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algorithm homework

1.Let A be an n × n binary matrix (each element is either 0 or 1) such that
in any row i of A, all the 1’ s come before any 0’s; and
the number of 1’s in a row is no smaller than the number in the next row.
Write an O(n)-time algorithm to count the number of 1’s in A.
Answer 1:
Algorithm 1 count the number of 1’s
1: int
count = 0;
2: int
rec = 0;
3: int
sum = 0;
4: int
i = n;
5: for (j = 1,j ≤ n,j + +){
(a[i][count + 1]! = 0){
sum+ = (count + 1 − rec) × i
i − −;
rec = count;
13: } 14: return
2.Let A be an n×n binary matrix. Design an O(n)-time algorithm to decide
whether there exists i ∈ {1,2,...,n} such that aij = 0 and aji = 1 for all j 6= i(It
doesn’t matter what value of aii is).
Answer 2:
Algorithm 2
1: boolean function(int n, int [][]a){
2: for
for (int
i = 0;i < n;i + +){
i = 0;j < i;j + +){
10: }
3:Design an algorithm to find the second smallest of an array of n integers with
at most (n+logn) comparisons of elements. If the smallest element occurs two
or more times, then it is also the second smallest. (Note that this requirement is
stronger than linear-time: We’re not playing Big-Oh here, and 2n comparisons
wouldn’t count.)
Algorithm 3
1: int
first = length + 1;
2: int
last = 2 ∗ low − 1;
3: while(first < last){
4: for(i = first;i < last;i+ =
if (c[i] < c[i + 1])
(c[i/2] = c[i]);
else (c[i/2] = c[i + 1])}
if(last%2 == 1)
c[last/2] = c[last];
first = first/2;
last = last/2};
12: min = c[0];
if (c[0] = c[1])
second = c[2];
else second = c[1];
16: for(int
i = 3;i < 2 ∗ length − 1;i + +){
if (c[i] == min){ 18:
if (i%2 == 0){
if (c[i − 1] < second)
second = t[i − 1]; }
else {
if(c[i + 1] < second)
second = c[i + 1]; }
25: } 26: return
4:Modify Karatsuba’s algorithm to multiply two n-bit numbers in which n is not
exactly a power of 2. How about two numbers of m bits and n bits respectively?
Assume m ≥ n, the two numbers X and Y of m bits and n bits respectively, the numbers can
be expressed as:
X = x1 ∗ 10n + x0,
Y = y1 ∗ 10n + y0,
XY = (x1 ∗ 10n + x0)(y1 ∗ 10n + y0) = x1y1 ∗ 102n + (x1y0 + x0y1) ∗ 10n + x0y0;
Z2 = x1y1
Z1 = x1y0 + x0y1;
Z0 = x0y0,
This step requires a total of 4 multiplications, but after Karatsuba’s improvement it only requires
3 multiplications.
Z1 = (x1 + x0) ∗ (y1 + y0) − Z2 − Z0, So Z1 can be
obtained by multiplying and adding and subtracting once.
5. V. Pan has discovered a way of multiplying 68×68 matrices using 132,464
multiplications, a way of multiplying 70 × 70 matrices using 143,640
multiplications, and a way of multiplying 72×72 matrices using 155,424
multiplications. Which method yields the best asymptotic running time when
used in a divide-and-conquer matrix-multiplication algorithm? How does it
compare to Strassen’s algorithm?
Answer:The asymptotic running time of the three methods is computed as follows:
log68 132464 ≈ 2.795128
log70132464 ≈ 2.795122
log72132464 ≈ 2.795147 the
second one yields the best
asymptotic running time. The
asymptotic running time of
algorithm is Θ(nlog7), and log7 ≈ 2.807355. Obviously, it’s worse than any of the above
6. How quickly can you multiply a kn × n matrix by an n × kn matrix, using
Strassen’s algorithm as a subroutine? Answer the same question with the order
of the input matrices
Answer: By considering block matrix multiplication and using Strassen’s algorithm as a subroutine,
we can multiply a kn × n matrix by an n × kn matrix in Θ(k2nlog7) time. With the order reversed,
we can do it in Θ(k · nlog7) time.
7: Show how to multiply the complex numbers a + bi and c + di using
only three multiplications of real numbers. The algorithm should take a,
b, c, and d as input and produce the real component ac − bd and the
imaginary component ad + bc separately.
Answer:First, assuming that
P1 = ad
P2 = bc
P3 = (a − b)(c + d) = ac − bd + ad − bc
then the real component is
P3 − P1 + P2 = ac − bd
and the imaginary component is
P1 + P2 = ad + bc
Therefore, this method uses only three multiplications.
8. Let R.i; j / be the number of times that table entry mŒi; j is referenced while
computing other table entries in a call of MATRIX-CHAIN-ORDER. Show that the
total number of references for the entire table is Xn iD1 Xn jDi R.i; j / D n3 n 3 :
(Hint: You may find equation (A.3) useful.
Answer:Each time the l-loop executes, the i-loop executes n−l+1 times. Each
time the i-loop executes, the k-loop executes j−i = l−1 times, each time referencing
m twice. Thus the total number of
times that an entry of m is referenced while computing other entries is
9.Give a dynamic-programming solution to the 0-1 knapsack problem that runs in
O.n W / time, where n is the number of items and W is the maximum weight of
items that the thief can put in his knapsack.
Answer:Suppose we know that a particular item of weight w is in the solution.
Then we must solve the subproblem on n−1 items with maximum weight W −w.
Thus, to take a bottom-up approach we must solve the 0 − 1 knapsack problem for
all items and possible weights smaller than W. We’ll build an n + 1 by W + 1 table
of values where the rows are indexed by item and the columns are indexed by total
weight. (The first row and column of the table will be a dummy row). For row i
column j, we decide whether or not it would be advantageous to include item i in
the knapsack by comparing the total value of of a knapsack including items 1
through i − 1 with max weight j, and the total value of including items 1 through i
− 1 with max weight j − i.weight and also item i. To solve the problem, we simply
examine the n, W entry of the table to determine the maximum value we can
achieve. To read off the items we include, start with entry n, W. In general, proceed
as follows: if entry i, j equals entry i−1, j, don’t include item i, and examine entry
i−1, j next. If entry i, j doesn?t equal entry i−1, j, include item i and examine entry
i − 1, j − i.weight next. See algorithm below for construction of table:
Algorithm 1 0 − 1 Knapsack(n,W)
1: Initialize
an n + 1 by W + 1 table K
2: for j = 1 → W do
k[0,j] = 0
4: end for
5: for
i = 1 → n do
K[i,0] = 0
7: end for
8: for
i = 1 → n do
for j = 1 → W do
if j < i.weight then
K[i,j] = K[i − 1,j]
end if
K[i,j] = max(K[i − 1,j],K[i − 1,j − i.weight] + i.value)
end for
15: end for
16: The
running time of a 0-1 knapsack algorithm is O(nW).
