COURSE - 4 LANGUAGE ACROSS THE CURRICULUM AN ASSIGNMENT ON LANGUAGE REGISTER. SUBMITTED TO :- SUBMITTED BY:- DR. UPASANA SINGH SHALU KUMARI HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT ROLL NO - 18 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION B.ED 1ST YEAR PATNA WOMEN’S COLLEGE 2021-2023 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I bow my head in gratitude to God Almighty for granting me the grace, insight, ability and direction at every moment to accomplish this assignment. I render my sincere thanks to our Principal Dr. Sister M.Rashmi A.C. for the opportunity given to do this assignment and for her guidance received from time to time. I am grateful to Dr. Upasana Singh, Head of Department of Education, Patna Women's College, for her constant guidance and support. Words alone express my gratitude towards her patient direction and focused guidance in the successful completion of my assignment. I cannot thank her for his constant encouragement, inspiration, timely guidance and valuable suggestions. Date: Signature: INDEX 1. Introduction 2. Meaning of language register 3. Types of language register 4. Frozen register 5. Formal register 6. Consultative register 7. Casual register 8. Intimate register 9. Subject register 10. References 11. Conclusion INTRODUCTION The term register was first used by the linguist Thomas Bertram reid, in 1956. In linguistics, the register is defined as the way a speaker uses language differently in different circumstances. The variations in a formality also called stylistic variation or known as register in linguistics. Language register is the level of formality with which we speak different situation and people call for different register. Meaning of language register The word language register derived from latin word, 'record'. In simple terms, it describes the various styles of language available for writing or speaking. In Linguistic, one’s register is a style or variety of language in response to the social occasion, context, purpose and audience, also called stylistic variation. E.g. a register of scientific, religious, formal English or Hindi. Practically, the term refers to the degree of formality with which populations use language; these formal variations are sometimes called codes. Each linguistic registers has a variety of specialized vocabulary and turns of phrases, colloquialisms and use of Jargons and in intonation and pace. The function of Jargon is helping to create a maintain connections among those who see themselves as insiders in same way and to exclude outsider. There are five types of language register, they are as follows: Frozen Formal Consultative Casual Intimate Public voice We use public voice when we are at school at work or at meeting with friends or strangers. Frozen register Formal Register Consultative register Private voice We use private voice when we are with friends and close family in a casual setting. Casual register Intimate register Universal rule A person can go from one register to other register without any conflict. A. Frozen register Language that rarely or never changes. Language that is always the same. E XAMPLES: 1) National pledge. India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give respect to my parents, teachers and all elders and treat everyone with courtesy. To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion in their well-being and prosperity alone, lies my happiness. 2) A self-composed poem. Dear teachers, we want You to know this, thatYour scorching anger Make us remember the wrath of Summer. But, Whenever, we derail, From our Path you lift our ear, And, We are, Back to sail.. You direct your sternness in making us sharp & Sheer. Sometimes, what makes us To push our boundary Is, of course, Your FEAR. B. Formal register One way communication or participation with no interruption. Technical vocabulary or exact definition with complete sentences are important. It includes presentations or introductions between strangers. EXAMPLES: 1. Addressing of an event by a Principal. 2. The Supreme Court verdict in Sabarimala temple entry case. C. Consultative register Two way communication with interruptions. May not have any past experience with that person. Back channel behaviour such “hmm”, “ugh” etc. EXAMPLES: 1. Conversation between lawyer and client. 2. Talk between psychiatrist and patients. Umm.. D. Casual register Past experience with that person with no background information. Slang and interruptions are common. EXAMPLES: 1. Conversation between friends. 2. Conversation between family members. E. Intimate register Non-public with private vocabulary. Intonation is more important than wordings or grammar. Also include non-verbal messages. This is the most common among family members and close friends. SUBJECT REGISTER Subject register is a set of linguistic forms used in different way in different subject. All individual subject has its distinct vocabulary and set of grammar. It determines the style and tone of language used in subject. SUBJECT REGISTER OF ZOOLOGY Language and its register plays two crucial roles in subject learning: a. Facilitate communication of conceptual and procedural knowledge (external, public). b. Mediates thinking, a process necessary for understanding (internal, private). Zoology provides a real and engaging context for developing literacy, and language skills and strategies support conceptual development and scientific practice. Some examples of zoology registers are: 1. IMMUNOLOGY Subject register words: Pathogens, B cell, Plasma cell, viruses, fungi, immunity, phagocyte, antibodies, Humoral This schematic diagram of immunity-working mechanism is an example of Zoology register. Immunology is a branch of Biology. The normal lines and curves interaction figures are normally perceived as any geometrical shapes but when used in Biology, a elliptical or circular, uneven square (ameboid shape) represents ‘a cell’. Likewise, a chain of circular figures represents a type of bacteria (Bacillus), a ‘V’ shaped- broken line figure represents ‘ANTIBODIES’, a tetrahedron structure in biology register is ‘a virus’. The destruction of a pathogens (Any harmful substance that enters a body) by a body cell (antibody or WBCs) nomenclates itself as ‘Phagocytosis’ in this subject register. 2. Graph of Electrocardiography Subject register words: Depolarisation, Repolarisation , Atrial , Ventricular , Systole , Diastole EXPLANATION: Certain group of words, which are normal to read, but when read in some reference to a subject, it deciphered more clearly and have a different meaning. Like PR interval or ST interval. When we examine cardiac cycle (Truly an example of zoology register) PR interval depicts Atrial depolarization (Diastole) and ST interval depicts Ventricular Repolarisation (Systole). 3. Central dogma Subject register words: DNA, RNA, Ribosome, Transcription, Translation , RNA polymerase, DNA polymerase. EXPLANATION: It comes under Frozen register. It was given by Francis crick. Central dogma is the pathway of DNA to protein synthesis which is solely studied under molecular biology. Molecular biology is an important branch of a study in zoology. Some of the technical vocabs from zoology register does justification for explanation of this process. 4. Chromatin packaging into chromosome. Subject register words: DNA , Histone protein , Nucleosome, Chromatin , Chromosome EXPLANATION: Schematic diagrams are the perfect examples of the zoology language register. The double helical structure (seems like, winding of two threads), always depicts a DNA in biology. Here, the packaging of DNA threads to form a chromosome is shown. Words like chromatin, nucleosome, metaphase chromosomes are truly used in biology to explain the very existence of human life. 5. Constituents of blood: Subject register words: Leucocytes , Erythrocytes , Platelets , Neutrophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes , Monocytes, Granulocytes and Agranulocyte EXPLANATION: Above flowchart is of constituent of blood contains perfect examples of zoology register. Blood is made up of plasma and formed elements. In above mentioned diagram we come across meaning of technical terms and vocab used to justify the composition of blood in humans, which is zoology specific – words register. REFERENCES Cell Biology by DR. P.S. VERMA and DR. V.K AGARWAL 12th NCERT - BIOLOGY CONCLUSION To say that I have figured out all of what was needed in this assignment would be a lie. But it was a great learning experience. This assignment made me understand of various types of language registers, how to differentiate between them and when to use which one. Definitely, it has increases my chance of acceptance by groups and speakers in a variety of contexts. I have also described some examples of the subject specific register (zoology), which made see my subject from a different and a new perspectives. I was thrilled to unfold my subject through the lens of Language register. The joy of work and the thrill involved while tackling the various challenges gave me a sense of confidence. I enjoyed each and every piece of work in this assignment.