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1645608523594 WEBINARS reflections

Study Hacks: Surviving the Academic Field in the New Normal
1:00 – 3:30 PM
October 23, 2021
The webinar entitled “Study Hacks: Surviving the Academic Field in the New Normal”
teach me how to survive life in this time of pandemic. One thing that thought me from that
webinar from our speaker was the Pomodoro Technique. Pomodoro Technique, according to
our speaker, is a time management system that encourages people to work with the time they
have rather than against it. Pomodoro technique works in 5 steps: Firstly, is to decide what
we want to accomplish and estimate how long you will study for. Then break your work into
pomodoro. Secondly, set a timer for 25 minutes, and start studying. Third, minimizing our
distractions during the pomodoro interval. Fourth, after 25 minutes take a short 5-10 minutes
break. Grab a coffee, go for a walk, call back your friend, or do something else that will relax
you. Lastly, repeat after 4 pomodoros take a longer break for 20-30 minutes. With this
technique, we can surely do what we will do in a proper way.
The effects of the COVID-19 panic has caused on massive changes to our daily lives, changes
that have often happened rapidly and abruptly. Life adjustments often come with a wide range
of experiences and emotions especially to our academic. Sometimes that transition and feel
smooth and other times that journey to the new normal is choppy or downright bumpy.
Therefore, I can say that this webinar is useful to every student out there who are still
struggling on their studies on this time of pandemic.
LAHARI: The Seeds of Humble Beginning
1:00 – 3:30 PM
October 23, 2021
In life, you are subjective to natural laws. Do what brings success to you; not what
invokes curses and suffering. Nobody wants to fail in life. But unfortunately, we sometimes
disregard some of the important elements that contribute to living a successful life. Some of
them are patience, perseverance, hard work, positive mind-set, and humility as it happens to
be the main context of this content. You may be interested in knowing about some respectful
individuals who have awed the world with true humility. The beginning of a successful life often
comes with so many challenges. But every pain you go through worth suffering for.
Those who lack humility in life crush too early. Their jobs, businesses, etc., often fail too early
or faces a cycle of retrogression. Respect, for instance, is reciprocal so if you lack it; then no
one will pay attention to what you have to say or offer.
Take a look at the butterfly. It looks beautiful and adorable. But a study has revealed that
during its metamorphosis it goes through a lot of pains before it comes out as a butterfly with
such beautiful flying colors. Isn’t this what you want your life to be?
Once again, I want you to take a look at a seed. When planted; it gently sprouts after spending
some days in the soil. Other seeds take a longer time to sprout. So you must first understand
the fact that we are different people with different potentials and abilities. Know the kind of
seed you are and understand that by nature you will start growing after making successful
sowing. It could be an investment in your business or whatever.
Interestingly, some of us are not seeds at all! We have people who grow differently like
rhizomes, root-tubers, etc. Despite all these, there is something common among us. And that
is “the potential to grow. “There is no need to be impulsive when you begin doing something
you want to be successful in; in the future. Humble beginnings mean patience while you work
hard and maintain an attitude full of hope and a positive mindset.
Don’t rush for the harvest time. It will come by itself. Maybe your season for the bumper harvest
hasn’t arrived yet. Take heart and your time will surely come.
You can’t defy nature and get yourself off the hook. Life is not a competition. Don’t be
obstructed by what is happening around you. Just focus on your goals. The real competitor is
you. Try to be better today than yesterday and learn how to appreciate the little progression
you go through.
VAT and Percentage Tax
Taxes may not be the most exciting financial topic, but they’re definitely important. In
the United States, federal and state governments need money to provide certain services and
benefits that we wouldn’t otherwise have access to, from Social Security payments to local
environmental projects. The way these governments obtain that funding is largely by levying
taxes on working adults and various business entities. The government collects taxes from a
variety of persons, businesses, and organizations. All around the country, there are
corporations and institutions. Some people believe that taxes are a financial hardship.
Taxes, on the other hand, play a significant part in our economy. The government, as
we all know, is in charge for providing people with a variety of services that they require. Taxes
assist in funding as a result of it in order for the government to deliver good services to the
people. Government-provided services will contribute to the improvement of our economy and
society. “Even though you're still a student, do you know that you're already paying taxes?"
our teachers would often question. "Yes, we are already paying taxes, even if we are still
students." We already pay taxes whether we buy goods from a grocery store or even a retail
store. Taxes are divided into two categories: direct and indirect. Taxes that are levied directly
on people who pay them and cannot be passed on to others are referred to as direct taxes.
While an indirect tax is one that can be moved in whole or in part to someone other than the
person directly affected, Payment is your responsibility. Purchasing something from a grocery
shop or a department store and paying for it is a good example.
VAT is already classified as an indirect tax. Taxes play a critical role in our economy.
I understood that each of us has contributed to the development of our economy by paying
taxes. However, I currently believe that the money we pay (taxes) was misappropriated. The
government is supposed to use the money for the development and betterment of our own
society, but I don't see or feel any improvement right now.
CPA Story: The Hustle Online with the Dream on the Line
1:00 – 2:30 PM
November 22, 2021
Success at anything will always come down to this, let’s have focus and give effort,
and we control both. We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the game.
Just like what the speaker quoted “Maato-ato ako!”, we should fight like nothing can stop us
to reach our goals/dream.
The webinar entitled “CPA Story: The Hustle Online with the Dream on the Line” was
one of the most thoughtful webinars I’ve attended, because it tells us how our speaker struggle
during his college life on the time of pandemic. But because of her determination to be a CPA
someday, she fought for her dream and suffer all her struggles and in the end, she won her
battle against all odds. She passed the CPA examination for her first take and a fresh
graduate. During her discussion, she gave us a tip on how she handles upon reaching her
goals. Tip no. 1, it is to take down notes and make concept maps. With this, it keeps you alert,
engages our mind, emphasizes and organizes information, and it creates a condensed record
for study. Tip no. 2, we should give time for exercise, eat healthy foods, and get enough sleep.
