.281 6,59 0,2381 Coefficient of Linear Expansion per degree F 0,0000128 0,0000128 0,0000128 0,0000094 0,0000064 0,0000072 Modulus of Elasticity, Solid Wire Approximate, Lb, per sq, in, 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 17,000,000 29,000,000 23,500,000 I i "Drawn or finished wire. "'Note: Aluminumwclad steel wire is being produced typically in a grade with the concentric aluminum covering comprising 25% of the sectional area of the wire and a guaranteed minimum thickness of 10% of the wire radius. u"'For the purpose of calculating weights. cross~ 4-5 bare aluminum wire and coble TABLE 4-3 Aluminum Wire Data Tensile Strength and Elongation (ASTM Specifications) 1350-H19 Aluminum (8230) 6201-TBl (8398) I---------~~-----_+-~--------__r- Tensile Strength ksi Wire Diameter (Inches) Average for Lot Individual Test Elongation in 10" for Indiv. Test&-Min. % 0.2600 to 0.2101 23.5 22.5 2.2 0.2100 to 0.1801 24.0 23.0 2.0 0.1878 to 0.1801 Tensile Strength ksi Average for Lot ..----­ Elongation in 1()" for IndlY. Tests-Min. % Individual Test I 46.0 44.0 3.0 0.1800 to 0.1501 24.0 23.0 1.9 46.0 44.0 3.0 0.1500 to 0.1401 24.5 23.5 1.8 46.0 44.0 3.0 46.0 44.0 3.0 48.0 46.0 3.0 0.1400 to 0.1328 0.1400 to 0.1201 25.0 23.5 1.7 0.1327 to 0.1201 0.1200 to 0.1101 25.5 23.5 1.7 48.0 46.0 3.0 0.1100 to 0.1001 26.0 24.5 1.5 48.0 46.0 3.0 0.1 000 to 0.0901 27.0 25.5 1.5 48.0 46.0 3.0 0.0800 to 0.0701 28.0 26.5 1.4 48.0 46.0 3.0 to 0.0601 28.5 0.0600 to 0.0501 29.0 0.0500 to 0.0105 25.0 ~;.~ 0.0700 to 0.0612 0.Q700 4·6 --,-_ _ 23_.0_ .... 4_6~'0~_Li 48.0 ::: .L-I_ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ L-_ _ m I .3_'0_ _ product identification and data TABLE 4-4 Solid Round 1350 Aluminum Wires Sizes, Weights, de Resistance, and Nominal Breaking Strength Area 1350 Aluminum Wire dc Resist- : I ance Wire Size AWG 0000 000 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Wire Diam­ eter Inches 0,4600 0.4096 0.3648 0.3249 0.2893 , 0.2576 0.2294 0.2043 0.1819 0.1620 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 Circular Square Mils Inches 211,600 I 0.1662 167,800 , 0.1318 133,100 ' 0.1045 105,600 0.08291 83,690 , 0.06573 66,360 52,620 41,740 33,090 26,240 , 20,820 16,510 13,090 10,380 8,230 0.01635 0.01297 0.01028 0.00816 0.00648 61.07 48.43 38.41 30.45 24.15 19.16 15.20 12.04 9.556 7.57 6,530 5,180 4,110 3,260 2,580 0.00513 0.00407 0.00323 0.00256 0.00203 6.01 4.77 3.78 3.00 2.38 2,050 1,620 1,290 1,020 812 0.00161 0.00128 0.00101 0.000804 0.000638 0.0253 0.0226 0.0201 I 0.0179 0.0159 640 511 404 320 253 0.000503 0.000401 0.000017 0.000252 0.000199 0.0142 0.0126 0.0113 I 202 0.000158 159 0.000125 128 I 0.000100 0.1443 0,1285 I 0.1144 0.1019 0.0907 0.0808 0.0720 0.0641 0.0571 0.0508 17 : 0.0453 0.0403 18 19 ; 0.0359 20 I 0.0320 0.0285 21 23 per Weight Per Mile 1,000 It at 2O"C Ib i Ohms 194.7 0.4228 ! 154.4 0.5333 0.6723 122.5 97.15 0.8476 77.03 I 1.0691 0.05212 0.04133 0.03278 0.02599 0.02061 : 1.348 1.700 2.144 2.704 3.409 I ! 4.297 5.419 6.837 8.617 10.876 13.70 17.26 21.78 27.44 34.67 i I 43.60 1.890 1,495 55.09 69.42 1.186 87.38 0.942 110.2 0.748 139.8 0.589 0.470 175.2 0.372 221.5 0.295 ! 279.3 353.9 0.233 443.7 0.196 0.146 553.6 0.118 700.7 ! , Nominal Breaking Strength Ib Threequarter Full Hard Hard 1350-H16 1350-H19 I 1350-H26 3822 2825 2241 3031 1777 2404 1409 1907 1117 1512 1225 971.3 786.8 623.7 494.7 400.7 324.2 262.1 212.0 174.4 I , 141.00 114.00 91.97 74.26 58.78 40.29 31.89 25.31 20.11 15.95 12.57 10.03 7.93 6.29 4.96 3.96 3.12 2.51 I I I ! I 886.0 702.6 557.3 441.8 350.4 278.0 220.5 174.8 138.6 109.8 87.21 69.19 54.91 43.52 34.51 27.37 21.76 17.17 13.67 10.85 8.551 6.817 5.389 4.284 3.383 2.686 2.125 1.700 : I i ! ! : OneGeometric half Mean Hard Radius 1350-H14 GMR 135O-H24 It 0.0149 2493 1977 , 0.0133 0.0118 1568 1244 0.Q105 0.00939 986.0 781.8 820.0 491.7 389.9 309.2 245.3 194,6 154.2 122.3 96.9 76.95 61.05 48.45 38.40 30.45 0.00836 0.00744 0.00663 0.00590 0.00526 0.00468 0.00417 0.00371 0.00331 0.00294 ! 24.15 19.20 15.15 12.06 9.57 0.00262 0.00234 0.00208 0.00185 0.00165 0.00147 0.00131 0.00116 0.00104 0.00092 7.545 6.015 4.755 3.780 2.965 0.00082 0.00073 0.00065 0.00058 0.00052 2.370 1.875 1,500 0.00046 0,00041 0.00037 I 1. Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances. 2. Breaklng strength value of 1350~H19 are based on minimum average tensile strength of ASTM B 230. 3. Three~Quarter (3J4) and half hard wife shaJl not break at a value less than shown above. These strengths are based on minimum of 17,000 psi for 3/4 hard and 15,000 psi for half hard. Published values above take into account nominal wire area. 4. Electncal resistance is baS<ld on the electrical conductivity of 61.2% lACS. 4·7 bare aluminum wire and coble TABLE 4-5 All-Aluminum Concentric-Lay Class AA and A Stranded Bare Conductors Area, Weight, and Strength of AWG and kcmil Sizes Physical Properties 1350-H19 ASTM B 231 Bold face code words indicate sizes most otten used. • Code Word Peachbell Rose Iris ; Pansy 6 4 2 1 Poppy Aster Phlox Oxlip Daisy 266.8 Laurel Tulip Canna Cosmos Syringa 266.8 336.4 397.5 477.0 477.0 I 556.5 556.5 636.0 715.5 715.5 Arbutus lilac 795.0 795.0 874.5 874.5 954.0 Anemone ; Goldenrod Bluebell Larkspur Marigold Hawthorn 954.0 1,033.5 1,033.5 1,113.0 1,192.5 Narcissus Columbine Carnation Gladiolus Coreopsis 1,272.0 1,351.5 1,.131.0 1,510.5 1,590.0 A A A,AA A,AA A,AA A,AA A,AA A,AA AA 1/0 210 3/0 4/0 Dahlia Mistletoe Orchid Violet Nasturtium Crocus MagnOlia I Total Size i Stranding AWG or kcmil : Class ! i ; ; A A A,AA AA A AA A A,AA AA A i I I I ! , AA A AA A AA A AA A A,AA A,AA ! ! A,AA A,AA A.AA A,AA AA Wire ! Number : Diameter of Wires ; in. : 0.0612 0.0772 0.0974 0.1093 0.184 0.232 0,292 0,328 0.02OS 0.0328 0.0521 0.OS57 0,1228 0.1379 0.1548 0.1739 0.1952 0,368 0.414 0,464 0.522 0,586 0,0829 0.1045 0.1318 0,1662 0.2095 19 19 19 19 37 0.1185 0.1331 0.1447 0,1584 0.1135 : 0,593 0.666 0.724 0,792 0.795 0.2095 0.2844 0.3122 0.3744 0.3744 19 37 37 37 61 ! 0.1711 0.866 0,858 0.918 0.974 0.975 0.4371 0.4371 0.4995 0.5620 0.5620 521.4 521.3 596.0 671.0 671.0 1,026 1.028 1,077 1,078 1.124 0.6244 0.6244 0.6868 0.6666 0.7493 745.3 745.7 820.3 820.6 894,5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 37 61 37 61 37 I I ! Weight per 1000 It Ib Conductor I Area Diameter : in. Square in. : : 0.1226 0.1311 0,1391 0.1083 0.1466 ! 0.1142 0.1538 0.1198 0.1606 I : 61 37 61 61 61 0.1251 0.1672 0.1302 0.1351 I 0,1398 1.126 1,170 1.172 1.216 1.258 61 61 61 61 61 0.1444 0.1489 0.1532 0.1574 0.1615 1.300 1.340 1.379 1.417 1,454 ! ; : ; 0.7493 0.8117 0.8117 0.8741 0.9366 0,9990 1.062 1.124 1.186 1.249 ! I ! , ! I ! 24.S 39.1 62,2 78,4 Rated Strength Ib ! 583 881 1,350 1,640 98.9 124.8 157.2 198.4 250.2 1,990 2,510 3.040 3,830 4,830 250,1 315.5 372.9 446.8 446.8 4,970 6,150 7,110 8,300 8,690 ! ! 9,750 9,940 11,400 12,800 13,100 13,900 14,300 15,000 15,800 16,400 894.8 966.4 969.2 1044 1117 16,900 17,700 18,300 19,700 21,100 1192 1266 1342 1417 1489 22,000 23,400 24,300 25,600 27,000 .~-- 1. Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances. 2. Class AA stranding is usually specified for bare conductors used on overhead lines. Class A stranding is usually specified for conductors to be covered with weatheNesistant (weatherproof) materials and used for bare conductors where greater flexibility is required than afforded by Class AA The direction of lay of the outside layer of wires with Class AA and Class A will be right~hand, unless otherwise specified. 4-8 product identification and data TABLE 4-6 All-Aluminum Concentric-Lay Class AA and A Stranded Bare Conductors Electrical Properties of Sizes Listed in Table 4-5 135()'H19 ASTM B 231 Bold face code words indicate sizes most often used, Phase-to-Neutra! 60 Hz Reactance at One fI Spacing Resistance ae-60hz de SO'C 75'C Ohmsl Mile Ohmsl Mile .2,232 ; 1,402 1.114 3.903 2.453 1,541 1,224 4,255 2,674 1.680 1,334 0,8646 1°,682 0,6856 .0,700 0,5441 . 0.556 0,4311 i 0.441 0,3418 I 0,350 0.970 0.769 0,611 0.484 ! 0,384 1,057 0,838 0.665 0.528 0.419 0,0111 0,0125 0,0140 0,0155 ; 0,0177 I 0,350 I 0,384 . 0.278 0.235 0,197 0,197 • 0,305 0,258 0.216 0.216 0.419 0,332 0,282 0,235 0,235 0,0187 0,0210 • 0,0228 . 0,0250 i 0,0254 2O'C 25'C Size Code Word i AWG or kcmil Ohmsl .Ohmsl Mile i MUe Peachbell Rose Iris Pansy 3,481 2,188 1,374 1,091 Poppy Aster Phlox Oxlip Daisy Laurel Tulip Canna Cosmos Syringa Dahlia Mistletoe Orchid Violet Nasturtium Arbutus Lilac Anemone Crocus Magnolia Goldenrod Bluebell Larkspur Marigold Hawthorn 6 4 2 1 i I i I ! I ! I i I Narcissus Columbine Carnation Gladiolus Coreopsis I i 110 210 3/0 410 266.8 268.8 336.4 397,5 477.0 477.0 556,5 556,5 836,0 715,5 715,5 0,3421 0,2711 ; 0,2294 0,1914 i 0.1915 I 0,1641 1272,0 1351,5 1431,0 1510,5 1590,0 0.1435 0,1275 0,1276 0,169 0,169 0.149 0,132 0,133 0,1148 0.1147 0,1043 0,1043 0,09563 i 0120 0,120 0,109 0,109 0,101 I 0,1641 i 795,0 795,0 874,5 874.5 954,0 954,0 1033.5 1033,5 1113,0 1192,5 I 3,551 i 0,09560 I 0,101 0,08823 • 0,0933 0,08826 . 0.0933 ! 0,08197 0,0872 0.Q7655 0,0819 ; I 0,07175 0.06748 0,06375 . 0.00039 0,06736 I I 0,07721 0.0731 0,0695 . 0,0663 0,0634 Inductive Capacitive Ohms/Mile X. i Megohm-Miles X'• fI 0,00555 . 0,00700 ; 0,00883 0,00991 ; i i i i 0,630 0,602 0,574 0,550 0,145 0,138 0,131 0,127 0,546 0,532 0.518 0,504 0.489 0,124 0,120 0,117 0,114 0,110 0.483 0.469 0,459 0.448 0.446 i ! 0,110 0,106 0,104 0,101 0,101 ; 0,186 0,186 0,153 0,145 0,145 0,202 0,202 0,177 0,158 0,158 0.0270 0,0275 0,0294 0,0312 0,0314 0,131 0.131 0,120 0,120 0,110 0,142 0,142 0,130 0,130 0,120 0,0328 0,0331 0,0344 0,0347 0,0360 ! ! GMR ! I i 0.438 0,436 0.428 0.421 0.420 0,0989 0,0988 0,0968 0,0951 0,0950 0.415 0.414 0.409 0.408 0,403 0,0935 0,0935 0,0921 0,0920 0,0906 ! i , 0.110 0,102 0,102 0,0951 0,0893 0,119 0,0362 0,111 0,0374 0,0377 0.111 0,103 0,0391 0,0968 ; 0,0405 0.403 0,399 0,398 0,393 0,389 0,0841 0,0795 0,0756 0.0720 0,0668 0,0911 0,0881 0,0817 0,0778 0,0743 0,385 0,381 0,378 0.375 0,372 0,0418 0,0431 0,0444 0,0456 0,0468 I i I I 0,0908 0,0896 0,0896 0,0885 0,0875 0,0865 0,0856 0,0847 0,0839 0,0832 1, Direct current (de) resistance is based on 16,946 ohm-cmilfft at 20"C for 1350 aluminum nominal area of conductor with standard stranding increments ASTM 6231, 2. Altemating current (ae) resistance is based on de resistance corrected for temperature, using 0.00404 as temperature coefficjent of resistMty per degrees C" at 20~ and for skin effect 3. For ampacity ratings of bare conductors, see Ftg. 3--11 and 3~12. 4-9 - r TABLE 4-7 "'•" All-Aluminum Concentric-Lay Class AA and A Bare Stranded Conductors 1350-H19 ASTM B 231 Physical and Electrical Properties of Even kcmi! Sizes C) -, Bold face code words indicate sizes most otten used. --. .. I I Phase-to-Neutral 60 Hz Reactance atOne Foot Spacing Resistance 80-60 Hz Weight , de Total Wire Conductor per Rated Ohmsp 75 er 1 °C Size Stranding Number Diameter Diameter Area 1000 ft Strength Mile Ohms/Ohmsl Ohms! GMR kcmll Class of Wires in. In. Mile Mile Mile Ib Sq.ln. Ib 20°C ft I 25"C 15O'C 1 Code Word Q § - .. r' ..... r-' ........ r' .._...- ----- ---- Sneezewort Valerian Peony Daffodil 250 250 300 350 AA A A A 7 19 19 19 0.1890 0.1147 0.1257 0.1357 0.567 0.574 0.629 0.679 0.1964 '0.1964 0.2356 0.2749 234.4 234.3 281.4 327.9 4,520 4,660 5,480 6,390 0.3650 0.3651 0.3040 0.2509 GOldentuft Zinnia HyaCinth Meadowsweet 450 500 500 600 AA 19 19 37 37 0.1539 0.1622 0.1162 0.1273 0.770 0.811 0.813 0.891 0.3534 0.3927 0.3927 0.4712 421.8 468.5 468.3 562.0 7,890 8,760 9,110 10,700 Verbena Flag Petunia Cattail 700 700 750 750 AA 37 61 37 61 0.1375 0.1071 0.1424 0.1109 0.963 0.964 0.997 0.998 0.5498 0.5498 0.5890 0.5890 655.7 655.8 703.2 703.2 12,500 12,900 13,100 13,500 0.267 0.410 0.410 0.342 0.294 0.2028 0.1826 0.1827 0.1522 0.209 0.188 0.188 0.157 0.229 0.206 0.206 0.172 0.249 0.225 0.225 0.188 0.0243 0.0256 0.0260 0.0285 0.451 0.445 0.443 0.432 0.102 0.101 0.100 0.0977 0.1305 0.1304 0.121E 0.1217 0.135 0.127 0.127 0.148 0.139 0.139 0.'" ~". 0.161 0.161 0.151 0.151 0.0308 0.0310 0.0319 0.0321 0.422 0.421 0.418 0.0954 0.0954 0.0944 0.0943 0.1014 0.1014 0.116 0.116 0.105 0.105 0.126 0.126 0.114 0.114 0.0349 0.0352 0.0368 0.0371 0.407 0.0913 2 0.106 0.106 0.0963 0.0964 0.0521 4 0.045E 6 0.036e 9 0.0307 2 0.0585 0.0525 0.0446 0.0392 0.0634 0.0567 0.0479 0.0418 0.0683 0.0609 0.0512 0.0445 0.0490 0.0526 0.0588 0.0646 0.373 0373 0.311 ----- AA A AA,A Shunt Inductive Capacitive Ohms per Megohm­ Mile X. Miles X'. 0.447 0.447 0.372 0.320 r' ...... 0.0171 0.0181 0.0198 0.0214 _ 0.493 0.487 0.476 0.466 0.111 0.111 0.108 0.106 .... 'j-' A AA A - ... Cockscomb Snapdragon Hawkweed Camellia 900 900 1,000 1,000 Jessamine 1,750 2,000 2,500 3,000 Cowslip lupine Trillium AA A AA A AA A A A f--.. .- Bluebonnet 3,500 A ........ r' .._.... ._. . . .- 37 61 37 61 0.1560 0.1215 0.1644 0.1280 1.092 1.094 1.151 1.152 61 91 91 127 0.1694 0.1482 0.1657 0.1537 1.525 .- 127 1.630 1.823 1.998 1---.- f - - 0.1660 2.158 ----- 0.7096 0.7069 0.7854 0.7854 .. 1---. 1.374 1.570 1.002 2.350 ----- 844.0 644.0 937.3 936.8 15,400 15,900 17,200 17,700 1-- 0.091~ 6 ----- 1641 1873 2365 2640 29,700 34,200 41,900 50,300 2.749 3345 58,700 00417 00406 0.401 0.400 0,0917 0.0916 0.0901 0.0901 - 0.0265 ----- ~ut;;:;;~5;t~ ;3791;04021 0.0697 .. ..'---­ 0.332 0.0818 0.0798 0.0765 0.0737 0.323 0.0715 0.366 0.357 0.344 ~ 1. Data shOwn are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances, 3, Direct current (de) resislance is based on 16.946 ohm-cmilJft at 20~ for nominal area of 2. Class AA slranding is usually specified for bare condUctors used on overhead lines. Class the conductor with standard stranding increments ASTM B 231. A stranding is usually speCified tor conductors to be covered with weather-resistant 4. AltemaUng current (sc) resistance is basad on dc resistance corrected for tempefature, (weatherproof) materials and for bare conductors where greater flexibility is required than using 0.00404 as temperature coeffiCient of resistivity per degrees C" al 20"C and for afforded by Class AA. The direction of lay of the outside layer of wires with Class AA and skin effect 5. For ampacity ratings of bare conductors, see Figs. 3-11 and 3-12. Class A will be right-hand unless otherwise specified. ~. 