International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 118 No. 24 2018 ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version) url: Special Issue Failure Due To Poor Termination & Loose Connections in Electrical Systems P.K.Gore 1 , Prathamesh Gore 2 , Asstt.Professor (Electrical), D.Y.P.C.O.E.,Akurdi,Pune1 Former Executive Director, M.P.State Electricity Board1 Pune,Maharashtra State,India1 Pursuing MBA course in NMIMS,Mumbai2 Former Site Engr , L & T const.-Power Transmission Dist.2 Mumbai,Maharashyra State,India2 May 26, 2018 Abstract In any of the industry flashovers in electrical system are quite often and generally handled casually. But when any of the vulnerable auxiliary or MCC become out of service on account of loose connection, it is difficult to handle the situation as the emergency systems of the process industry gets locked which simultaneously may be associated with huge revenue loss. All attempts should be made to minimize such electrical flashovers by adopting suitable technical measures. Key Words:switchgear,mcc,bimetallic. 1 INTRODUCTION The electricity is the most convenient and versatile form of energy as far as its application is concerned and therefore has entered all 1 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics the nooks and corners of the human activity. However, we tend to overlook the hazards electricity poses and fail to treat it with the respect it deserves. Electricity is often referred to as a silent killer, because it cannot be tasted, seen, heard, or smelled and so it is essentially invisible. Poor electrical connections can be very efficient at overheating, because they can generate a high wattage over a small area for a long period of time. If the watt density is high enough, the connection will glow. Also an oxide actually forms at the (loose) contact area, and the resistance of the oxide causes the I2 R power dissipation. If we’re lucky, proper enclosing of these connections will keep an occurrence like this from igniting nearby combustibles, such as wood and cellulose insulation. Even though a poor connection is hazardous, there is currently no way to detect a poor connection as soon as it begins. While working in various power projects for a prolonged period, numbers of electrical failures have been witnessed on account of various reasons. These failures not only damaged the equipment but on many occasions also caused the generating unit trip outs resulting in to longer down times of generating unit / equipment along with huge revenue loss to generating companies. The present paper discusses the loose connection problems and their preventions in low tension high tension switch gear and drives of thermal power stations. 2 IMPORTANT SWITCHGEARS The Thermal Power Stations have got number of switchgears depending upon the unit size. Some important switchgear of 62.5 MW Units and 210 MW Units size Power House are listed below:A. POWER HOUSE; 5X62.5 MW UNITS:i) Station Switchgears:• 3.3 KV HT station bus A/B fed from 30 MVA station transformers no. 1/2. • 3.3 KV HT coal handling plant switchgears A/B fed from 3.3 KV HT STATION Bus A/B. 2 Special Issue International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics • 415 V LT station bus fed from 3.3 KV HT station bus A/B through 1000 KVA transformers. • 415 V CW MCC workshop MCC fed through 415 V LT station bus. ii) Unit Switchgears:• 3.3 KV HT unit bus A & B fed from only 7.5 MVA unit auxiliary transformer. • 415 V LT unit bus A & B fed from 3.3 KV HT unit bus A through 750 KVA transformer. • 415 V LT boiler MCC Turbine MCC fed from 415 V LT unit bus. B. POWER HOUSE; 2X210 MW UNITS:i) Station Switchgears:• 6.6 KV HT station bus CA & CB from 40 MVA station transformers no. 3 & 4 • 6.6 KV HT station bus DA DB fed from CA & CB. • 6.6 KV HT bus A/B for coal handling plants fed from station bus CA & CB. • 415 V LT station bus A/B fed from CA & CB through 2 MVA transformers. • 415 V LT station bus A/B fed from DA & DB through 2 MVA transformers. • 415 V LT station bus A/B for CW, WT plant, fuel oil pump houses; separate buses . ii) Unit Switchgears:• 6.6 KV HT unit bus A/B fed from 15 MVA unit auxiliary transformers A/B. 3 Special Issue International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics • 415 V LT unit service switchgears (USS) A/B fed from 6.6 kV unit bus through 2 MVA transformers. • 415 V LT turbine MCC A/B, boiler MCC A/B fed from respective USS buses. • 415 V LT normal emergency bus fed from USS bus A and during emergency from diesel generator set. These switchgears feed power to different drives of various auxiliaries. Many times flash over took place in switchgears, MCCs, different 3.3 kV, 6.6 kV, 415 V buses due to loose/improper joint connections. With the maintenance experience, methods to monitor electrical joints have been developed and brought the failures within controllable limits. In the ensuing paragraphs monitoring of electrical joint failure has been explained. 3 FAILURE DUE TO POOR TERMINATION AND LOOSE CONNECTIONS IN ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS While analyzing the electrical failures, it revealed that about 20 to 25% of the total failures were the result of joint failures due to poor termination and loose connections. In general, the poor termination/loose connection in an electrical system causes overheating at the joints which further leads to failure such as:- 4 Special Issue International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Fig.1. 