10. In order to transform one source string of text xŒ1 : : mto a target string yŒ1 : : n, we can
perform various transformation operations. Our goal is, given x and y, to produce a series of
transformations that change x to y. We use an array ´—assumed to be large enough to hold all
the characters it will need—to hold the intermediate results. Initially, ´ is empty, and at
termination, we should have ´Œj D yŒj for j D 1; 2; : : : ; n. We maintain current indices i into
x and j into ´, and the operations are allowed to alter ´ and these indices. Initially, i D j D 1. We
are required to examine every character in x during the transformation, which means that at
the end of the sequence of transformation operations, we must have i D m C 1. We may choose
from among six transformation operations: Copy a character from x to ´ by setting ´Œj D xŒiand
then incrementing both i and j . This operation examines xŒi. Replace a character from x by
another character c, by setting ´Œj D c, and then incrementing both i and j . This operation
examines xŒi. Delete a character from x by incrementing i but leaving j alone. This operation
examines xŒi. Insert the character c into ´ by setting ´Œj D c and then incrementing j , but
leaving i alone. This operation examines no characters of x. Twiddle (i.e., exchange) the next
two characters by copying them from x to ´ but in the opposite order; we do so by setting ´Œj
D xŒi C 1and ´Œj C 1D xŒi and then setting i D i C 2 and j D j C 2. This operation examines
xŒiand xŒi C 1. Kill the remainder of x by setting i D m C 1. This operation examines all
characters in x that have not yet been examined. This operation, if performed, must be the final
operation. Problems for Chapter 15 407 As an example, one way to transform the source string
algorithm to the target string altruistic is to use the following sequence of operations, where
the underlined characters are xŒi and ´Œj after the operation: Operation x ´ initial strings
algorithm copy algorithm a copy algorithm al replace by t algorithm alt delete algorithm alt
copy algorithm altr insert u algorithm altru insert i algorithm altrui insert s algorithm altruis
twiddle algorithm altruisti insert c algorithm altruistic kill algorithm altruistic Note that there
are several other sequences of transformation operations that transform algorithm to altruistic.
Each of the transformation operations has an associated cost. The cost of an operation depends
on the specific application, but we assume that each operation’s cost is a constant that is known
to us. We also assume that the individual costs of the copy and replace operations are less than
the combined costs of the delete and insert operations; otherwise, the copy and replace
operations would not be used. The cost of a given sequence of transformation operations is the
sum of the costs of the individual operations in the sequence. For the sequence above, the cost
of transforming algorithm to altruistic is .3
cost.copy// C
cost.replace/ C cost.delete/ C .4
cost.insert// C cost.twiddle/ C
cost.kill/ :
a. Given two sequences xŒ1 : : mand yŒ1 : : nand set of transformation-operation costs, the
edit distance from x to y is the cost of the least expensive operation sequence that transforms
x to y. Describe a dynamic-programming algorithm that finds the edit distance from xŒ1 : : mto
yŒ1 : : nand prints an optimal operation sequence. Analyze the running time and space
requirements of your algorithm. The edit-distance problem generalizes the problem of aligning
two DNA sequences (see, for example, Setubal and Meidanis [310, Section 3.2]). There are
several methods for measuring the similarity of two DNA sequences by aligning them. One such
method to align two sequences x and y consists of inserting spaces at 408 Chapter 15 Dynamic
Programming arbitrary locations in the two sequences (including at either end) so that the
resulting sequences x0 and y0 have the same length but do not have a space in the same
position (i.e., for no position j are both x0 Œj and y0 Œj a space). Then we assign a “score” to
each position. Position j receives a score as follows: C1 if x0 Œj D y0 Œj and neither is a space,
1 if x0 Œj ¤ y0 Œj and neither is a space, 2 if either x0 Œj or y0 Œj is a space. The score for
the alignment is the sum of the scores of the individual positions. For example, given the
sequences x D GATCGGCAT and y D CAATGTGAATC, one alignment is G ATCG GCAT CAAT
GTGAATC -*++*+*+-++* A + under a position indicates a score of C1 for that position, a indicates a score of 1, and a * indicates a score of 2, so that this alignment has a total score of
2 D 4. b. Explain how to cast the problem of finding an optimal
alignment as an edit distance problem using a subset of the transformation operations copy,
replace, delete, insert, twiddle, and kill.
15.5-a Answer: We will index our subproblems by two integers, 1 ≤ i ≤ m and
1 ≤ j ≤ n. We will let i indicate the rightmost element of x we have not processed
and j indicate the rightmost element of y we have not yet found matches for. For a
solution, we call EDIT − DISTANCE(x,y,i,j)
Algorithm 2 EDIT-DISTANCE(x,y,m,n)
1: letm = x.lengthandn
2: if
= y.length
i = m then
return (n − j)cost(insert)
4: end if
5: if
j = n then
return min(m − i)cost(delete),cost(skill)
7: end if
8: O1,O2,...,O5 initialized
9: if
to ∞
x[i] = y[j] then
O1 = cost(copy) + EDIT(x,y,i + 1,j + 1)
11: end if
12: O2 = cost(replace) + EDIT(x,y,i + 1,j
+ 1)
13: O3 = cost(delete) + EDIT(x,y,i + 1,j +
14: O4 = cost(insert) + EDIT(x,y,i + 1,j
15: if
i < m − 1andj < n − 1 then
if x[i] = y[j + 1]andx[i + 1] = y[j] then
O5 = cost(twiddle) + EDIT(x,y,i + 2,j + 2)
+ 1)
end if
19: end if
20: return
mini∈[5] Oi
The answer of the Problem 15-5.b:
We will set:
cost(COPY ) = −1
cost(REPLACE) = 1
cost(DELETE) =
cost(INSERT) = 2
cost(twiddle) = cost(kill) = ∞
Then a minimum cost translation of the first string into the second corresponds to
an alignment. where we view a copy or a replace as incrementing a pointer for
both strings. A insert as putting a space at the current position of the pointer in
the first string. A delete operation means putting a space in the current position in
the second string. Since twiddles and kills have infinite costs, we will have neither
of them in a minimal cost solution. The final value for the alignment will be the
negative of the minimum cost sequence of edits.
Question 2: In a word processor, the goal of pretty-printing is to take text with a
ragged right margin,.... Give an efficient dynamic programming algorithm to find a
partition of a set of words W into valid lines, so that the sum of the squares of the
slacks of all lines (including the last line) is minimized.
The answer of the Question 2:
Algorithm 3 describes the related algorithm (Pretty-printing algorithm)
Algorithm 3 Pretty-printing algorithm
int neatPrint(FILE∗ fout, string ∗str, int lineLen){ int strLen=(int)str->length(), int wordNo=0,
const char∗ space=“”, int spaceFind=(int)str− >find(space);
while(spaceFind! = string :: npos)
wordNo + +;spaceFind = (int)str− > find(space,spaceFind + 1);
wordNo + +;
int[wordNo],wordPos[0]=0, int
lastSpace = 0, int indexWord = 0, spaceFind = 0;
spaceFind = (int)str− > find(space,spaceFind + 1);
if(spaceFind ̸= string :: npos) then lenArray[indexWord + +] = spaceFind −
lastSpace;lastSpace = spaceFind + 1;
else then break;
lenArray[indexWord] = strLen − lastSpace,int ∗ cost = newint[wordNo],int ∗
trace = newint[wordNo];
for(int i = 0; i < wordNo; i
+ +) if(i = wordNo −
1) then int x = 0;
if(i = 0) then cost[i] = extraSpace(lenArray,i,i,lineLen,wordNo);
else then cost[i] = cost[i − 1] + extraSpace(lenArray,i,i,lineLen,wordNo); int j = i −
1, trace[i] = i, int ls = extraSpace(lenArray,j,i,lineLen,wordNo);
while (ls ≥ 0)
if(cost[i] > cost[j] + ls) then cost[i] = cost[j] + ls;trace[i] = j;
ls = extraSpace(lenArray,− − j,i,lineLen,wordNo);
return 0;}
int extraSpace(int ∗l, int i, int j, int len, int
wordNo){ if(i < 0||j < i) then return -1;
int v = len, p = i; while (p ≤ j){ v = v − (∗(l + p));
if(p ̸= j) then v = v − 1;} p++; if (v < 0) then return
-1; if (j = wordNo − 1) then return 0; return v ∗
v ∗ v;}
11. Give a formal encoding of directed graphs as binary strings using an
adjacencymatrix representation. Do the same using an adjacency-list
representation. Argue that the two representations are polynomially related。
Answer:step 1: A formal encoding of directed graphs as binary strings using an adjacency
Directed graph G(V,E) is the graph in which all the edges are represented in the form an arrow
from one vertex to other that is edge (u,v) ∈ E has an arrow from u to v. Adjacencymatrix Adj[u,v]
representation of graph is the representation of graph in the form of a matrix by using 0 if there
is no edge between vertices and 1 if there is a directed edge from one vertex
to other.
step 2:For the binary string form of a graph G consider the graph as:
Adjacency matrix representation in the form of binary string is as:
This matrix-representation of graph could be encoded as: 0100100101000100010001110
Taking the square root of number of bits will return the capacity of the square matrix.This
representation uses |V |2 bits, which is of polynomial form.
step 3: ln the adiacency-list form of a graph G(v,E) with directional edges, |V | number of lists
is created. One list is created for each vertex and for every vertex v ∈ V is added to the list of
vertex v if there is an edge from v to that vertex.