'S. i'il Q a. 8 If product identification and data TABLE 4-8 All-Aluminum Concentric-Lay Class B, C, and D Stranded Bare Conductors Physical Properfies-ASTM B 231 1350-H19 (Hard Drawn); 13S0-H16 & -H26 (3/4 Hard); 13SD-H14 8. -H24 (112 Hard) Direct current (de) resistance is the same as given in Tables 4-6 and 4~7 for corresponding sizes; ac resistance and reaciance may be taken as the values for Class A conductors of equivalent size, as the slight difference caused by stranding variation is not significant in usual engineering calculations. For ampaclty ratings of bare conductors, interpolate from Figs. 3~11 and 3-12. Stranding Conductor Size Number and Dis. of Wires, in. AWG or Square Inches kcmil 6 6 6 0.0206 0.0207 0.0206 4 4 4 0.0328 0.0328 0.0328 2 2 2 I 0.0522 0.0521 0.0522 1 1 1 0.0658 0.0658 0.0658 110 0.0828 0.0828 0.0829 1/0 liG I Class I I I ! 0.184 0.186 0.186 B C 7xO.0772 19xO.0469 37xO.0336 0.232 0.235 0.235 B C D 7xO.0974 19><0.0591 37xO.0424 0.292 0.296 0.297 B C 19><0.0664 37xO.0476 61xO.0370 0.332 0.333 0.333 19xO.0745 37xO.0534 61xO.0416 0.373 0.374 0.374 D I B C D I Weigh! per in. B C D I Rated Strength Ib CondUelor Dia., 7xO.0612 19><0.0372 37xO.0266 D -" I 1350-H26 135D-H16 1350-H19 135O-H24 1350-H14 ! 563 480 468 336 326 318 297 287 280 24.6 24.6 24.6 I 681 783 746 535 519 508 472 458 446 39.1 39.1 39.1 1350 1405 1188 851 824 807 751 727 713 1740 1500 1480 1040 1020 1000 918 898 886 78.4 78.4 78.4 2160 2190 1870 1310 1280 1270 1160 1130 1120 98.9 98.9 98.9 1650 1620 1600 1460 1430 1410 1840 1800 1780 157.2 157.2 157.2 198.4 198.4 198.4 i I i ! I 2/0 2/0 210 0.1045 0.1046 0.1045 B C D 19xO.0837 37xO.0600 61xO.0467 0,419 0.420 0.420 2670 2760 2350 310 310 0.1319 0.1316 0.1315 B C D 19xO.0940 37xO.0673 61xO.0524 0.470 0.471 0.472 3310 3410 3430 2080 2040 2010 410 0.1661 0.1661 0.1662 B C D 19><0.1055 37xO.0756 61xO.0589 0.528 0.529 0.530 4020 4230 4340 2630 2570 2540 2320 2270 2240 250 250 250 0.1964 0.1982 0.1962 B C D 37xO.0822 61xO.0640 91xO.0524 0.575 0.576 0.576 4910 5030 5070 3040 3000 2970 2680 2650 2620 300 B C D 37xO.0900 61xO.0701 91x0.0574 0.630 0.631 0.631 5890 5930 6080 3640 300 0.2354 0.2354 0.2355 350 350 350 0.2751 0.2745 0.2747 B 37xO.0973 61xO.0757 91xO.0620 0.681 0.681 0.682 6760 6920 6970 4260 4200 4160 3/0 4/0 4/0 300 I i ! (See foonotes at end of table.) C D I I I 1,000 It Ib I I . I 3210 3180 3140 3600 3580 I I i 3760 3710 3670 ! ! I i 62.2 62.2 62.2 124.8 124.8 124.8 234.3 234.3 234.3 ! 281.4 281.4 281.4 327.9 327.6 327.9 (Continued) 4-11 bare aluminum wire and cable TABLE 4-8 (Continued) Stranding Conductor Size kcmil Square Inches 400 400 400 0.3143 0.3143 0.3141 C 450 450 450 0.3535 0.3535 0.3532 C 500 500 500 0.3924 0.3924 0.3924 C 550 550 550 0.4324 0.4315 0.4318 C 600 600 600 0.4714 0.4712 0.4707 C 650 650 650 0.5102 0.5103 0.5099 C 700 700 700 0.5495 0.5497 0.5491 C 750 750 750 0.5892 0.5892 0.5883 C 800 800 800 0.6281 0.6288 0.6288 C 900 900 900 0.7072 0.7061 0.7071 C 1000 1000 1000 0.7849 0.7850 0.7847 C 1100 1100 1100 0.8632 0.8644 0.8644 C 1200 1200 1200 0.9419 0.9423 0.9431 C Class (See foonotes at end of table.) 4-12 B D B D B D B D B D B D B D B D B D B D B D B D B D Rated Strength Ib Number and Dia. Of Wires, in. Conductor Ola., in. 1350-H26 1350-H16 1350-H24 1350-H14 1,000 It 1350-H19 37xO.l040 61xO.0810 91xO.0663 0.728 0.729 0.729 7440 7780 7970 4860 4810 4750 4290 4240 4190 375.7 375.7 375.7 37xO.ll03 61xO.0859 91xO.0703 0.772 0.773 0.773 8200 8750 8800 5470 5410 5340 4830 4770 4720 421.8 421.8 421.8 37xO.1162 61xO.0905 91xO.0741 0.813 0.815 0.815 9110 9540 9780 6070 6000 5940 5360 5300 5240 468.3 468.3 468.3 61xO.0950 91xO.0777 127xO.0658 0.855 0.855 0.855 10500 10800 11000 6620 6530 6530 5840 5760 5760 516.2 516.2 516.2 61xO.0992 91xO.0812 127xO.0687 0.893 0.893 0.893 11500 11500 11900 7210 7130 7120 6360 6290 6280 562.0 562.0 562.0 61 xO.l 032 91xO.0845 127xO.0715 0.929 0.930 0.930 11900 12500 12700 7810 7720 7720 6890 6810 6810 609.8 609.8 609.8 61xO.l071 91xO.0877 127xO.0742 0.964 0.964 0.965 12900 13500 13700 8410 8320 8310 7420 7340 7330 655.8 655.8 655.8 61xO.ll09 91xO.0908 127xO.0768 0.998 0.999 0.998 13500 14200 14700 9020 8920 8900 7950 7870 7850 703.2 703.2 703.2 61xO.II45 91xO.0938 127xO.0794 1.031 1.032 1.032 14400 15100 15700 9610 9510 9510 8480 8390 8390 750.7 750.7 750.7 61xO.1215 91xO.0994 127xO.0842 1.094 1.093 1.095 15900 17000 17300 10200 10700 10700 9550 9430 9440 844.0 844.0 844.0 61xO.1280 91xO.l048 127xO.0887 1.152 1.153 1.153 17700 18200 19200 12000 11900 11900 10600 10500 10500 936.8 936.8 936.8 91xO.l099 127xO.0931 169xO.0807 1.209 1.210 1.211 20000 20800 21200 13100 13100 13100 11500 11500 11500 1033 1033 1033 91xO.1148 127xO.0972 169xO.0843 1.263 1.264 1.265 21400 22600 23100 14300 14300 14300 12600 12600 12600 1126 1126 1126 Weight per Ib (Continued) product identification and data TABLE 4-8 (Continued) Stranding Conductor Size , Square kemll Inches Class 1250 1250 1250 0.9817 0.9815 0.9817 B C D 1300 1300 1300 1.021 1.021 1.021 C D 1400 1400 1400 1.099 1.100 1.099 1500 1500 1500 1.178 1.178 1.178 1600 1600 1600 1.258 1.257 1.267 B C 1.335 1.335 1.335 1700 1700 1700 : 1750 1750 1750 1.375 1.376 1.374 1800 1800 1800 1.415 1.414 1.414 1900 1900 1900 1.492 1.491 1.493 2000 2000 2000 1.571 1.571 1.571 2500 2500 2500 1.963 1.963 1.962 3000 3000 3000 3500 3500 3500 B ! , I B C D , B ! i 91xO.1172 127xO.0992 169xO.0860 91xO.1195 127xO.l012 169xO.0877 91xO.1240 127xO.l050 169xO.0910 ! i Rated Strength Ib ! Conductor Dia., in. 1350-H19 135O-H26 1350-H16 135O-H24 1350-H14 1.289 1.290 1.290 22300 23600 24000 14900 14900 14900 13100 13100 13100 1171 1171 1171 1.315 1.316 1.316 23200 23600 25000 15400 15400 15400 13600 13600 13600 1218 1218 1218 1.354 1.365 1.365 24500 26400 16600 16600 16600 14700 14700 14700 15700 15700 15700 1406 1406 1406 16800 16800 16800 1499 1499 1499 1593 1593 1593 , 25400 ! ! Weight per 1,000 ft Ib 1311 1311 1311 91xO.1284 127xO.l087 169xQ.0942 1.412 1.413 1.413 26200 27300 28300 17800 17800 17800 D 127xO.1122 169xO.0973 217xO.0859 1.459 1.460 1.460 28500 30200 30800 19000 19000 19000 B C D 127xO.1157 169x0.1003 217xO.0885 1.504 1.505 1.505 30300 30900 32700 20200 20200 20200 17800 17800 17800 B 127xO.1174 169x0.1018 217xO.0898 1.526 1.527 1.527 31200 31800 33600 20800 20800 20800 18400 18400 18300 1841 1641 1641 1.548 1.548 1.549 32100 32700 34000 21400 21400 21400 18900 18900 18800 1688 1688 1688 1.590 1.590 1.591 33200 34500 35900 22600 22600 22600 19900 19900 19900 1780 1780 1780 35000 36400 37700 23600 23800 21000 21000 21000 C D , Number and Dia. of Wires, in. C D ! B C D , 127xO.1191 169xO.l032 217xO.0911 i i i ! I B C D 127xO.1223 169x0.l060 217xO.0936 B 127xO.1255 169x0.l088 , 217xO.0960 1.632 1.632 1.632 C D 127xO.1403 169xO.1216 217xO.l073 1.824 1.824 1.824 42800 43700 45400 29700 29700 29700 26200 26200 26200 2366 2366 2366 2.355 2.357 2.356 B C D 169xO.1332 217xO.1176 271xO.l052 1.998 1.999 1.999 52400 53500 54500 36500 36700 35600 31400 31400 31400 2838 2838 2838 2.748 2.749 2.747 B C D 169x0.1439 217xO.1270 271xO.1136 2.158 2.159 2.158 59900 61200 62300 41600 41600 41600 36700 36700 36700 3344 3344 ! i ! C D B ! : , 23800 I I I I 1874 1874 1874 3344 1. Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances, 2. Class B conductors are those normally insulated, and/or covered, also for uses indicated under Class A (see Table 4·5 footnote 2) where greater fleXIbility is required. Class C and D conductors are those for use where greater flexibility is required than is provided by Class B conductors, The outer layer of wires has left-hand lay, 4·13 bare aluminum WIre and cable TABLE 4-9 All-Aluminum Concentric-Lay Compact-Round Stranded Bare Conductors Physical and Electrical Properties 135G-H19 Hard-Drawn ASTM B 400 These conductors have light~hand lay of outer layer. The ac resistances at various temperatures are to be taken from Tables 4-6 and 4~7 tor the corresponding AWG or kcmil sizes. Compact Conductor Dia., In. Non-Compact Dia., in. Sq. In. Weight per 1000 It Ib 7 7 7 7 0.134 0.169 0.213 0.268 0.299 0.146 0.184 0.232 0.292 0.328 0.0130 0.0206 0.0328 0.0521 0.0657 15.5 24.6 39.1 62.2 78.4 311 563 881 1,350 1,640 5.520 3.481 2.188 1.374 1.091 7 19 7 19 0.336 0.336 0,376 0.376 0.368 0.373 0.414 0,419 0.0829 0.0829 0.1045 0.1045 98.9 98.9 125 125 1,990 2,160 2,510 2,670 0.8646 0.8654 0.6856 0.6856 4/0 7 19 7 19 0423 0.423 0.475 0.475 0464 0.478 0.522 0.528 01318 0.1318 0.1662 0.1662 157 157 198 198 , 3040 3,310 3,830 4,020 05441 0.5436 0.4311 0.4316 250.0 250.0 266.8 266.8 7 19 7 19 0.520 0.520 0.537 0.537 0.567 0.574 0.586 0,593 0.1964 0.1964 0.2095 0.2095 234 234 250 250 4.520 4,660 4,830 4,970 0.3380 0.3651 0.3418 0.3421 300.0 300.0 336.4 336,4 7 19 7 19 0,570 0,570 0.603 0,603 0,621 0.629 0.658 0.666 0,2356 0.2356 0.2642 0,2642 281 281 315 315 5,430 5,480 5,960 6,150 0,3043 0,3040 0.2714 0.2711 350.0 397.5 477.0 500,0 19 19 19 19 0,616 0.659 0.722 0.736 0.679 0.724 0.793 0.811 0.2749 0.3122 0.3746 0.3927 328 372 447 468 6,390 7,110 8,360 8,760 0,2609 0.2294 0.1912 0.1826 556.5 795.0 874.5 954.0 19 19 37 0,780 0.932 0.981 1.024 0,858 1.023 1.079 1.124 0.4371 0.6244 0.6866 0.7493 521 745 821 895 9,750 13,940 15,000 16.400 0.1641 0.1148 0.1043 0.09563 Conductor Slze,AWG or kcmil No. of Wires 8 6 4 2 7 1/0 1/0 2/0 210 310 3/0 4/0 , Sectional , Area , I I de 20"C Resistance Ohms per Mile Rated Strength Ib ! , , 37 1. Data shown are subject ... i to normal manufacturing tolerances. , 2. Direct current (de) resistance is computed on same basis as that of Table 4-6. 3, The ampacity ratings of oompacHound bare conductors differ slightly from those of regular types of same sizes because of reduction of exposed surface, but the compacting in the cabte somewhat offsets this by improving thermal transfer within the cable, 4, The values of GMR and inductive and capacitive reactances listed in Tables 4-6 and 4-7 may be used for compacted cable without significant error for usual design applications. 4·14 produd identification and data TABLE 4-10 All-Aluminum Shaped Wire Concentric-Lay Compact Conductors AACITW Physical and Electrical Properties ASTM B no in Fixed Diameter Increments ! : Phase--to-Neutral 60 Hz, Resistance at One ft Spacing Resistance 1 • ! Code Word Logan/TW WheelerlTW Robsonrrw McKinleyrrw Rainierrrw Helens/TW Baker;TW HoodlTW ac-60Hz de 1 1 Inductive Capacitive ! Conductor per ! Rated 2O"C 25'C 5O"C 7S'C' Size No. of. No. of: Diameter 1000 ftSlrength Ohms! Ohms;,Ohmsl Ohms!. GMR Ohms; Megohm­ Mile X. Miles X; !<cmil !Wires I Layers, in. Ib' Ib Mile Mile Mile Mile I It 0.482 ! 0.1094 0.1048 0.463 0.447 0.1009 0.432 i 0.0974 322.5 449.4 595.8 761.5 17 17 17 17 2 2 2 2 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 918.8 1123.1 1346.8 1583.2 31 31 31 34 3 3 3 3 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 864.3 1056 1267 1489 49 49 52 71 71 ! 4 4 1.40 1.50 1.80 1.70 1.80 1713 ! 31,100 0.0501 0.056310.0610 0.08580.0454! 0.375 0.0843 35,900 0.0433 0.0499! 0.0540 0.0581 :0.0489: 0.366 0.0822 1976 2256 I 40,100 0.0380 0.045O!0.0465!0.0520I0.0524 0.357 0.0803 2528 I 45,200 0.0341 0.0418 0.04490.0460,0.05611 0.349 0.0785 2648 ! 51.000 : 0.0303 0.0384 0.0411 0.0438 O.0578~._34_2--1_0._07_68_ 1812.7 Powell,rrw 2083.6 Jefferson.rrw 2388.1 ShastafTW 2667.2 Adams/TW 3006.2 Whitneyrrw • Weight I i 4 5 5 302.11 5.960 0.27890.2855.0.3140 0.3425:0.0188: 421.0: 8.030 0.2001 0.2055 i 0.2259 0.2463.0.0220' 558.2 10.700 0.1510 0.1557! 0.1710,0.1864.0.0252, 713.31 13,400 0.1181 0.1225 0.1344!0.1464Io.0284 16,100 19,700 23,600 27.200 0.09830.103010.1129 0.0804 0.086310.0932 0.0670 0.0722! 0.0788 0.0570 0.0625 0.0680 0.1227 0.1012 0.0854 0.0736 0.0319 0.0352 0.0385 0.0419 0.418 00406 0.395 0.385 0.0912 0.0915 0.0889 0.0865 1. Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances. 2. Direct current (00) resistance is based on 16.727 ohm-cmi.'ft at 20' 62% lACS conductivity. 3. Alternating current (ac) resistance is based on de resistance corrected for temperature and skin effe<:t. 4. Properties of the industrial wires are those of the equivalent round wires of ASTM B 230. 4·15 bare aluminum wire and cable TABLE 4-11 All-Aluminum Shaped Wire Concentric-lay Compact Conductors AACrrw Physical and Electrical Properties ASTM B 778 Area Equal to Standard AAC Sizes Resistance Code Word Phase-la-Neutral 60 Hz, Resistance ! ac-60 Hz at One ft Spacing Weight dc Inductive Capacitive Conductor per Rated 20"(; 25°C 50"(; • 75°C Size No. of No. of Diameter 1000 ft Strength Ohms/Ohms! Ohms/Ohms! GMR Ohms! Megohm­ In. Ib Ib Mile. Mile Mile. Mile ft MiIeX. MiIesX~ kcmll Wires Layers TuliplTW Canna'TW Cosmos,'TW Zinnia;TW 336.4 397,5 477.0 500,0 17 17 17 17 2 2 2 2 0.612 0,661 0,720 0,736 315,2 372.4 446,9 468,4 0,2673 0,2737 0,3010 0,3284 0,0192 0,2262 0,2319 0,2551 0,2781 0,0208 0,1885 0,1936 0,2128 0,2321 0,0228 0,1798 0,1848 0,2031 0,2215 0,0232 0.480 0.470 0.460 0,457 0,1088 0,1086 0,1040 0,1033 Mislletoe,'TW MeadowsweetfTW OrchidlTW VerbenafTW 556,5 600,0 636,0 700,0, 17 17 17 17 2 2 2 2 0,775 0,803 0,825 0,884 521,3 9,950 0,1616 0,1684 0,1829 0,1993 0,0244 562,1 10,700 0,1498 0,1545 0,1697 0,1850 0,0253 595,8 11,400 0,1414 0,1460 0,1603 0,1747 0,0260 656,7 12,500 0,1 329 0,1459 0,1590 0,0272 0,451 0,446 0,443 0,437 0,1018 0,1008 0,0999 0,0986 NasturtiumfTW ArbUluS,'TW CockscombfTW MagnoliafTW 75O.0i 17 795.01 17 900.01 17 954,01 31 2 2 3 3 0,893 0,919 0,990 1,018 702,6 744,7 846,6 897,4 13,400 13,900 15,800 16,700 0,1 243 0,1384 0,1486 0,0281 ,0,1131 175 0,1289 0,1404 0,0290 10,1004 0,1051 0,1152 0,1253 0,0316 10,0946 0,0994 0,1089 0,1184 0,0325 0,433 0.430 0,419 0.416 0,0976 0,0968 0,0946 0,0938 1.041 1,057 1,095 1,132 940,6 972,2 1047 1122 17,500 18,100 19,500 20,900 0,0903 0,0951 0,1041 0,1131 0,0333 0,0874 0,0922 0,1009 0,1096 0,0338 0,0811 0,0850 0,0941 0,1022 0,0350 0,0757 0,0807 0,0882 0,0957 0,0362 00413 00411 00403 0,0931 0,0927 0,0916 0,0905 1.156 1,202 1.236 1.315 1196 1271 1346 1503 22,300 23,700 24,600 27,300 0,0710 0,0760 0,0830 0,0901 0,0374 0,0656 0,0720 0,07850,0851 0,0386 0,0631 0,0884 0,07450.0807 0,0397 0,0570 0,0829 0,0684 0.0739 0,0425 0,399 0,395 0,391 0,383 0,0896 0,0888 0,0880 0,0861 1,377 1,468 1.648 1,799 1654 1890 2369 2843 30,000 34,500 42,400 50,900 0,0518 0,0579 0,06290,0679 0,0446 0,0453 0,0518 0,0561 0,0604 0,0478 0,0364 0,0439 0,04720,0505 0,0543 0,0303 0,0385 0,04120,0439 0,0597 0,377 0,369 0,353 0,342 0,0848 0,0829 0,0794 0,0768 HawkweedfTW BlueballfTW Marigold'TW HawthomfTW 1000,0' 1033,5 1113,0 11192,5 31 31 31 31 3 3 3 3 NarcissusfTW ColumbinefTW CamationiTW CoreopsisfTW 31 31 31 11590,0 49 3 3 3 4 JessaminefTW Cowslip,TW LupinefTW TrilliunvTW '1750,0 2000,0 2500,0 3000,0 49 49 71 71 4 4 5 5 11272.0 11351.5 11431.0 ! • 6,220 7,230 8,530 8,940 1. Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances. 2. Direct CUrrent (de) resistance is based on 16.727 ohm-<:millft at 20° 62% lACS conductivity. 3. Alternating current (ac) resistance is based on de reSistance corrected for temperature and skin effect. 4, Properties of the industrial wires are those of the equivalent round wires of ASTM B 230, 4-16 00407 product identification and dote TABLE 4·12 AII·Aluminum Alloy Concentric· Lay Stranded Bare Conductors Physical and Electrical Characteristics 6201·T81 ASTM B 399 ACSR Equivalent Diameter These conductors have right-hand lay of outer layer, unless otherwise specified. ASTM B 399 lists both Class AA and Class A stranding (see footnote 2 of Table 4-5 for explanation). As the difference is slight, it is trade custom to supply cables that meet the Class AA requirements unless othelWise specified, and the listings herewith apply to either Class AA or Class A. Code Word Size of Resistance ACSR Nearest AAC of Equal ac-60 Hz Dlam. ConDiameter Size of Weight dc-20'C AWGor Approx. SO'C : 75°C per Rated Each duClor Ohms 25'C 1000 It Strength per Ohmsl OhmslOhms! Size No. of Wire Diam. Area kcml! and Equal Mile in. Sq. In. Stranding Resistance Ib Ib In. Mile kcml! Wires Mile Mile Akron AHon Ames 30.58 48.69 77,47 7 7 7 0.0661 0.196 0.02402 0.0834 0.250 0,03824 0.1052 0.316 0.05084 6-6/1 4-6/1 2-6/1 1/0-6/1 210-6/1 3/0-6/1 4/0-6/1 6 4 2 28.5 45.4 72.2 1110 1760 2800 3.479 2.185 1,373 3.54 2.22 1,40 3.84 2.41 1.52 4.14 2.60 1,64 1/0 210 310 410 114.9 144.9 182.5 230.2 4460 5390 6790 8560 0.8631 0.6848 0.5437 0.4309 0,878 0,697 0.554 0,439 0.953 0.758 0.601 0.476 1.028 0.816 0.648 0.514 Azusa Anaheim Amherst Alliance 123,3 155.4 195.7 246,9 7 7 7 7 0.1327 0,1490 0.1672 0.1878 0.396 0.447 0.502 0.563 0.09681 0.1221 0.1537 0,1939 Butte Canton Cairo Darien 312.8 394.5 465.4 559,5 19 19 19 19 0.1283 0.1441 ~.1585 0.1716 0,642 0.721 0,783 0.858 0,2456 0,3098 0.3855 0,4394 266.-2617 336.-2617 397.-2617 477,-26/7 266.8 336.4 397.5 477.0 291.6 367.9 433.9 521.7 11000 13300 15600 18600 0.3402 0.2697 0.2286 0.1902 0.347 0,276 0,234 0,195 0,376 0.299 0.254 0,211 0.406 0,322 0.273 0.228 Elgin Flint Greeley 652,4 740,8 927.2 19 37 37 0,927 0,5124 0.1415 0.991 0,5818 0,1583 1.108 0.7282 556.-2617 636.-2617 795.-26/7 556.5 636.0 795.0 608.3 690.8 864.6 21900 24400 30500 0,1631 0,1436 0.1148 0.168 0.148 0,119 0,182 0,161 0.129 0.196 0.173 0,139 I ~,1853 1. Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances. 2. Direct current (de) resistance i. based on 19,755 ohm-cmillft. at 20'C, 52.5% lACS, with standard stranding increment of 2 percent. 3. Alternating current {ac) is based on de resistance corrected for temperature, using 0.00347 as temperature coefficient of resistivity per degree C at 20'C, and for skin effect. 4. For ampacity ratings of bare conductors, see Figs. 3·11 and 3-12 and adjust values according to method described in accompanying text. 5. As the values of GMR and inductive and capacitive reactances of any all-aluminum stranded cable of a specified outside diameter are closely equal. the values of GMR, etc., or Tables 4~6 and 4-7 may be used fOr the above table if the diameters are equa1. It the same diameter is not found in Tables 4-6 and 4-7 as the above table, interpolation from the nearest diameters readily obtains the desired GMR, etc. 4·17 bare aluminum Wlre and cable TABLE 4-13 All-Aluminum Alloy Concentric-Lay Stranded Bare Conductors Physical and Electrical Characteristics 6201-T81 ASTM B 399 Even AWG and kcmi! Sizes These conductors have right-hand lay of outer layer. unless otherwise specified. ASTM B 399 lists both Class AA and Class A stranding (see footnote 2 of Table 4-5 for explanation). As the difference is slight, it is trade custom to supply cables that meet the Class AA requirements unless otherwise specified. and the listings herewith apply to either Class AA or Class A. Resistance , ! Conductor Size AWGor kcmil 6 4 2 110 210 310 4/0 - -.... Diam. Each , ! i ! 250. 300. 350. 400. 450. ! 500. 550. SOO. 650. 700. ! 750. 800. 900. 1000. ! ! Weight per 1000 II Ib Conductor Diam. in. Area Sq. in. 0.184 0.232 0.292 0.0206 0.0328 0.0521 0.1228 , 0.1379 . 0.1548 i 0.1739 0.368 0.414 0.464 0.522 0.0829 0.1045 0.1317 0.1663 19 19 19 19 19 0.1147 0.1257 0.1357 ! 0.1451 0.1539 i , 0.574 0.629 0.679 0.726 0.770 0.1963 0.2358 0.2748 0.3142 ! 0.3534 233.1 280.0 326.3 373.0 419.6 19 37 37 37 37 0.1622 0.1219 0.1273 ! 0.1325 0.1375 0.811 0.853 0.891 0.928 0.963 0.3926 0,4318 0,4709 0.5102 0.5494 46S.1 512.7 559.1 605.7 652.3 37 37 37 37 0.1424 0.1470 0.1560 0.1644 0.5893 0.6280 0.7072 0.7854 699.6 745.6 839.7 932.5 No, of -Wires 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Wire, , I in. 0.0612 0.0772 0.0974 i , I , i 0.997 1.029 1.092 1.151 , . i 24.5 38.9 61.9 98.3 124.1 156,4 197,4 , ! i ! i ! ! ! ~DHz 25'C I 500(; Ohms! ! Ohms! Mile Mile Rated Strength Ib do-2Do(; Ohms per Mile 949 1510 2400 4.058 2.550 1.602 4.13 2.60 1.63 4.48 2.59 1.77 4.83 3.04 1.91 3820 4620 5820 7340 1.008 0.7993 0.6343 0.5026 1.03 0.814 0.646 0.512 1.11 0.883 0.701 0.556 1.20 0.952 0.756 0.599 8760 10500 11800 13400 15100 0,4258 0.3544 0.3041 0.2660 0.2364 0.434 0.361 0.310 0.272 0.242 I 0.471 0.392 0.337 0.295 0.262 0.508 0.423 0.363 0.318 0.283 16800 18900 20600 22300 23000 0.2128 0.1935 0.1774 0.1638 0.1521 0.218 0.198 i 0.182 I 0.236 0.215 0.198 0.183 0.170 0.255 0.232 0.213 0.197 0.183 24700 26300 29600 32900 0.1418 0.1331 0.1182 0.1064 0.159 0.149 0.133 0.120 0.171 0.160 0.143 0.129 , ! ! i 75°C Ohms! Mile --~~ 1. Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances, 2. Direct current {de) resistance is based on 19.755 ohm..anil/ft, at 2ifC, 52.5% lACS, with standard stranding increment of 2 percent. 3. Alternating current (ae) is based on de resistance corrected for temperature. using 0,00347 as temperature coefficient of resistivity per degree C at 2O'C. and for skin effect 4. For ampacity ratings of bare conductors. see Figs, 3~11 and 3-12 and adjuslvalues according to method described in accompanying text. 5. As the values of GMR and inductive and capacitive reactances of any a!l~aluminum stranded cable of a specified outside diameter are closely equal, the values of GMA, etc., of Tables 4·6 and 4·7 may be used for the above table if the diameters are equal. If the same diameter is not found in Tables 4-6 and 4-7 as 1he above table, interpolation from the nearest d~meters readily obtains the desired GMA, elc. 4-18 TABLE 4-14 Bare Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ASCR), Concentric-Lay Stranded ASTM B 232 with Class AA and A Stranding and Various Types of Steel Core Physical Properties Bold-face code words deSignate sizes most commonly used. . ~~~~~ Rated Strength-Ib Outside Diameter Conductor Size ---------­ Area Square Inches Strendlng In. AWG or kcmil Alumlnum Total Aluminum Steel Complete Conductor in. Steel Core in. Weight per 1000 Feet --­ Total Aluminum Ib Ib TypeZlnc Coaling or Core e C Aluminum Coated (AZ) Core 1,160 1,810 2,280 2,760 3,510 1,120 1,760 2,200 2,680 3,390 1,120 1,760 2,160 2,640 3,260 3,550 4,380 5,310 6.620 8,350 3,450 4,250 5,130 6,410 8,080 3,340 4,120 5,050 6,300 7,950 3,290 3,980 4,720 5,880 7,420 6,770 11,000 12,300 8,540 13,700 16,700 6,650 10,600 12,000 8,400 13,300 16,200 6,540 10,640 11,950 8,260 13,300 15,900 Steel Standard Weight Ib CodeWord Clan Turkev Swan Swanate Sparrow Sperate AA-A AA-A AA-A AA-A AA-A 6 4 4 2 2 0.0206 0.0328 0.0328 0.0521 0.0521 0.0240 0.0383 0.0411 0.0608 0.0653 6x.0661 6x.0834 7x.0772 6x. 1052 7<.0974 lx.0661 lx.0834 lx.l029 1x.l052 lx.I299 0.198 0.250 0.257 0.316 0.325 0.0661 0.0834 0.1029 0.1052 0.1299 36.0 57.4 67.0 91.2 102.0 24.4 39.0 39.0 61.9 62.3 11.6 18.4 28.0 29.3 44.7 Robin Raven Quail Pigeon Penguin AA-A AA-A AA-A AA-A AA-A 1 0.0657 0.0829 0.1045 0.1318 0.1662 0.0767 0.0967 0.1219 0.1538 0.1939 6x.l1Bl 6x.1327 6x.1489 6x.1672 6x.1878 lx.1181 lx.1327 lx.1489 lx.1672 lx.1878 0.355 0.398 0.447 0.502 0.563 0.1181 0.1327 0.1489 0.1672 0.1878 115.0 145.0 183.0 230.0 291.0 7B.l 98.4 124.2 155.9 197.6 36.9 46.6 58.8 74.1 93.4 39.2 115.6 129.8 1,190 1,860 2,360 2,850 3,640 - - - -------­ -­ 1/0 210 3/0 4/0 -------_. Waxwing Partridge Ostrich Merlin Linnet Oriole AA AA AA AA AA AA Chickadee Ibis M Lark M .. Pelican Flicker Hawk Hen AA ---------­ 336.4 336.4 0.2095 0.2095 0.2355 0.2642 0.2640 0.2642 0.2211 0.2436 0.2738 0.2789 0.3070 0.3259 18x.1217 26x.l013 26x,1074 18x.1367 26x.1137 30x.l059 lx.1217 7x.0788 7x.0835 1x.1367 7x.0884 7x.l059 0.609 0.642 0.680 0.684 0,720 0.741 0.1217 0.2364 0.2505 0.1367 0.2652 0.3177 289.0 366.0 412.0 365.0 462.0 526.0 249.8 250.4 262.2 315,5 316.5 317.0 145.5 209.0 6,880 11,300 12,700 8,680 14,100 17,300 397.5 397.5 397.5 0.3122 0.3120 0.3121 0.3295 0.3628 0,3849 18x.1486 26x.1236 30x.1151 lx.1486 7x.0961 7x.1151 0.743 0.783 0.606 0.1486 0,2883 0.3453 431.0 546.0 622.0 372.5 374.1 375.1 58.5 171.9 246.9 9,940 16,300 20,300 9,780 9,690 15,800 15,300 19,600 18,900 9,530 15,100 18,600 477 477 477 477 0.3747 0.3747 0.3744 0.3747 0.3955 0.4233 0.4353 0.4621 18x.1628 24x.1410 26x.1354 30x,1261 1x.1628 7x.0940 7x.l053 7x.1261 0,814 0,846 0.858 0.883 0.1628 0.2820 0.3159 0,3783 517.0 614.0 655.0 746.0 446.8 449,5 448,6 449,7 70.2 164.5 206.4 296.3 11,800 17,200 19,500 23,800 11,600 16,700 18,900 23,000 11,500 16,200 18,400 22,100 11,100 16,000 18,100 21,300 556.5 556.5 556.5 556.5 0.4369 0.4372 0.4371 0.4371 0.4621 0.4938 0.5083 0.5391 18x,1758 24x.1523 26x.I463 30x.1362 lx.USB 7x.l015 7x.1138 7x.I362 0.879 0.914 0.927 0.953 0,1758 0.3045 0.341 0.409 603.0 716.0 765.0 871.0 521.1 524.2 523.9 523.3 81.9 191.8 241.1 345.7 13,700 19,800 22,600 27,800 13,500 19,300 21,900 26,600 13.400 18,700 21,200 25,800 266.8 266.8 300,0 336.4 49.5 ~ AA AA AA M - - -------­ -­ Osprey Parakeet Dove Eagle ... f" '" M AA AA AA - ---­ ------­ (See footnotes at end of table,) - --­ - - - --------­ 12,900 18,500 20,900 24,800 - - - ---­ (Continued) ""~ TABLE 4-14 (Continued) ---~--- Q :onductor Size Outside Diameter --- Area Square Inches I Class I Code Word AW' I [----- - ,----- Alumior num Total kcm ii -- Peacock Squab Teal AA AA AA Kingbird Rook Grosbeak Swift Egret Flamingo Crow Starling Redwing 60 5 605 605 AA AA AA AA AA 63 63 636 63 63 0.4997 0,4956 0.4995 0.4994 0,4995 AA AA AA AA 66 71 71 71 Condor 795 5 AA~' 79 AA 79 5 AA 795 AA 79,5 AA 795 Crane Ruddy Canary AA AA AA Corncrake AA AA AA AA AA Coot AA Cuckoo Orake Maliard Tern - 0.5238 0.5620 0.5620 0.5617 0.6244 0.6244 0.6247 0.6245 0.6242 0.6240 - Aluminum Complete -- Conductor in. Steel 24x.1588 26x.1525 30x.1420 ---- +----- i 0.6417 0.7053 0.7264 0.7669 0.6674 0.7049 36x.1486 24x.1820 26x.1749 30'.1628 45x.1329 54x.1213 r------- --- 7x.l059 7x.1186 19x.0852 r-- --._- lx.1486 7x.1213 7x.1360 19x.0977 7x.0886 7x.1213 c----- -~ 1.040 1.092 1.108 1.140 1.063 1.092 Steel Core in. -- 0.953 0.966 0.994 - . _ -1------ - - - . - ------0.5275 18x.1880 lx.1880 0.940 0.5643 24x.1628 0.977 7x.l085 0.5808 26x.1564 7x.1216 0.990 0.5133 36x.1329 lx.1329 0.930 0.6135 30x.1456 19x,0874 1.019 - ,---- --- I--- --0.5917 24x.1667 7x.l111 1,000 0.6347 54x.1151 7x.1151 1.040 0.6535 26x.1659 7x.1290 1.051 0.6897 3Ox.1544 19x.0926 1.081 I-----­ t- 6 5 5 5 Stranding in. I--- -- I---- ----- 0.4753 0.5370 0.4749 0.5522 0.4751 0.5634 - Towhee Redbird Cardinal Ortolan AA AA Curlew Bluejay Finch Bunting Grackle - ' l AA AA AA AA -----~- (See footnotes at end 01 table.) Total Ib 0.188 0,326 0.365 0.133 0.437 690.0 818.0 873,0 643.0 967.0 --- - 858.0 920.0 984.0 1109 ,--0.148 0.364 0.408 Aluminum Steel Standard Ib Ib Weight --- - ­ 570.2 208.8 r---;-i,600 569.1 261.9 24,300 571.5 367.5 30,000 - - - - - - - - - - - .596.4 93.6 15,700 598.8 219.2 22,000 275.3 25,200 598.7 596.0 47.0 13,800 600.2 386.8 37,500 -­ 628.2 229.8 23,700 674.0 246 26,000 674.2 309.8 26,400 675 34,600 434 - 1.150 1.131 1.162 0.382 0.283 0.387 804 745 1024 750 1093 749 751 1234 895 748.9 1022 748 - - - --- t~824 1126 1013 847 648 1158 1.165 1.165 1.175 0.291 0.291 0,329 0.399 0.399 1074 1075 1123 1226 1228 0.303 0.415 0.315 0.431 0.326 0.446 1163 1329 00489 0.266 0.364 ---- 1.196 1.196 1.212 1.245 1.259 1.293 1.302 1.338 ---- B C -- 779.0 832.0 939.0 0.333 0.345 0.367 0.463 TypeZincCoallngorCore - -- r------­ 0.318 0.356 0.426 --- 87 5 0.6673 0.7764 54x.1273 7x.1273 901 0.7066 0.7555 45x.1414 7x.0943 90' 0.7069 0.7965 54x.1291 7x.1291 ,----- ----- ----' - --95, 0.7492 0.8011 2Ox.2184 7x.0971 95 0.7492 0.8010 45x.1456 7x.0971 954 0.7494 0.6156 48x.1410 7x.l097 95 0.7494 0.8465 24x.1994 7x.1329 95 0.7491 0.8462 54x.1329 7x.1329 - --,-- ----1,03 ,5 0.8112 0.8673 45x.1515 7x.l010 1,03 .5 0.8112 0.9164 54x.1383 7x.1383 5 0.9350 45x.1573 7x.l049 1'11~( 1,113 ( 5 0.9854 54X.1436J;o8~ 1,192.5 ( ,7 1.0014 45x.1628 7x. 1085 1,192.5 ( 5 1.0552 54x.1486 19x.0892 ., ----- Weight per 1000 Feet ---- -~ Rail Rated Strength-Ib ---- ----- ,,~ 1430 1342 1531 ---- \---- ,------ r-----­ 16,800 59 274 27,900 344 31,500 483 38,400 146.1 22,100 274 28,200 - - -­ 302 31,200 24,400 166 310 31,800 --~ 899 899 899 899 899 973 973 roo - 1054 1123 1128 ,---- --~ , -----~~-. 