ANIMALS AND THE FOOD CHAIN CONTENT > > > > > > > 1st Page: Introduction to the topic 2nd Page Content page 3rd Page Mamma l: Human / Homosapien 4th Page Reptile : King Cobra / Ophiophagus Hannah 5Th Page Bird : Bald Eagle / Haliaeetus leucocephalus 6th Page : Thank You 7th Page : Reference Humans / Homo sapiens Humans are also mostly the reason why global warming happens so like. That isn’t good. And we call ourselves the dominant species. More like the species that removes all life from earth Humans or as they are scientifically known as homo sapiens are omnivores and they eat plants and animals and are possibly on the top of the food chain King Cobra / Ophiophagus Hannah Even though they are called king cobras they don’t have crowns like what King Cobra or as they are known scientifically as Ophiophagus Hannah Is a Carnivore, it usually eats small animals but it can swallow and digest animals larger than its size for example a cow. And it is the top predator on the food chain Bald Eagle / Haliaeetus leucocephalus The Bald Eagle also known scientifically as the Haliaeetus leucocephalus is one of the largest birds in the world and it’s a carnivore, it usually eats small animals but can devour large animals as well Its called a bald eagle yet isn’t bald