Tip no. 3, the mastery of the concept is the key. Meaning we don’t have to memorize all the
topics but to mater it/understand what’s in the concept. Tip no. 4, is the repetition and
practices. Repetition on the mother of learning, the father of action, which make it the architect
of accomplishment. Tip no. 5, we should always be updated with the standards, relevant laws
and regulations, so that we will be guided in a right way of pursuing our dream. Those are the
tips that she shared to us on her journey of being a CPA which can be helpful for us in the
Basic of Bookkeeping
Bookkeeping is a demanding profession that can be very rewarding. A
bookkeeper understands how a business works and tries to pinpoint and provide key
numbers that can help increase its efficiency. The system used in bookkeeping is
also called the double entry and was invented hundreds of years ago by a monk.
Many factors must be considered in business in order to ensure that the company is on the
right track, particularly in financial matters. One of these is the bookkeeping aspect.
Accounting is one of the most important aspects of financial management. It is the process of
recording the financial transactions made by the company and is regarded as the first
fundamental step in the accounting context. Bookkeeping is essential because it will help you
keep track of how your business is doing on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. It is critical
because it will assist the company in organizing the financial transaction records, which
include receipts, checks, cancelled, cash disbursements, and sales. The bookkeeping
approach ensures that financial aspects are organized and stabilized, and it allows businesses
to understand where their money and other financial matters are going. Having this type of
bookkeeping is regarded as one of the most important secrets to running a successful
business. A misplaced receipt is comparable to a misplaced deduction, which may result in
more money owed in taxes. Having good bookkeeping can help businesses save money
before providing you with your needs. Furthermore, accounting records are required to
manage the financial status of the entire business and to track what is happening to the
company financially. Accounting Governing Laws In order to ensure that accounting
professionals are performing their duties precisely and with the necessary details, various
authorities have been able to develop and establish accounting laws that must be followed by
various businesses and markets. Many accounting laws aim to re-establish trust among
various stakeholders. Accounting laws vary by country, and each government attempts to
enforce laws that serve as a basic model for various companies in making their accounting.
The How's of Doing Business
8:30 - 12:00
November 24, 2021
The Philippines is the natural choice when it comes to choosing a place to do business.
Aside from the warmth and hospitality that greets foreigners at every turn, the Philippines
possesses the following advantages: quality manpower and resources; a strategic business
location; a liberalized and business-friendly economy; a steadily developing infrastructure for
global growth; a hospitable lifestyle; and unlimited business opportunities.
With increasing urbanization, a growing middle-income class, and a large and young
population, the Philippines economic dynamism is rooted in strong consumer demand
supported by improving real incomes and robust remittances.
Businesses have transformed into something new together with the advancement in
the field of information technology and industrial development. Although its economy is largely
dominated by the agricultural sector there’s still a lot of opportunity in this newly industrialized
country, not just for Filipinos but also for foreigners.
Aside from the fact that the Philippines is rich with natural and mineral resources,
beautiful tourist spots, and diverse culture it is also a good market to tap for both local and
foreign entrepreneurs. Here are the reasons why:
Strategic Location. The Philippines is in the heart of Asia, making it a strategic country
that plays a huge role not only during the war era but until today in the field of trade and
commerce resulting in faster growth in its economy. It is located within four hours flying time
from major capitals of the region. Sited at the crossroads of the eastern and western business,
it is a critical entry point to over 500 million people in the ASEAN market and a gateway of
international shipping and air planes suited for European and American businesses.
Strong and Quality Manpower Resources. The Filipino workforce is one of the most
compelling advantages the Philippines has over any other Asian country. With higher priority
in its education, the literacy rate in the country is 99.08¹ percent of the highest in the region.
English is taught in all schools aside from its native language, making the Philippines one the
world’s largest English-speaking country.
Openness to New Opportunities. Most Filipinos are short-oriented and are receptive to
changes and new ideas given its history from foreign colonizers. Challenges and problems
are usually simply accepted and dealt regardless as determined by fate and even there’s
nothing to be done about it. They are also resilient even in the worst calamities that have hit
the country over the past few years.
Filipinos are Confident Consumers. Filipinos are confident spenders in the world
putting their hard-earned money on new clothes, vacations, investments and home
improvements. Based on the survey² conducted by Nielsen it showed Philippines as the top
ranked spenders globally and on top of even the United States which placed fourth. The
Philippines outranked neighbouring countries in Asia-Pacific such as India and Indonesia
which placed second and third respectively.
Unlimited Business Opportunities. The Philippines has improved and primed up
various areas for investors and offers a dynamic consumer market accustomed to a group of
product choices created by a competitive domestic economy. It offers a good opportunity to
new business ideas given its diverse culture backed up by confident buying power of its
people, so see for yourself what opportunities this country offers.
2:00-5:00 PM
NOV. 24, 2021
In this webinar the speaker tackled about Blockchain technology, the blockchain
technology is a structure that stores transactional records, also known as the block, of the
public in several databases, known as the “chain,” in a network connected through peer-topeer nodes. Typically, this storage is referred to as a ‘digital ledger. Every transaction in this
ledger is authorized by the digital signature of the owner, which authenticates the transaction
and safeguards it from tampering. Hence, the information the digital ledger contains is highly
secure. In simpler words, the digital ledger is like a Google spreadsheet shared among
numerous computers in a network, in which, the transactional records are stored based on
actual purchases. The fascinating angle is that anybody can see the data, but they can’t
corrupt it.