21,000 20,400 23,600 22,800 29,000 28,000 -----15,400 15,300 22,000 21,400 24,400 23,600 13,600 13,SOO 30,500 29,400 20,100 22,500 28,000 --14,800 21,100 22,900 13,400 29,400 23,100 25,300 27,500 33,400 22,400 24,600 26,600 32,200 22,100 24,200 25,700 31,600 16,800 27,100 30,500 37,100 21,700 27,400 16,600 26,400 29,800 35,800 21,200 26,800 16,300 25,600 28,800 35,100 21,200 25,600 ---- 30,400 29,500 24,000 23,500 31,000 30,200 28,700 23,300 29,300 24,600 24,900 27,200 31,600 32,000 24,300 24,700 26,900 30,700 31,000 ------­ 175 176 224 329 329 -­ 190 356 25,600 25,900 28,500 33,500 33,800 25,100 25,400 27,800 32,600 32,900 27,700 36,600 376 219 403 39,100 32,000 41,900 27,100 26,600 26,300 35,600 ' 34,600 ' 33,600 29,300 28,700 28,400 39,100 37,000 37,000 30,400 31,300 30,700 40,800 39,700 39,700 --- ---- 1l,", " ---~ Aluminum Coated (AZ) Core -- ­ (Continued) TABLE 4-14 (Continued) ~ Conductor Size -~~ CodeWord Class AWG or kcmil Area Square Inches Aluml­ num Stranding in. ~~~-~ Total Aluminum -------­ Blttem Pheasant Dipper Martin AA AA AA AA 1.272 1,272 1,351.5 1,351.5 0~9987 0.9993 1.0614 1.0614 1.0676 1.1259 1.1348 1.1958 Chukar Mockingbird Bluebird Kiwi Thrasher Jorea AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA 1,431 1,431 1,510.5 1,510.5 1,590 1,590 1,780 2,034.5 2,156 2,167 2,312 2,515 1.1235 1.1240 1.1862 1.1856 1.2492 1.2489 1.3986 1.5979 1.6931 1.7022 1.8155 1.9750 1.2012 12664 1.2681 1.3357 1.3355 1.4072 1.5122 1.6671 1.8309 1.7758 1.9144 2.0828 45x.168 54x.1535 45x.1733 54x.1582 Steel ~~~~- 45x.1783 54x.1628 45x.1832 54x.1672 45x.1880 54x.1716 84x.1456 72x.1681 84x.1602 72x.1735 76x.1744 76x.1819 Rated Strength-Ib I~~ Complete Conductor In. Weight per 1000 Feat Steel Core Grouse Petrel Mlnorca Leghom GTH S RANDINGS 80.0 0.0628 AA 101.8 0.0800 AA 110.8 0.0870 AA 134.6 0.1057 AA .0847 .1266 ,1378 .1674 8x.l000 12x.0921 12x.0961 12x.l059 159.0 176.9 190.8 203.2 211.3 .1977 .2200 .2373 .3020 .2628 12x.1151 12x.1214 12x.1261 16x.1127 12x.1327 ~~ Guinea Dotterel Dorklng Brahma Coch!n AA AA AA AA AA 0.1249 0.1389 0.1499 0.1598 0.1660 ~~~~ 1.345 1.382 1.386 1.424 7x.1189 19x.0977 7x.1221 19x.l003 7x.1253 19x.l030 1.427 1.465 1.466 1.505 1.504 1.545 19x.0874 7x.1122 19x.0961 7x.1157 19x.0814 19x.0850 - -------­ ------­ 7x.1151 7x.1214 7x.1261 19x.0977 7x.1327 ~ ~ ~~ ------- TypeZincCoatingorCore B C Aluminum Coated (AZI Core in. 34,100 43.600 36,200 46,300 33,400 42,400 35,500 45,100 32,800 41,200 34,800 43,800 32,400 40,700 34,400 43.200 38,300 49,100 40,100 51,700 42,200 54,500 37,600 47,700 39,300 50,300 41,400 53,000 36,900 46.400 38,500 48,900 40,500 51,600 36,500 45,700 37,700 46,200 39,700 Aluminum Steal Standard Ibs Weight Ibs ~~ 7x.1121 19x.0921 7x.1155 19x.0949 lx.1670 7x.0921 7x.0961 7x.1059 ~~~-~~~ ~~~~ Total Ibs 0.336 0.461 0.347 0.475 1.602 1.661 1.762 1.735 1,802 1.880 1432 1634 1521 1735 -----­ 0.357 0.489 0.366 0.502 0.376 0.516 ~~ ~~~~ 1611 1836 1700 1938 1790 2042 .... 0.437 0.336 0.481 0.347 0.407 0.425 I-­ ~~- 2072 2163 2508 2300 2523 2749 ... HIGH~STRE -------- ~-~~ ~ ~~~ Bobolink Ptover Nuthatch Parrot Lapwing Falcon ~~~~ Outside Diameter ~~~~ 1198 1205 1273 1279 ~~- 234 429 248 456 ~ ~~~ 1348 1355 1422 1429 1498 1505 ~- r~~ ~ 263 483 278 509 292 537 ... 1685 1929 2040 2051 2188 2384 ~ r-' .. 367 234 468 249 335 365 ------­ ~-~ ~~~- 51,000 46,800 60,300 49,800 56,700 61,700 . 49,900 46,100 59,000 49,100 55,800 60,700 5O,BOO ------­ 48,900 45,500 57,700 48,400 54,800 59,700 -----­ 48,900 45,100 57,100 48,100 54,800 59,700 -------­ 0.367 0.461 0.481 0.530 0.1670 0.2763 0.2883 0.3177 149.0 254.0 276.0 336.0 75.1 95.9 103.9 127.0 73.9 158.1 172.1 209.0 5,200 10,400 11,300 13,600 4,990 4,890 9,910 9,460 10,800 10,300 13,000 12,400 4,470 9,240 10,100 12,100 0.576 0.607 0.631 0.714 0.663 0.3453 0.3642 0.3783 0.4885 0.3981 396.0 441.0 476.0 625.0 527.0 149.1 166.4 179.7 189.9 198.8 246.9 274.6 296.3 485.1 326.2 16,000 17,300 18,700 28,400 20,700 15,300 16,600 17,900 27,100 19,800 14,200 15,000 16,200 26,100 17,900 . ~_ L •. 14,600 15,800 17,000 25,800 18,900 1. Dala shown are subject to norma! manufacturlng tolerances. 2. Class AA stranding is for bare conductors on overhead lines, Class A stranding is for conductors to be covered with weather-resistant materials. 3. The High-Strength Conductors listed at bottom of Section 148 of this table have a high ratio of mechanical strength to ampaclty, and are used for ground wires and for extraAong span construction . .... ... ~ ~~~ bore aluminum wire and cable TABLE 4-15 Bare Aluminum Conductors. Steel-Reinforced (ACSR) Electrical Properties of Single-Layer Sizes Resistances (Approximate) ,---,--------1lnductlve Reactance X•• 1 ft Equivalent Spacing' Capacitive (Approximate) de ; Stranding ac-60 Hz 60 Hz Reactance X~ I--.----J Assumed Q; 1 ft Equivalent 7SOC Conductor 75'C 20'C 2S'C 50'C 25'C 50 C i 75"C Spacln~ Hz Size Current i Ohms! Ohms! Ohms/ Ohms! Ohms/ Ohms/ Ohms/ r::::-----­ Code Word kemll AI. Steel i Amps Turkey SWan Swanate 6 4 6 : 6i 4 Sparrow Sparate 2 2 7' i 6 7 1 1 1 1 1 Robin 1 6 Raven 110 210 310 410 6 6 80. 101.8 110.8 134.6 159. 12 12 12 12 1 7 7 7 7 ~~6 9 12 7 Quail Pigeon Penguin Grouse Petrel Minorca Leghorn Guinea Dotterel I 6 6 8 1 i 1 1 1 1 Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile i Megohm-Miles 3.960 4.308 2.531 i 2.755 2.446 2.727 1.626 ,1.774 1.586! 1.741 0.6341 0.608, 0.598' 0.580. 0.574 i 0.734 0.694 0.654 0.652 0.621 0.760; 0.723 i 0.588 0.674 0.637 0.1423 0.1354 0.1345 0.1285 0.1276 1.0617 0.8410 : 0.6679 . 0.5297 '0.4199 1.087 0.862 0.687 0.546 0.434 1.306 1.041 0.853 0.638 0.563 1.427 1.141 0.929 0.763 0.611 0.564' 0.549 0.537 i 0.524' 0.509 0.629 0.601 0.590 0.572 0.553 0.646 0.614 0.599 0.578 0.556 0.1250 0.1216 0.1182 0.1147 0.113 1.0901 0.8360 0.7678 0.6323 0.5353 1.114' 0.858 0.787 0.651 0.552 1.247 1.094 1.020' 0.865' 0.753' 1.380 1.254 1.179 1.000 0.873 0.563 0.538 0.537 0.527 0.517 i 0.596 0.613 0.621! 0.606 0.590 0.607 0.677 0.670 0.548 0.628 0.1240 0.1173 0.1160 0.1131 0.1107 0.587 0.799 0.512 0.582 0.617 0.1091 3.3893 2.1291 2.1060 1.3381 1.3230 220 255 295 340 390 200 265 300 330 Mile 3.460 2.175' 2.150. 1.358 i 1.363 110 145 145 195 195 250 ! ! ! i 350' 0.4612 0.499 ,! ~::!lJH_!,-i_!..J'_I_~.....l._~_i_~_-,-~_·_r_;.~~_~_::.r.!. _~_r_~_:-,-_~·_~_~i---,-_g_·r_:_5-L._~:_i~7'~;-L_~. .r....:.:,.'-L.__~_:i_L_~:_ _ .c! 1, Direct current (de) resistance is based on 16.946 ohm-cmitlft. (61.2% lACS) at 2O"C for the nominal aluminum area of the conductors and 129.64 ohm-circular mil/ft. (8.0% lACS) for the nominal steel area, with standard increments for stranding. ASTM B 232­ 2. Altemating current (ac) resistance is based on dc resistance corrected for temperature using 0.00404 as temperature coefficient of resistivity pel'. degree C for aluminum 1350 and 0.0029 per degree C for steel core, and for effect of core magnetization using method of Lewis and Tuttle, Power Apparatus and Systems, Feb. 1959, pp. 1189~ 1214, Currents assumed for magnetization calculations in percent of assumed 7SoC current: 25'C-10%; 50"C-75%. 3. Inductive reactance includes magnetization effect of steel core calculated using method of lewis and Tuttle, Power Apparatus and Systems, Feb. 1959, PP. 1189-1214. Currents assumed in calculating magnetization effect in percent of assumed 7S"C current: 2SOG-10%; SO"C-75%. NOTE: For ratings see Figs. 3-13 and 3-14. and adjust according to method desclibad in the accompan'l'ng text. 4-22 product identification and data TABLE 4-16 Bare Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR) Electrical Properties of Multi-Layer Sizes Resistance Phase-to-Neutral, 60 Hz Reactance at One It Spacing ac--60 Hz dc 20°C Ohmsl Mile 25°C 50°C 75°C Ohmsl Ohmsl Ohms! Mile Mile Mile 2 2 2 2 2 0.3398 0.3364 0.2993 0.2693 0.2671 0.347 0.344 0.306 0.276 0.273 0.382 0.377 0.336 0.303 0.300 2 2 2 2 2 0.2650 0.2279 0.2260 0.2243 0.1899 0.271 0.234 0.231 0.229 0.195 0.1889 0.1883 0.1869 0.1629 0.1620 Capacitive Megohm-Miles X'• It Inductve OhmslMile X. 0.416 0.411 0.366 0.330 0.327 0.0197 0.0217 0.0230 0.0221 0.0244 0.477 0.465 0.458 0.463 0.451 0.109 0.107 0.106 0.106 0.104 0.297 0.257 0.254 0.252 0.214 0.324 0.279 0.277 0.274 0.233 0.0255 0.0240 0.0265 0.0277 0.0263 0.445 0.452 0.441 0.435 0.441 0.103 0.103 0.102 0.101 0.100 0.194 0.193 0.191 0.168 0.166 0.213 0.212 0.210 0.184 0.183 0.232 0.231 0.229 0.200 0.199 0.0283 0.0290 0.0304 0.0284 0.0306 0.432 0.430 0.424 0.432 0.423 0.0992 0.0988 0.0980 0.0981 0.0969 0.1613 0.1602 0.1490 0.1485 0.1475 0.166 0.164 0.153 0.153 0.151 0.182 0.180 0.168 0.167 0.166 0.198 0.196 0.183 0.182 0.181 0.0313 0.0328 0.0319 0.0327 0.0342 0.420 0.415 0.418 0.415 0.410 0.0965 0.0957 0.0957 0.0953 0.0944 2 2 2 3 2 0.1420 0.1417 0.1411 0.1410 0.1403 0.147 0.146 0.145 0.148 0.144 0.162 0.160 0.159 0.162 0.158 0.175 0.174 0.173 0.176 0.172 0.0301 0.0327 0.0335 0.0300 0.0351 0.425 0.415 0.412 0.426 0.406 0.0951 0.0950 0.0946 0.0964 0.0937 241 7 541 7 261 7 30/19 2 3 2 2 0.1352 0.1248 0.1254 0.1248 0.139 0.128 0.129 0.128 0.153 0.141 0.142 0.141 0.166 0.153 0.154 0.153 0.0335 0.0372 0.0355 0.0372 0.412 0.399 0.405 0.399 0.0943 0.0920 0.0928 0.0920 795 795 795 795 795 795 361 1 241 7 261 7 30/19 451 7 541 7 3 2 2 2 3 3 0.1146 0.1135 0.1129 0.1122 0.1143 0.1135 0.119 0.118 0.117 0.116 0.119 0.117 0.130 0.128 0.128 0.127 0.130 0.129 0.142 0.140 0.139 0.138 0.141 0.140 0.0335 0.0361 0.0375 0.0392 0.0352 0.0368 0.412 0.403 0.399 0.393 0.406 0.401 0.0932 0.0917 0.0912 0.0904 0.0925 0.0917 874.5 900 900 541 7 451 7 541 7 3 3 3 0.1030 0.1008 0.1002 0.107 0.106 0.104 0.117 0.115 0.114 0.127 0.125 0.124 0.0387 0.0374 0.0392 0.395 0.399 0.393 0.0902 0.0907 0.0898 Stranding A!./St. Number of Aluminum Layers Code Word Size kcmil Waxwing Partridge Ostrich Merlin Linnet 266.8 266.8 300. 336.4 336.4 181 261 261 181 261 Oriole Chickadee Ibis Lark Pelican 336.4 397.5 397.5 397.5 477 301 181 261 301 181 7 Flicker Hawk Hen Osprey Parakeet 477 477 477 556.5 556.5 241 261 301 181 241 7 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 Dove Eagle Peacock Squab Teal 556.5 556.5 605 605 605 261 7 301 7 241 7 261 7 30/19 2 2 2 2 2 Kingbird Rook Grosbeak Swift Egret 636 636 636 636 636 181 1 241 7 261 7 361 1 30/19 Flamingo Crow Starling Redwing 666.6 715.5 715.5 715.5 Coot Cuckoo Drake Mallard Tern Condor Crane Ruddy Canary 1 7 7 1 7 1 7 7 1 1 GMR (See footnotes at end of table) 4-23 bare aluminum wIre and cable TABLE 4-16 (Continued) Resistance Code Word Size kcmil Comcrake Rail Towhee Redbird Cardinal 954 954 954 954 954 Number of Aluminum Layers dc 20'C Ohms! Mile 2S'C SO'C Ohms/ Ohms/ Mile Mile 7S'C Ohms/ Mile 7 7 7 7 7 2 3 3 2 3 0,0950 0,09526 0,0950 0,0945 0,09452 0,099 0,0994 0,099 0,098 0,0983 0,109 0,109 0,108 0,108 0,108 Stranding Ai./St. 20/ 45/ 48/ 24/ 54/ Phase-to-Neutral, 60 Hz Reactance alOne fI Spacing a~OHz GMR Inductve Ohms/Mile Capacitive Megohm-Miles fI X. X'• 0,118 0,118 0,118 0,117 0,117 0,0378 0,0385 0,0391 0,0396 0,0404 0,396 0,395 0,393 0,392 0,389 0,0898 0,0897 0,0896 0,0890 0,0890 Ortolan Curlew Bluejay Finch Bunting Grackle 1033,5 1033,5 1113 1113 1192,5 1192,5 45/ 7 54/ 7 45/ 7 54/19 45/ 7 54/19 3 3 3 3 3 3 0,08798 0,08728 0,08161 0,08138 0,07619 0,07600 0,0922 0,0910 0,0859 0,0851 0,0805 0,0798 0,101 0,0996 0,0939 0,0931 0,0880 0,0872 0,110 0,108 0,102 0,101 0,0954 0,0947 0,0401 0,0420 0,0416 0,0436 0,0431 0,0451 0,390 0,385 0,386 0,380 0,382 0,376 0,0886 0,0878 0,0874 0,0867 0,0864 0,0856 Bittern Pheasant Dipper Martin Bobolink Plover 1272 1272 1351,5 1351,5 1431 1431 45/ 7 54/19 45/ 7 54/19 45/ 7 54/19 3 3 3 3 3 3 0,07146 0,07122 0,06724 0,06706 0,06352 0,06332 0,0759 0,0751 0,0717 0,0710 0,0681 0,0673 0,0828 0,0820 0,0783 0,0775 0,0742 0,0734 0,0898 0,0890 0,0848 0,0840 0,0804 0,0796 0,0445 0,0466 0,0459 0,0480 0,0472 0,0495 0,378 0,372 0,374 0,368 0,371 0,365 0,0855 0,0847 0,0846 0,0838 0,0837 0,0829 Nuthatch Parrot Lapwing Falcon Chukar 1510,5 1510,5 1590 1590 1780 45/ 7 54/19 45/ 7 54/19 84/19 3 3 3 3 4 0,06017 0,06003 0,05714 0,05699 0,05119 0,0649 0,0641 0,0620 0,0611 0,0561 0,0706 0,0699 0,0674 0,0666 0,0609 0,0765 0,0757 0,0729 0,0721 0,0658 0,0485 0,0508 0,0498 0,0521 0,0534 0,367 0,362 0,364 0,358 0,355 0,0829 0,0821 0,0822 0,0814 0,0803 Mockingbird Bluebird Kiwi Thrasher Jaree 2034,5 2156 2167 2312 2515 72/ 7 84/19 721 7 76/19 76/19 4 4 4 4 4 0,04488 0,04229 0,04228 0,03960 0,03643 0,0507 0,0477 0,0484 0,0454 0,0428 0,0549 0,0516 0,0522 0,0486 0,0459 0,0591 0,0555 0,0562 0,0528 0,0491 0,0553 0,0588 0,0570 0,0600 0,0621 0,348 0,344 0,348 0,343 0,338 0,0788 0,0775 0,0779 0,0767 0,0756 ohm~cmil/ft. (61.2% lACS) at 20°C for nominal aluminum area of the conductors, and 129.64 ohm-cmillft. (8% lACS) at 20°C for the nominal steel area, with standard increments for stranding. ASTM B 232. 1. Direct current (de) resistance is based on 16.946 2. Alternating current (ac) resistance is based on the resistance corrected for temperature using 0.00404 as temperature coefficient of resistiVity per degree C for aluminum and 0.0029 per degree C for steel, and for skin effect. 3. The effective ac resistance of 3-layer ACSR increases with current density due to core magnetization. See Chapter 3 for details. 4. For ampacity ratings of bare conductors, see Figs. 3-13 and 3-14. 4-24 product identification and data TABLE 4·17 Bare Aluminum Conductors, Aluminum-Clad Steel Reinforced (ACSRlAW) Physical and Electrical Properties NOTE: For a cable of same dimensions and Code Word, the values in Table 4-14 (A and B) may be used for cross-sectonal area of aluminum wires; total cross-sectional; the number of wires and diameter of wires in strand; diameter of complete cable; and diameter of core. The values in Tables 4-15 and 4-16 may be used for GMR, inductive reactance, and capacitive reactance. For approximate ampacity, multiply value from Fig. 3-13 or 3-14 by the square root of the ratio of the total aluminum area to the aluminum wire area in circular mils. Thus, for Penguin at 60" rise Fig. 3-13 shows 305 amp. Hence, 305 X (220,4601211,600)'" 311 for Penguin!AW. = Resistance I Area of Aluminum Wires emil ACSR Code Word SwaniAW SwanateiAW SwaJlOWiAW SparrowlAW SparatelAW 41,740 41,740 52,620 66,360 66,360 Robin/AW RavenlAW QuaiUAW Pigeon!AW PenguinlAW 83,690 105,600 133,100 168,800 211,600 Waxwing/AW PartridgelAW OstrichiAW Merlin/AW LinnetlAW 266,800 266,800 300,000 336,400 336,400 ! I II ) i Total Aluminum Area cmil 25"C Ohms! Mile 2.060 2.005 1.632 1.295 1.260 2.102 2.046 1.665 1.321 1.285 2.309 2.246 1.829 1.451 1.411 1.026 0.9136 0.6457 0.5126 0.4083 1.047 0.8304 0.6568 0.5233 0.4149 1.150 0.9121 0.7235 0.5747 0.4557 1.252 0.9938 0.7883 0.6262 0.4965 109.5 136.2 174.2 219.4 276.8 0.3360 0.3257 0.2898 0.2663 0.2586 0.3435 0.3328 0.2962 0.2725 0.2644 0.3767 0.3654 0.3252 0.2994 0.2903 0.4105 0.3981 0.3543 0.3261 0.3162 253.5 349.6 392.9 357.6 440.3 356,100 403,000 410,400 413,400 420,600 0.2532 0.2254 0.2210 0.2188 0.2143 0.2588 0.2310 I 0.2262 0.2239 0.2192 I 0.2841 0.2536 0.2484 0.2458 0.2407 0.3094 0.2762 0.2705 0.2678 0.2621 495.1 442.6 491.0 520.3 584.9 463,700 492,600 496,800 504,900 584,000 0.1878 0.1841 0.1823 0.1786 0.1610 0.1916 0.1888 0.1869 0.1829 0.1658 0.2105 0.2072 0.2051 0.2007 0.1819 0.2294 0.2256 0.2233 0.2185 0.1980 507.2 589.4 624.5 702.0 591.6 I 11,500 16,700 19,000 23,400 13,200 574,700 579,200 589,000 624,800 629,300 0.1578 0.1562 0.1531 0.1451 0.1484 0.1621 0.1803 0.1570 0.1493 0.1477 0.1779 0.1759 0.1722 0.1838 I 0.1621 0.1936 0.1915 0.1875 0.1783 0.1764 687.5 729.1 819.0 747.7 792.1 i 19,300 21,800 26,800 21,000 23,500 43,470 44,370 54,370 69,170 70,630 87,320 110,100 138,800 174,700 220,400 270,300 277,700 312,100 341,000 350,400 Oriole/AW ChickadeelAW BrantlAW IbisiAW LarkiAW 336,400 397,500 397,500 397,500 397,500 , PelicanlAW Ricker/AW HaWkiAW HenlAW OspreylAW 477,000 477,000 477,000 477,000 556,500 I ParakeetJAW DovelAW Eagle/AW PeacockiAW SquablAW 558,500 558,500 556,500 605,000 605.000 I ac--60 Hz de :WC Ohms! mile I i I ! I i 5O"C Ohmsi Mile I Weight per 1000 It Ib 75°C Ohmsl Mile 2.516 2.447 1.993 1.581 1.537 I 54.6 62.7 68.9 86.8 99.9 i ! , I I ! ! I Rated Strength Ib 1,780 2,280 2,230 2,760 3,510 3,460 4,250 5,140 6,300 7,690 6,820 10,800 12,100 8,540 13,500 16,700 9,780 14,080 15,800 19,600 (See footnotes at end of table) 4-25 bare aluminum wire and cable TABLE 4-17 (Continued) Resistance a0---60 Hz Weight ACSR CodeWord Area of Aluminum Wires emil Total Aluminum Area emil de 2O'C Ohms! mile 25°C Ohms! Mile 50'C Ohms! Mile TeallAW Kingbird/AW RookiAW GrosbeakiAW EgretJAW 605,000 636,000 636,000 636,000 636,000 639,400 645,000 656,700 661,900 672,300 0,1411 0,1408 0.1381 0,1366 0,1342 0,1448 0,1454 0.1422 0.1406 0.1378 0,1589 0,1594 0.1559 0.1542 0.1512 0,1729 0,1735 0.1697 0.1678 01646 FlamingolAW GannettiAW Crow!AW StariinglAW RedwinglAW , 666600 666.600 715.500 715.500 715,SOO , 638500 693,600 738,600 774,700 775,900 01317 i 0.1214 0.1228 0.1214 0.1193 01357 0.1252 0.1267 0.1252 0.1228 01488 0.1373 0.1389 0.1373 0.1347 0.1494 0.1512 0.1494 0.1466 795,000 795,000 795,000 795,000 795,000 808.500 821,600 827,700 840,SOO 820.700 , 0.1169 0.1142 0.1129 0.1107 0.1143 0.1281 0.1251 0.1238 0.1213 0.1253 903.400 915,200 927,200 970,500 984,700 i 0.1004 0.0996 0.0976 0.0939 0.0921 ! 