WALL ST TRAINING Providing financial training to Wall Street www.wallst-training.com ® Excel/Video Side-by-Side Instructions Ideal setup of screen to optimize learning experience 1. 2. 3. 4. Expand the course topic on the treeview, then click on the topic underneath, labeled “Income Statement below”. Click on the “Notes” Tab (Step #2 in image below) Open the Excel Template by clicking the icon or title of the file Click “Open” when prompted to open the Excel Template file. (Step #3 in image below) WALL ST TRAINING Providing financial training to Wall Street www.wallst-training.com ® When Excel loads, resize the program so that you can control the environment to make the programs side by side. 5. You can resize two different ways. Double click on the top bar or click on the restore and it will maximize itself. 6. You can then use your mouse to drag and resize the program window to approximately 2/3 split screen. WALL ST TRAINING 7. Providing financial training to Wall Street www.wallst-training.com Next let’s go to the videos: – Click on “Income Statement” if you need to (Step #1 in image below) – Click on the “Videos” Tab (Step #2 in image below) – Click on the video icon (Step #3 in image below) ® WALL ST TRAINING Providing financial training to Wall Street www.wallst-training.com ® When you click on the video, Windows Media Player will open up. Un-maximize and hide the task bar (Ctrl-M) if it is open so you can maximize the viewing area. Next , close the play list area, again to maximize the video and visualization panel. In the image below, the top two arrows illustrate where to click to close the playlist (depending on your version of Windows Media Player). 8. In the image above, the bottom-most arrow illustrates where to click to resize Windows Media Player (click and drag corner of video player window). Click on this handle and resize the program window. 9. Finally, bring in the excel window, adjust and your ready to get back to work. Windows Media Player Controls These functions refer to the Windows Media Player playback bar (as seen above) 1. 2. 3. 4. Seek Control – Scroll to any time in the video by clicking and holding the seek control to any point in the video. Stop Button – Stops the video you are watching. Remember pressing stop, then play brings you to the beginning of the video. Play/Pause Button – Pauses and plays the video you are watching. Mute / Un-mute button and Volume Control – The Mute / Un-mute button is seen as a audio icon (to the left of #4 above). This button turns the video sound on and off. The Volume Control (to the right of #4 above) changes the level of sound in the video. WALL ST TRAINING Providing financial training to Wall Street www.wallst-training.com Your final, ideal setup of screen to optimize learning experience: ®