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Question 1
Which step of the Programming Process has the most to do with reading the project specifications & description?
Response: 3rd step
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 2
Commands written in Python are very complex.
Response: no
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 3
The correct way to create a variable in Python?
Response: myVariable = 10
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 4
The Python______ function returns an iterator for the given object
Response: iter()
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 5
What does the following code do? myAge = int (myAge)
Response: Converts the var (variable) myAge to a integer
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 6
Which one of these variables name would not be for python
Response: Elephant
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 7
What is a variable in Python?
Response: A reserved memory location in computer used to store data.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 8
Python is a high level language.
Response: yes
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 9
people = ["John", "Rob", "Bob"]
print (people[4])
what would this result be?
Response: error
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 10
An Abstract Data Types is a_________________
Response: Programmer Defined Data Type
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 11
Which function takes a users input?
Response: input()
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 12
What would we call number 1, number 2 and sum in Python
number1=input("Input first number: ")
# variable to store 1st number
number2=input("Input second number: ")
# variable to store 2nd number
sum=number1 + number2
Response: variable
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 13
What is the first step of the Programming Process?
Response: plan
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 14
Which step of the Programming Process has the most to do with actually testing the code for errors?
Response: 4rth step
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 15
The number or word we give to a variable
Response: value
Score: 1 out of 1 