◄ 12.91 Design of welds Welding is a process where a metal joint is made by fusing (melting ) the components and filling in with molten metal from an appropr iate g~ade of electrod e. Welding produces neat, strong and efficien t joints and with the majority of applicat ions in connecti on design is superior to bolting. In general engineer ing, electric arc ~elding is used, either manual or automatic. This text consider s only manual welding using either E41XX electrod es (where the ultimate tensile strength , fuw = 410 MPa) or E48XX electrod es, fuw = 480 MPa. Welding electrod es should preferab ly be of higher strength grade than the parent metal, i.e., E48XX electrod es should be used with Grade 250 steel. Th~ weld quality shall be either SP (special purpose) or GP (general purpose) . When welds are subject to fatigue loading refer to Clause 11.1.5, AS4100. The inspectio n requirem ents for welds are set down in AS 1554.1 and AS 1554.5. The inspectio n procedur e on GP welds is the least stringen t. Category SP(¢= 0.8) should be specifie d for statical ly loaded welds where the design load on the weld is greater than 75% of the design capacity of weld. Otherwise Category GP can be specifie d (for which¢= 0.6). Category GP can also be nominated for welding other than structur al. The two main types of welds used are the butt (Fig. 86(a)) and fillet (Fig. 86(b)). Both weld types have a number of variation s. I 7r Butt welds ... Clause 9.7.2 Welds that have complete fusion of the base metal and weld metal throughout the joint are called complete penetrat ion butt welds. Where butt welds do not have the above descripti on they are called incomplete penetrati on butt welds. Complete penetrati on butt weld ( a) ( b) FIG. 86 When a complete penetrati on butt weld meets the requirem ents set down in Claus: 9.7.2, AS4100, the design capacity of the weld equals the nominal capacit~ of the weaker of the elements being joined multiplie d b the appropri ate~ factor from Table No. 2. y Incomplet e penetrati on butt weld ~ese we:ds are designed as fillet welds having a throat thickness as determined using Clause 9. 7. 2. 3' AS 4100. Fillet welds Clause 9.7.3, AS4100 The failure mode fore ual 1 f . plane) which is term dqth deg _illet welds is in the minimum area (middle of a fillet weld is e _ef ' esign throat thickness of a weld, tt, The size 1eg 1ength tw, speci .ied on shop detail d i . reference see Fig. raw ngs with to the 87 Clause 9. 7. 3' AS 4100 deal . maximum and minimum ~eld ~ with pref erred sizes of fillet welds· also plates being joined. sizes with r eference to the thickness es ~f the 12.92 I. .I tw Equal leg fillet weld FIG. 87 FIG. 88 Stress distribu tion in fillet welds is very complex and design can only be carried out if some simplifi cations are introduc ed. These are as follows: (i) Weld strengt h~ weld size. (ii) Weld strengt h~ weld metal strength . (iii) Longitu dinal direct forces on a fillet weld are neglecte d as they do not act on the failure plane. (iv) Residua l stresses are ignored. (v) Longitu dinal and transver se welds have the same strength . (vi) Stress in a fillet weld can be consider ed as shear stress on the throat of the weld regardle ss of the directio n of applied load. Shear st~~sse s acting in differen t directio ns can be added by vectors. Strength