LOD MODELING DURING 4 TYPES OF PROJECT WORKFLOW LOD Based on Design-Bid-Build Pre-Design Phase Schematic Phase Design Development Bid Phase Construction Documents Construction Phase Ops Phase LOD Based on Design Assist Pre-Design Phase Schematic Phase LOD100-200-300 PreliminaryDesign Models Preliminary Design Model Design Development Construction Documents DesignModels CD ARC Design Model PreliminaryDesign Model SD ARC Design Model DD ARC Design Model CD ARC Design Model Conceptual EstimatingModel SD STR Design Model DD STR Design Model CD STR Design Model Conceptual EstimatingModel SD STR Design Model DD STR Design Model CD STR Design Model EnergyAnalysis Model SD MEP-FP Design Model DD MEP-FP Design Model CD MEP-FP Design Model EnergyAnalysis Model SD MEP-FP Design Model DD MEP-FP Design Model CD MEP-FP Design Model LOD350-400 Shop Drawing and FabricationModels Pre-Construction Planning Model Steel FabModel LOD350-400 DuctworkModel Shop Drawing& FabricationModels Steel FabModel Mech. PipeModel Ductwork Model Plumbing Model Mechanical PipeModel Electrical Model Plumbing Model Fire Protection Model Electrical Model Facility Management Model Other Models LOD Based on Design-Build Construction Documents Bid Phase Construction Phase Ops Phase LOD Based on Design Assist-Build Pre-Design Phase LOD100-200-300 PreliminaryDesign Models (CriticalDesign Models) Conceptual EstimatingModel EnergyAnalysis Model Facility Management Model Fire ProtectionModel Other Models Design Development Ops Phase DesignModels DD ARC Design Model Schematic Phase Construction Phase LOD100-200-300 PreliminaryDesign Models SD ARC Design Model Pre-Design Phase Bid Phase Schematic Phase Design Development Construction Documents Bid Phase Construction Phase Ops Phase LOD100-200-300 PreliminaryDesign Models (CriticalDesign Models) DesignModels ARC DesignModel STR DesignModel Conceptual EstimatingModel Pre-Construction PlanningModel EnergyAnalysis Model LOD350-400 Shop Drawing& FabricationModels Steel FabModel DesignModels ARC DesignModel STR DesignModel MEP Planning Model Mech Piping Design Model LOD350-400 Ductwork Model Steel FabModel Mechanical PipeModel Ductwork Model Plumbing Model Mech. PipeModel Electrical Model Fire ProtectionModel Other Models Facility Management Model Shop Drawing and FabricationModels Plumbing Model Electrical Model Fire ProtectionModel Other Models Facility Management Model LOD MODELING DURING 4 TYPES OF PROJECT WORKFLOW LOD Based on Design-Bid-Build Pre-Design Phase Schematic Phase Design Development Construction Documents Bid Phase Construction Phase Ops Phase LOD100-200-300 PreliminaryDesign Models Preliminary Design Model DesignModels SD ARC Design Model DD ARC Design Model CD ARC Design Model Conceptual EstimatingModel SD STR Design Model DD STR Design Model CD STR Design Model EnergyAnalysis Model SD MEP-FP Design Model DD MEP-FP Design Model CD MEP-FP Design Model LOD350-400 Shop Drawing and FabricationModels Steel FabModel DuctworkModel Mech. PipeModel Plumbing Model Electrical Model Fire Protection Model Other Models Facility Management Model