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English grammar terms 英语语法常用词语

结构化面试【5 分钟】+ 课堂片段试讲【10 分钟】
A. 复习材料:
a. 《英语学科知识与教学能力》的笔试书!第一章英语语言知识、第三章语言知识教学、
b. English grammar terms 英语语法常用词语
1. Parts of speech 词类【NVAA, CDE, PP】
noun 名词
verb 动词
adjective 形容词
adverb 副词
conjunction 连词
(determiner 限定词)* numeral 数词 * article 冠词 * particle 小品词
interjection (exclamation) 感叹词
pronoun 代词
preposition 介词
2. Word building 构词法 【CDC】
conversion 转化 【perfect the working condition (adj.->v.)】
derivation 派生 /affixation 词缀法 (prefix 前缀【illegal】 、suffix 后缀【freedom】
compound words 合成词 【news-paper】
3. Classification of nouns 名词的分类
proper nouns 专有名词【China】
common nouns 普通名词 countable nouns 可数名词 individual nouns 个体名词 【pen】
collective nouns 集合名词 【class】
uncountable nouns 不可数名词 material nouns 物质名词【water】
abstract nouns 抽象名词【time】
the singular form 单数形式
the plural form 复数形式
the common case 普通格 【Japan】
the possessive case 所有格 【Japan’s】
4. Classification of pronouns 代词的分类
personal pronouns 人称代词 (the subjective case 主格【he】、the objective case 宾格
possessive pronouns 物主代词 (adjective 形容词性【my】
、noun 名词性【mine】
self pronouns 反身代词 【myself】
demonstrative pronouns 指示代词【this】
interrogative pronouns 疑问代词【who, whom, whose, which, what, whoever, whichever,
*conjunctive pronouns 连接代词 【用在名词性从句,即主语、宾语、表语、同位语从句】
relative pronouns 关系代词 【that, which, who, whom, whose, as】
* reciprocal pronouns 相互代词
indefinite pronouns 不 定 代 词 【 one/some/any, each/every, none/no, many/much,
few/little/a few/a little, other/another, all/both, neither/either】
5. 数词、形容词、冠词
cardinal numerals 基数词
ordinal numerals 序数词
fractional numerals 分数词
the comparative degree 比较级
the superlative degree 最高级
the definite article 定冠词
the indefinite article 不定冠词
6. Classification of verbs 动词的分类
notional verbs/main verbs 实义动词/主要动词(包含 linking verbs 系动词)
auxiliary verbs 助动词
modal verbs 情态动词
transitive verbs 及物动词
intransitive verbs 不及物动词
regular verbs 规则动词
irregular verbs 不规则动词
the present forms 现在式
the past forms 过去式
the participle 分词 (the present participle 现在分词、the past participle 过去分词)
the infinitive 不定式/bare infinitive 不带 to 的不定式
the gerund 动名词
7. Tense 时态
the present tense 一般现在时
the past tense 一般过去时
the future tense 一般将来时
the past future tense 一般过去将来时
the present continuous 现在进行时
the past continuous 过去进行时
the future continuous 将来进行时
the past future continuous 过去将来进行时
the present perfect 现在完成时
the past perfect 过去完成时
the future perfect 将来完成时
the past future perfect 过去将来完成时
the present perfect continuous 现在完成进行时
the future perfect continuous 将来完成进行时
the past future perfect continuous 过去将来完成进行时
8. Voice 语态、Mood 语气
the passive voice 被动语态
the active voice 主动语态
the indicative mood 陈述语气
the imperative mood 祈使语气
the subjunctive mood 虚拟语气
9. Classification of adverbs 副词的分类
adverbs of time 时间副词
adverbs of place 地点副词
adverbs of manner 方式副词
adverbs of degree 程度副词
adverbs of frequency 频度副词
interrogative adverbs 疑问副词
relative adverbs 关系副词
conjunctive adverbs 连接副词
10. Members of the sentence 句子成分
the subject 主语
the predicate 谓语
the predicative 表语
the object 宾语
the attribute 定语
the adverbial 状语
the appositive 同位语
independent elements 独立成分
the direct object 直接宾语
the indirect object 间接宾语
parenthesis 插入语
the double possessive 双重所有格
the formal subject/object 形式主语/宾语
subject complement 主语补足语
object complement 宾语补足语
11.Classification of sentences 句子的分类
declarative sentences 陈述句
imperative sentences 祈使句
exclamatory sentences 感叹句
interrogative sentences 疑问句 general interrogative sentences 一般疑问句
special ~ 特殊疑问句
alternative ~ 选择疑问句
tag ~ 附加疑问句/disjunctive ~ 反意疑问句
simple sentences 简单句
compound sentences 复合句
complex sentences 复杂句
elliptical sentences 省略句
phrase 短语 (preposition phrases 介词短语 、infinitive phrases 不定式短语......)