limit state for fillet weld Clause , AS4100 A fillet weld subject to a design force per unit length of weld (vt) shall satisfy - * <Pvw vw:;; where ~ = 0.8 for Category SP welds = 0.6 for Category GP welqs Vw fuw tt kr Table No. 2 Table No. 2 = 0.6fuwt tkr = nominal tensile strength of weld metal see Fig. 87 = design throat thicknes s = a reductio n factor given in Table (2), AS4100, to account for the length of a welded lap connecti on (Lw), see Fig. 88. If Lw :;; 1700 mm, kr = 1.00, otherwis e refer to the above mentione d table. The kr factor allows for the non-unif ormity of stress distribu tion in long lap welds. For all other connecti on types kr = 1.0. Line method of fillet weld design This method represen ts a convenie nt approach to the design of both simple and complex weld groups. The limiting shear stress for E48XX electrod es is 0.6fuw = 0.6 x 480 = 288 MPa. The allowab le paralle l load per mm length of weld in a statical ly loaded fillet weld is - Q* = ¢288tt = cp X 288 X 0.707 X tw = ¢200tw N/mm 12.93 Summary of formulas used in the line method of weld design The weld or weld group s ar e trea ted as lines of no t hicknes s . of welds and weld groups a re · given in Table No. 13. The properties Direc t sh ear * N* = T vw where v! = design force per unit length of weld (or in Line Method terminology, 'stress' in N/mm) N* = design force, N t = total length of fillet weld, mm. In-plane loading (torsion) I Refer to Fig. 89 and Table No. 13. M* I I X C ' v* = _z__ w Jw where * = 'stress', N/mm ·(at right angles to line 'c') Vw M*z design moment (or torsion), Nmm distance from centroid of weld group to furthermost point, mm J w = polar line moment of inertia (second moment) of weld group, mm 3 • = C = FIG. 89 Out-of-plane loading (bending) Refer to Fig. 90 and Table No. 13. I Point A (transverse) V* W I I ~ ~ =- Zw where v: = 'stress', N/mm Mx* = design moment, Nmm Zw = llne modulus for bending, d rnm2 Point B (transverse) v: = 0 FIG. 90 Resultant 'stress' Where both primary and secondary forces are acting (or comb inations of forces), the weld forces (or stresses) are added by means of vec t or s a nd the resultant equated to the allowable 'stress' (ref er to p . 12.92) . Worked example No. 29 Determine the required size of fillet weld to join the plates shown in Fig . 91. Use E48XX electr odes. Assume Category SP welding . Note: To prevent excessive joint rot at io~ upon load application, the minimum lap length should be about f i ve t i.me-; FIG. S; ci1e thi ckneEs of :h2 t ~i Ln2r 1la t e . 12.94 TABLE No. 13 Propertie s of weld treated as a line Outline of welded Joint d = depth b = width Bending about horizonta l axis X-X ,----~b _J d X-----X Zw = bd L__ z 2 2 _4bd+d _d (4b+dl - 6(2b +di 6 wbottom top Iv b1 xjf.l N ....! Twisting J _ I2b + dl3 _ b2(b + dl2 2 =_L_ Y 2b + d Zw = bd + Q w- 6 (2b+dl 12 Ny w- J =(b+2dl _d (b+d) 3(b+dl bottom - 3 top w J w2 _2bd+ l_d (2b+d-l - 3(b+dl 3 wbottom top t- b-, d2 Xf-·, ,_:____i 2(b+dl t N~7Nx=-- 2 z t- b-, x-]E} Zw = bd + a2 2 Z w z d. - :- -x ~ D = 2bd + = 'Tld w 4 2 g3 2 d Zw = '!I._ 2 12 w J 2 + 'll D 2 2 (b+2dl 3 = d (4b + di w 6(b+d) J 3 6 3 3 _4bd+ i = 4bd +d 6b + 3d 3 wbottom top 3 J = (b+2dl _d (b+dl .""