To convert the adjacency matrix into adjacency list, following algorithm as a pseudo code is
1) For each row do
2) Scan the row from left-to-right.
3) Add that particular column number to the list.
4) End for step 4: Using this algorithm the adjacency list representation of the graph is as in
this all the vertices connected to a vertex are listed. And the list is stored in an ASCll file:
To represent an adjacency list the no. of words of memory will be O(|V |+|E|). Every vertex
number shall be in between 1 and |V | , and that’s why it will need Θ(lg|V |) bits to store it in the
memory. So the entire number of bits in the file needed will be O((|v,E|),lg|v|), which is also in
the polynomial form.
Hence, the adjacency-matrix representation and adjacency-list representations both takes the
polynomial type of time for its representation.
12. Is the dynamic-programming algorithm for the 0-1 knapsack problem that is asked for in
Exercise 16.2-2 a polynomial-time algorithm? Explain your answer
Answer:step 1: The knapsack problem is the problem in which a set of items are given with
their weights, and a thief having a knapsack of a definite capacity. The thief want to put the items
in his bag so that the cost or price of the items is maximum and sum of their weights is either less
than or same as the capacity of the knapsack.
ln an optimal solution of knapsack for the S for W pounds knapsack, i is the item having largest
weight value. Then for W − wi, pounds, S′ = S − {i} is an optimal solution and the value of S is the
addition of Vi and the value of the problem generated by it.
step 2:To mathematically state this fact, we define c[i,w] to be the solution for items 1,2....,i
and maximum weight w. Then,
lt states that value of solution to i items can include either ith item; in that case the solution will
be addition of Vi, and a subproblem which solves for i − 1 items excluding the weight wi. Or it
excludes ith item, where it is a solution to the part of problem for i − 1 items with the similar
weight value. lt means, if the thief picks item i , thief takes Vi value, and for next thief can select
from items w − wi, and get e[i − 1,w − wi] additional value. On other hand, if thief decides not to
take item i, thief can choose from item 1,2...,i−1 up to the weight limit w, and get c[i − 1,w − wi]
value. The choice should be made from these two whichever is better.
step 3: The 0-1 knapsack algorithm is analogous to or subsequent to obtaining the longest
common subsequence length algorithm (LCS).
Input: Maximum weight W and the number of items and the 2 sequences namely m < v1,v2,...,vn >
and w =< wl,w2,...,wn > c[i, j] Values are stored in the table entries of which are in row major order.
At the end c[n, w— keeps the greatest value that the thief can put into the knapsack. Refer the
textbook for DYNAMIC-0-1-KNAPSACK(v,w,n,W) algorithm.
The time requires executing the 0-1-knapsack algorithm of dynamic programming is Θ(nW)
which is taken in two forms as:
1) Firstly Θ(nw) time is needed to fill the knapsack which has (n + 1)!‘A´(w + 1) entries in
it and each requiring Θ(1) time to compute.
2) The O(n) time is used to analyze the solution and it is because the thief checks his bag
if it has already filled with the item of its capacity or it can still take some items.
Hence, the 0-1 knapsack problem of dynamic programming fakes time in the polynomial form
which is Θ(nW) for n items and W capacity of knapsack.
13. Prove that P ∈co-NP.
Answer:A language is in coNP if there is a procedure that can verify that an input is not in the
language in polynomial time given some certificate. Suppose that for that language we a
procedure that could compute whether an input was in the language in polynomial time receiving
no certificate. This is exactly what the case is if we have that the language is in P. Then, we can
pick our procedure to verify that an element is not in the set to be running the polynomial time
procedure and just looking at the result of that, disregarding the certificate that is given. This then
that any language that is in P is L ∈ Co − NP., giving us the inclusion that we wanted.
14. Prove that if NP ≠co-NP, then P ≠ NP.
Answer:Suppose NP ≠ CO − NP. let L ∈ NP\co − NP. Since P ⊂ NP ∩ co − NP, and L /∈ NP ∩ co
− NP, we have L /∈ P. Thus, P ̸= NP
15: Give a rigorous analysis of algorithm (by Mou Guiqiang) for 2-SAT
The answer of the Question 2: Assumin the given logical expression is: L1 = (x2 _ x1) ^ (x1 _ x2) ^
(x1 _ x3) ^ (x2 _ x3) ^ (x1 _ x4), L2 = (x1 _ x2) ^ (x1 _ x2) ^ (x1 _ x3) ^ (x1 _ x3) The logical diagram
of L1 is shown in the following figure
The logical diagram of L2 is shown in the following figure:
A sufficient condition for its solution to exist is that xi and xi do not lie in the same strongly
connected component. If xi and xi are in the same strongly connected component, then both of
them cannot be True at the same time, so the solution naturally does not exist. L1 satisfies this
condition, so the solution of L1 exists. L2 does not satisfy this condition, so the solution of L2 does
not exist. After determining the existence or non-existence of a solution, we have to construct a
feasible solution. We find that if there exists xi → xi in the component diagram after the reduction
point, then xi must be True. Conversely, if xi → xi exists, then xi must be False. Then we can choose
the topological order of xi and xi to be True for whose topological sequence is later. this way a set
of feasible solutions can be constructed.
16: Give a formal encoding for the problems set covering and hitting set. (You may find the
meaning of ¡°encoding¡± on Page 1055.) write the form reductions between them (two ways)
The answer of the Question 3: For the graph G of the vertex coverage problem, a set Si is created
for each edge in G. The elements of Si are the two vertices of that edge. Reducte G to a set S1, S2,
S3 as shown in the following figure
S1 = {1,2} = 11000, S2 = {1,5} = 10001, S2 = {3,4} = 00110.
Method 1: When there is a solution to the collision set problem, there is a solution to the vertex
coverage problem, and it is only necessary to select all the points corresponding to the solution
H of the collision set, which is the solution to the corresponding vertex coverage problem. For
example, for the collision set problem in the figure, suppose b is 2, then a solution is H = {1,3}, at
this time, select 1 and 3 points to form the vertex set V, which is the solution of the vertex
coverage problem. Finally, when the collision set has no solution, the vertex covering problem has
no solution.
Method 2: Prove by the converse of the proposition. When the vertex-covering problem has a
solution, the set H obtained by using each vertex in the corresponding solution V corresponding
to the elements of the generated set is the solution of the collision set problem. For example, for
the vertex coverage problem in the figure, one of the solutions is V = {1,3}, and one of the
solutions of the collision set is H = {1,3}.
17: Read this question and answer, and give a quick summary (between 30 and 60
words). Why Turing machine is still relevant in the 21st century.
The answer of the the Question 4:
Turing machine proved the general computing theory, affirms the possibility of computer
implementation, and gives the main architecture of computer. Turing machine model theory is
the core theory of computing discipline, because the ultimate computing power of computer is
the computing power of general Turing machine. Many problems can be transformed into the
simple model of Turing machine.
18. Analyze the running time of the frst greedy approximation algorithm for vertex cover and
the greedy approximation algorithm for set covering.
