Uploaded by Jessica Ferrera

Developmental Milestones Chart: 2 Months to 5 Years

Developmental Milestones
2 months:
 Holds head up on tummy
 Moves both arms & legs
 Opens hands briefly
 Holds hands together
 Watches you as you move
 Looks at toy for several seconds
4 months:
 Holds head steady without support
 Holds toy when put in hand
 Brings hands to mouth
 Reaches often
 Pushes up onto elbows when on tummy
6 months:
 Puts things in mouth
 Reaches to grab toy
 Transfers hand to hand
 Rolls from tummy to back
 Pushes up on straight arms when on tummy
 Leans on hands to support self when sitting
9 months:
 Bangs two things together
 Gets to sitting position on own
 Crawls
 Moves things from one hand to other
 Uses fingers to rake food
 Sits without support
1 year:
 Puts object into container
 Pulls up to stand
 Walks holding onto furniture
 Drinks from cup as you hold it
 Uses pincer grasp for food
15 months:
 Stacks 2 objects (blocks)
 Takes few steps on own
 Uses fingers to self feed
18 months:
 Walks without holding on
 Scribbles
 Drinks from cup
 Self feeds with fingers
 Tries to use spoon
 Climbs on/off couch
2 years:
 Holds something in one hand while using other
 Plays with more than one toy at a time
 Kicks a ball
 Runs
 Walks up few stairs
 Eats with spoon
30 months:
 Shows simple problem solving skills
 Follows two step instructions
 Knows at least one color
 Uses two hands to twist things
 Takes some clothes off
 Jumps off ground with both feet
 Turns pages
3 years:
 Draws circles, vertical, horizontal, intersecting lines
 Strings items together
 Puts some clothes on
 Eats with fork
 Begins cutting
 Imitates bridge of cubes
4 years:
 Names some colors
 Diagonal lines
 Draws person with three or more body parts
 Copies squares
 Cuts 5 in circle
 Writes part of name
 Catches ball
 Unbuttons some buttons
 Holds crayon with fingers & thumb
 Establishes hand dominance
5 years:
 Counts to 10
 Pays attention 5-10 minutes
 Writes name
 Uses fork and spoon
 Copies triangles
 Names letters/numbers
 Buttons
 Hops on one foot