- 2 lb+ 2dl 12 _ (b + d) z 2 3 z _ 2 bd + d 2 _ d2 12 b + d I 3 2 _ b + 3bd + d 6 w2 3 3 J _ 2b + 6bd + d w- 6 3 12.95 Answer N* 100 x lQ,:_ = 417 N/mrn v; =T = 2 x120 eld = ~200tw Design strength of w P· 12,92 ••• Equating both values ~200tw = 417 0,8 200tw = 417 . tw = 2.6 mm (say 3 mm) X Worked example No. 30 ld . d size of fillet we Determine the require . Fi 92 Use h wn in g. ' to join the plates so SP welding is E48XX electrodes. Category required. Answer * N* _ 100 x 10 Vw = T - q* ~200tw N/mm = 3 2 x 25 = 2000 N/mm P· 12 •92 / l Bar 25 Wide N. = 100 kN FIG. 92 Equating both values ~200tw = 2000 0,8 200tw = 2000 X t w = 12.5 mm (say 15 mm) · •• Worked example No. 31 Determine the required size of fillet weld to join the plates shown in Fig. 93. Use E48XX electrodes and design for Category SP welding. t 60 Answer * Vw = N* T q* = ~200tw N/mm = 150 x 103 4 x 60 = 625 N/mm p. 12.92 Equating both values ~200tw = 625 0,8 X 200tw = 625 tw = 3.9 mm (say 4 mm) FIG. 93 Worked example No. 32 Determine the required size of fillet weld to join the plates shown in Fig. 94(a). The applied dead load = 35 000 N. Use E48XX electrodes and design for Category SP welding. Answer This i s an example of in-plane loading. j 12.96 500 0 Ill N Weld line hsooo (a) ( b) N - FIG. 94 From TableI No. 13 J w = (2b + d) 3 12 2 b (b + 2b + d) 2 d b = 125 mm d = 250 mm By substit ution Jw = 6.022 x 10 6 mm units From Fig. 94(b) b2 Ny= 2b + d Substi tution gives Ny= 31.25 mm 2 + (125 - 31.25) 2 ]½ = 156.25 mm C = [(250/2 ) Moment (torsio n) being applied to weld group 35 ooo x@5 00 + (125 - 31.25) J 6 = 25.98 x 10 Nmm M~ = Primary 'stress ', 35 000 X 1.25 = 87 •5 .N/mm N* * 500 vw = T = Second ary 'stress ', * ~ X C Vw = Jw ______-;;;J . ts Cr1·t·1caI po1n of weld 25 • 98 X 10 6 X 156 • 25 6 6.022 X 10 = 674 N/mm = Fig. 95 shows the critica l points of the weld group and the method of determ ining the absolu te 'stress '. This foregoi ng procedu re is in accorda nce with the rigid plate analys is specifi ed in Clause , AS4100. 0 u, N \ E E Resultant = 730 N/mm zu, c-.: co E E zu, " a:) FIG. 95 12.98 EXERCISES When answering the following questions allow for Category SP welding using E48XX. electrodes. ,f, 16.5 Holes .... 0 16 (CS 1030) I -++-++.-++--16 I I ~ ,P; ' A L 1 .I Gr 250 steel 90 +Load 8 10 FIG. 97 28. ,/ FIG. 98 Refer to Fig. 97. A pipe is slotted and welded to the upper chord of a truss with a continuous 6mm fillet weld. Calculate the maximum permissible dead load which can be applied to the pipe with respect to weld strength. Ans. 809/1.25 = 647 kN 29. Fig. 98 shows an anchor point for a guy. The guy tension from basic wind speed= 10 kN (Wu= 1.5W). Allow for a wear condition by assuming slight pin rotation is possible during operation. (a) For the pin state: (i) M* and ¢Mp (ii) (iii) v1 vt and ¢Vf and ¢Vb (pin) (iv) ~ and ¢Vb (ply). Assume sheared end. (b) For the thread, state Ntf and <l>Ntf (c) Calculate the size of fillet weld required to attach the links to the support. Neglect the contribution of the welding across the 10mm dimension of the links. (d) (i) State N* for each link plate. (ii) Determine <j>Nt for each plate for yield limit and fracture limit. Ans. (a)(i) 105Nm; 136.5Nm (ii) 15kN; 49.9kN (iii) 15kN; 35.8kN (iv) 15kN; 206.6kN (b) 15 kN; 62.8 kN (c) 0.24 (theoretically ) (d) 7.5 kN; 11 2 .3 kN and 98.8 kN Note: The provis i ons of Claus e 9.1 . 4(b), AS4100, have not been considered in this exercise.