Why is Blockchain Popular? Suppose you are transferring money to your family or
friends from your bank account. You would log in to online banking and transfer the amount
to the other person using their account number. When the transaction is done, your bank
updates the transaction records. It seems simple enough, right? There is a potential issue
which most of us neglect. These types of transactions can be tampered with very quickly.
People who are familiar with this truth are often wary of using these types of transactions,
hence the evolution of third-party payment applications in recent years. But this vulnerability
is essentially why Blockchain technology was created. Technologically, Blockchain is a digital
ledger that is gaining a lot of attention and traction recently. But why has it become so popular?
Well, let’s dig into it to fathom the whole concept. Record keeping of data and transactions are
a crucial part of the business. Often, this information is handled in house or passed through a
third party like brokers, bankers, or lawyers increasing time, cost, or both on the business.
Fortunately, Blockchain avoids this long process and facilitates the faster movement of the
transaction, thereby saving both time and money. Most people assume Blockchain and Bitcoin
can be used interchangeably, but in reality, that’s not the case. Blockchain is the technology
capable of supporting various applications related to multiple industries like finance, supply
chain, manufacturing, but Bitcoin is a currency that relies on Blockchain technology to be
How Does Blockchain Technology Work? In recent years, you may have noticed many
businesses around the world integrating Blockchain technology. But how exactly does
Blockchain technology work? Is this a significant change or a simple addition? The
advancements of Blockchain are still young and have the potential to be revolutionary in the
future; so, let’s begin demystifying this technology. Blockchain is a combination of three
leading technologies: Cryptographic keys, a peer-to-peer network containing a shared ledger
and a means of computing, to store the transactions and records of the network. Cryptography
keys consist of two keys – Private Key and Public key. These keys help in performing
successful transactions between two parties. Each individual has these two keys, which they
use to produce a secure digital identity reference. This secured identity is the most important
aspect of Blockchain technology. In the world of crypto currency, this identity is referred to as
‘digital signature’ and is used for authorizing and controlling transactions. The digital signature
is merged with the peer-to-peer network; a large number of individuals who act as authorities
use the digital signature in order to reach a consensus on transactions, among other issues.
When they authorize a deal, it is certified by a mathematical verification, which results in a
successful secured transaction between the two network-connected parties. So to sum it up,
Blockchain users employ cryptography keys to perform different types of digital interactions
over the peer-to-peer network.
E-concept: Policies and trends in the new normal context.
November 25, 2021
In this webinar Ms. Princess Dianne talks about on E-concept and about online
business economics. First, she gave meaning on what is currency. Currency refers to money,
that which is used as a medium of exchange for goods and services in an economy. Before
the concept of currency was introduced, goods and services were exchanged for other goods
and services under the barter system. Bartering made it quite difficult to accurately determine
the value of any given good or service or track the evolution in the value of a good/service
over the course of time. The development of money as a medium of exchange created a much
more efficient economy. By placing a single, monetary value on a good/service, it became
much easier to determine its relative value. Currency, thus, became widely used across the
globe and facilitated trade between nations.
Furthermore, she also talks about Currency Trading or the Foreign Exchange. As
a consequence of buying and selling between people or entities in different countries, there
was a need for developing a system for exchanging one nation’s currency for another’s. During
the 17th and 18th centuries, Amsterdam was home to the world’s first currency exchange
market that enabled international buyers to transact their deals in an official manner. The
foreign exchange, or forex, market is now the largest financial market in the world in terms of
the value of all the trading done each day – much larger than any of the world’s stock or bond
markets. This is because, in order to conduct business worldwide, it is necessary for
companies, individuals, and governments to exchange billions in various currencies every
trading day. Forex has become an increasingly popular asset class with investors.
In addition, Mr. Joseph as another speaker who then share his knowledge about
insurances. Insurance is one of the oldest fields of the economy. The fist activities like
insurance appeared nearly 4000 years ago. He also talks about health insurance, where taking
on a health insurance policy can be better than what most health maintenance organization
(HMOs) provide. Why do you need Health Insurance now? No one plans to fall ill or get hurt,
but a serious illness can strike anyone at any time. The cost of treating the illness can cause
severe financial strain on the savings you have accumulated over time. This means that you
might have to compromise on providing your child the best quality education or defaulting on
your home loan payments. Today, the cost of medical treatment is continuously rising. The
health insurance policy you choose may have limited coverage. Health insurance is a type of
insurance that covers the whole or a part of the risk of a person incurring medical expenses.
As with other types of insurance is risk among many individuals. By estimating the overall risk
of health risk and health system expenses over the risk pool, an insurer can develop a routine
finance structure, such as a monthly premium or payroll tax, to provide the money to pay for
the health care benefits specified in the insurance agreement.[1] The benefit is administered
by a central organization, such as a government agency, private business, or not-for-profit
Youth Leadership Training: Cultivating positive outlook, Active Listening
and Empathy in times of Pandemic
After a lengthy period of isolation, the thrill of having a sense of community in a blended
online and in-person college experience was refreshing and exhilarating, but recognizing that
it wasn't quite the same experience as previously was also a harsh realization. I've discovered
that being in the company of others and sharing experiences and conversations (while wearing
a mask) nourishes my energy and is an important aspect of my leadership style. In a digital
situation, the spontaneity of a face-to-face encounter might be difficult to achieve through a
phone or laptop screen. It was difficult to manage this semester while still attempting to
establish interpersonal skills and successful behaviors. Simultaneously, new prospects for
self-employment appeared that could be accessed more easily and quickly online. Through
many scheduled novel webinars and group virtual meetings, I met folks I would have never
met in my daily routine. This semester, channeling much of my efforts into independent growth
some weeks and moving to interdependent growth other weeks was a fascinating experience.
