8/15/2020 FREEBITCO.IN BOT SCRIPT 0.01BTC HOURLY Plus Créer un blog Connexion FREEBITCO.IN BOT SCRIPT 0.01BTC HOURLY FREEBITCO.IN BOT SCRIPT 0.01BTC HOURLY DOWNLOAD SCRIPT AND RUN Thursday, December 15, 2016 FREEBITCO.IN BOT SCRIPT 0.01BTC HOURLY DOWNLOAD HOW TO USE THIS SCRIPT: 1. Go to freebitco.in Blog Archive ▼ 2016 (2) ▼ December (2) FREEBITCO.IN BOT SCRIPT 0.01BTC HOURLY DOWNLOAD FREEBITCO.IN BOT SCRIPT 0.01BTC HOURLY 2. Click on Multiply BTC 3. for CHROME : 1) go to Menu --> More Tools --> Javascript console 2) Copy the script below 3) Paste the script into the javascript console 4) Press Enter key on the keyboard. for FIREFOX : 1. Press F12 key on the keyboard 2. Copy and paste the script below on the console line 3. then press ENTER key on the keyboard. var startValue = '0.0000001', // Don't lower the decimal point more than 4x of current balance stopPercentage = 0.001, // In %. I wouldn't recommend going past 0.08 maxWait = 500, // In milliseconds stopped = false, stopBefore = 3; // In minutes var $loButton = $('#double_your_btc_bet_lo_button'), $hiButton = $('#double_your_btc_bet_hi_button'); function multiply(){ var current = $('#double_your_btc_stake').val(); var multiply = (current * 2).toFixed(8); $('#double_your_btc_stake').val(multiply); } function getRandomWait(){ var wait = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxWait ) + 100; console.log('Waiting for ' + wait + 'ms before next bet.'); return wait ; } function startGame(){ console.log('Game started!'); reset(); $loButton.trigger('click'); } function stopGame(){ console.log('Game will stop soon! Let me finish.'); stopped = true; } function reset(){ $('#double_your_btc_stake').val(startValue); } // quick and dirty hack if you have very little bitcoins like 0.0000001 function deexponentize(number){ return number * 1000000; } function iHaveEnoughMoni(){ freebitcoscript.blogspot.com 1/3 8/15/2020 FREEBITCO.IN BOT SCRIPT 0.01BTC HOURLY var balance = deexponentize(parseFloat($('#balance').text())); var current = deexponentize($('#double_your_btc_stake').val()); return ((balance*2)/100) * (current*2) > stopPercentage/100; } function stopBeforeRedirect(){ var minutes = parseInt($('title').text()); if( minutes < stopBefore ) { console.log('Approaching redirect! Stop the game so we don\'t get redirected while loosing.'); stopGame(); return true; } return false; } // Unbind old shit $('#double_your_btc_bet_lose').unbind(); $('#double_your_btc_bet_win').unbind(); // Loser $('#double_your_btc_bet_lose').bind("DOMSubtreeModified",function(event){ if( $(event.currentTarget).is(':contains("lose")') ) { console.log('You LOST! Multiplying your bet and betting again.'); multiply(); setTimeout(function(){ $loButton.trigger('click'); }, getRandomWait()); //$loButton.trigger('click'); } }); // Winner $('#double_your_btc_bet_win').bind("DOMSubtreeModified",function(event){ if( $(event.currentTarget).is(':contains("win")') ) { if( stopBeforeRedirect() ) { return; } if( iHaveEnoughMoni() ) { console.log('You WON! But don\'t be greedy. Restarting!'); reset(); if( stopped ) { stopped = false; return false; } } else { console.log('You WON! Betting again'); } setTimeout(function(){ $loButton.trigger('click'); }, getRandomWait()); } });startgame() Posted by beyourmoney at 5:10 AM 22 comments: Labels: FREEBITCO.IN BOT SCRIPT Friday, December 9, 2016 FREEBITCO.IN BOT SCRIPT 0.01BTC HOURLY freebitcoscript.blogspot.com 2/3 8/15/2020 FREEBITCO.IN BOT SCRIPT 0.01BTC HOURLY FREEBITCO.IN BOT SCRIPT 0.01BTC HOURLY Download Trick! Earn 1000,000DOGE Hourly BOT Script Download Trick! Posted by beyourmoney at 11:21 AM 9 comments: Labels: 0.01BTC HOURLY, 000DOGE Hourly BOT Script, BOT SCRIPT, Earn 1000, FREEBITCO.IN Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Ethereal theme. Powered by Blogger. freebitcoscript.blogspot.com 3/3