0,1041 0.1039 0.1014 0.09812 0.09585 0.1141 0.1136 0.1110 0.1074 0.1049 1,052,000 1,068.000 1,133,000 1,149,000 1,213,000 0.0886 O.08SO 0.0805 0.0794 0.0751 1,230,000 1,294,000 1,313,000 1,375,000 1,394,000 0.0741 0.0705 0.0694 0.0663 0.0654 0.07791 0.07491 0.07332 0.07085 0,06932 0.08515 0.08175 0.08009 0.07726 0.07567 0.0626 0,0817 0.0593 0.0563 0.0564 0.08727 0.06575 0.06407 0,06242 0.06131 0.07330 0.07172 0.06975 0.06804 0.06669 --... i i TernlAW Condor!AW DrakeiAW MaliardiAW Cuckoo!AW CraneiAW RuddyiAW Canary!AW RaiUAW Cardinal!AW OrtolanlAW CurlewlAW BluejayiAW Finch/AW BuntinglAW -­ i i I 874,500 900,000 900,000 954,000 954,000 1,033,500 1,033,SOO 1,113,000 1.113,000 1,192.500 .. GrackleiAW Bittem!AW PheasantlAW DipperlAW MartiniAW 1,192,500 1,272,000 1,272,000 1,351,500 1,351,500 BobolinkiAW PloverlAW Nuthatch!AW ParrotlAW LapwinglAW 1,431,000 1,431,000 1,510,500 1,510,500 1,590,000 Falcon/AW ChukarlAW BluebirdlAW KiwilAW Thrasher!AW 1,590,000 1,780,000 2,156,000 2,167,000 2,312,000 (See footnotes at end 01 table) 4-26 ! i ! i I I ! 1,455,000 1,477,000 1.536,000 1,563.000 1,615,000 1,641,000 1,817,000 2,200,000 2,191,000 2,343,000 i I I , 0.1127 0.1104 0.1093 0,1073 0.1105 i ! I i 0.09087 0.08868 0.08476 0.08312 0.07949 0,0555 0.05974 0,0504 0.05533 0.04705 0.0416 0.04805 0.0419 0.04528 0.0391 _ _--'-_ _ ~.L-- ! i , i I 0.09938 0.09704 0.09254 0.09091 0.08682 0.06507 0.06008 0.05088 0.05187 0.04883 Rated Strength Ib I 0.1393 0.1361 0.1346 0.1320 0.1363 I 0.1240 0.1235 0.1207 i 0.1167 0.1141 , . i I ! 0.1079 0.1054 0.1006 0.09872 0.09418 0.09243 0.08863 0.08689 0.06372 0.08205 28,500 15,020 22,000 24,800 29,900 I ! i , i i i 0.07937 0.07772 0.07548 0.07369 0.07211 0.07044 0.06488 0.05476 0.05575 0.05242 873.0 883.4 937.3 1044 873.4 981.3 1042 1161 981.8 ! ! I 21,500 27,800 30,500 37.100 27,520 1081 988.9 1111 1049 1178 30,600 23.970 31.000 25,400 32,900 1135 1275 1224 1374 1311 27,200 35,200 29,300 37,500 31,300 1471 1398 1570 1485 1667 1572 1766 1660 1862 1748 I ! 23100 , 26.000 25.300 27,SOO 33,400 1962 i 2015 2439 2265 2475 , ! i , ! I 40,200 33,400 42,400 35,400 45,100 37,600 47,700 39,700 SO,SOO 41,700 53,000 49,700 59,000 49,130 55,300 product identification and data TABLE 4-17 (Continued) Resistance Area of Aluminum Wires emil ACSR CodeWord Joree/AW Grouse/AW Petrei/AW MinorcaiAW Leghom/AW GuinealAW DottereliAW DorkingiAW CochiniAW BrahmalAW i i 2,515,000 80,000 101,800 110,800 134,600 159,000 176,900 190,800 211,300 203,200 Total Aluminum Area emil , i 2,549,000 86,970 116,600 127,000 154,200 182,200 202,600 218,600 242,100 248,600 i i i i de 20"C Ohms! mile 0.0360 1.0200 0.7524 0.7001 0.5692 ! 0.4817 0.4330 0.4013 0.3624 0.3469 ae-60 Hz I 25'C Ohms! Mile sooC Ohms! Mile 75'C Ohms! Mile 0.04243 1.0408 0.7673 0.7048 0.5804 0.04564 1.1426 0.8419 0.7733 0.6368 : 0.04890 0.4914 0.4417 0.4094 0.3698 0.3539 0.5391 0.4847 0.4492 0,4057 0.3880 ! i i 1.2445 0.9165 0.8418 0.6932 0.5869 0.5274 0,48900 0,4416 0.4221 : Weight I 1000 ft Ib per 2693 137.7 229.8 250.2 ! 303.9 359.0 399.4 430.9 477.2 602.6 ! i Rated Streng!h Ib 60,160 4,890 9,910 10,800 13,000 15,300 16,900 18,300 19,700 27,100 1. The values listed above differ from the corresponding ones of tables for ACSA because the COnductivity of the aluminum in the thick cladding of the core wires is taken into account Electrical properties of the aluminum wires are those of ASTM B 230 and of the core wires are those of ASTM B 502. 2, The single and three-layer ACSR/AW ae resistances have not been corrected for the magnetic effect of the core wire. See text of Chapter 3, 4·27 bare aluminum WIre and coble TABLE 4-18 Compact-Round Concentric-Lay Stranded Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR Compact Round) with Single Core Wire of Class B Zinc-Coated or Aluminized (AZ) Steel 13So-H19 ASTM B 401 Physical and Electrical Properties I I I I , I Diam. I Weight per 1000 ft ! Aluml· . of Dlam. of Diam. of . Non­ . Size num ' No. of Single • Complete Alum. Compact Compact Total I Alum. Steel Core AWGor Area kcmil ,Sq. in. Wires: Wire, in. Cable, in. . ACSR, in. Ib Ib Ib 0,0206 0.0328 10.0328, I 0,0521 I : 0.0521 6 6 7 6 7 0.0657 i 0,0629 ' 0.1045 ,0.1318 : 0,1662 6 6 6 266.8 I 0.2095 300.0 ,0,2356 336.4 i 0,2642 477.0 '0,3746, 18 18 18 18 795.0 '0,62441 874.5 i 0.6868 954.0 . 0.7493 ' 1468.0 11.15321 36 36 36 36 6 4 4 2 2 1 liO 2/0 3iO 410 6 I 0,182 0.229 0.236 0.290 0.298 0,0661 , 0.0934 0.1029 0,1052 0.1299 I I , 6 , I I 0.198 0.250 0.257 0.316 0.325 36.0 ' 57.31 67.0, 91.2 ! 106.61 0.326 0.365 0,410 0,461 0,517 0.353 0.398 0.447 0.502 0.563 115.0 i 78.1 145.2, 98,6 182.8 ' 124.0 230.5 156.4 290.8 197.4 0.1217 0,1291 0,1367 0.1628 0.559 0,593 0,628 0.742 0.609 0.646 0.664 0,814 289.1 326.0 364.8 518.0, 0.1486 1 0.1559 0.1628 ' 0,2019 ! 0,948 0.994 1,039 1.288 .. I I 1.040 1.091 1.140 1.413 Resistance dc-20'C I Class B i Aluminized Ohms! Mile Zinc Core , AZCore 11.6 i 24.4 38.9, 18.4 ' 39.0 ' 28.0 61.91 29.3 44.7 61.9 0.1181 0.1327 ' 0.1469 0.1672 0.1878 i Rated Strength-Ib 36.9 46.61 588 : 74:1 93.4 I 1160 1810 2260 2760 3510 3450 4250 5130 8410 8060 249.9 39,2, 282.0 ' 44,0 315.3 . 49.5 447.8 70.2 6770 7610 8540 11,600 605.0, 746.0 54.0 885.0 ! 821.0 64,0, 70,0 ' 966~ I 896,0 1494,0 1386,0 108.0 I 16,600 17,900 19,600 30,100 i I I I i 1120 1760 2160 2640 3260 3.3893 2.1291 2.1060 1.3381 1.3230 3290 3980 4680 5860 7420 1.0617 0.8410 0.6679 0.5297 0.4199 6540 7360 8260 11,100 0,3398 0.3020 0.2693 0,1899 16.300 17,500 19,100 29,300 ... 0,1144 0,1039 , 0.09530 0.06196 i 1. Data shown above are subject to normal manufacturing tolerance. 2. Applicable footnotes of Table 4-15 and 4-16 also apply to the above table; that is,the magnetizing currents for single-layer cables are based on 10010 of specified current for 25i>C, 75%. for sooe. and 100% tor 7ftC. Allowance should also be made for GOre magnetization in the 3&-wire cables. 3. For ampacity ratings see Figs. 3·13 and 3·14 and adjust according to the methOd described in the accompanymg text. 4, Electrical data will be close enough to the equivalent size of Ilf.>n·compacted conductor that data for those conductors may be used for practical purposes, 4-28 product identification and dolo TABLE 4-19 Shaped Wire Concentric-Lay Compact Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSRITW) Physical Properties ASTM B 779 Area Equal 10 Standard ACSR Sizes I Area Square Inches i , , Code Word Merlin/TW FlickeriTW HawkiTW ParakeeVTW Dove!TW Stranding Conductor Size ' Type I kernll 'Aluminum I Total No. Aluminum 1 336.41 0.2642 477.0, 0.3747 477.0: 0.3746 556.5, 0.4371 556.51 0.4371 0.2788 0.4233 0.4356 0.4937 0.5083, 6 13 16 13 16 ' SwiftiTW i 636,Oj OA995 RookiTW 636.0: 0.4995 GrosbeakiTW 636.0' 0.4995 TerniTW 795.0 0.6244 PuffiniTW 795.0 0.6244 0.5133 0.5643 13 0.5608, 16 0.6675 7 0.69191 10 CondoriTW DrakeiTW PhoeniXlTW RailiTW GardinaliTW 0.7261' 16 0.7876 5 0.8011 7 0.6464 13 SnowbirdiTW OrtolanfTW CurlewiTW AvoceVTW BluejayiTW FlnchiTW 1 0.6244 0.6244 954.01 0.7493 954.0 1 0.7493 954.01 0.7493 ~:;:~I I 1 I 0.705~113 Steel !Outside Diameter Complete' Steel Conductor Core : in. in. 14 18 18 18 20 lxO.1367 7xO.0940 7xO.l053, 27 19 20 17 18 Weight per 1000 fI 1 I' , Rated Total Aluminum Steel i Strength Ib 'Ib I Ib Ib 0.6300.1367! 0.776 0.2820, 0.789 0.3159 0.835 0.3045 0.852 0.3414 365.0 612.8 655.0 714.9 764.5' 315.5 16494'45'!, 8,560 448.4 . 17,200 448,7 ,206.3 19,400 523.2 ,191.71 20,000 523.5 1241.01 22,600 lxo.13291 7xO.1085' 7xO.12161 , 7xO.08SS i 7XO.ll08i 0.850 0.890 0.908 0.980 0.1329' 0.3255 0.3648 ,0.2658 10.3324, 646.0 816.0 873.5, 692.0 975.3 1 599.2 46.8' 597.9 '219.1 I 598.4 1275.1 745.9146.1 746.9 i228.4 20 20 30 32 20 7xO.12031 I. 7xO.1360' 7xO.0837 7xO.0971 7xO.1329 0.993 1.010 1.044 1.061 1.084 10.3639 1021 IOA080 1092 0.2511 1032 10.2913' 1075 :0.3987 1226 30 32 22 30 33 36 7xO.0871, 7xO.l010! 7X0.1383 , 7xO.0904, 7xO.l049, 1.089 1.102 1.129 1.129 1.143 10.2613 1115 973.8 141.2 25,700 10.3030 1185 975.2 188.8i 28,100 0.4149 1327 971.1 ,355.9 36.300 1048.9 ,152.1 27,500 1 0.2712 1201 ,0.3147 1257 I 1052.2 ,204.8 30,300 0.4310,1429 376.4 39,100 7XO.l0l~1 7xO. 11381 0.980 5 0.8117 0.8534 7 0.8117 0.8678 0.8117 '0.9189 13! 0.8742 0.9191, 5 0.8742 0.9347, 7 0.8742 0.9851 13 ' Oxbirdrrw ,1192.5 0.9366 0.9848, 5 7 BuntingiTW i 1192.5 0.9386 1.0013 Grackle.iTW ,1192.51 0.9366 1.0554 13 ScissortaillTW 1272.0' 0.9991 1.0505 5 BitternlTW 1272.0 0.9990 11.0681, 7 ' PheasanVTW 1272.01 0.9990 1.1256 13 DipperiTW ,1351.5' 1.0815 1.1348 7 Martin,rrw : 1351.5 1.0615 1.1959 13 BobolinkiTW 11431.0 1.1236 1.2017' 7 PlovertTW '1431.0 1.1239 1.2664' 13 30 33 38 30 35 7xO.0936I 7xO.l085 19xO.0892' 7xO.0967 7xO.1121 1.203 1.220 0.2808 1286 ,0.3255 1343 1°.4460 ,1530 '0.2901,1372 0.33631 1433 39 35 39 36 37 19xO.9210 i 7xO.1155 19x0.0949I , 7xO.1189' 119.0.0977' 1.264 1.256 1.300 1.291 1.337 OA805 0.3465 0.4745 ,0.3567 ,0.4895 1632 1522 1734 1613 1636 LapwingiTW 1590.0 1.2488 FalooniTW ,1590.0. 1.2488 ChukariTW , 1780.0: 1.3986 Bluebirdrrw : 2156.0! 1.0934 36 42 37 64 7x0.1253 . 19xO.l030, i 19xO.08741 , 19xO.0961 1.358 lA08 1.445 1,608 '0.3759 1791 0.51502040 0.43702063 0.4805 2515 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 1033.5, 1033.5! 1033.5, 11113.0 '1113.0 i 1113.0 1.3351 7 1.4071, 13 1.512, 8 1.8312! 8 I i 13,500 22,900 25,400 21,000 25,900 747.2 1273.8 28,200 747.8 '344.2, 13,600 901.6 I 130.4! 23,700 900.0 175.0, 25,900 897.3 328.7 33,500 1163 219 '403 174 234 29,500 32,400 41,900 31,400 34,600 1202 1274 1278 1350 1353 '430 248 456 263 483 44,100 36,700 46,800 36,900 49,600 1499 1503 1676 2047 292 537 367 42,200 55,100 50,700 61,100 489 Data stlown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances. AlUminum strands are of a trapezoidal shape and thus round wire sjze is not shown. Rated strengths of the complete conductors are calculated In accordance with ASTM B 779. Weights are based on 1350 aluminum and Class A zinc-coated steel. The type no, is the ratio of the steel to aluminum areas expressed as a percentage. 4-29 bare aluminum wire and cable TABLE 4-20 Shaped Wire Concentric-lay Compact Aluminum Conductors Steel Reinforced (ACSRlTW) Electrical Properties Area Equal to Stranded ACSR Sizes ~~~~'-~r-~~---r- ~--~~~-,--~--~------- Resistance ac-60 Hz dc No. of 20'C 25'C 50'C i 75'C , Size Type Stranding. Aluminum i Ohms! i Ohms! Ohms!, Ohmsl AIJSt. Layers, Mile Mile Mile Mile Code Word ! kcmll ; No. I 60 Hz Resistance at One ft Spacing GMR . Inductive I Capacitive Ohms! MegohmMile X, Miles X; ft MerlinfTW FlickeriTW HawkfTW ParakeetITW DovefTW 336.4 477.0 477.0 556.5 556.5 6 13 16 13 16 1411 18/7 1817 18/7 20:7 2,0.2654 ; 0.2715 '0.2966 0.3258' 0.0200 2 0.1860 10.1904 0.2094 0.2284 0.0257 1 2 0.1854; 0.1878 0.2087,0.2277 0.0264 2 0.1593 i 0.1633 0.1796 0.1959 0.0277' 2 i 0.1588; 0.1628; 0.1790 i 0.1953,0.0286 i SwiftfTW 636.0 636.0 636.0 795.0 795.0 3 13 16 7' 10 i 2711 18/7 20/7 1717 18/7 3 [0.1416 ! 0.1461 0.1395,0.1432 2 2 ; 0.1390 ! 0.1426 2 iO.1123Io.1160 2 ,0.111810.1152 0.1605\ 0.17481 0.02731 0.437 0.1574,0.1717.0.0296, 0.427 0.1568 i 0.1710 '0.0305 I 0.423 0.1274 '0.1388 0.0312' 0.4209 0.1266 0.1380 0.0323; 0.4165 0.1260 i 0.1257' 0.1077' 0.1073 0.1056 i 0.475 0.444 0.441 0.435 0.431 . i I' 0.1079 0.1017 0.1013 0.0994 0.0991 -.-------'-- --\---l----j-----r--,---,---j-----i-----i---"RookiTW GrosbeakiTW TernlTW PufflnfTW CondoriTW Drake.rrw Phoenixrrw RaillTW CardinallTW ! 795.0 13 20/7 , 795.0 2017 16 I 954.0; 5 30;7 954.0 , 7 32/7 954.0 i 13 ,20:7 2; 2 i 3; 3 Ii 2 SnowbirdlTW OnolanrrW CurlewfTW AvocetiTW BluejayfTW FinchiTW 1033.5 1033.5 1033.5 1113.0 1113.0 1 1113.0 3 3 2 3 OxbirdfTW Bunnng:'TW GracklefTW ScissortailfTW BittemlTW 11192.51 5 .1192.5, 7 ,1192.5 13 1272.0 5 1272,0 7 PheasantiTW 1272.0 Dipper,'TW i 1351.5 MartinfTW i 1351.5 BobolinlvTW ; 1431.0 PloverfTW 11431.0 LapwinQJ1W Falcon,rrw ChukarfTW BluebirdfTW i 5 7 13 5' 7 i 13 30/7 327 21/7 30/7 33,7 38119 I 3017 33'7 38/19 3017 35/7 1; I 39/19 3517 13 • 39/19 7 i ! 13 1 1590.01 7 . 1590.0; 13 '1780.0 i 8 . 2156.0 I 8 ; 36,7 39/19 i 3 3 3 0,0753 . 0.0752 0.0749 0,0706 0.Q705 3 1 0.0701 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 37/19 3 3 3 84/19 4 36.'7 42119 , 0.0859 0.0607 '0.0805 '0.0602 I , I 1 0.1113! 0.1147 0.1111,0.1144 0.0942 0.0982 0.0940 0.0979 0.0931 0.0962 , 0.0868 I, 0.0867 II 0.0908 0.0906 '0.0389 ; 0.0847 0.0845 0.0837 1 i 0.0794 0.0791 0.0783 0.0747 0.07451 0.1373 0.1370 0.1172 0.1160 0.1151 0.0331 0.0339 0.0343 0.0349. 0.03621 0.4137 0.4105 0.4094 00407 0.403 0.0995 0.1083 0.0993, 0.1081 0.0976 i 0.1063 0.0928,0.1009 0.0926 0.1005 0.0917 0.0998 0.0356 0.0363 0.0377 0.0369. 0.0376; 0.0399 0.405 0.402 0.398 0.400 0.398 0.391 0.0869 0.0866 0.0859 0.0817 0.0815 0.0382 0.0390 1 0.0412. 0.0394 1 0.0403. 