Many of our social circles have shrunk dramatically, as have our possibilities to meet new
people. This does not preclude prospects for leadership development. It is possible to shift
your focus to focusing on private triumphs in order to become a better and more effective
leader, and this is what I worked on this semester. As Stephen Covey says in his bestseller
book “The 7 habits of highly effective people”, these private victories refer to 1. Be Proactive
2. Begin with the end in mind 3. Put first things first. Practicing these three effective habits in
order to become a more effective leader was something I worked on this semester. These
private successes can be achieved without interacting with others, preparing us to be stronger
leaders in the future when we can return to routinely strengthening our interpersonal abilities
and habits.
Fresh Grad: Future Career amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
Coronavirus has likely changed how you learn and how you’ve thought about your
career. You’re probably feeling uncertain about the future or are worried about securing that
first job. Don’t confuse how you access work with the nature of work itself. The reality is that
we may be going to a pre-industrial era where people were mostly self-employed and had to
figure out how to do something useful with their unique skills and interests. So, every one of
us young or old has to figure out the answer to the question, “What am I uniquely good at that
the world needs and is willing to pay for?” We need to look at work not as a job but as a series
of projects (and sometimes a portfolio of projects) some of which are paid, and others might
be pro bono.
As a fresh grad, we are luck of experiences, unfamiliar of how the industry works and up
against experienced people. We are also fresh with perspective ideas, driven and motivated
to learn new things and tech-savvy and in-the-know of the latest trends. There are thing we
should prepare ahead, the resume which tailored to the company or organization we are
applying then the curriculum vitae which includes the list of all your professional experience
regardless of industry or etc. We also need the portfolio which showcase you’re experienced
and skills. This adds more information about what you can do as applicant. In setting up your
profile you will have to create an account, take a great photo, and use a background that isn’t
distracting, dress for the job you want, smile and have friendly expression, make sure that
your face takes up a majority of the frame. Also writing the headline. Very informative profile,
this includes your location and industry, work and internship, volunteer experience, education
and certifications, skills, the program and organizations. Then lastly you will have to write your
summary, this is the best place for you to communicate your professional brand and put your
own spin on your experience.
Leadership is not a title nor a role with formal authority. Leadership is the way you act
particularly when there is a burning need or crisis like now. So don’t wait to be told what to do.
Don’t just settle for a job. Find an issue that you care about and throw yourself at it fully.
Sometimes that might mean starting a company that solves some need. Sometimes that might
be organizing your friends and community to feed the hungry. It doesn’t matter what you do
as long as you aren’t waiting around to be handed an opportunity. Go make your opportunity.
As the old proverb says, “If not now, when? If not you, who?”
Information Security Awareness in using of Internet
We live in a digital world, where an increasing amount of our day-to-day activities have
migrated online. We work, communicate, conduct commerce, and interact online, and our
reliance on cyber security has increased accordingly.
Cyber-criminals can effortlessly wreak havoc on our lives and businesses. Our
increased use of the internet and mobile usage gives them even more opportunities to exploit
our vulnerabilities. In the commercial sector alone, a successful cyber-attack can bring a
company to its knees, causing damage that, in some cases, cannot be recovered. Human
beings are still the weakest link in any organization’s digital security system. People make
mistakes, forget things, or fall for fraudulent practices. That’s where cyber security awareness
comes in.
This involves the process of educating employees on the different cyber security risks
and threats out there, as well as potential weak spots. Employees must learn the best
practices and procedures for keeping networks and data secure and the consequences of not
doing so. These consequences may include losing one’s job, criminal penalties, or even
irreparable harm to the company.
By making employees aware of the scope of the threats and what’s at stake if security
fails, cyber security specialists can shore up this potential vulnerability. First and foremost, a
staff well-trained in cyber security poses less of a risk to the overall security of an
organization’s digital network.
Fewer risks mean fewer financial losses due to cyber-crime. Therefore, a company
that allocates funds for cyber security awareness training for employees should experience a
return on that investment. Furthermore, if all employees get training in cyber security practices,
there will be less likelihood of lapses in protection should someone leave the company. In
other words, you’ll reduce the chances that a security breach occurs because a critical
employee wasn’t at work that day.
Finally, a company with security-aware personnel will have a better reputation with
consumers, since most are reluctant to do business with an untrustworthy organization. A
business that is repeatedly subject to security breaches will lose customers as a result of
negative publicity, regardless of the actual impact of any particular breach.
To create this enhanced level of security, people need to be informed of best practices.
Crypto clarified: investing in the truth
Wisdom Tree is proud to present the podcast series, Crypto Clarified: Investing in the
truth, your expert led discussion uncovering the truth behind the crypto currency headlines
and ensuring everyone has access to trusted crypto currency and digital asset information.
This podcast series is created in partnership with The Defiant, leading experts in the crypto
currency and digital assets revolution
Crypto currency may be a good investment if you are willing to accept it is a high risk
gamble which could pay off – but also that there is a strong chance you could lose all of your
money. When it comes to crypto currencies, one of the biggest challenges for investors is not
getting caught up in the hype. Digital currencies have quickly risen to a place of prominence
in the portfolios of many retail and institutional investors. At the same time, analysts have
continued to caution investors about their volatile nature and unpredictability.
Once you've identified the crypto currency (or several crypto currencies) for
investment, look into how those tokens make use of block chain technology and if there are
any innovations that they provide that make them distinct from the rest of the field. By better
understanding crypto currencies and blockchain technology, you'll be more fully equipped to
determine whether a potential investment opportunity is worthwhile.
