Running head: FIN640 MILESTONE THREE FIN 640 Milestone Three Name Southern New Hampshire University FIN 640 Oct 26, 2017 1 FIN640 MILESTONE THREE 2 Portfolio Investing in portfolio is a delicate financial matter subject to the risks that are involved. All the same, investments are quite beneficial in the long run if the investors in question are good in striking a balance between risk aversion and risk taking. XYZ Tech Company is looking to invest in a profitable company in the stock market. The companies singled out include Apple, Caterpillar, Consolidated Edison, Northern Trust, and Macy’s. As such the main factors that have to be considered for each company include assets, securities, and rates of return. Highest Grossing Prospect Respective of profit, the highest grossing company among the chosen five is Apple. Apple makes an average of 80,000 million USD on an annual basis. The table below shows why Apple would be the best pick with respect to profits. Company Highest Annual Profits Realized Between The Years 2012 and 2016 Apple 93, 626 CAT 18, 820 Consolidated Edison 8987 Northern Trust 4962 Earnings per Share Earnings per share happen to be a key performance indicator when it comes to matters of securities and investment. For XYZ to make a decision on what company to invest in, the projected Earnings per Share for year 2018 will act as an invaluable insight. This is because the company EPS projections resonate with the confidence of the management. With consideration for Earnings Per Share, Caterpillar happens to be the best bet for XYZ FIN640 MILESTONE THREE 3 Technology Company. It is quite undeniable that projected EPS is not a better measure of profitability in comparison to profit. The table shows projected 2018 EPS values for other companies. Company Apple Projected EPS 3.859 CAT 6.4949 Consolidated Northern ED Trust 3.9354 2.1327 Intrinsic value Intrinsic value of refers to the actual value of a corporation or an asset with respect to preconceived notions of its real value inclusive of all aspects of the business, with respect to both intangible and tangible factors. Being the investment manager of the company, it is my conviction that Apple Inc. is best placed to innovate and enjoy the reception of market share within the industry it operates in. This is because the company prefers to make unique smart phones; devoid of common features and operating systems characteristic of other smart phones (Bloomberg & Pope, 2017). Debt Equity Ratio According to the analysis conducted, the worst performer in relation to debt and equity is Caterpillar (Debt/Equity =2.8). The first runner up with respect to bad performance is Consolidated Edison which has a debt equity ratio of 1.11. Among these four companies that XYZ is considering investing in; Apple Inc is the most stable one since it has the lowest level of debt as a financial liability (Altman & Hotchkiss, 2010). Company Apple Northern Trust CAT Consolidated ED Debt/Equity 0.68 0.92 2.8 1.11 FIN640 MILESTONE THREE 4 The lower the debt/equity ratio the lesser the financial liabilities that a company has. According to the table above, Apple is the best candidate since it has the lowest debt/equity ratio i.e. 0.68. With such a disposition the company is less likely to be bankrupt or go through foreclosure. In addition to that, the company is less likely to be in trouble with the law subject to litigation (legal battles) (Nel, 2016). Executive Summary Being that Apple Inc presents itself well in terms of grossing, intrinsic value, and debt/equity ratio, it stands to be the best candidate for the job. The company is historically known to be innovative and attentive to the wants and needs of customers in the smart phone industry. For that matter, it can be said that Apple is best placed as the company to invest in; the one XYZ Tech Company Needs to realize growth and development. Irrespective of the amount XYZ will invest in, returns are bound to show after the first three quarters of 2018. FIN640 MILESTONE THREE 5 References Altman, E. I., & Hotchkiss, E. (2010). Corporate financial distress and bankruptcy: Predict and avoid bankruptcy, analyze and invest in distressed debt (Vol. 289). John Wiley & Sons. Bloomberg, M., & Pope, C. (2017). How We Invest. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 29(2), 10-15. Nel, K. (2016). Invest wisely: management. The Dairy Mail, 23(10), 72-73.