0.396 0.394 0.387 0.392 0.390 0.0945 0.0941 0.0934 0.0689 0.0885 i . i i , i I , ! i 0.0991 0.0978 0.0971 0.0955 0.0949 0.0945 0.0940 0.0928 0.0925 0.0919 0.0917 0.0914 0.0906 0.0906 0.0903 0.0891 0.0896 0.0893 0.0883 0,0888 0.0984 ~:~: g:~: ~:g~: •g:: g:~~ ~:~~ \ i, 0.0668; 0.0730 0.0792 0.0427' 0.0659 1 0.0721 0.0784 0.0451 0.383 0.376 I 0.0874 0.0874 0.0865 0.0867 0.0860 0.0606 0.0661 0.0717 0.0449 0.377 • 0.0561 0.0598 0.0653 0.Q709 0.0476, 0.370 0.0503 0.0545 0.0594 0.0644 0.0482, 0.368 0.0415 0.0465 0.0504 0.0544,0.0538 I 0.355 1 ; i 1 0 0851 0:0841 0,0632 0.0801 i •0.0627 I 0.0824 I0,0584 ,0.07361 0.0806 I 0.0876 0.0426 I 0.383 ; i I 1 ~-------~--~~. -~--~----~------1. Dir.;ct CtJrrent (de) resistance is based on 16.727 ohm-crnil/ft (62.0% lAGS) at 2O'G for nominal aluminum area of the conductors, and 129.64 ohm·cmilift (8.O"k lAGS) at 20'G for the nominal steel area. 1 ------".~-- 2. Alternating current (ac) resistance is based on de resistance corrected for temperature using 0.00409 as temperature coefficient of resistIVity per degree G for aluminum and 0.0029 per degree G for steel. and for skin effect. 3. The effective ac resistance of a layer ACSRfTW increases with current density due to core magnetization. See Chapter 3 for details. 4. For ampaclty ratings of TW conductors, approximate values can be obtained from Figs. 3-13 and 3-14. 4-30 product identification and data TABLE 4-21 Shaped Wire Concentric-Lay COmpact Aluminum Conductors Steel Reinforced (ACSRITW) ASTM B 779 Physical Properties Sized to Have Diameters Equal to Standard ACSR COnductors Conductor Size Area Square Inches ! Outside Diameter Stranding Com- ! plete CondUC-i Steel I AJumi-! CodeWord MonongahelaITW MohawkilW CalumetifW MyslicffW Oswego,'TW i kcmll :TypeiAlumi-, num : Total,, No. 1, num : Steel 405.1 p.3181 0.33621 6 571.7'0,4490 0.5074 13 565.3 0.4439 686,6 0.5236 684.8 0.5221 ,0.6072: 16 ~:;!~i ;~ , , , 14 18 18 20 20 lx.1520i 7x.l030 7x.1147 .7x,1111 1 7x.1244 , ~or I ~re In. In. 0.860 0.846 0.658 0.913 0.927 10.1520 !0.3090 '0.3438 .0.3330 10.3732 Weight per 1000 ft I Size & Stranding at ACSR with equal diameter : !Alumi.. Rated Total. num Steel Strength Ibs 'Jbs Ibs Ibs kcmil Stranding I 441.0 734.7 714.8 856.3, 913,4 379.8' 61.2 537.31 197,4 523.1 i191.7 626.6:229.7 625,4i288.O 10,200 336.4 20,700 477.0 22.900 , 477.0 24,000 556.5 26,600 556.5 18/1 2417 2617 2417 26.17 720.7 61.2 722.' 265.7 717 330 ! 902.8 176.2 894 248 , 16,400 27,700 30,500 26,000 29.600 , 636.0' 1 636.0 ! 636.0 • 795.0 1 795.0 3611 24/7 2617 45.17 2217 I NechakoiTW MaumeaITW WabashiTW KettleiTW FraserlTW ' 768.9'0.6039 0.622~1 3 27 : 1x.1520 0.980 0.1520 781.9 768.20.6034 0.6819, 13 7x.1195i 0.977 iO.3585 987.8 20 7x.1331' 0.990 !0.3343 1047 762.8'0.5992 0.6986 16 20 7x.0973 1.060 :0.2919 1079 957.2 0.7518 0.8038, 7 : 32 946.7 0.7436 0.8168i 10 35 .7x.1154 1.077 .0.3462 1142 i ColumbialTW Suwannee!1W CheyenneiTW Geneseel1W Hudsol1l1W • 966.21 0 .7589 0.8573 13 ' 959.6:0.7537 0.8762 16 1186.10.9175 0.9646 5 1158.0'0.9095 0.9733 7 1158,4 0.9098 1.0281, 13 21 I 7x.1338 1.092 0,40141241 ' 908 i333 22 : 7x.1493 1.108 0,4479.1318 903 415 7x.0926 1.155 0.2778'1260 1100.4 159.6 30 7x. 1078 1.165 0.3234 1308 1092 216 , 33 7x.1467i 1.196 0.4401 1489 1089 400 ' 26 34,000 37,000 28,900 31,600 39,600 795.0 795.0' 954.0 954.0 954.0 54.17 26.17 4217 4517 54(7 CatawbalTW Nelsom1W Yukon.rrw TruckeeiTW MackenziaITW :1272.0 0.9991 1.0505 5 :1257.1 0.9674,1.0557 7 i1233.6 0.9669'1.0925 13 1372.5 1.078 ,1.1334 5 1359.7 1.067911.1418 7 7x.0967 1.203 30 35 , 7x.1115 1.213 38 :19x.0910 1.245 30 • 7x.l004 1.248 36 ' 7x.1159 1.259 10.2901 1372 !1198 174 0.3345 1417 1185.7i231.3 0.455 1586 11186.5 '419.5 0.3012 1481 :1293.4187.6 0.3477:1630 1280 250.0, 31,400 34,200 42,900 33,400 36,900 il033.5 1033.5 1033.5 1113.0 1113.0: 42/7 45.17 54.17 4217 45.17 ThameslTW SI. CroixiTW Miramichi,'TW MerrimacklTW Plattel1W 11334.6 1.348 1.1609. i1467.8 1.1529 1.21241 :1455.3 1.1430,1.2222 : 1433 6 1.125 :1.2677: 11589.0 . 1.2323,1.2957 i 39 19x.0944 1.290 7x.l041 1.292 33 7x.1200 1.302 36 39 i19x.0978 1.340 33 • 7x.l074 1.334 '0.4720 1713 !~261.6!451,4 .0.3123 1585 il363202 '0.3600 1540 1372 i2 68 0.489 1840 1358 '434 0.3222 1693 !1478 215 46,300 35,800 39,200 49,700 38,200 .1113.0 11192.5 1192.5 1192.5 1272.0 , 54119 42/7 45.17 54/19 4217 , 13 5 7 13 5 Potomacl1W .1557,4'1.2232 1.3079 7 Rio Grande,rrw 11533.3 1.2043 1.3571. 13 SchuytkmiTW i1657.4 1.3020 0. 3920 1 7 Pecos/1W 1622.0 1.2739 1.4429 i 13 Pee Deel1W i1758.6 1.3810 il,4770 7 , 7x.1241 1.345 1,0.3723 1755 1468 <:87 36 39 19x.l012 1.382 :0.5060 1968 1449 !519 7x.1280 1.366 :0.3840 1868 11 563 :305 36 39 19x. 1054 1.424 iO.5320 2107 '1533 :574 37 i 7x.1319 1.427 0.3957 1982 1658 1324 41,900 53,200 44,000 57,500 46,700 i1272.0 1272.0 11351.5 1351.5 1431.0 45.17 54/1 45.17 54/19 45.17 JamesiTW AlhabaskaiTW CumberiandiTW PowderiTW Santee,'TW 34 42 42 54 54 ,0.6375 '2221 1636 1585 10.4176 2199 1838 i361 :0.5665 2471 1821 1650 .0.4805 2498 ,2030 :468 10.5310 3048 :2477 :571 59,400 i 51,900 ' 65,300 • 61,100 1 74,500 ,1431.0 i1590.0 1590.0 ,1780.0 12156.0 54/19 45.17 54i19 84/19 84/19 11730.6.1.359 1.6314113 ,1949.6'1.5312 1.6377: 7 11926.9 1.5134 1.7049. 13 i2153.8 1.6912 1.8290 1 8 '2627.3 2.063 2.2268 i 8 19x.l075, 7x.1392' 19x.113S 19x.0961 19x. 1062 1.470 1.504 1.545 1.602 1.762 1. Data shown are subjec1 to normal manufaC1uring tolerances. 2, Aluminum strands are of a trapezoidaJ shape and thus round wire Size is not shown. 3. Rated strengths of ti1e complete conductors are calculated in accordance with ASTM B 779. 4. Weights are based on 1350 aluminum and Class A zjnc~coated steel. S. The type no. is the ratio of the steel to aluminum areas expressed as a percentage. 4-31 bare aluminum wire and cable TABLE 4-22 Shaped Wire Concentric-Lay Compact Aluminum Conductors Steel Reinforced (ACSRITW) Electrical Properties Sized to Have Diameters Equal to Standard ACSR Conductors I Code Word I I ReElISlance i ac-«I Hz dc i' , No. of I 2O·C ' 25'C ' SO'C '75'C GMR Size Type Stranding Aluminum' Ohms! OhmEl/ 1Ohms!' Ohmsl I I kcmil No. AlJS!. Layers Mile Mile, Mile Mile: It Inductive' Capacitive Ohmsl i Megohm­ Mile X. ! Miles X; i MonongahelafTW, 405.1: 6 MohawkfTW I 571.7, 13 CalumetiTW ,565.3 16 MystlclTW 666.6 13 OswegolTW I 664.8 16 14/1 18/7 , 2O!7 20!7 20/7 2.0.2205' 2 10.1550' 2 10.1564 2,0.1331 2 10.1329 0.2258' 0.2483, 0.1590, 0.1748; 0.1603! 0.1763' 0.1367' 0.1503 0.1364 i 0.1500 Phase-to-Neutral 60 Hz Resistance at One It Spacing 0.270~ I 0.0218 0.1907 0.0281 0.1923 0.0288 0.1638 0.0304 0.1635,0.0310 0.464 0.433 0.430 0.424 0.421 i , ! 0.1097 0.0991 0.0988 0.0970 0.0964 NechakolTW 768.91' 3 27/1 3,0.1171,0.1214' 0.1332: 0.1451 ! 0.0300 0.425 ! 0.0965 MaumeelTW i 768.2 13 20F1 I 2 ! 0.1155' 0.1189 0.1306'0.1424,0.0325 0.416 , 0.0949 WabashlTW 762.8' 16 20!7 2 0.1159 0.1191 0.1309 0.142810.0330 0.413 1 0.0946 Kettle.lTW i' 957.2, 7 3217 3 i' 0.0938 0.0976,0.1071 0.1166: 0.0350 00407 0.0925 FraserlTW _ _ _..L_94_6_.7 ..;!_1_0+_3_5!7_-1_ _3_-L_0._0_94_5..l-0_.098_2_'l-l'0_._10_7_7J--0_.l_17_3-j'_0_.0_3_58+'_0._404_+_o._09_1_9__ ColumbiaITW Suwanee.lTW CheyennellW GeneseelTW HudsonlTW 1966.2113 1 959.6, 16 ,1168.1, 5 1158.01 7 1158.4 13 1 21!7 22!7 3O!7 33/7 25/7 , 2 2 3 3 2 10.09181°.09491°.10421'0.1136 0.092210.0951: 0.1045,0.1138 i 0.0769,0.0810.0.0886' 0.0963 0.077410.081310.0891 I 0.0968 0.0764 0.079410.0871: 0.0948, 0.0364 0.0373 0.0378. 0.0364 0.04001 0.402 0.399 0.397 0395 0.391 0.0917 0.0913 0.0901 0.0897 0.0889 CatawbafTW ! 127201 5 3O!7 ' 3 ' 00706 i 00747 I 00817 i 00888 003941 0392 00689 NelsoflllW • 1257.1' 7 35!7 3,0.0713' 0.07531 0.0924! 0.0895 0.0400 1 0.390 0.0666 YukonlTW '1233.6 13 38/19 3 ' 0.0723 I 0.0758 i 0.0630 0.0903 0.0420' 0.385 0.0877 1 1372.5: 5 3O!7 3 0.0654: 0.0697 0.0761 0.0826 0.0409 I 0.388 0.0877 TruckeelTW MackenzielTW 1359.7, 7 36/7 3 0.0658, 0.0698 0.0764 0.0829 0.0420: 0.388 0.0874 ----+---+-~----~----~--~--~---r--~--~----~ ThameslTW 11334.6 13 39/19 3 '0.0888' 0.0703: 0.0770 0.0637 0.04381 0.390 0.0866 5 at. CroixlTW i 1467.8 33!7 i 0.0612 0.0655,0.0716' 0.0776 0.0424! 0.640 3 0.0867 MlramichillW 1455.3 36/7 7 0.382 0.0616 0.0658 0.0718 I 0.0780 0.0431 3 0.0867 MerrimaclTW 1433.6 13 39119 0.0622.0.0658 0.0720' 0.0782 0.0450 0.376 3 0.0856 33/7 PlattelTW 1569.0 5 0.0573 0.0617 0.0673, 0.0730 • 0.0439 0.379 3 0.0858 i i PotomaclTW Rio GrandelTW SchuylkilL'TW PecosfTW Pee DeefTW 36!7 39/19 36r7 , 1758.6 39/19 3717 3 3 3 3 3 ,0.0575.0.0617 0.05821 0.0618 0.0541 : 0.0584' 0.0549 i 0.0585. 0.0510 0.0554 I i 0.0674' 0.0731 0.0676 0.0734 0.0637 0.0690 0.0639. 0.0690 0.0603 , 00653 0.0445 0.0466' 0.0459 I 0.0481, 0.0473. 0.378 0.372 0.374 0.368 0.370 James.'TW 1730.6 13 39/19 3 I' 0.0516 0.0553,0.0804 0.0654 0.0494 0.365 Athabaska;'TW 1949.6 7 42/7 3 0.0460 0.05061 0.0550 0.0595 0.0500 0.363 CumberlandlTW 1926.9. 13 42/19 3,0.0462; 0.0501 • 0.05461 0.0591 ,0.0523 0.358 PowderfTW 2153.8 ' 8 64/19 4 : 0.0414 i' 0.0464 i 0.0503,0.0543, 0.0538 0.355 _Sa_nt_ee_lTW _ _--'_26_27_~.3..J._8---'_64~ /1_9---''--_4_......• 0.0341 . 0.0395 • 0.04271 0.0459,-10_.0_5_94..J..._0_.343~ 1 • 1 . ' . , 0.0653 0.0647 0.0845 0.0839 0.0637 0.0929 0.0822 0.0815 0.0803 0.0775 1. Direct current (de) resistance is based on 16.727 ohm-cmillft (62.0% lACS) at 20'C for nominal aluminum area of the conductors. and 129.64 ohm-cmiV~ (8.0% lACS) at 20'C for the nominal steel area. 2. Alternating current (ac) resistance Is based on de reSistance corrected for temperature using 0.00409 as temperature coefficient of resistivity per deg,ee C for aluminum and 0.0029 per degree C lor steel, and lor skin effect. 3. The effective ac resistance of 3 layer ACSRt1W increases with current densIty due to core magnetizatiOn. See Chapter 3 for details. 4. For ampacity ,atings 01 TW conductors, apprOximate values can be obtained from Figs. 3-13 and 3-14. 4·32 product identification and data TABLE 4-23 ACAR Aluminum Alloy Conductors, 1350·H19 with 6201-T81 Reinforcement ASTM B 524 Sizes Physical and Electrical Properties Size AWG or Cross Section : Square kcmil , Inches Resistance Stranding Weight per 1000 Feet' • Outside '1350 i Diameter ,: Alumi­ 1350-H19 : 6201-T81! in. num : 6201 Alumi-I' num Total ! 3,24 ' 2.37 i 2,03 :1.49 31.0 72,5 42.2: 98,7 49.3, 115.3 53,2 124.5 2010 2690 3140 3310 11,28 i 1.40 1 1.52 : 0.939 '1.03 ,1.11 ,0.804 0.879 i 0.954 10.744 0.814 !0,884 62.1 67,0: 78.2. 84.61 98.7 145.3 ' 156,8 183,2 197 .6 230.7 3830 10.6254 4100 ! 0,5794 : 0.591 4790 0.4966, 0,S07 5180 10.4591 i 0.469 6040 0.3935: 0.402 234.1 233,9 280,9 281,0 5480 I 0,3784 I 0.395 : 0.422 ! 0,458 6200 '0.3853 '0.394 • 0.431 '0,468 6S00 I' 0.3134 i 0,321 I' 0.351 ! 0,382 7390 0.3208 : 0,328 0,359, 0,390 0,0240 0,0328 0,0382 0,0521 4xO,0661 4xO.0772 4xO,0B34 , 4xO,0974: 3XO,0661,1 3xQ,0772, 3xO,0834 i 3xO,0974! 0,198 0,232 0,250 0.292 16.4: 22.3 26,1 1 35,6 12.2! 16.7: 19,51: 26.5 77.5 110 123,3: 210 0.0608 0,0829 0,0868 0,1045 4xO.l052 3XO.l05~ I 4xO.1228 3xO,1228: 4xO.1327 3xO.1327 : 4xO,1379! 3xO.1379 i 0,316 0.368 0.398 0.414 , 4xO,14901 4xO.1548 I 4xO,1672, 4xO.1739 4xO.1878 3xO.14901 3xO,1548I 3xO.1672, 3xO.1739' 3xO.1878 0.447 0,484 0.602 0,522 0.563 15xO.1147: 12xO,1147. 15XO.1257i 12xO,12571 4xO.1147 7xO.1147: 4xO,1257, 7xO,1257! 0.574 0.574 0,629 155.410,1221 310 0.1317 195,7' 0,1537 I 4/0 0.1663 246.9 0.1939 2SO 2SO 300 300 0,1963 ,0,1963 0,2358 0,2358 350 0.2748 15xO.1357! 350 i 0.2748 12xO,1357. 400 0,3142 15xO.1451I' 400 0,3142 12xO,1451 450 450 500 500 i I i , I 4XO.135~ I 0.679 : 0,3534 15xO,15391 4xO,15391 ,0,3534 12xO,1539: 7xO.1539! 0.3926 15xO,16Z: I 4xO, 1622 . 0.3926 12xO,1822I 7xO,16221 0,770 0.770 0.811 0.811 83.2 89.8 i 105.0 113,0 i 132,0 : i 1 359.0 ' 68.7 i 327.7' 207.0 120.6: 327,0 296,0 78.5,' 374,5 237,0 137,0 374.0 SOO ! 0,3924 33xO,1162 4xO.1162I 500 . 0.3924 3OxO.1162I 7xO.11621 500 '0,3924 24xO,1162,13xO,1162: 500 0,3924 18xO,1162' 19xO,11621 0.813 0,813 0.813 0.813 . 333.0, i 266.0 370.0 296,0 1 : 418.0 380.0 . 304.0 228.0 550 550 5SO 550 550 550 0,851 0.851 0,853 0.853 0,853 0,853 407 325 460 418 334 251 I· i 0,4318 15xO,1701 4XO.17011 . 0.4318 , 12xQ,1701, 7xO.1701, 10,4320 : 33xO,1219. 4xO.1219: 0.4320 130xO,1219 , 7xO, 1219 I 0,4320. 24xQ,1219 13xQ,1219! 0.4320 118xO.1219 19xO,1219: 28,6 39,0 45,6 62,1 i 185.0 I 49.1! 148.0 : 85.9' 222.0 i 58.91' 178.0 : 103.0 0,629 7xO,1357! 0,679 4xO.1451 I 0,726 7xO,1451! 0.726 41.5, 56.5 66,0 71.3 Rated 25"C 5lrC ' 75" Strength Ohms! Ohms! Ohms! 1Ohmsi Mile Mile Ibs Mile Mile 826 13,178 1120 : 2.330 1290 ,,1.996 1750 1.464 30.6 4 48.7: 2, I:, ac-60Hz dC 20'C 11.255 ! 0.9207 ,0.7884 1°,7301 3,54 2,60 2.22 1,63 1°.639 • 0,697 10,757 0.646' 0.701 0.554 i 0.601 0,512 : 0.556 0.439 ,0.477 1 I 7470 I 0,2669 10.275 ,0,302 : 0,328 8410 : 0,2753 : 0.282 • 0,308 ,0.334 8430 0,2352 i 0,241 10,284 ! 0.287 9520 0,2408 : 0.247 0.270 .0.293 I' 88.3 i 155,0: 98.1, 172,0 421,3' 9350 I 0.2091 10,215 i 0.235 421.0 10500 : 0,2140 0.220 : 0,240 468,1 10400 ,0.1882 0,194 10,212 468,0 11800 10.1927 0.198 0.216 50.4 88,1 184,0 239,0 468,4 I 468,1 468,0 467.0 515 108 514 189 55.4 : 515.4 515 97 180 514 263 514 ! 3.84 ,2,82 12.42 .1.77 0.258 0,261 0.230 0,235 10000 i 0.1855 , 0.191 i 0,209 . 0.228 10800 10,1877 0.193 ! 0.211 0.230 11900 , 0.1923 0,198 ,0,216 0,234 13200 0,1971 0.202 0,221 0,239 11400 0.1711 13000 0.1752 10800 : 0.1686 11700 '0,1708 12900 0.1747 14400 0.1791 0,176 0,193 0.180 ,0,197 0.174 0,190 0.176 '0.192 0.180 0.197 0,184 0.201 0,210 0,214 0.207 0.209 0.213 0,218 (See footnotes at end of table) 4·33 bare aluminum wire and cable TABLE 4-23 (Continued) - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - - r - - - , - - - - - - r - - - - - - - , - - - - - - -...- ­ Size I· Cross.: Stranding Weight per 1000 Feet I' : Outside . 1350 i Section: or : Square kcmi! . Inches 1350-H19 i 6201-181 i AWG num 0.889 0.889 0.891 0.891 0.691 0.691 444 650 650 650 650 i 0.5102 I 0.5102 '0.5102 i 0.5102 115xO.1777 4XO.1777: i 12XO.1777 7XO.1777 . 33xO.1273 4XO.1273 3OxO.1273, 7xO.1273 24XO.1273113XO.1273 18xO.1273119xO.1273 , : 33xO.1325I 4XO.1325 30xO.1325: 7XO.1325 24xO.1325, 13xO.1325 18xO.1325: 19XO.1325 700 700 700 700 : 0.5494 '33XO.1375 4xO.1375 i : 0.5494 Ii 3OXO.1375 7xO.1375 24xO.1375 13xO.1375 I 0.5494 • 0.5494 18xO.1375 i 19x0.1375 0.963 0.963 0.003 0.003 i 585 : 532 : 425 I 319 750 750 750 750 I 0.5892 ! 33XO.1424 4xO.1424, , 0.5892 '30XO.1424 7xO.1424 : i 0.5892 ' 24xO.1424 13XO.1424 I 0.5892 18xO.1424. 19XO.1424 1 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 , 627 800 800 500 800 I: 0.6280 0.6280 133X0.1470 I 4XO.1470: 130XO.1470· 7xO.1470, · 0.6280 24XO.1470 I 13xO.1470 , 0.6280 i 18xO.1470: 19xo.1470 1 i 1.029 1.029 1.029 1.029 , 365 850 850 850 850 0.6679 0.6679 : 0.6679 , 0.6679 : 33XO.151614xO.1516 i I30XO.1516 , 7xO.1516: I 24XO.1516· 13XO.1516i i 18XO.1516 i 19XO.1516! 