Building a Sustainable Future: Corporate Social Responsibility through
Green Initiatives
In business, we should bear in mind that we have lot of responsibilities to perform not
just only with our specific tasks in the organization where we belong but with the community
and society where our organization belongs. A company whether profit or non-profit in its form
should give back whatever it can contribute for the development and betterment of its society.
For me that is what Corporate Social Responsibility is all about. As reported, corporate social
responsibility encompasses human rights responsibility, financial responsibility, political
responsibility, and environmental responsibility. Like for example, a business has the
responsibility to treat employees fairly and with respect, operate with integrity and in an ethical
manner in all its business dealings with its stakeholders like customer, suppliers, lenders,
general public, and other affected by its operation. It has also the responsibility to sustain the
environment for future generations and be a responsible neighbor or member of the
community. Having said these, we can see that corporate social responsibility are of growing
importance to government and community as they promise to meet challenges of social
problems within the changing welfare environments. The government today although given
different issues like for example CSR is only a window dressing of the government for their
responsibility in the society, have increasingly and continuously considered CSR as an
alternative way of meeting the needs for social benefits of the people in the community. Today
they encourage the expansion of CSR. One good example of company that I know with CSR.
Dealing with Stress: Practical Advice and Guidance
4:00 – 7:00 PM
December 3, 2021
Stress is a feeling of emotional of physical tension. It can come from any event or
thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body’s reaction to a
challenge of demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such us when it helps you avoid
danger or meet a deadline.
Upon watching the webinar entitled “Dealing with Stress: Practical Advice and
Guidance”, there are questions that came up on my mind. What stresses me the most? Am I
already suffering a stress? Those questions made me more interested on listening this
webinar. During the discussion, I’ve notice the there are three (3) phases of stress: Alarm
Phase, Resistance Phase, and Exhaustion Phase. Alarm phase is the initial response of the
body under stress, it may also be known as the fight or flight response which is a biological
response of the body to stress. If you are in this phase, the heart rate increases, the adrenal
gland releases cortisol, and boost adrenaline that increases energy. However, Resistance
phase, after the initial response to a stressful event fight of flight, the body starts to repair itself
and release cortisol and the body starts to adapt to the situation by normalizing blood pressure
and heart rate. Some situation may continue to extend from periods of time and sometimes
your body tells you that you are coping with stress but, the body’s physical response is still in
stress and continues to secrete stress hormones. Signs of being in resistance phase are being
irritated, frustrated, and poor concentration. Another, Exhaustion phase is a result of prolonged
or chronic stress where the person struggles in stress for a long period of time that drains the
physical, emotional, and mental resources of the body to the point that the persons lacks the
strength to fight the stress. The person may also feel hopeless in this situation. Signs of being
in this phase are fatigue, burnout, depression, anxiety, and decrease in stress tolerance. So,
how should we deal with that stress? Of course we have to balance our responsibilities and
recreational activities, being able to stabilize and balance what we need to do can help us
avoid neglect but also avoid being too stressed and burdened by too much work or academic
activities and responsibilities. Eat healthy foods, being able to balance healthy and indulging
foods will affect our mood, energy, and stress level. Get proper sleep and make time to
exercise it keeps our mind off the stress as well as releases hormones in the brains that helps
us feel better.
Therefore, by following those avoidance will help us out or manage a stressful situation
in our own experiences.
Coping with COVID: Supporting Teen and Young Adults Mental Health
5:00 – 7:00 PM
December 4, 2021
Following the outbreaks of COVID-19 pandemic, government all around the world
hastened to respond by enforcing measures such as social distancing, quarantine and
isolation. While necessary, these measure can have a significant effect on teen and young
adult’s mental health. Fear, anxiety, anger, sadness and grief are compounded by being away
from schools, work, peers, adjusting to new ways of learning and working, as well as fear of
losing jobs and family income.
The NFJPIA Eastern Visayas council organized a webinar entitled Coping with
COVID: Supporting teen and young adult’s mental health. This webinar aims to provide young
people with a platform for genuine connection amid uncertainty, encouraging them to field their
questions to the experts, generate mental health awareness among young people, and
strengthen demand for integrated mental health and psychosocial interventions.
Ms.Lis T. Bacierra, MA, LPT and a licensed professional teacher, licensed life
coach, and guidance councillor for more than 10 years expertly discussed the importance of
mental health. She says that with good mental health we can live our live to the fullest, and it
supports and strengthen our ability to create strong and healthy relationship etc. she also
defines mental health, the mental health area and elements which is resilience. Health assets
capabilities and adaptations.
Ms. Bacierra also identify the issues among Filipino of today in the midst of
pandemic, it includes hopelessness, family concerns, and lack of financial support and
stability. She also discussed the wellness wheel which a model that represents 8 dimensions
of wellness: spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical, social, environmental, financial and
occupational. Which is necessary to have a balanced and happy life. And she identify the ways
in coping with the pandemic.
Therefore, mental health important today especially this time of pandemic, teen
and young adults are more prone for this kind of issues but there are many ways to cope up
this situation.
Expert Advice on How to Succeed in your Job Search
3:00 – 6:00 PM
December 5, 2021
Job hunting, job seeking, or job searching is the act of looking for employment, due to
an employment, underemployment, discontent with a current position, or a desire for a better
position. Resume is a written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs, and
sometimes also your personal interests. Curriculum Vitae provides a summary of your
experience, degrees, research, awards, publications, presentations, and other achievements,
skills and credentials. CVs are typically used for academic, medical, research, and scientific
The webinar that I’d attended entitled “Expert Advice on How to Succeed in your Job
Search”, the resume and curriculum vitae as differentiated equally. Many people used resume
and CV interchangeable, but they are not the same. But both CVs and resume are tailored for
the specific job/company you are applying to, should represent you as the best qualified
candidate, are used to get you an interview and do not usually include personal interests.