Answer:Vertex Covering
E0 = E,U ← X
while E0 6= ∅ do
Pick e ∈ E0,say e = (u,v)
S = S ∪ u,v
E0 = E0 − (u,v) ∪ edges
end while return
to u,v
APPROX-GREEDY-VERTEX-COVER is a poly-time 2-approximation algorithm.
Running time is O(V + E) (using adjacency lists to represent E )
Let A ⊆ E denote the set of edges picked in line 4
Every optimal cover C∗ must include at least one endpoint of edges in A, and edges in A do not
share acommon endpoint:|C∗| ≥ |A|
Every edge in A contributes 2 vertices to |C|:|C| = 2|A| ≤ |C∗|
Set Covering
while U 6= ∅ do select an S ∈ F that
maximizes |S ∩ U|
C ← C ∪ {S}
end while
return C
Let OPT be the cost of optimal solution. Say (k−1) elements are covered before an iteration of
above greedy algorithm. The cost of the k’th element ≤ OPT/(n−k +1) (Note that cost of an
element is evaluated by cost of its set divided by number of elements added by its set). How did
we get this result? Since k’th element is not covered yet, there is a Si that has not been covered
before the current step of greedy algorithm and it is there in OPT. Since greedy algorithm picks
the most cost effective Si, per-element-cost in the picked set must be smaller than OPT divided
by remaining elements. Therefore cost of k’th element ≤ OPT/|U−I| (Note that U−I is set of not
yet covered elements in Greedy Algorithm). The value of |U−I| is n−(k−1) which is n−k+1.
Algorithm = Sum
≤ (OPT/n + OPT(n − 1) + ... + OPT/n)
≤ OPT(1 + 1/2 + ......1/n)
≤ OPT ∗ Logn
19. Analyze the second greedy algorithm for vertex cover and give tight examples. Does this
algorithm implies an approximation algorithm for the independent set problem of the same
Answer:We can see the algorithm1 APPROX-GREEDY-VERTEX-COVER is a 2-approximation algorithm, For a detailed analysis, see Algorithm 1 and the proof. The same algorithm can gives the
same radio for the independent set problem.
20. Analyze the local-search algorithm for maximum cut (running time and expected
approximation ratio).
The answer :
Algorithm 3 Local Search Algorithm for Max-Cut
INPUT: A graph G = (V,E) OUTPUT: A set
S ⊆ V Initialize S arbitrarily
while ∃u ∈ V with more edges to the same side than across do
Emove u to the other side
end while return S
Clearly each iteration takes polynomial time, so the question is how many iterations there are
(this is typical in local search algorithms). We can bound this through some very simple
1. Initially |E(S,S)| ≥ 0,
2. In every iteration, |E(S,S)| increases by at least 1, and
3. |E(S,S)|is always at most m ≤ n2.
These facts clearly imply that the number of iterations is at most m ≤ n2 and thus the total running
time is polynomial.
We say that S is a local optimum if there is no improving step: for all u ∈ V , there are more {u,v}
edges across the cut than connecting the same side. Note that the algorithm outputs a local
optimum by definition.
Suppose S is a local OPT. Let dacross(u) denote the number of edges incident on u that cross the
cut. The since S is a local optimum, we know that
where m = |E|. We know OPT ≤ m, and hence the algorithm is a 2-approximation.
21. This problem examines three algorithms for searching for a value x in an unsorted array A
consisting of n elements. Consider the following randomized strategy: pick a random index i
into A. If AŒi D x, then we terminate; otherwise, we continue the search by picking a new
random index into A. We continue picking random indices into A until we find an index j such
that AŒj D x or until we have checked every element of A. Note that we pick from the whole
set of indices each time, so that we may examine a given element more than once. a. Write
pseudocode for a procedure RANDOM-SEARCH to implement the strategy above. Be sure that
your algorithm terminates when all indices into A have been picked. 144 Chapter 5 Probabilistic
Analysis and Randomized Algorithms b. Suppose that there is exactly one index i such that AŒi
D x. What is the expected number of indices into A that we must pick before we find x and
RANDOM-SEARCH terminates? c. Generalizing your solution to part (b), suppose that there are
k 1 indices i such that AŒiD x. What is the expected number of indices into A that we must pick
before we find x and RANDOM-SEARCH terminates? Your answer should be a function of n and
k. d. Suppose that there are no indices i such that AŒiD x. What is the expected number of
indices into A that we must pick before we have checked all elements of A and RANDOMSEARCH terminates? Now consider a deterministic linear search algorithm, which we refer to
as DETERMINISTIC-SEARCH. Specifically, the algorithm searches A for x in order, considering
AŒ1; AŒ2; AŒ3; : : : ; AŒnuntil either it finds AŒiD x or it reaches the end of the array. Assume
that all possible permutations of the input array are equally likely. e. Suppose that there is
exactly one index i such that AŒiD x. What is the average-case running time of DETERMINISTICSEARCH? What is the worstcase running time of DETERMINISTIC-SEARCH? f. Generalizing your
solution to part (e), suppose that there are k 1 indices i such that AŒiD x. What is the averagecase running time of DETERMINISTICSEARCH? What is the worst-case running time of
DETERMINISTIC-SEARCH? Your answer should be a function of n and k. g. Suppose that there
are no indices i such that AŒi D x. What is the average-case running time of DETERMINISTICSEARCH? What is the worst-case running time of DETERMINISTIC-SEARCH? Finally, consider a
randomized algorithm SCRAMBLE-SEARCH that works by first randomly permuting the input
array and then running the deterministic linear search given above on the resulting permuted
array. h. Letting k be the number of indices i such that AŒi D x, give the worst-case and expected
running times of SCRAMBLE-SEARCH for the cases in which k D 0 and k D 1. Generalize your
solution to handle the case in which k 1. i. Which of the three searching algorithms would you
use? Explain your answer.
The answer of the 5-2.a: Assume that A has n elements. Algorithm 1 will use an array P to track
the elements which have been seen, and add to a counter c each time a new element is checked.
Once this counter reaches n, we will know that every element has been checked. Let RI(A) be the
function that returns a random index of A.
The answer of the 5-2.b: Let N be the random variable for the number of searches required.
1: Initialize
an array P of size n containing all zeros.
2: Initialize
integers c and i to 0
3: while
c 6= n do
i = RI(A)
if A[i] == x then
return i
end if
if P[i] == 0 then
P[i] = 1, c = c + 1.
end if
11: end
12: return
A does not contain x.
The answer of the 5-2.c: Let N be the random variable for the number of searches required.
The answer of the 5-2.d: This is identical to the “How many balls must we toss until every bin
contains at least one ball?” problem solved in section 5.4.2, whose solution is b(lnb+O(1)).
The answer of the 5-2.e: The average case running time is (n + 1)/2 and the worst case running
time is n.
The answer of the 5-2.f: Let X be the random variable which gives the number of elements
examined before the algorithm terminates. Let Xi be the indicator variable that the ith element
of the array is examined. If i is an index such that A[i] 6= x then
since we examine
it only if it occurs before every one of the k indices that contains x. If i is an index such that A[i] =
x then
since only one of the indices corresponding to a solution will be examined. Let
S = {i|A[i] = x} and S0 = {i|A[i] 6= x}. Then we have
The answer of the 5-2.g: The average and worst case running times are both n.
The answer of the 5-2.h: SCRAMBLE-SEARCH works identically to DETERMINISTICSEARCH,
except that we add to the running time the time it takes to randomize the input
The answer of the 5-2.i: I would use DETERMINISTIC-SEARCH since it has the best expected
runtime and is guaranteed to terminate after n steps, unlike RANDOM-SEARCH. Moreover, in the
time it takes SCRAMBLE-SEARCH to randomly permute the input array we could have performed
a linear search anyway.