the question word 疑问词
12.Clauses 从句
main clauses 主句
clauses 从句 subject clauses 主语从句
object clauses 宾语从句
predicative clauses 表语从句
attributive clauses 定语从句 ((non-)restrictive ~(非)限定性定语从句)
appositive clauses 同位语从句
adverbial clauses 状语从句
direct speech 直接引语
indirect speech 间接引语
the antecedent 先行词
adverbial clauses of time/ place / cause / condition / degree / result / concession / purpose
/ comparison/manner 时间/地点/原因/条件/程度/结果/让步/目的/比较/方式状语从句
sentences of real condition 真实条件句
sentences of unreal condition 虚拟条件句
natural word-order 自然语序
inverted word-order 倒装语序
full inversion 完全倒装
partial inversion 部分倒装
ellipsis 省略
transformation of sentences 句型转换
analysis of sentences 句子分析
13. Punctuation 标点符号
period/full stop 句号
comma 逗号
semicolon 分号
colon 冒号
dash 破折号 (–)(the symbol – used to separate parts of a sentence)
hyphen 连字号 (-)(the symbol -, used to join two words together, or to show that a word
has been divided into two parts at the end of one line and the beginning of the next)
brackets 括号
question mark 问号
quotation marks 引号
apostrophe 高撇号
ellipsis 省略号
14. The pronunciation of English 英语发音
international phonetic alphabet 国际音标【国际的语音的字母表】
the sounds of English 英语语音
vowels 元音(pure vowels/monophthongs 单、diphthongs 双、semi-vowel 半元音)
consonants 辅音
manner of articulation 发音方式
plosive/stop 爆破音 (p, b, t, d, k, g)
fricative 磨擦音 (f, v, θ, ð, s, z, ʃ, ʒ, h)
affricate 破擦音 (tʃ, dʒ)
(affricate = plosive + fricative)
nasal 鼻音(m, n, ŋ)
*lateral 边音(l)
* approximants 近音(w, r, j)
voiced sounds 浊音
voiceless sounds 清音
length mark 长音符号
stress 重读
primarily-stressed syllale 主重读音节
secondarily-stressed syllable 次重读音节
unstressed syllable 非重读音节
rhythm 节奏
intonation 语调
a rising tone 升调
a falling tone 降调
a level tone 平调
B. 面试真题及视频
Good morning, respectful judges!
I am the No.1 candidate applying for high school English teacher.
It's my honor to be interviewed here.
Today, my topic is Computer.
Now let me begin my trial teaching.
Good morning, boys and girls!
What do you usually do after you finish your homework at home?
Oh, the young generation seems close to computers. Surely computer is one of the
greatest invention in human’s history.
Do you know how it developed throughout nearly one century? Look at these pictures
and you may get some ideas.
From abacus to robot, we can see the great progress human beings have made. PC is
the milestone in the development of computer. Since the emergence of PC, computer
has totally changed our life.
OK, today we will do a reading about computer. Let’s go!
Have a look at the illustration and the title of this passage and guess what it talks about.
Who got the ideas?
LiLei? Very good, you think it may talks about the hi-tech in modern life.
Any others?
Amy says it is about the development of computers. You are so clever.
Then please think about this question: Do you know in what ways computers are used
today? Work out a list and compare it with your partner.
So many ways you have discussed! Very good!
Now please put the inventions on page 17 in an order according to the time when they
appeared. After reading the passage, you may check if you are right.
Now let’s begin our reading comprehending.
Please read the passage for the first time quickly and finish the timeline on page 19. You
only have 3 minutes to skim the passage.
Have you got the answers? Anna, what do you write in the line of the year 1642?
Very good. We can write “The calculating machine was made in France. You should add
the information “in France” to make it more specific.
After 1822, what happened, Allen?
Yes, you’re right!
In 1936, Alan Turing wrote a book about how computer could be made to work as a
“universal machine” to solve any difficult mathematical problem. Then in 1940s, computer
had grown as large as a room. And since 1970s, computers have been used in offices
and homes. Now computer has become a devoted friend and helper of the human race.
Since you have got the main idea of the whole passage, then do you know the main idea
of each paragraph?
The next step for you is to find out the topic sentence of each paragraph and fill in the
blank of the supporting details.
The main idea of the first paragraph is the start of artificial intelligence because people
can use a machine to calculate and analyze data.
The second paragraph is relatively short, please summarize it by yourself.
Mark, what’s your opinion?
Yes, the topic sentence is computer’s memory was improved and the network made it
able to share information.
And what do you think are the supporting details?
Tubes, network and the World Wide Web!
We are so familiar with the WWW, aren’t we?
How about the last paragraph?
Right! It’s the last sentence in the last paragraph! Computer has become a devoted friend
and helper of human race, because we can see the keywords such as “communication”,
“finance” and “trade”.
Computers have become a more and more important role in the above three aspects.
Now please read the passage carefully for the third time and circle the words or
expressions you do not understand.
Time’s up.
Please discuss the words and expressions with your groupmates and solve the problems
by yourselves. You can refer to the dictionary or other tool books. But the most important
method is to guess the meaning of the words according to the context.
This time you will have a chance to practice your listening skills.
I will play the record for you and please listen to it carefully. I will play twice and after you
hear it, some students will be invited to introduce the development of computer for us.
You can draw some pictures to help your explanation and you can also use other forms
as you like.
Which group is the first to make the presentation?
OK, group three.
Now it is group five’s turn.
I really enjoyed your beautiful pictures.
Now I will give you ten minutes to finish the exercise of part B in students’ book to review
the language points. And you can spend some time remembering the new words and
phrases after the class. In this class, we have learned the development of computer and
Today’s homework is to write a short passage to describe a robot including the shape of
it and what it can do for you. I just can’t wait to see what fantastic robot you can design.
Class is over, goodbye, boys and girls!