According to our speaker, CVs are more extensive. A curriculum vitae includes the full extent
of your academic credentials and professional experience, so the length of the document is
variable. However, resumes are concise. It include only the skills and qualifications related to
the position you want. It also tackles about the types or resume formats: The Reverse
Chronological: latest work experience first. The Functional or Fresher: focuses on the skills
and achievements, and lastly, the Combination: best for those who have diverse skill set.
Therefore, from the explanation of the speaker, the resume is better to use on
searching a job/applying because it is more relevant and concise.
Debt Management “Diminishing the Hindrances in Achieving Financial
“If you don’t take good care of your credit, then your credit won’t take good care of
you” – Tyler Gregory
Attaining financial freedom is an objective for most individuals. Financial freedom
usually means having enough savings, financial investments, and cash on hand to afford the
kind of life we desire for ourselves and our families. It means growing savings that enable us
to retire or pursue the career we want without being driven by earning a set salary each year.
Financial freedom means our money is working for us rather than the other way around.
We are burdened with increasing debt, monetary emergencies, and profligate
spending, and other problems that hinder us from reaching our objectives. Such challenges
confront everybody.
Engr. Odiame discussed the difference between good and bad debt. He says that
good debt has the potential to increase your net worth or enhance your life in an important
way while bad debt involves borrowing money to purchase rapidly depreciating assets or only
for the purpose of consumption. There are main categories of debt which secured debt,
unsecured debt, revolving debt, and mortgages. And also there are 2 important factors in a
loan first interest rate and paying period payment method and amortization which fixed equal
payments and interest only.
Engr. Odiame also discussed defensive method so that we survive our debt. First
basic budgeting method which is 50% of living expenses, 30% is for leisure, wants and tithes
and the 205 is for savings and investment and second strategy is the proper financial pyramid.
Make sure that your cash flow is stable so that you go up to protection apply for debt insurance
or health insurance then after that if you have insurance you accumulate investment or real
estate it become strategy defences by acquiring debt as much as possible acquire good debt.
Credit card is one of the type of loan. There are benefits of it includes cash back, reward points
safety, grace period insurance, universal acceptance, instalment option and building credit.
Therefore be responsible with your debt so that we can achieve financial freedom.
Business Resiliency, Recovery, and Continuity: Respond, Recover, and
9:00 – 12:00 PM
November 20, 2021
This webinar is organized by the IMA Philippines Chapter. The speakers were Mr.
Paulo Campos – co-founder and managing director of Zalora Philippines and Saleem Sufi –
the founder and president MEA CFO Academy. This webinar tackles on how your business
can be resilient in times of hardships, especially that we are facing a pandemic today, many
businesses suffered and had a difficulty on how to recover and continue its business operation.
This helps me, as a business related students, on how can I contribute to my future work place
in terms of being resilient which may a reason to achieve our goals in the business.
Mr Campos, the first speaker, share how their company, the ZALORA PHILIPPINES,
responded, recovered and thrived during the pandemic. Zalora PH is an online shopping
business or e-commerce where people may order online the brand items they have, check it
out, place an order and receive when delivered. This minimize the hassle of shopping
exclusively at malls and supermarkets, and helps to the growth of e-commerce industry. Zalora
PH, in respond to the pandemic, instead of having only non-essential products, they cater also
the essential as it may be the need of the people today especially that everyone are avoided
on going outside. This helps the company increase their sales and annual income this year.
Business may encounter problem and challenges like this pandemic, but there’s always
opportunity and solution for this. You just need to be resilient and flexible so that you can
continue to operate.
Moreover, the second speaker, Mr Saleem sufi discusses the role of CFO in business
resiliency, recovery and continuity. He also shares the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty,
Complexity, and Ambiguity) in knowing the situation of your business. He also added that
every firm must triage than prepare for the most likely path of recovery for their sector. They
also have create a centre for optimization using data, analytics and insight which has the
potential to deliver powerful results. With increasing expectation for quickly deliver more
action-oriented insight, for word looking CFO’s understand the importance of a centre for value
optimization, making the best use of data and applied intelligence capabilities. Delivering amid
the new business evolution requires CFO’s to break down their internal walls and, in a sense,
rebuild the business with a strong backbone of data and analytics. This new cross-functional
model puts the finance team at the epicentre of the business, playing the role of an adviser by
drawing on pools of expertise and experience. Now finance shifts to provide strategic insight
to feel real, tangible growth, and profitability. In conclusion, a 4 stage response to the
pandemic impact is expected, hence, the need to plan for CFO’s and the finance function’s
value is the key.
Financial Planning and Insurance
2:00 – 5:00 PM
December 6, 2021
“Bank savings gives you liquidity;
Investment minimizes your earned income;
Life insurance protects your future income.
You need all 3.”
Randell Thompson -
This webinar is the 5th regional mid-year convention webinar organized by the
Junior Philippines Institute of Accountants – Eastern Visayas Council. This aims give
knowledge to the fellow JPIAN’s about planning their finances and the importance of having
an insurance. The speaker for this event was Ms Iris Prismo, CIA and she highlighted three
things which are important in terms of financial planning. These are the savings, investment,
and insurance.
First she discusses that is savings and the importance of this. Savings is keeping
or saving money for future fund or purposes. We save money for emergency fund opportunity
fund, educational fund and many other funds. With this I realized that savings is important as
early as possible and make it a habit so that you can handle your finances properly and wisely.