22. Design a randomized
-approximation algorithm for the following problem:
The answer:Let wuvi = Σv∈Vi,v6=uw(u,v) denote the sum of the weight of edges from vertex u
to vertices in set Vi.
(1)Initialization. Partition the vertices into k sets, V1,V2,...,Vk, arbitrary assigning;
(2)Iterate. If there is a pair of vertices u ∈ Vi and v ∈ Vl,i 6= l, and |Vi|wuvi + |Vl|wvvl >
|Vi|wuvl + |Vl|wvvi, reassign vertex u to Vl, and vertex v to Vi;
(3)|Vi|wuvi + |Vl|wvvl ≤ |Vi|wuvl + |Vl|wvvi, stop.
Next, Proof of the ratio of this algorithm. Let wii denote the sum of the weights of the edges
with both the vertices in Vi. wil denotes the sum of the weights of the edges that connect a vertex
in Vi to a vertex in Vl. Sol denote the value of the solution V1,V2,...,Vk. Then,
. The derivation process is as follows:
(1) As the solution returned by the local-search algorithm is locally optimal |Vi|wuvi +
|Vl|wvvl ≤ |Vi|wuvl + |Vl|wvvi.
(2) Sum both side of the inequality and obtain |Vi|Σu∈Viwuvi +|Vi||Vl|wvvl ≤ |Vi|Σu∈Viwuvl +
(3) Next, sum both sides of the above expression over all v ∈ Vl and get |Vl||Vi|Σu∈Viwuvi +
|Vi||Vl|wvvl ≤ |Vl||Vi|Σu∈Viwuvl + |Vi||Vl|wvvi.
(4) Setting Σu∈Viwuvi = 2wii,Σu∈Vlwuvl = 2wil,Σu∈Vlwvvi = 2wli. Then, 2|Vi||Vl|wii +wll ≤
|Vi||Vl|wilwli. So, wii + wll ≤ wil.
(5) Then,
(6) Therefore,
. So,
(7) The optimal solution obtains at most all of the edges. Therefore, OPT ≤ Ws + Sol ≤
. So,
SO, this is a randomized
-approximation algorithm.
23. Design a randomized approximation algorithm for the following problem, and
analyze its expected approximation ratio:
Answer:Algorithm: Initialize two sets A = V,B = ∅. If there exists a vertex v such that moving
it from one set to the other would strictly increase the cut size of A plus the cut size of B, move it,
and continue doing this until no such vertex v can be found. Compute the cuts sizes of A and B,
and return the larger of the two.
The algorithm costs m times to compute the value of a given cut. Do this at most n times to
find a satisfactory vertex v, and since the maximum cut value is m and each swap we perform is
guaranteed to increase the cut size by at least 1, we do at most m swaps before returning our
approximate max cut. So, the algorithm runs time is O(nm2).
Ratio: The OPT ≤ m for the algorithm. Let δA,B,B = V − A be the number of edges
crossing out of A into B, and δinA (v) be the number of edges pointing into v from some set A and
be the number of edges pointing out of v into A. Thus, moving v will change the
sum of the cut sizes by δinA (v) + δoutA (v) − δinB (v) − δoutB (v).
Moving single nodes across the cut cannot increase this sum of cut sizes, it has δinA (v) +
. It can be seen that the first two terms will each count the number
edges internal to A, that is δA,A. The third term counts the number of edges crossing from A to B,
and the fourth term counts the number of edges crossing from B to A. With this it can be seen
that the sets A and B found by the algorithm must satisfy 2δA,A ≤ δA,B+δB,A. By the same reasoning,
2δB,B ≤ δA,B+δB,A. Since every edge in the graph is directed, thus, δA,A+δA,B+δB,A+δB,B = m.
The Sol = max(δA,B,δB,A) ≥ (δA,B,δB,A)/2 ≥ (δA,A+δA,B +δB,A+δB,B)/4 = m/4. Therefore, the Sol ≥
OPT/4. That is, the ratio is .
24.. Give a formal proof that the reduction from SAT to 3-SAT is polynomial.
Answer:Given an instance of SAT: X = {x1,x2,...,xn}, C = {C1,C2,...,Cm}, Ci = zi,1 ∨ zi,2 ∨
zi,3 ···zi,k, We turn an instance of this problem into an instance of 3SAT (X′,C′). For each Ci, four
scenarios are as follow:
1) If |Ci| = 1, then create two variables yi,1 and yi,2, which make
(zi,1 ∨ yi,1 ∨ yi,2) ∧ (zi,1 ∨ yi,1 ∨ yi,2) ∧ (zi,1 ∨ yi,1 ∨ yi,2)
2) If |Ci| = 2, then create one variable yi,1, which makes Ci′ = (zi,1∨zi,2∨yi,1)∧(zi,1∨zi,2∨yi,1) 3) If
|Ci| = 3, then
remains unchanged.
4) If |Ci| = 4, it is assumed to be k, then add k−3 variables so that Ci′ = (zi,1∨zi,2∨yi,1)∧
(yi,1 ∨ zi,3 ∨ yi,2) ∧ (yi,2 ∨ zi,4 ∨ yi,3) ∧ ···(yi,k−3 ∨ zi,k−1 ∨ zi,k)
For each clause Ci, Ci′ has up to k − 3 more variables than Ci, so 3 SAT has up to m(k − 3)
variables and m(k −3) clauses than SAT. It’s clear that C′ satisfies C. Therefore, the reduction from
SAT to 3-SAT is polynomial.
25. Professor Jagger proposes to show that SAT P 3-CNF-SAT by using only the truth-table
technique in the proof of Theorem 34.10, and not the other steps. That is, the professor
proposes to take the boolean formula , form a truth table for its variables, derive from the
truth table a formula in 3-DNF that is equivalent to :, and then negate and apply DeMorgan’s
laws to produce a 3-CNF formula equivalent to . Show that this strategy does not yield a
polynomial-time reduction
Answer:The 3-SAT is a satisfiability problem where the Boolean formula has only 3 literals or
variables ORed to each other in each clause that are ANDed. The output of each of the clauses
should give the output of the whole problem as 1. lt means that we should choose the values of
literals or variables used in the formula so that the output is 1 then only the formula is satisfiable.
The 3-CNF SAT is a SAT problem with 3 such literals as variables, and 2 CNF SAT is a SAT
problem with two literals as variables.
For the proof of 3-CNF SAT to be NPC,consider the following 3-CNF SAT given in equation form
by using3 literals x1,x2,x3 as:
ϕ = ((x1 → x2) ∨ ¬((¬x1 ↔ x3) ∨ x4) ∧ ¬x2)
Corresponding to the related parse tree the result ϕ′ of the expression ϕ is derived and
represented as:
ϕ′ = y1 ∧ (y1 ↔ (y2 ∧ ¬x2)) ∧ (y2 ↔ (y2 ∨ y4)) ∧ (y3 ↔ (x1 → x2))
∧ (y4 ↔ ¬y5) ∧ (y5 ↔ (y6 ∨ x4)) ∧ (y6 ↔ (¬x1 ↔ x3))
We know that the length of the related parse tree is the total height traversed, that is, of the
form h = 2logn where n is the number of leaves. Now this is of the form O(2k) which is a
non-polynomial form. So to find out the total value of the formula we need to perform the same
task for every clause. This results in a non-polynomial degree. The 3 CNF form is:
ϕ = (¬y1 ∨ ¬y2 ∨ x2) ∧ (¬y1 ∨ y2 ∨ ¬x2) ∧ (¬y1 ∨ y2 ∨ x2) ∧ (y1 ∨ ¬y2 ∨ x2)
Hence by taking the values of the truth table the number of values increases creating a non
polynomial reduction. So this strategy does not yield a polynomial time reduction.