6.6 KV BHEL Motor Terminal Connector • Heating of connected adjacent clamps, nut/bolts, bus and cables, etc. • Burning and charging of the support insulator which if not controlled in the early stage may lead to insulator catching fire and flash over finally terminating to a phase to phase or phase to ground fault. • Disconnection in the system causing interruption of power or further damage to other electrical equipment. Especially the 3 phase induction motors which happen to be the back bone of power industry are very much susceptible to single phasing due to disconnections. • Flash over in the system especially in the equipment dealing higher current/higher voltage. • Mal operation of protective equipment like blowing of fuses, operation of thermal overload relays and other protective relays, auto control loops including flashover in the CT secondary circuit. • Loose connections could lead initiation of fire in the building. 5 Special Issue International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics • In switchgears, the loose connections increase the overall temperature of the switchgear which for a reliable operation is limited by permissible temperature rise of various materials (such as insulated material) and adjacent equipment. Thus reducing life of equipment and increasing chances of failures. Fig.2. 6.6KV Unit Switchgear The electrical joints are made by copper/aluminum cable lug, clamps, studs, link and bus connection by contactors, breakers and isolators. Each of the elements forming an electrical joint has its inherent resistance. Whenever current flows to the system, it causes heating of the joints depending upon the joint resistance. The heat so generated is to be distributed to the surroundings by radiation and conduction in order to keep the temperature within permissible limits. Hence the equipment like cables, bus bars, clamps, etc. are so designed that in addition to carry the rated currents they also help in dissipating the heat generated at joints. In case of poor termination the heat generated at the joints is more than the dissipation capacity and causes local heating, thus an increase in temperature. 6 Special Issue International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 4 THE CAUSE TERMINATION: OF Special Issue POOR The common causes of poor termination are generally due to following reasons:• Lugs improperly crimped to the cables. • Lugs of higher than recommended size used for termination. This results loose cable to lug joint. • More than two higher size cables being terminated at one stud reducing the contact area. This results due to problem in tightening the bigger size cable on single stud. • Proper size washers are not being used. • The palm surface area of the lugs reduced by drilling oversize hole or by matching the lug palm leading to inadequate cross sectional area of the lugs for transfer of current. • Use of lower thickness nuts causing reduction in contact area in case of clamp connection on studs coming out from transformers. • Space between links and terminal being taken care by bolts/studs not meant for carrying the current. • Formation of oxide layer or corroded layer leading to higher resistance. • Looseness in the terminal screw, bolts, nuts, etc. • Bimetallic/plating not used for termination of aluminum over copper, copper based alloys. • Large size aluminum cables terminated in motor terminal box where limited surface area is available due to copper motor leads and brass screw. 7 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Normally as per practices prevailing, all efforts are made to ensure that the joints are properly made but there is no easy check to ascertain right at initial stage before putting the equipment in service that the joint is perfect. After the system is in operation for some time, the loose joints are identified by deterioration pattern of cables /links and terminals. Due to overheating tarnishing of metals, charring of insulating supports, and change in color of copper links such as purple and bright red are also observed. At some locations, especially in case of motor terminal boxes in which the joints have been overheated during service, it is difficult to pinpoint the defective component responsible for the overheating. This is because almost all the components of a joint appear to have overheated. In large power distribution system where a huge amount of power is being consumed by motors used to drive various auxiliaries, it is essential to minimize the outages due to electrical fault arising of improper/loose electrical joints. Hence it is felt essential to identify the loose connection in an electrical system. Fig.3. 