Especially that there might be possible need for money in the future, with that, you already
have money from that savings. However, one thing I learned from this webinar is the saying
which goes this way “Do not save left after spending, but spend left after saving” by Warren
Buffet. Before, what I know is you save what is left, but what’s right, is you save first before
you start spending. This is to minimize your spending and maximize your savings. And this is
a good habit to start with.
Second was the concept of investment. Investment is also a good financial plan
because it maximize our income or the money we invested. However, there is a risk present
in this matter. You can have your investment in stock, real estate and/or bonds. For stocks, it
has a high liquidity, high returns, and also high risks. For real estate, low liquidity, high returns,
and low risks. And for bond investment, it has high liquidity, low returns, and low risks. Risk
cannot be avoided in business world, you just need to managed and handle it properly so
you’ll be successful. As per Benjamin Graham, “successful investing is about managing risk
not avoiding it”.
Last was the importance of having insurance, particularly the life insurance which
Ms Iris, the speaker is offering to her client as part of her job. In the Philippines only 1% of the
Filipinos are insured while in other countries, almost 100% are insured. This life insurance is
important because we are uncertain of what might happen in the future we just have to prepare
and secure our future Income. People may think, it’s okay to not be insured, however, its better
and best if you have an insurance.
Moreover, this webinar helps me a lot in understanding the importance of planning
your present and future finances. This makes me realize that it’s not all about spending and
spending money but also savings, investing and getting an insurance. Especially that we are
all uncertain for our future, might as well handle your finances wisely and properly as early as
now. Because I believe in saying of Warren Buffet that “Someone is sitting in the shade today
because someone planted a tree a long time ago”.
Restore at 50: Kick–start your Journey to Financial Independence and
‘Change doesn’t come in nickel and dimes.
It comes in dedication and sweat”
One of the resources that we usually had a hard time to deal with is money or other form of
finances and assets. These, just like any other resources also experience scarcity. And even
if these things are not that scarce, it takes a lot of effort and a long time to make these
resources widely available and reach the safety level.
Being literate is one of the things that help any person in any field. Being financially literate is
a contributing factor if we want to know what we are going to do especially growing money.
Basically, the very first step that I have learned during the webinar is, and you better know
what is your why. This refers to what are the reasons why you wanted to gain money at the
very first place. With the identification of your “why”, your how’s and other things follow. During
the talk last month, the usual thinking of people that money is evil had gone at last. It was
cleared that it was never bad nor good, but it was the purpose of the one who is making the
money makes it evil or good. It was quite surprising also that most of the speakers are usually
involved to religious act and it was seems so ironic to see them talking and encouraging people
to make and grow money. It was then that realized that there “why” actually make sense, and
that they want to help other people and share what they have to others. Generally, for me, the
whole lecture actually emphasizes two things, that is being literacy and self-discipline. I agree
with the highlight of the speaker that no matter how many lectures will be conducted or how
expert speakers deliver these lecturers are, it is still how the person understand all these things
lies on, and how motivated the person to show eagerness to achieve financial stability. It is up
to us to take the change.
The Working Dead: Let’s Talk about the Toxicity of Hustle Culture
Last semester, I practiced this hustle culture religiously and compared other
people’s achievements to my own. I struggled with balancing being a full-time student, working
20 hours a week, and keeping up with my side “hustles.” I believed that the only way to
succeed was to constantly work without taking breaks. I started to feel guilty for resting; that’s
when I knew I internalized toxic productivity.
Toxic productivity is when no matter how productive you might have been, there
is always a feeling of guilt for not having done more. To me, this looks like developing
unhealthy habits like skipping meals, not drinking enough water, and not sleeping enough.
Anxiety attacks and breakdowns were part of my daily routine. The hustle culture is pervasive,
and it left me emotionally and physically drained, and most importantly, disconnected from
Hustle culture is a toxic system that has working people believing ‘grinding’ all
hours of the day is the only way to success. It is especially prevalent in corporate workplaces
and within the army of freedom-seeking entrepreneurs. An intensive lifestyle can lead to
burnout, cause wellbeing problems, and even exasperate mental health problems. Hustle
culture is notorious for claiming that the only way to succeed is relentless work. As a result,
you end up struggling with motivation because you are unable to concentrate. Everyone –
both at work and in their personal life unhealthy competition due to Hustle Culture. As opposed
to this, people should help each other succeed and create a sense of fluidity at work and
online. The goal of healthy competition is to push you out of your comfort zone and to help
you strive to reach your potential, not the opposite. Healthy competition is not comparing
yourself to others.
Balance is the ticket to success. So simple, yet so hard to achieve. The human
body is not designed to be stressed and overworked. It would take thousands of years for
evolution to catch up with our modern and unnatural lifestyles.
Everybody’s path is different and what matters is your growth, the lessons you learn, and your
experience. Remember, there is no end goal, you will always want more. Take this opportunity
to practice mindfulness
January 21, 2022
10:00 AM - 12:00 NN.
This webinar focuses on becoming a better one in a new chapter of life. The major
challenge in realizing the goals set on January 1 is in their righteous character. Our resolve
gets cemented, once we understand the gap between the enormity of the resolution and the
realities. Remember to celebrate the extent of progress made during the year gone by,
howsoever small it may be. This would nourish you psychologically and motivate you to go
the extra mile in the coming year. Such a positive mindset is important as the New Year cannot
begin on a pessimistic note. Anything that’s really big is going to take lots of steps over a long
period of time, and it’s very hard to sustain that unless you develop a system that’s specifically
geared towards taking small, everyday steps towards the big thing you wish to accomplish.