26. The set-partition problem takes as input a set S of numbers. The question is whether the
numbers can be partitioned into two sets A and A D S A such that P x2A x D P x2A x. Show that
Answer:Using the portion of the set as certificate shows that the problem is in NP. For NPhardness we give reduction from subset sum. Given an instance S = {x1,x2,...,xn} and t compute r
such the r + t = (Px∈A x + r)/2(r = Px∈A x − 2t). The instance for set portioned assume S has a
subset S′ summing to t. Then the set S′ sums to r +t and thus portions R. Conversly, if R can be
portioned then the set containing the element r sum to r + t. All other elements in this set sums
to t thus providing to the subset S′.
27. In the half 3-CNF satisfiability problem, we are given a 3-CNF formula ϕ with n variables
and m clauses, where m is even. We wish to determine whether there exists a truth
assignment to the variables of ϕ such that exactly half the clauses evaluate to 0 and exactly
half the clauses evaluate to 1. Prove that the half 3-CNF satisfiability problem is NP-complete。
Answer:A certificate would be an assignment to input variables which causes exactly half the
clauses to evaluate to 1, and the other half to evaluate to 0. Since we can check this in polynomial
time, half 3-CNF is in NP. To prove that it’s NP-hard, we’ll show that 3-CNF-SAT ≤p HALF-3-CNF.
Let ϕ be any 3-CNF formula with m clauses and input variables x1,x2,...,xn. Let T be the formula
(y∨y∨¬y), and let F be the formula (y∨y∨y). Let ϕ′ = ϕ∧T ∧...∧T ∧F ∧...∧F where there are m
copies of T and 2m copies of F. Then ϕ has 4m clauses and can be constructed from ϕ in
polynomial time. Suppose that ϕ has a satisfying assignment. Then by setting y = 0 and the x′is
to the satisfying assignment, we satisfy the m clauses of ϕ and the mT clauses, but none of the
F clauses. Thus, ϕ′ has an assignment which satisfies exactly half of its clauses. On the other hand,
suppose there is no satisfying assignment to ϕ. The mT clauses are always satisfied. If we set y
= 0 then the total number of clauses satisfies in ϕ′ is strictly less than 2m, since each of the 2m
F clauses is false, and at least one of the ϕ clauses is false. If we set y = 1, then strictly more than
half the clauses of ϕ′ are satisfied, since the 3m T and F clauses are all satisfied. Thus, ϕ has a
satisfying assignment if and only if ϕ′ has an assignment which satisfies exactly half of its clauses.
We conclude that HALF-3-CNF is NP-hard, and hence NP-complete.
28.Bonnie and Clyde have just robbed a bank. They have a bag of money and want to divide it
up. For each of the following scenarios, either give a polynomial-time algorithm, or prove that
the problem is NP-complete. The input in each case is a list of the n items in the bag, along
with the value of each. a. The bag contains n coins, but only 2 different denominations: some
coins are worth x dollars, and some are worth y dollars. Bonnie and Clyde wish to divide the
money exactly evenly. b. The bag contains n coins, with an arbitrary number of different
denominations, but each denomination is a nonnegative integer power of 2, i.e., the possible
denominations are 1 dollar, 2 dollars, 4 dollars, etc. Bonnie and Clyde wish to divide the money
exactly evenly. c. The bag contains n checks, which are, in an amazing coincidence, made out
to “Bonnie or Clyde.” They wish to divide the checks so that they each get the exact same
amount of money. d. The bag contains n checks as in part (c), but this time Bonnie and Clyde
are willing to accept a split in which the difference is no larger than 100 dollars
The answer:
A problem is said to be in a set of NP-Complete if that can be solved in polynomial time, here NP
is abbreviation of non-deterministic polynomial time. For example, if a language named L is
contained in the set NP, then there exists an algorithm A for a constant c and L = {x ∈ 0,1 : there
exists a certificate y with |y| = O(|x|c) such that A(x,y) = 1}. Any problem that is convertible to
the decision problem will surely be the polynomial time.
a.Consider that there are m coins whose worth is X dollars each and rest n−m coins worth y
dollars each. So the sum total of the worth of all the coins is S = mx+(n−m)y dollars. So for equal
division of the total worth Bonnie and Clyde must take S/2 dollars each. The division of coins can
be done in a manner so that each of them have equal amount so for division assume that either
Bonnie or Clyde start taking the coins and take exactly half worth coins.
Assume that Bonnie first start to take the coins and he is free to take any of the coin that is
either x worth or y worth ad any number of coins whose worth is exactly S/2 dollars. lf Bonnie
takes p number of coins of dollar x where 0 ≤ p ≤ m then to check how many coins of y dollars
Bonnie should take that is to check if px ≤ S/2 and
. Bonnie can
take 0,1,2,...,m coins of value x dollars so there are maximum m + 1 possibilities to check the
worth of remaining coins, because Bonnie can take at most m coins. For every possibility, we will
perform a fixed number of operations, that’s why this is a polynomial time solvable
The process of division of coins between Bonnie and Clyde is as when the nomenclature
of the coins are represented as 2’s power.
1) Arrange all the n coins in the non increasing order of their denominations that is 20,21,22,....
Firstly, give Bonnie the coin with greatest worth or denomination after that give Clyde the
coins the sum of whose worth is same as the coin given to Bonnie.
2) Now the worth of remaining coins will be greater than or equal to the sum of worth of coins
which are with Bonnie and Clyde because the denominations of coins are raised to
power of two.
3) Now from remaining coins give the coin which has maximum worth to Bonnie and again
give same worth coins to Clyde and repeat this process until all the coins are divided.
4) In this process if we give a coin to Bonnie which is of cost p and the sum of worth of rest of
the coins is less than p then coins can’t be divided equally between them else it is
c. In the check division between Bonnie and Clyde the partition of checks is as:
First calculate the total worth of checks given to the Bonnie check whether its total is S/2 and
if it is then it is correct.Here S is the sum of total worth of the checks of Bonnie and Clyde. This
check division problem can be converted to Subset-Sum problem which is a polynomial time
problem.For its reduction consider a set P which contains numbers in it. lf a set S′ used to
represent the sum total of all the numbers contained in P and t denotes the target number then
from set P ′ = P ∪{S′ −2t}, the numbers in the set P are summed up to t, only in the condition
when the set P ′ can be divided into two sets with same sum. The reduction is polynomial which
is clear. Since we know that the Subset-Sum problem is NPC, and hence this check division
problem is also non polynomial.
In the case when Bonnie and Clyde are ready to have unequal division of check worth
of difference at most 100 then in this first of all we simply check if the sum of checks given to
Bonnie and Clyde have a difference less than 100. And it is polynomial time verifiable. We can
convert this conditional check division problem to the simple check division problem defined in
part problem which is a NPC problem. Now for conversion of problem consider that the most
basic unit of worth on check is 1$ without any loss in generality.
ln simple check division problem a set of checks C = {C1,C2,...,Cn}, is given and it is to be decide
that they can be divided into two equal parts of same worth.This problem is NPC problem. Now
for the problem in which there can be a difference of 100 dollars between the worth of money
divided a set is created as {C1.1000,C2.1000,...,Cn.1000}. The set C will be polynomial time only
if this new created set is polynomial time can be divided into two parts with maximum difference
of 100 dollars. This is polynomial time because the division of set C is polynomial time.
29. Given a graph, we take all the edge sets of complete subgraphs, and consider them as the
input of the set covering problem. In the following graph, e.g., the four vertices and six edges
on each face make a complete subgraph.
Find a minimum set covering of the graph below.
Somebody argues that this problem is NP-complete because it is a special case of set
overing problem. Is he correct? If not, is the problem in P, in NP-complete, or neither?
The answer:
Assume that the set of each face in the following figure is Gi = (V,E)(i = 1,2,3,4,5,6),
the minimum set covering of the graph below may be G1 ∨ G2 ∨ G3 ∨ G4 ∨ G5 ∧ G6.
