Developmental Milestones 2 months: Holds head up on tummy Moves both arms & legs Opens hands briefly Holds hands together Watches you as you move Looks at toy for several seconds 4 months: Holds head steady without support Holds toy when put in hand Brings hands to mouth Reaches often Pushes up onto elbows when on tummy 6 months: Puts things in mouth Reaches to grab toy Transfers hand to hand Rolls from tummy to back Pushes up on straight arms when on tummy Leans on hands to support self when sitting 9 months: Bangs two things together Gets to sitting position on own Crawls Moves things from one hand to other Uses fingers to rake food Sits without support 1 year: Puts object into container Pulls up to stand Walks holding onto furniture Drinks from cup as you hold it Uses pincer grasp for food 15 months: Stacks 2 objects (blocks) Takes few steps on own Uses fingers to self feed 18 months: Walks without holding on Scribbles Drinks from cup Self feeds with fingers Tries to use spoon Climbs on/off couch 2 years: Holds something in one hand while using other Plays with more than one toy at a time Kicks a ball Runs Walks up few stairs Eats with spoon 30 months: Shows simple problem solving skills Follows two step instructions Knows at least one color Uses two hands to twist things Takes some clothes off Jumps off ground with both feet Turns pages 3 years: Draws circles, vertical, horizontal, intersecting lines Strings items together Puts some clothes on Eats with fork Begins cutting Imitates bridge of cubes 4 years: Names some colors Diagonal lines Draws person with three or more body parts Copies squares Cuts 5 in circle Writes part of name Catches ball Unbuttons some buttons Holds crayon with fingers & thumb Establishes hand dominance 5 years: Counts to 10 Pays attention 5-10 minutes Writes name Uses fork and spoon Copies triangles Names letters/numbers Buttons Hops on one foot