415V Motor terminal Box 8 Special Issue International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 5 METHODS TO IDENTIFY POOR JOINTS: Measurement of millivolt drop across a joint by passing rated current and comparing the same with figures available for similar joints under laboratory test or with those measured earlier on site is one method to identify the poor joints. This method imposes difficulty in field as for measurement of millivolt drop as measurements are to be done in live conditions which is not safe and particular or the suitable size equipment are required to inject rated current at the joints to carry out the measurements in dead condition. In view of above an easy method to identify the poor joints/terminations is the measurement of contact resistance of joints. While the equipment are under shutdown the contact resistance at various joints may be measured easily without disturbing the system and compared with others or with the available expected values which shall indicate the difference between a healthy joint and a poor joint. The contact resistance values for important joints/terminations may be measured and the data may be generated to keep a record for reference purpose. This practice of measurement of joint resistance is adopted during the three consecutive years at one of the Thermal power station and the results obtained are quite encouraging in identifying the status of the joints and reducing the joint failures. Case Studies: Some of the case studies are given below:Case Study 1 Equipment: Boiler feed pump motors of 210 MW BHEL thermal units. Capacity: 4000 kW, 6.6 kV, 400 A History: There have been number of failures at the terminal box of BFP motor. In almost all the feed pump motors such failures in alternate years were reported. Investigation revealed that the problem was due to high joint resistance as in each phase single core 1000 square mm aluminum cables and the motor connection copper lead were terminated at a single stud provided on an insulator. Joint was modified by providing a separate copper plate and terminating the motor end and cable end lug by the nut 9 Special Issue International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics bolts. The joint resistance was reduced from an initial value of 0.25-0.30 milliohm to 0.020-0.028 milliohm in a particular case. After the modified arrangement in all the motors of Power house, not a single failure at the motor terminal has been reported. Case study-2 Equipment: Boiler Auxiliary Booster Pump motor capacity: 90KW, 415 V, 155 A. History: The motor was reported to be comparatively hotter. The motor is connected to switchgear with 3 core 185 Aluminum cable. The motor terminal was opened and it was observed that B Phase joint appeared comparatively hot. It could not be identified whether the heating was due to loose connection or due to problem in lug. It was decided to measure the resistance between the conductor and lug to ascertain condition of the lugs and termination at switchgear end appeared ok. • The resistance between cable conductors and lug at motor end: R = 0.08 milliohm Y = 0.08 milliohm B = 5.51 milliohm • With the cable connected at switchgear and the 3 Phases of the cable at the motor end were shorted and phase to phase resistance at switchgear end was : Between R-Y: 16.32 milliohm Between Y-B: 22.04 milliohm Between B-R: 22.08 milliohm It is observed from the above readings that B phase joint is having higher lug to cable resistance and the effect is significantly reflected on the complete cable resistance. The joint was attended and the resistance results noted is: Between R-Y: 16.32 milliohm Between Y-B: 16.46 milliohm Between B-R: 16.36 milliohm 10 Special Issue International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics At one of the thermal power plant, the contact resistance of different types of electrical joints has been taken and the achievable and acceptable values of contact resistance of some of the electrical joints are tabulated here for reference:- Fig.4. 4000KW, 6.6KV boiler feed pump motor The above data is generated for a particular power station and similar data can be generated for other installations. 11 Special Issue International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 6 Special Issue CONCLUSION The measurement of contact resistance of different types of electrical joints and updating their records has helped in minimizing the electrical flashovers in the Power Plants where the authors have worked. This has not avoided only the break downs but simultaneously reduced emergency maintenance hours and also down times of machines along with huge amount of revenue. References [1] Wikipedia ,High resistance connections [2] Dr.V Babrauskar., How Electrical faults leads to ignition. [3] Nagata, M., and Yokoi, Y., Deterioration and Firing Properties of Polyvinyl Chloride Covering Cords at Elevated Temperatures, Bull. Japan Assn. of Fire Science and Engineering 33:2, 25-29 (1983). [4] Bland, B., Electrical DamagesCause or Consequence? Forensic Sciences 29, 747-761 (1984). J. [5] Ettling, B. V., Ignitability of PVC Electrical Insulation by Arcing, IAAI-Oregon Chapter Newsletter, 6 (Mar. 1997). 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He also worked in private power plant in the capacity of senior Executive Director and completed the erection commissioning work of 2x60 MW Nanjing, China make Thermal units. Presently he is working as Assistant Professor in electrical section of D.Y.Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi; Pune 13 Special Issue International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics PRATHAMESH GORE Graduated in electrical engineering from NIT Calicut. He has worked in LT Construction-Power Transmission Distribution unit for about 5 years in different power projects and achieved remarkable experience in the field of operation, maintenance, construction, erection and commissioning of electrical substations. He headed the construction site of 8 bays of 765 kV level at 765/400 kV PGCIL substation at Jabalpur. Presently he is pursuing his MBA from NMIMS, Mumbai. 14 Special Issue