Yes, I agree that this problem is NP-complete.
30. Give a polynomial-time reduction from isomorphism to the new problem.
Answer:In the Isomorphism, it is clear that there is an n×n permutation matrix P such that PT
AP = B.
We assume that
matrix which holds
. If there exist n × n permutation
, then there is a matrix P = P3 which make that
isomorphism polynomial is reduced to the new problem.
31. Both SAT (with n variables) and vertex cover (with n vertices) can be solved in
O(2n) time. Design O(cn)−time algorithms with c < 1.9 for 4-SAT and vertex cover.
The answe:
We design an efficient binary search algorithm: use some simple bookkeeping. As we pass
through the tree we keep track of which clauses are satisfied and which are not. As soon as we
find one that is not satisfied, we do not need to explore further and we can backtrack. Similarly,
if we find a situation where all of the clauses are already satisfied before we reach a leaf then
we can return SAT without exploring further. This means that the variables below this point can
take any value.
For example: ϕ := (x1 ∨ x2) ∧ (x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x3 ∨ x4) ∧ (x1 ∨ x3 ∨ x4) ∧ (x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x3) ∧ (x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x4)
∧ (x1 ∨ x3 ∨ x4) ∧ (x2 ∨ x3) , when we pass down the first branch and set x1 to false and x2 to false
we have already contradicted clause 1 which was (x1 ∨ x2), and so there is no reason to proceed
further. Continuing in this way we only need to search a subset of the full tree. We find the first
satisfying solution when x1,x2,x3 =true, true, true and need not continue to the leaf. The setting
of a4 is immaterial.
32. Analyze the ratio of the greedy algorithm for vertex cover and give tight examples
The answer :
The greedy method works by picking, at each stage, the set S that covers the greatest number of
remaining elements that are uncovered. Firstly, we give the GREEDY-VERTEX-COVER as
C := ∅ while E ̸=
∅ do
Choose v ∈ V of maximum degree
C := C ∪ {u}
Remove edges incident to u from E end
return C
In each run, the greedy algriothm always choose the highest degree vertices. Thus, the ratio is
O(logn) Let C∗ be an optimal cover. C is the output of the GREEDY-VERTEX-COVER. The
ratio is
, where
Now, we give an example.
For greedy algorithm, the estimate of n ≤ H(d) seems to be not only n ≤ 2 estimate better.
theoretically, when d ≤ 3, the performance is improved, especially when d is quite large, seems
to be meaningless, but from the above analysis shows that the upper bound is very conservative
estimate. In actual application of greedy algorithm, often can get satisfactory result, especially
in the worst case, as shown in figure 1. The results of greedy algorithm are consistent with the
exact solution. For some practical problems, therefore, the greedy algorithm can be used.
33. Show how in polynomial time we can transform one instance of the travelingsalesman
problem into another instance whose cost function satisfies the triangle inequality. The two
instances must have the same set of optimal tours. Explain why such a polynomial-time
transformation does not contradict Theorem 35.3, assuming that P ≠ NP.
Answer:Let m be some value which is larger than any edge weight. If c(u,v) denotes the cost
of the edge from u to v, then modify the weight of the edge to be H(u,v) = c(u,v)+m. (In other
words, H
is our new cost function). First we show that this forces the triangle inequality to hold. Let u,v,
and w be vertices. Then we have H(u,v) = c(u,v) + m ≤ 2m ≤ c(u,w) + m + c(w,v) + m =
H(u,w) + H(w,v). Note: it’s important that the weights of edges are nonnegative.
Next we must consider how this affects the weight of an optimal tour. First, any optimal tour
has exactly n edges (assuming that the input graph has exactly n vertices). Thus, the total cost
added to any tour in the original setup is nm. Since the change in cost is constant for every tour,
the set of optimal tours must remain the same.
To see why this doesn’t contradict Theorem 35.3, let H denote the cost of a solution to the
transformed problem found by a ρ -approximation algorithm and H∗ denote the cost of an
optimal solution to the transformed problem. Then we have H ≤ ρH∗. We can now transform
back to the original problem, and we have a solution of weight C = H − nm, and the optimal
solution has weight C∗ = H∗−nm. This tells us that C+nm ≤ ρ(C∗ + nm), so that C ≤ ρ(C∗)+(ρ−1)nm.
Since ρ > 1, we don’t have a constant approximation ratio, so there is no contradiction.
34. Suppose that the vertices for an instance of the traveling-salesman problem are points in
the plane and that the cost c.u;
/ is the euclidean distance
between points u and
. Show that an optimal tour never crosses
Answer:To show that the optimal tour never crosses itself, we will suppose that it did cross
itself, and then show that we could produce a new tour that had lower cost, obtaining our
contradiction because we had said that the tour we had started with was optimal, and so, was
of minimal
cost. If the tour crosses itself, there must be two pairs of vertices that are both adjacent in the
tour, so that the edge between the two pairs are crossing each other. Suppose that our tour is
S1x1x2S2y1y2S3 where S1,S2,S3 are arbitrary sequences of vertices, and {x1,x2} and {y1,y2} are the
two crossing pairs. Then, We claim that the tour given by S1x1y2 Reverse (S2)y1x2S3 has lower
cost. Since {x1,x2,y1,y2} form a quadrilateral, and the original cost was the sum of the two
diagonal lengths, and the new cost is the sums of the lengths of two opposite sides, this problem
comes down to a simple geometry problem.
Now that we have it down to a geometry problem, we just exercise our grade school geometry
muscles. Let P be the point that diagonals of the quadrilateral intersect. Then, we have that the
vertices {x1,P,y2} and {x2,P,y1} form triangles. Then, we recall that the longest that one side of a
triangle can be is the sum of the other two sides, and the inequality is strict if the triangles are
non-degenerate, as they are in our case. This means that |x1y2| | +∥x2y1∥ < ∥x1P∥ + ∥Py2∥ + ∥x2P∥
+ ∥Py1∥ = ∥x1x2∥ + ∥y1y2∥. The right hand side was the original contribution to the cost from the
old two edges, while the left is the new contribution. This means that this part of the cost has
decreased, while the rest of the costs in the path have remained the same. This gets us that the
new path that we constructed has strictly better cross, so we must not of had an optimal tour
that had a crossing in it.
35. Show how to implement GREEDY-SET-COVER in such a way that it runs in time O ∑S⊂F |S|
See the algorithm LINEAR-GREEDY-SET-COVER. Note that everything in the inner most for loop
takes constant time and will only run once for each pair of letter and a set containing that letter.
However, if we sum up the number of such pairs, we get PS⊂F |S| which is what we wanted to be
linear in.
compute thsizes of every S ∈ F, storing them in S.size. let A
be an array of length
for S ∈ F
, consisting of empty lists
add S to A[S.size]
end for let A.max be the index of the largest nonempty list in
A. let L be an array of length |US∈F S| consisting of empty lists
for S ∈ F do for l
∈ S do
add S to L[l] end for end for let C be the set cover that we
will be selecting, initially empty. let T be the set of letters that
have been covered, initially empty.
while A.max¿0 do
Let S0 be any element of A[A.max].
add S0 to C remove S0
from A[A.max] for l ∈ S0\T
do for S ∈ L[l] do
Remove S from A[A.size]
S.size = S.size-1 Add S to
A[S.size] if A[A.max] is
empty then
A.max=A.max1 end if end for add
l to T
end for
end while
36.How would you modify the approximation scheme presented in this section to find a good
approximation to the smallest value not less than t that is a sum of some subset of the given
input list?
We’ll rewrite the relevant algorithms for finding the smallest value, modifying both TRIM and
APPROX-SUBSET-SUM. The analysis is the same as that for finding a largest sum which doesn’t
exceed t, but with inequalities reversed. Also note that in TRIM, we guarantee instead that for
each y removed, there exists z which remains on the list such that y ≤ z ≤ y(1 + δ).