1.061 1.061 1.061 1.061 1 711 646 I 517 I ! 388 900 900 900 900 0.7072! 33xO.1560 4XO.1560 , 0.7072, 30xO.1560 7XO.1560 I 0.7072 I24XO.1560 ,13XO.1560: : 0.7072 I 18xO.1560. 19XO.1560 i 1.092 1.092 1.092 1.092 950 950 950 950 0.7458! 33.0.1602 0.7456 :30XO.1602 0.7458: 24xO.1602 ,0.7458! 18xO.1602, 4xO.1602 7XO.1602 13XO.1602 19xO.1602. 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1.000 1,000 1,000 6201 ' Rated 20'C Strength Ohms! Ibs , Mile 355 501 456 365 273 ! 543 , 494 395 296 1 ! 570 i 456 342 I I 668 608 486 i 25'C 75' 5O'C Ohms! Ohms! Ohms! Mile Mile Mile num Total 118 206 60 106 196 287 562 561 561 562 561 560 12500 0.1568 1,0.162 0.177 I 14100 0.1605 '0.166 0.181 11800 0.1546 0.160 0.175 12800 i 0.1564 0.161 0.177 14100 0.1602 0.165 0.181 15500 0.1642 0.169 ,0.184 66 115 1 213 : 311 609 609 608 607 I 71 123 656 655 , 329 i 335 654 13600 :1 14700 16100 i 17900 76 ,1 132 : 246 , 359 703 702 702 701 : 14400 .0.1235 .0.128 15500 10.1250 0.130 : 17100 : 0.1280 0.133 19000 0.1312 0.136 , 0.163 : 0.165 : 0.155 0.168 : 0.159 0.172 ! I '0.141 10.153 10.1420.154 10.145 10.157 '0.148 0.160 81 141 262 ! 363 749 749 748 748 I 15300 10.1159 10.121 165000.11730.122 18200 i 0.1202 0.125 : 20300 ,0.1231 0.128 1 :0.132 '0.134 10 .136 10.139 1 I I, ' 1 1 ! 654 , I : I, 0.192 0.196 0.190 0.192 0.196 0.200 12800 0.1427 '0.148 10.162 : 0.176 : 13800 '0.1444 0.149 :0.163 0.177 , 15300 0.1479 0.153 iO.167 0.181 ! 17100 0.1516 0.156 10.171 0.185 I' g:;;~ i~:;;~ : 0.1325 10.1341 : 0.1373 10.1407 0.142 0.146 I· 86' 797 16000 17400 19200 21400 10.1090 ,0.1103 iO.1130 10.1156 ' iO.l44 10.145 .0.148 10.151 10.114 10.125 ,0.135 10.115 !0.126 10.137 iO.118 0.128 10.139 10.121 10.131 0.142 407 796 796 795 411 91 159 295 431 644 ' 643 842 842 17000 10.1029 ,0.108 0.118 ! 0.128 18400 0.1042 iO.l09 0.119 10.129 20300 :0.1067 10.112 !0.122 10.132 22400 : 0.1093 : 0.114 ,0.124 : 0.134 1.121 1.121 1.121 1.121 794 1, 722 : 577 , 433 96 167 311 455 : 890 , 889 17900 0.09761 19400 0.09877 21400 0.1012 23900 :0.1037 0.103 0.112 0.104 0.113 0.106 0.116 0.109 !0.118 0.122 0.123 0.125 0.128 . 0.7853 133x0.1644 4xO.16441 0.7853: 3OXO.1644 7XO.1644 0.7663: 24xO.1644 13XO.1644I 0.7853 i 18.0.1644 19xO.1644: 1.151 1.151 1.151 1.151 836 760 608 ! 456 101 176 328 479 937 936 936 935 18900 0.09269 20400 0.09379 22600 0.09606 25200 : 0.09645 0.0977 0.0988 0.101 0.103 0.116 0.117 0.119 0.121. 0.7849 54XO.1280 7xO.1280 I 0.7849 48XO.1260 13xO.1260: 0.7849: 42XO.1280 19xO.1280 0.7849: 33xO.1280 28.0.1280 I 1.152 1.152 1.152 1.152 829 737 845 ! 507 i 107 199 290 428 (See footnotes at end of table) 4-34 0.928 0.928 0.928 0.928 ,I, ac-60Hz de Diameter I' Alumi- i Alumi- . in. 600 I 0.4712 600 i 0.4712 500 I 0.4709 600 ,0.4709 600 ,0.4709 600 ! 0.4709 I Resistance 1 ! 753 !1 684 547 i 150 279 ! 889 888 I: I i 0.107 0.108 0.110 : 0.112 ,936 19700 !0.09283iO.097810.107 :0.116 I 936 21100 10.09417 0.099110.108 Ii 0.117 22900. 0.09555 0.101 0.110 0.119 935 1 935 ....-1i_2_75_00_L!'0_.09_7_69-,-0_.1_0_3-,-i0_.1_1_2-,-0_.1_2_1_ product identification and data TABLE 4·23 (Continued) SiZe Stranding Cross Section Square Inches 13S0·H19 AWG or kcmil Resistance I Weight per 1000 Feel 1350 I 6201 ! 33><0.1724, 4><0.1724 1 ,30><0.1724 i 7><0.1724, : 24><0.1724 I 13xO.1724 i ,18.0.1724 19xO.17241 919 836 669 501 111 194 360 , 547 '1030 ; 1030 [ 1029 I 1028 0.8641 54xO.13431 7xO.1343 i 0.8641 48xO. 1343' 13><0.13431 0.8641 42><0.1343 , 19><0.1343' 0.8641 '33.o.1343! 28xO.1343I 1.209 1.209 1.209 1.209 913 811 710 558 118 219 319 471 [1031 '1030 ,1029 ! 1029 0.9426 33XO.180114XO.1801 0.9426 3OxO,1801 7xO.1801 0.9426 24xO.1801 113><O.1801 0.9426 18xO.1801 119.0.1801 1.261 1.261 1.261 1.261 1003 912 730 547 : 121 ' 212 393 ! 575 , 1124 54.0.1403 7><0.1403 48xO.1403 13xO.1403 ' 42x0.1403 19xO.1403 33><O.1403128xO.1403 1.263 1.263 1.263 1.263 996 886 775 609 ! 128 I 239 349 i 514 i 1124 11125 11124 i 1123 0.9817 33xQ.1838 4><0.1838 0.9817 3OxQ.1838 7xO. 1838 I 0.9817 24.0.1838 13xO.1838 0.9817 1&0.1838 19xO.1838 1.287 1.287 1.267 1.287 1045 950 760 570 126 220 410 598 .1171 i 1170 11170 ,1168 0.9810 54xO.1431 1 7xO.1431 0.9810 48xO.1431 113xO.1431 0.9810 142><0.1431 i 19xO.1431 0.9810 • 33xO.1431 '28xO.1431 1.288 1.286 1.288 1.288 1036 921 806 633 134 248 , 363 I 535 1170 1169 1169 1168 1,300 1 1.0205 33XO.187~! 4xO.1874 1,300 1.0205 3OxO.18741 7xO.1874 1,300 '1.0205 24xO.1874, 13xO.1874 1,300 i 1.0205 ,18xO.1874! 19.0.1874 1.312 1.312 1.312 1.312 1086 131 593 1,300 1,300 1,300 1.300 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.364 1.364 1.364 1.364 0.8637 0.8637 0.8637 0.8637 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 0.9430 0.9430 I 0.9430 '0.9430 I 11.0212, 54xO.1480 I 7xO.1460 ,1.0212! 48xO.1480, 13.0.1460 I 1.0212 142x0.1480 19.0.1460 1.0212 133x0.1460 28.0.1480 1.0996 1.0996 1.0996 1.0996 54xO.1515 7xO.1515 48xO.1515 13.0.1515 42xO.1515 19.0.1515 33xO.1515 28.0.1515 i ! 1124 1123 1122 20'C Rated Strength Ibs 'Outside Diameter Alum;·: Alum!· ' 6201·T81 in. num , num I Total 1.207 1.207 1.207 1.207 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 ac-60Hz dc i Ohmsl Mile 25~ 5O'C 75" Ohms! Ohmsl Ohm$! Mile Mile Mile 20700 '0.09429' 0.0894 0.0975, 22500 ,0.08528 I 0.0904 0.0985' 24800 i 0.087351 0.0924 0.101 27700 '0.089531 0.0945 0.103 21600 I 0.09433 [ 0.0895 , 0.0976 22900 I 0.08554 I 0.0906 ' 0.0986 [' 24800 ,0.09679,0.0918,0.100 26600 i 0.086741 0.0937! 0.102 I, ,I, 0.106 0.107 0.109 0.111 10.106 , 0.107 10.108 0.110 22600 '0.07723. 0.0826 ,0.0899 0.0973 24500 10.07815, 0.0834 '0.0908 0.0982 27100 0.08004! 0.0852 0.0926 0.100 30200 0.08204' 0.0871 0.0948 0.102 , 23100 i 0.07727 24700 I 0.07838 26700 • 0.07953 28800 10.08131 '0.0826 0.0836 0.0847 0.0864 0.0899 0.0910 0.0921 0.0939 0.0974 0.0986 0.0996 0.101 23600 .0.07415,0.0795 i 0.07503 I 0.0804 28200 ,0.Q7685 0.0821 31500 • 0.07877 0.0839 0.0866 0.0874 0.0892 0.0911 I 0.0937 0.0948 0.0964 0.0982 1 24100 10.07427 ! 0.0796 25700 '0.07535' 0.0607 , 27800 0.07645 I 0.0817 30000 ,0.07816 0.0834 0.0867 0.0878 0.0888 0.0905 0.0938 0.0949 0.0960 0.0976 i 25600 'I' 622 ,1217 1217 1216 1215 24500 ,0.07133 0.0768 I 0.0836 0.0904 26600 0.07218 0.0776 0.0844 0.0912 29300 0.07393 0.0793 0.0861 0.0929 32700 0.07577 0.0810 0.0878,0.0947 1079 959 839 659 I 139 258 378 557 11218 ,1217 , 1217 1216 25100 I 0.07135 0.0788 0.0836 26800 10.07238 0.0778 0.0946 28900 '0.07344 0.0788 0.0856 31200 0.07509 0.0804 0.0872 0.0904 0.0914 0.0924 0.0940 1162 1033 904 710 150 278 407 599 1312 1311 1311 1309 26500 28400 30800 33300 0.0844 0.0854 0.0863 0.0878 ~~ I ~ 0.06827 0.06722 0.06821 i 0.06974 0.0719 0.0728 0.0737 0.0752 0.0781 0.0791 0.0800 0.0815 (See footnotes at end Qf table) 4·35 bare aluminum wire and cable TABLE 4-23 (Continued) Resistance Stranding Size , Weight per 1000 Feet I Cross I 6201 , AWG 'Section Outside 1350 or , Square ! Diameter Aluml- Alumi-! kcmil ! Inches, 135D-H19 6201-T81 , num • Total in. num 1,500 11,1779 54xO,l568 ' 7x0,1568 1,500 ,1,1779 48xO.l568 13xO,1568 1.1779 42xO,1568 19xO,1568 , 1.500 1,500 1.1779 , 33xO,1568 28xO,1568 ' i 1.411 1.411 1,411 1.411 1244 1106 968 760 1,600 11.2573 54xO,l620 ' 7x0,1620 1,600 ,1,2573 48xO,1620 13xO,1620 1,600 ' 1.2573 42xO.1620 19xO.1620 1,600 i 1.2573 33xO.1620 28xO.1620! 1.458 1.458 1.458 1.458 1328 1181 1033 B12 161 , 298 : I:: ! 171 318 1 465 685 ' 1405 ,1404 ! 1404 : 1402 11499 1499 ! 1498 ! 1497 ao-6OHz de :!SoC 75° Rated 20°C 50°C Strength Ohms! Ohmsl Ohms! 1Ohms! Ibs Mile Mile Mile Mile 0,0735 0,0743 0.0752 0.0766 i 0,0793 : 0,0802 , 0,0611 i 0.0824 30400 ' 0,05795 ! 0,0640 ' 0,0693 32500 0.05879 : 0.0647 0.0701 35200 0.05965 0.0655 0.0710 38100 0,06099 10.0668 0.0722 32200 , 0.05460 ! 0,0608 ,0.0658 34500 0.05539 ! 0,0615 0.0666 37400 0,05620 , 0,0623 0.0673 40500 0.05746 i 0.0634 0.0685 , 0,0748 ! 0,0756 ' 0.0764 ' 0.0777 ! 28400 30400 33000 1 35700 ! i I 0,06186 : 0,0677 0,06275 • 0,0685 0,06367,1 0,0694 0,06510 0.0707 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1.3346 54xO,1669 , 7x0.1669 1.3345 48xO, 1668 13xO,1669 ! 1,3345 42xO.1669 19x0,1669 1,3345 33xO,l669 28x0.1669 1.502 1.502 1.502 1.502 1410 1253 1097 862 182 338 ' 494 1 727 ! 1592 , 1591 1591 1589 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 I 1.375 54xO, 1694' 7xO.1694 48xO,1694'l3x0.1694 42x0.1694 19x0.1594 33xO.1694 28xO,1694 1.525 1.525 1.525 1.525 ' 1452 1291 1130 187 347 506 ! 749 1639 1638 1638 , 1637 33200 • 0,05300 , 0,0593 35500 ' 0,05377 ! 0,0600 38500 0,05455 , 0,0607 41700 0,05578 , 0,0619 1,600 1.4140 54xO.1718 : 7xO.1718 1,BOO 1.4140 46xO,1716,13xO.1716 1,800 11.4140 42x0.171~ 1 19xO.1716 1,BOO 1.4140 33xO.171B 28xO,1718 1.546 1,546 1.546 1.546 ,1494 1326 1162 913 193 356 523 ,771 1687 1686 ! 1685 , 1684 34100 10,05153 '0,0579 0.0626! 0,0674 36500 0,05227 ,0,0586 0,0633, 0,0681 39600 , 0,05304 ! 0,0593 ,0,0641 ! 0,0689 42900 , 0,05423 , 0.0604 ' 0,0652 ! 0,0700 1,900 i 1.4924 1,900 : 1.4924 1,900 ,1,4924 1,900 1 1.4924 '54xO,1765 i 7xO,1765 48xO,1765' 13xO,1765 42x0, 176~ 119xO,1765 33.0.1765 28xO,1765 1,589 1,589 1.589 1.589 .1577 ' 1402 1226 964 378 552 813 17BO 17BO ,1778 ' 1777 36000 0,04882 38600 0.04853 41800 0.05025 45300 : 0,05138 ! 0,0554 , 0,0560 ! 0,0567 : 0,0577 0.05981 0.0643 0.0605 ' 0,0650 0,0612, 0,0657 ! 0,0622 ! 0.0668 1,5713 1.5713 1.5713 1.5713 ,54xO.1811! 7xO,1811 48xO.1811 : 13xO.1811 42x0,1811,l9x0,1811 33xO.1811 128xO,1811 1,630 1,630 1,630 1,630 I 1476 1291 214 398 581 856 1874 1074 1872 , 1870 37900 0,04637 40600 0,04704 44000 0,04773 47600 , 0,04880 ! 0,0531 ' 0,0538 ! 0.0544 : 0.0553 0,057310,0616 0.0560 , 0,0622 0,0586, 0,0629 , 0,0596 ! 0.0639 1,570 1.570 1.570 72x0,1482 i 19xO, 1482' '63xO.1482 ~ 28xO,1482 54xO,1482.37xO,1482 1,630 1,630 1,630 ! 1482 .1297 i 1112 389 573 758 1871 1870 1870 1.766 1.766 1.766 72xO.1572 ' 19xO, 1572 ' 1,729 63xO.1572 , 28.0, 157~ 1 1.729 1,729 54xO.1572I 37xO, 1572 ,1640 i 1474 ' 1263 442 652 861 2126 2126 2124 1,962 11,962 1.962 72xO.1657, I 19xO.1657 i 1,623 63xO.1657 , 28xO, 1657 : 1.823 54.0.1657 ' 37xO, 1657 , 1.823 11871 '1637 i 1403 491 724 957 ,2362 2361 2360 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,500 2,500 2,500 ,,1,375 1,375 1,375 i i ! , , (See footnotes at end of lable) 4-36 888 ! ! ! ! , 1660 1014 ! i , 203 ! , , , 0,0709 0.0717 0,0725 0.0737 0.0642 ' 0,0691 0,0649, 0,0688 ! 0,0656 ! 0,0706 , 0,0668 ' 0.0717 41000 i 0.0470610.0538 0,05 43400 : 0.04775 ' 0,0544 0.0586 46600 , 0.04646 , 0.0550 0.0593 , 45500 , 0,04224 0.0494 , 0,0581 46300 • 0.04286 0.0499, 0,0536 I , 51900 : 0.04350 ! 0,0505 ! 0,0542 0,0622 80 1, 0,0629 I 0,0635 0.0568 0.0574 0.0580 50600 0.03801 0,04561 0.0489 ' 0,0522 53700 ,0,03857 0.0461 ,0.0494 0.0527 57700 0,03915 0.0466 ' 0.0499 0.0532 product identification and data TABLE 4-23 (Continued) Size AWG or kcmll I Weight per 1000 Feet Cross Section Square Inches 1350-H19 : 6201·T81 Outside , 1350 In. 2.159 2.159 2.159 3,000 3,000 3,000 2.357 i 2.357 2.357 num , ,72:<0.1738 19xO.1738 i 1.912 • 63.0.1738 28x0.1738 , 1.912 i 54xO.1738 37.0.1738 • 1.912 '2058 ' 1601 1544 I 543 796 1050 12601 ! 2597 .2594 I72xO.1816 12247 ' 1966 i 1686 590 869 1150 1 2837 2835 2836 19xO.1816 ,63xO.18l6 28xO.1816 • 54xO.1816 37.0.1816 Resistance ac:-60Hz de Ralad i 2O"C I 25'C 50"C: 75' Strength ' Ohms/ 'Ohms/ Ohms! i Ohms! Ibs 1 Mile Mile: Mile : Mile 6201 i Alumi· ' num i Total Dia~_r IAlum!! 2,750 2,750 2,750 I Stranding 1 55600 i 0.03455 0.0425 0.04551 0.0484 59000 ! 0.03506 : 0.0430 0.0459 ' 0.0489 63500 : 0.03558 : 0.0434 0.0464 ' 0.0494 , 1,998 1.998 1.998 ! I 60700 10.03165 0.0400: 0.0427 0.0453 64500 ,0.03211 0.0404 i 0.0431 0.0458 69300 i 0.03259 : 0.0408 I 0.0435 : 0.0462 1 Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances. 2. Direct current (de) resistance is based on 16.946 ohm--cmil/ft. for 1350~H19 wires and 19.755 ohm-cmillft. for 6201~TB1 wire. 3. Alternating current (ao) resistance is based on de resistance corrected for temperature and skin effect 4. Properties of the individual wIres are those of ASTM B 230 and B 398. 5. As the values of GMR and inductive and capacitive reactances of any all~aluminum stranded cable of a specific outside diameter are closely equal, the value of SMR, etc., of Tables 4-6 and 4-7 may be used for the above table if the diameters are equal. If the diameter is not found in Tables 4-6 or 4-7 as in the above table, interpolation from the nearest diameters readily obtains the desired SMR, etc. 4·37 bare aluminum wire and cable TABLE 4-24 Aluminum-Clad Steel Wire and Strand (Alumoweld) for Overhead Ground Wire and for Limited Applications as a Neutral Messenger ASTM B 415 and B 416 Physical and Electrical Properties No. and Size of Outside Diameter Wires in. Total Weight Area Sq. in. per 1000 ft de ReSistance at 20'C Ohmsl1000 ft Rated Strength Ib Ib ----------4---------T--------~--------+_------~----------- Solid Wire 12 11 10 9 8 7 i 6 5 4 , Strand 3 No. 10 3 No. 9 3No, 8 3 No, 7 3 No. 6 3 No. 5 No, No, No, No. No, No, No, No. 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 19 No, 19 No 19 No, 19 No. 19 No, 19 No, 10 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 37 37 37 37 37 37 S S 7 6 5 No. 10 No. 9 No, No. No, No. .... 8 7 6 5 --~. I ! i 0,0808 0,0907 0,1019 0,1144 0,1285 01443 0,1620 0.1819 0,2043 i 0,00513 0,00646 0,008155 0,01028 0,01297 001635 0,02062 0,02600 0.03278 14,65 18,47 23,29 29.37 37,03 4669 58,88 74.25 ! 93,63 1000 1261 1590 2005 2529 3025 3608 4290 5081 4532 5715 7206 8621 10280 12230 7,811 6.194 4.912 3.896 3,089 2450 1.943 1.541 1,222 ! 0,220 0,247 0.277 0,311 0,349 0,392 0,02446 0.03085 0.03890 0,04905 0,06184 0,07796 70,43 63.81 112,0 141,2 178,1 224,5 0,242 0,272 0,306 0,343 0.365 0,433 0,486 0,646 0,03590 0,04523 0,05708 0.07196 0.09077 0.1145 0,1443 0,1819 103,6 130,6 164,7 207,6 261,8 330,0 416,3 524,9 6301 7945 10020 12630 15930 19060 22730 27030 1.127 0.8936 0.7088 0.5821 0,4458 0,3535 0,2803 0.2264 0,509 0572 0,642 0,721 0,810 0,910 0.1549 01954 0,2464 0.3107 0,3916 0.4938 448.7 5658 713.5 899,5 1134 1430 27190 34290 43240 51730 61700 73350 02079 0.1649 0.1309 0.1037 0,08224 0,3017 0.3805 0.4796 0.6050 0,7626 0.9615 879.0 1108 1396 1762 2222 2802 0,713 0,801 0.999 1,01 1,13 1,27 i i i i i i 52950 66770 64200 100700 120200 142800 ! i 1.651 1.309 1,038 0,8232 1.6528 1.5177 0.2622 i i 0.1354 0,1074 0,08516 0,06754 0.05356 0,04247 1. Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances. 2, Direct current (de) resistance is based on 51.01 ohm·cmWft al 20°C, 20.33% lACS with stranding increments as shown in ASTM B 416. 4·38 product identification and data TABLE 4-25 Bare Aluminum Conductors, 135D-H19 Wires Stranded with Aluminum-Clad Steel Wires (Alumoweld) as Reinforcement (AWAC) in Distribution and Neutral-Messenger Sizes Physical and Electrical Properties Resistances i i , I Total ac-60 Hz 1 Alumi.. Weight dc Diameter Outside of Each Total pe' Rated, 2!t'C 25<C 50'C 7S"C Equiv. AWG, num Wi,. Size and Area 1000 ft Strength I Ohms! IOhmsl Ohmsl OhmsJ' Area Diameter Ib , Ib ,Mile' Mil. Mile tn. In. Mile Stranding emil Sq. in. i i No. No. No. No. 4 3 2 1 No. 110 6/1 5/2 413 314 215 No. 310 41.740' 41,740 41.7401 41.7401 611 52,620 512 52,620 413 52,600 No. 410 0.0817 0.0871 0.0937 0,1022 0.1133 1.710 2.790 4,200 6.160 8.990 2.165 2.129 ,2.078 '2.011 1.930 2,218 12 .455 2,172 '2.459 2.130 2.42:0 2.068 12.377 1.992 12.294 0,0918 0,04629 66.1 2,140 0.0978 0,05261 87.8 , 3.500 0,1053 0,06092 116.5 1 5,260 0.1147 '0.07234 155.9 , 7,700 0.1273 0,08303 213.5 i 11.300 11.115 : 1.686 1,645 ,1.597 11.529 1,757 1.952 1.151 1.723 1.963 2.175 1.686 1.940 2,173 1.642 ' 1.908 2.147 1.559 1,940 2.076 I 3/4 52,6201 2/5 52,620' 611 512 413 314' 215, 66,360 66.360 66,360 66,360 66,360 0,309 0.330 0,355 0.386 0.429 6/1 5/2 4/3 3/4 215 83,600! 83,690' 83,690 83,69°1 83,690, 0,347 0.370 0.398 0.434 0.482 6/1 105,600 105,600 105,800, 105,000! 105,600' 0,390 0.416 0,447 0.487 0.541 0.1300 0,1385 0,1490 0.1624 0.1802 Sf1 133.100' 512 133.100 413,139,100 314133,100 0.438 0,467 0.502 0.547 1 0.1459 0.1556 0.1674 0,1824 6(1 167,800, 4/3 167,800 0,492 0.524 0,554 611 211,800 15(4 211,600 0,552 0.575 5/2 167,8OO! 10.03671 52.4 10.04172 69,7 92,4 ,0,04831 10.05737 123,7 169,4 ! 0.07061 1 0.1030 0.1099 0.1182 0,1266 0.1429 10.05637 !0.06634 10.07682 0.09122 ,0.1123 83.3 ! 2,650 110,8 ' 4,370 146.9 1 6,600 9,690 196.6 269.3 13.500 I 0.1157 iO,07362 105.1 0.1234 0,08366 139.7 0.1327 ,0,09687 165,3 0.1448 0 .1150 , 247,9 0.1605 10.1416 : 3396 I 0.1840 0,1150 10.1861 ! 0.1974 1.721 0.006498' 1.740 0.006311 1.754 0.004926 1.735 ,0.004277 1.681 10.002660 1.106 11.240 1.376 0.009543 1.082 : 1,250 1.395 0,007076 1.0821,248 1,417 0.005522 1.033 11.290 11.406 0.004809 0,9808,1.187 ' 1.360 0.003212 3,310 5.450 8,100 11 ,200 16,500 1.080 1.059 1.036 1.005 0.9620 4.080 6,580 9,630 13.800 19,500 10,8554 I0,8760 0.9900 '0.84060.8590 1.003 '0.821610.8422,1.008 0.79681°,819110.9957 0.7630 :0.7781,0,9700 0,1360 0.1341 0.1320 0.1293 0.1263 0,5927 0.6291 0,6568 0,6758 0.72:48 0.1329 0.1307 0.1285 0.1290 0.1228 0.5768 0.6147 0,6447 0.6618 0.7107 ! 1 0,1291 0,1272 0.1250 0,1225 0.1194 0.5503 0.5865 0.6167 0.6337 0.6825 0.1222 0.1203 0.1182 0.1156 0,1125 0.5362 0.5725 0.6027 0.6196 0.1168 0.1169 0.1147 0.1122 210.7 1 6,060 0.5360: 0.5511 0.6377 0.72520.01353 280.6 , 9.690 10,52851°.5399 0,6467 0.740310.01002 I 371.4 1 14.200 iO.5161 :0.5290 0.6650 0.7873 !0.007826 0.5221 0.5585 0.569 0.1153 0.1135 0,1113 265.71 0.5082 0.5202 0,1119 0.1107 0.09289 132.61 176.1 : 0,1221 233.5 • 0,1480 312.6 ' 0,1766 428.0 i 0.1639 10,1476 0.1747 ,0,1677 0.1860 0,1943 1.557 1,565 1,555 1,525 1,479 0.007563 0,005604 0,004365 0.003812 0.002547 0.6067 0.6431 0,6720 0.6896 0.7369 0.1257 0,1238 0,1216 0,1191 0.1159 iO.1055 i 0.1171 10.1330 '0.1541 ,0.1829 : 1.363 1.395 1,335 1.364 1.306 ,1.338 1.266 : 1.302 1.213 ,1.237 , Inductive X; CapacitiVe X~ MegohmOhmsl Miles X; MileX. 0.5645 0.6008 0.6309 0.6479 0.6966 1 I , ft 2,697 0.006738 2.717 0.004992 2.703 0.0038991 2.657 0.003402' 2.572 0,002287, 0.245 0.291 0.291 0,307 0.340 0,275 0,293 0,316 0,344 0.392 512 413 314 2'5 No. 210 41,7401 GMR Phase to Neutral 60 Hz Reactance at One ft Spacing 167,1 I 4,930 222,1 8,030 294,6 1 11,900 394.3 16,400 I 305.4 '0.6780 0,6663 10,6510 10.8315 1.106 1.126 1.156 1.152 1.120 10.001073, '0.007956 ' 0.006202 10.0053961 1°·003807 0.6954 10,7960' 0.8979 0.01205 0.6306,0.8072 0.9148 0.008931 0.667310.8203 0,9564 0,006665 0.64940.7876 0.9587 I0.008061 7,380 ' 0 .4270 0,43731°.514210.5917 0.01518 10,600 0.4254 0,4357,0.4665 '0.5346 0.01375 1, Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances. 2, Direct current (de) resistance is based on 17.002 ohm~cmilfft for aluminum wires and 51.01 ohm--crnil/ft for aluminum-clad wires in strands and cladding. 3. Alternating current (ao) resistance is based on de resistance corrected for temperature and for skin effect. 4. Properties of the individual wires are those of ASTM B 502 and ASTM 6 230. 5. Ampacity for 6/1 ratio is directly listed in Figs. 3-13 or 3--14. This value is also conservative for other ratios because the increase of radiating surface resutting from the larger diameter at the Other ratios is partly offset by increased 12R loss in the additional Sleel. 4-39 bare aluminum WIre and coble TABLE 4-26 All-Aluminum Combination Unilay 19 Wire Stranded Bare Conductors Physical and Electrical Properties 1350-H19, -H16, -H26, -H14, and -H24 ASTM B 786 Rated Strength Wire Diameter Conductor Size kcmil A.WG A.rea sq. In. Ib Weight per 1000 ft Ib Resistance dc-20'C Ohms/Mile Conductor 1----,-----,-----1 135O-H26 1350·H16 1350·H24 1350·H14 81 128 6.1 9.7 12.3 15.5 19.5 13.973 8.790 6.970 5.526 4.382 0, D. Cia., in. in. in. 135O-H19 6,53 10.38 i 13.09 ! 16.51 ' 20.82 12 10 9 8 7 I 0.00513 '0.00816 0.01028 0.01297 0.01535 0.0201 0.0253 0.0284 0.0319 0.0356 0.0147 0.0185 0.0208 0.0234 0.0262 0,090 0.113 0.127 0.143 0.160 120 lB8 238 300 379 257 71 113 142 180 227 26.24 33.09 41.74 52.62 66.36 i 6 5 4 3 2 0.02061 0.02599 0,03278 0.04133 0.05212 0.0402 0.0452 0.0507 0.0570 0,0640 0.0294 0.0331 0.0371 0.0417 0.0468 0.179 0.202 0.226 0.254 0,286 477 604 857 1080 1350 324 410 516 653 824 287 362 456 576 726 24.6 31.0 39.1 62.1 3.481 2.756 2.188 1.734 1.374 1 I 0.06573 1/0 0.08291 0.1045 0.1316 0.1662 0.0718 0.0807 0.0906 0.1017 0.1142 0.0526 0.0591 0.0653 0.0745 0.0836 0.321 0.360 0.404 0.454 0.510 1720 2140 2880 3230 4000 1040 1310 1650 2080 2630 915 1180 1460 1840 2320 78,4 98.9 124.6 157.1 198.1 1.091 0.8646 0.6856 0.5441 0.4311 250.0 266.8 300,0 336.4 350,0 0.1963 0.2095 0.2356 0.2642 0.2749 0.1242 0.1283 0.1360 0.1440 0.1469 0,0909 0.0939 0.0996 0.1054 0.1075 0.554 0.573 0.607 0,643 0,656 4840 4950 5560 8090 6340 3110 3310 3720 4180 4340 2740 2920 3290 3690 234.1 280.9 315.0 327.7 0.3650 0.3421 0.3041 0.2711 0.2483 397.5 450.0 477.0 500.0 556.5 I 0.3122 0.1556 0.1658 0.1715 0.1756 0.1853 0.1146 0.1219 0.1255 0.1285 0.1356 0.699 0.744 0.756 0.764 0.827 7080 7950 8430 8840 9760 4940 4360 4930 372.2 421.4 446.6 468.2 521.1 0.2294 0.2028 0.1914 0.1825 0.1841 83.691 105.6 I 133.1 i 167.8 211.6 I, 210 310 410 0.3534 0.3746 0.3927 0,4371 ~: II 3830 5590 5920 6210 6910 5220 I! 5460 6100 49.3 i 249.8 1, Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances. 2. The diameter of the larger wire 0, is equal to VcmiJ area/16.2149. 3. The diameter of the smaller wire Dz is equal to D, x 0,732, 4. The overall conductor diameter is equal to 3D 1 + 2D2 , 5. The rated strengthe of the -H14. -H24, -H16. and -H24 tempers are based on the minimum tensile requirements for these tempers as listed in ASTM B 609. 6. Direct current (de) resistance IS based on an electrical conductivity of 61.2% lACS, 7. The conductors fisted in this table are stranded for subsequent insulation. 4-40 DI~ product identification and data TABLE 4-27 All-Aluminum Alloy Concentric-Lay Stranded Conductors Physical and Electrical Properties ASTM B 801 8XXX Series Alloy 0, -H12X and -H22X Tempers Rated Strength Ib Nominal Conductor Diameter I [Weight Stranding Conductor No. and Dis. I ; per 0 Temper Size 01 Wires Conventional Compressed Compact 11000 It in. AWG or kcmll : in. in. in. I Ib ; Min. Max. 8 6 4 7xO.0486 7xO.0612 7.0.0772 7xO.0867 0,146 0.184 0.232 0.260 0.142 0.178 0,225 0,252 7xO.0974 : 19.0,0664 7xO.1228 19xO.0745 0.292 0.332 0.368 0.373 0.263 0.322 0.357 0.362 7xO.1379 19x0.0837 7xO.1548 19xO.094O 37xO.0673 0.414 0.419 0.464 0.470 0.471 0.402 0.406 0.450 0.456 0.457 7.0.1739 19.0.1035 . 19xO.1147 37.0.0822 61.0.0640 0.522 0.528 0.529 0.574 0.575 0.576 0.506 0.512 0.513 0.557 0.558 0.559 19x0.1185 ; 37xO.0849 61.0.0661 0.593 0.594 0.595 19x 0.1257 ; 37xO.0900 61.0.0701 0.629 0.630 0,631 19xO.1331 r ; 3 2 1 110 1/0 2/0 210 : 3/0 310 3/0 4/0 410 410 250 250 250 266.8 266.8 266.8 300.0 300.0 300.0 i : I : ; I I ; I 37xO.0756; I 0,134 0.169 0.213 0.238 1 : I : 15.5' 24.7' 39.3 49.5 , 0.603 0.603 0.603 317 317 ' 317 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.616 329 , 329 • 329 i 0.612 0.646 0.848 0.649 19.0.1447 "1 0.724 0.725 0.726 0.727 0.702 0.703 0,704 0.705 0.659 0.659 0.659 0.659 374 374 ' 374 i 374 0.728 0.706 0.707 0.707 0.659 0.659 0.659 376 376 376 37.0.1040 I 61xO.0810 : 91xO.0863 ; 0.7~ 0.729 0.1303 0.1303 0.1033 0.1033 0.1033 1,86~ I 3,770 3,290 1,820 3,770 3,210 1,800 I 3,770, 3,180 , I, 400.0 400.0 400.0 2,300: 2,300 2,900 2,900 2,900 282 262 282 397.5 397.5 397.5 397.5 1 1,500 1,460 1,900 0.570 0.570 0.570 0.659 0.661 0.661 0.661 61 xO.0807 ' 91.0.0661 0,2613 0.2072 0.1642 0.1642 0.610 i i I 3~ O.3~6 1,150 : 1,450 : 1,820 1,820 251 251 2,660 2,660 2,660 3,140 3,140 3,140 1,0504 0.6609 0.4155 750 916 1,190 1,160 I 251 1 1,670 1,670 2,110 : 2,110 2,110 721 909 472 595 0.537 0.537 [ 0.537 1 0.679 0.681 0.661 0.682 i 453: 0.575 0.576 0.577 I 19.0.1357. 37.0.0973 1 ; 61 xO.0757 : 91xO.0820 ; 37xO.1036 285 1,360 1,310 1,260 1,550 1,5201 1,500: 350.0 350.0 350.0 350.0 1 187 199 199 199 1 235 235 I 235 ! 853 826 1,070 1,040 i 1,020 Max. ~7 0.475 0.475 0.475 0.520 0.520 0.520 0.423 0.666 0.668 0.669 i Min. 0.423 0.376 0.376 : 0.423 I 37.0.0954 ; [ 61xO.0743 I 207 1 330: 524: 661 62.5 . 425 1 833 51~! 1.050 78.8 99.4 676i 1,330 655 : 1,330 99.4 336.4 336.4 336.4 i i 106 168; 267 3371 Temper 125 125 . 158 ! 158 : 158 0.611 I 0.268 0.299 0.336 0.336 : Resistance dc-20"C Ohmsl 1000 It H12)(, H22X 1,840 1,800 2,390 3,650 2,320; 3, 650 1 2,270 2,740 2,680 2,650 3,650: 4,320; 4,320 4,320 1,6601 3,350 2,920 4,610 i:~~~i ;:~: 2,860 2,830 0.0820 0.0820 0.0820 0.0694 0.0694 0.0894 0.0650 4,6101 0.0650 4,610 I 0.0850 5,180 5,180 [ 5,180 I 0.0578 0.0578 0.0578 2,090 I 4,230 2,040 4,230 2,020 4,230 3,660; 5,8101 3,600 5,810 3,560 5,810 . 0.0516 0.0516 0.0516 2,170: 2,130; 2,100 2,100 4,400 4,400 i 4,400' 4,400 1 3,830; 6,040 3,750 3,710 3,710 6,040 6,040 6,040 0.0495 0.0495 0.0495 0.0495 2,470 4,9901 4,350 4,990 : 4,260 4,990 ; 4, 210 4,990 6,880 6,860 6,860 6,880, 0.0436 0.0436 0.0436 0.0436 6,910 6,910 6,910 0.0434 0.0434 0.0434 2,410 2,390 2,390 2,430; 5,020 2,400 5,020 2,400 5,020 1 1 (See footnotes at end of table) 4-41 bore aluminum wire and cable TABLE 4-27 (Continued) Rated Strength _--11 f-_N_o_m_in_a_'..,Co __ nd_u_ct_o_r_D_i_am,-ete_r 'b 1 I Weight ----.,----H-12-X-,-H-2­ -ci Resistance Stranding 2X : per : dc-20'C No and Dia Conventional' Compressed I Co~pact ,1000 ft: 0 Temper Temper I Ohms/ , of Wires • In. 1 In. ' tn. I Ib ; Min. Max. Min., Max. 1000 ft ! in. rl Conductor Size kcmil 450.0 450.0 450.0 I - - 477.0 I, 37xO.l103! 61XO.06591' 1 91xO.0703 0,772 0.773 0,773 I I' 37xO.1135: 61xO.0884I 91xO.0724 0.795 0.796 0,796 37xO.1162' 61xO.0905 91xO.0741 0.813 0.815 0.615 37xO.1219 ,61xO.0950 I' 91xO,0777! 127xO.0658 I 0.853 0.655 0.855 0.855 0,827 0.829 0.629 0.829 556,5 556.5 555.5 556.5 '37xO.1226 I ' 61xO.0955' 91xO.0782I 127xO.0662 0.658 0.880 0.860 0.001 600,0 600,0 600.0 600.0 37xO.1273: 61 xO.0992 91xO.0612 127xO,0687 477.0 477.0 500.0 500,0 500.0 550.0 550.0 550.0 550.0 I ! I I 1 0.749 0.750 0.750 I' ! : 0.700 ,0.700 0.700 424 424 424 0,771 0.772 0.772 0.722,449 0.722 449 0.722 449 0.789 0.791 0.791 0,736 0.736 0,736 1 .,2,900' ! 2,860 I 12,860 I I 5.990 5,990 5,990 ' 0,0385 0,0385 0.0385 5,110 8,2401 0.0364 5,060 8,240. 0.0364 5,060: 8,240 1 0.0364 471 [3,040:,' 6,280 1 4713,000 6,280 471 13,000 6,280 5,3601 8,640' 5,300 I 8,640 5,300: 8,640 -:13,340. 5,89~1,I 9,500 0,0347 0.0347 0.0347 0.775 0.775 0,775 0,775 518 516 518 518 0.832 0.834 0.834 0,835 0,780 0.780 0.780 0.780 524 524 524 1 524 3,380 3,340: 3,340 I 3,340 I 0.891 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.864 0.866 0.006 0.866 0.813 I 585 0.813. 565 0,813 1 565 0,813 585 3,640: .3,600 13,600 3,600 37xO.1325 61xO,1032 91xO.0845 127xO.0715: 0.928 0.929 0.930 0.930 0.900 0,901 0.902 0,902 0.845 0.845 0.845 0.845 700.0 700.0 700.0 61xO.1375I 91xO.l071, 127xO.0742 I 0.964 0.935 0.936 0.936 0,877 1659 0,877,659 0.677 1 659 750.0 750.0 750.0 61XO.l1091 91XO·0907066: 12 lxO. 8 I 0.998 I 0.968 ,0.969 0.968 0.908 06 0°.'9908 I 706 0.999 0.996 4,500 '20,000, 7,950 '13,000: 1 706 4,500' 20,000 1 7,950113,000 ,7,4,500 20,000. 7,950113,000 06 0.0231 0.0231 0.0231 600.0 600.0 800.0 61xO.1145 91xO.0936 127x0.0794 1.031 1.032 1.032 1 1.000 ,1.001 i 1.001 0.936 0.938 '0,938 1753 i 753 I 753 0.0217 0.0217 0.0217 900.0 900.0 900,0 ;~~:~~; ~:~: 1,093 I 127xO.0842 1000.0 1000.0 1000.0 61xO.1260 91 xO,1 099 127xO.0931 1.152 1.153 1.153 I --------+-----~ 650.0 650,0 650.0 650.0 ! 6,910 6,910 6,910 6,910, 0.0315 5,830: 9,500!' 0,0315 5,830 , 9,500 i 0.0315 5,830' 9,500 1 0,0315 6,990 6,980 6,990 6,990 5,960 5,900 5,900 5,900: 9,610 I 9,610: 9,610 9,610 0.0312 0.0312 0.0312 0.0312 7.540 7,540 7,540 7,540, 6,430110,400 6,360 10,400, 6,360: 10,400! 6,360 I 10,400 I 0,0289 0.0289 0,0289 0.0289 : 3,950 17,600 6,960111,2001 3,900 17,3001 6,890 , 11,200 i 3,90~117,300 6,890: 11,2001 3,900117,3001 6,890111,2001 0.0267 0.0267 0.0267 0,0267 4,200 i 16,7001 7,420112,100 4,200116,700 7,420' 12,100 4,200118,700 7,420112,100 0.0248 0.0248 0,0248 1'3,300 3,300 3,300 ,I I ' __ -----r------_r----+---_r--+_--_r---r---+­ 0.965 0.965 1 I 612 612 612 612 ~:~~~ I ~::~ !:~ 1.082 ' 0.999 847 1.117 ,1.116 1 1.119 1.060 1.060 1.080 941 941 841 1. Data shown are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances, 2, Diameter of individual wires is shown for conventional round wire conductor. 3, Direct current (dc) r.sistance is based on an electrical conductivity of 61.2% lACS. 4. The conductors listed in these tables are stranded for subsequent insulation. 4-42 '2,730 5,650' 4,820 7,770 12,700 1' 5,650 4,770 7,770 ,2,700 1 5,650 4.770, 7,770 I 4,800i21,4OO 4,800 21,400 ,4,800 21,400 I;:: 8,480' 13,800 8,480' 13,600 8,480 13,600 ~::~~ ~:~! i~:;~ 0.0193 ~:~~: 9,540115,500 : 5,400 24,000 ::6,010 ' 26,700 10,600 117,300, 6,010 26,700 10,600,17,300' 6,010 26,700 10,600,17,300 I " ' 0.0173 0.0173 0.0173