Algorithm 3 TRIM(L,δ)
let m be the length of L
L′ =< ym >
last = ym for i = m − 1downto1
do if yx < last /(1 + δ) then
append yi to the end of L’ last
= ym
end if
end for
return L’
37. Approximating the size of a maximum clique
Let G D .V; E/ be an undirected graph. For any k 1, define G.k/ to be the undirected graph .V .k/;
E.k//, where V .k/ is the set of all ordered k-tuples of vertices from V and E.k/ is defined so
k/ is adjacent to .w1;
w2;:::;wk/ if and only if for i D 1; 2; : : : ; k, either vertex
i is
adjacent to wi in G, or else
i D wi. Problems for Chapter 35 1135
a. Prove that the size of the maximum clique in G.k/ is equal to the kth power of the size of
the maximum clique in G. b. Argue that if there is an approximation algorithm that has a
constant approximation ratio for finding a maximum-size clique, then there is a polynomialtime approximation scheme for the problem。
Answer:Given a clique D of m vertices in G, let Dk be the set of all k -tuples of vertices in
D. Then Dk is a clique in G(k), so the size of a maximum clique in G(k) is at least that of the size of
a maximum clique in G. We’ll show that the size cannot exceed that.
Let m denote the size of the maximum clique in G. We proceed by induction on k. When k =
1, we have V (1) = V and E(1) = E, so the claim is trivial. Now suppose that for k ≥ 1, the size of the
maximum clique in G(k) is equal to the kth power of the size of the maximum clique in G. Let u be
a (k+1) tuple and u′ denote the restriction of u to a k -tuple consisting of its first k entries. If {u,v}
∈ E(k+1) then {u′,v′} ∈ E(k). Suppose that the size of the maximum clique C in G(k+1) = n > mk+1. Let
C′ = {u′ | u ∈ C}. By our induction hypothesis, the size of a maximum clique in G(k) is mk, so since
C′ is a clique we must have |C′| ≤ mk < n/m. A vertex u is only removed from C′ when it is a
duplicate, which happens only when there is a v such that u,v ∈ C,u = v, and u′ = v′. If there are
only m choices for the last entry of a vertex in C, then the size can decrease by at most a factor
of m. Since the size decreases by a factor of strictly greater than m, there must be more than m
vertices which appear among the last entries of vertices in C′. Since C′ is a clique, all of its vertices
are connected by edges, which implies all of these vertices in G are connected by edges, implying
that G contains a
clique of size strictly greater than m, a contradiction.
b. Suppose there is an approximation algorithm that has a constant approximation ratio c for
finding a maximum size clique. Given G, form G(k), where k will be chosen shortly. Perform the
approximation algorithm on G(k). If n is the maximum size clique of G(k) returned by the
approximation algorithm and m is the actual maximum size clique of G, then we have mk/n ≤ c.
If there is a clique of size at least n in G(k), we know there is a clique of size at least n1/k in G, and
we have m/n1/k ≤ c1/k. Choosing k > 1/logc(1 + ε), this gives m/n1/k ≤ 1 + ε. Since we can form
G(k) in time polynomial in k, we just need to verify that k is a polynomial in 1/ε. To this end,
k > 1/logc(1 + ε) = lnc/ln(1 + ε) ≥ lnc/ε
where the last inequality follows from (3.17). Thus, the (1 + ε) approximation algorithm is
polynomial in the input size, and 1/ε, so it is a polynomial time approximation scheme.
37. An approximation algorithm for the 0-1 knapsack problem
Recall the knapsack problem from Section 16.2. There are n items, where the ith item is worth
i dollars and weighs wi pounds. We are also given a knapsack
that can hold at most W pounds. Here, we add the further assumptions that each weight wi
is at most W and that the items are indexed in monotonically decreasing order of their values:
n. In the 0-1 knapsack problem, we wish to find a subset of the
items whose total weight is at most W and whose total value is maximum. The fractional
knapsack problem is like the 0-1 knapsack problem, except that we are allowed to take a
fraction of each item, rather than being restricted to taking either all or none of 1138 Chapter
35 Approximation Algorithms each item. If we take a fraction xi of item i, where 0 xi 1, we
contribute xiwi to the weight of the knapsack and receive value
i. Our goal is to develop a polynomial-time 2-approximation
algorithm for the 0-1 knapsack problem. In order to design a polynomial-time algorithm, we
consider restricted instances of the 0-1 knapsack problem. Given an instance I of the knapsack
problem, we form restricted instances Ij , for j D 1; 2; : : : ; n, by removing items 1; 2; : : : ; j 1
and requiring the solution to include item j (all of item j in both the fractional and 0-1
knapsack problems). No items are removed in instance I1. For instance Ij , let Pj denote an
optimal solution to the 0-1 problem and Qj denote an optimal solution to the fractional
problem. a. Argue that an optimal solution to instance I of the 0-1 knapsack problem is one
of fP1; P2;:::;Png. b. Prove that we can find an optimal solution Qj to the fractional problem
for instance Ij by including item j and then using the greedy algorithm in which at each step,
we take as much as possible of the unchosen item in the set fj C 1; j C 2;:::; ng with maximum
value per pound
i=wi . c. Prove that we can always construct an
optimal solution Qj to the fractional problem for instance Ij that includes at most one item
fractionally. That is, for all items except possibly one, we either include all of the item or none
of the item in the knapsack. d. Given an optimal solution Qj to the fractional problem for
instance Ij , form solution Rj from Qj by deleting any fractional items from Qj . Let
.S / denote the total value of items taken in a solution S. Prove
.Rj /
.Qj /=2
.Pj /=2. e. Give a polynomial-time algorithm that returns a
maximum-value solution from the set fR1; R2;:::;Rng, and prove that your algorithm is a
polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm for the 0-1 knapsack problem.
a.Answer:Though not stated, this conclusion requires the assumption that at least one of
the values isnon-negative. Since any individual item will fit, selecting that one item would be a
solution that is better then the solution of taking no items. We know then that the optimal
solution contains at least one item. Suppose the item of largest index that it contains is item i,
then, that solution would be in Pi, since the only restriction we placed when we changed the
instance to Ii was
that it contained item i.
We clearly need to include all of item j, as that is a condition of instance Ij. Then, since
we know that we will be using up all of the remaining space somehow, we want to use it up in
such a way that the average value of that space is maximized. This is clearly achieved by
maximizing the value density of all the items going in, since the final value density will be an
average of the value densities that went into it weighted by the amount of space that was used
up by items with that value density.
c. Since we are greedily selecting items based off of the amount of value per space, we
onlystop once we can no longer fit any more, and each time before putting some faction of the
item with the next least value per space, we complete putting in the item we currently are. This
means that there is at most one item fractionally.
First, it is trivial that v (Qj)/2 ≥ v (Pj)/2 since we are trying to maximize a quantity, and
there are strictly fewer restrictions on what we can do in the case of the fractional packing than
in the 1 − 0 packing. To see that v (Rj) ≥ v (Qj)/2, note that among the items {1,2,...,j}, we have
the highest value item is vj because of our ordering of the items. We know that the fractional
solution must have all of item j, and there is some item that it may not have all of that is indexed
by less than j. This part of an item is all that is thrown out when going from Qj to Rj. Even if we
threw all of that item out, it still wouldn’t be as valuable as item j which we are keeping, so, we
have retained more than half of the value. So, we have proved the slightly stronger statement
that v (Rj) > v (Qj)/2 ≥ v (Pj)/2
T = ∅ for v ∈ V
do max = ∞
best = v
for u ∈ N(v) do
if w(v,u) ≥ max then
max = w(v,u)
end if
end for
T = T ∪ {v,u}
end for
return T