The goal is often daunting. We are scared of trying to succeed. And so, we would rather not
start at all. You are headed for doom, if you hesitate to take the first step. Come out of the fear
of failure. There is no success without a failure. Of course, one who never tries would never
They also teach on how we take our personal and professional growth to the next
level by asking this, how do you reach the next level in your career? First and foremost, clearly
define what “next” means, like how will you decide whether an opportunity is the right next
step for you? One of my clients was a talented marketing executive with increasing
responsibilities, measured in terms of people of budget under her scope. She wanted to be a
CMO, and her career progress matched accordingly. However, for her industry (fashion, retail)
she would need international exposure, ideally working abroad or at least having regional
responsibility that included international areas. Given where she was in her career, her next
level should prioritize this international scope. For another marketing executive who already
had international exposure, that person’s next level might instead prioritize managing a bigger
team or getting cross-functional experience in a financial or operational role. Even before you
reach that next career level – where you manage a team or absorb financial responsibilities –
you can do some of this now, right where you are. Look for opportunities to work on crossfunctional projects without leaving your current role. Volunteer for an affinity group or ERG
and manage a project or budget for the group. Take a class in a skill you are missing. Join a
Meet-up or professional association in the area of expertise you want to learn. You don’t need
to formally be in a role before you take on the responsibilities in that role. In fact, by starting
before you start, you build up a track record of skills and results that will make you attractive
for that next level.
January 21, 2022
10:00 AM - 12:00 NN.
This is one of the webinar series on how to take your personal and professional
growth to the next level. This series talks about health and fitness tips while studying or
working remotely.it realized me that being physically fit or healthy is important not just only in
one aspect. We need to be healthy all the time so that we gained more energy be more
productive in everything we do especially while we are studying or working. Ms. Jackie Ong
discussed some tips to help us maintained our health every day. It starts with a push. It can
be anything under the sun. The importance of the push is to make you eventually do something
about it. It will turn in to a goal that you can achieve. She discussed also how to get that push,
set realistic goals for our self and set expectations. To get you moving, we set a realistic
schedule and getting the right mind-set. And lastly, maintain it if you’ve finally done what your
goals and expectation. This webinar not only talks about physical health but also talks about
our mental health which is important because it helps determine how we handle stress, relate
to others, and make choices. Over the course of your life, if you experience mental health
problems, your thinking, moods and behaviour could be affected. This also affect our overall
functionality, coping mechanism, physical health, self-esteem, self-love, and self-worth. This
are some factors of having a mental health problem, life experience, biological factors, family
history, physical activity and outside work. We need to take a small break relax and do what
makes you happy.
Therefore, don’t deprive yourself! We only live once, and food is one of the best
things in life! Moderate is the key! It takes 21 days to build a habit and it only takes a few
minutes of your day! And being able to be your self is one of the strongest components of
good mental health.
January 21, 2022
10:00 AM - 12:00 NN.
“In order to find stability in the world we must first find stability within ourselves,”
–Tyler J. Hebert.
In the webinar adulating 101: shaping life stability helps me reflect on how to be
able to shape life stability as early as now. Because living and spending time in a loving,
secure and stable environment is incredibly important for all of us. We all want to feel like we
belong, that we are love and cared for and this is especially important for us young people
who are unable to live with their own families.
It also helps me to open my eyes to come up a career plan which one of the things
needed in shaping my life stability. Career plan gives me direction and see where my life in
the future. It also makes me aware of my strength and weaknesses and the skills and
knowledge that are required to achieve my goals in the future.
A large proportion of my life is spent in achieving my career goals. Thus, it is
important to make sure that right steps were taken and correct planning was done in the early
years of my life. There are very few luck ones who are born with clear mind and who knows
what they want to do and where they see themselves in life ahead. But majority of us are not
sure what we want from life and so it is very important to plan out things.
Another thing is the financial literacy which one of the thing needed in shaping my
life stable. In this webinar I learned to increase my awareness of financial literacy and gain a
deep understanding of varied financial savings and investment strategies. And also I learn to
save my hard-earned money and invest it wisely. I managed also my funds and create a
Therefore planning your life gives you control. If you create a plan then you get to
make choices and decisions, rather than leaving things up to chance, or worst yet, letting
others make decision for you. A plan will make it easier to say “no” to things that are not
important to you.
Presented to
the Faculty of Business Management and Accountancy
Eastern Samar State University
Guiuan Campus
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Accounting Information System
Submitted to:
OJT Coordinator
Submitted by:
Student Trainee
Accounting Information System student of Eastern Samar State University – Guiuan Campus has all
been done under our direct supervision and guidance.
A Narrative Report prepared and submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the
degree Bachelor of Science in Accounting Information System by JOSIE ROSE L. BAUIS.
Dec 06,2021 to Jan 10,2022
OJT Coordinator
Approved in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in
Accounting Information System by the oral examination committee.
Recommending Approval:
OJT Coordinator
Approved in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in
Accounting Information System.
Dean, CBMA
As a trainee I had a chance to learn and develop my skills which I can apply in the future. Therefore I
am so thankful to following persons who helped and guided me through out of my internship.
To my family, friends, & classmates who has been my inspiration & strength, they are the reason why
I finished my training because they keep on supporting, especially in my studies, and part of this is my
on-the job-training.
The internship opportunity I had with [IGP Office) was a great chance for learning and professional
development. I would especially like to thank Sir GAVINO T. OBIAS for his generous support, coaching,
and companionship during my OJT. I have learned a lot from them.
To our OJT coordinator, Sir JAIRUS Q. CELIS, thank you so much Sir for an unending guidance to all of
To our college dean Ma'am Teresita B. Lacaba, thankyou also for teaching & guiding us since day one
of our college days.
And lastly to our God who gives us our everyday life & guidance to everything we do.
The goal of OJT is to provide instruction and practice opportunity so that the inexperienced learner
can develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to perform the job tasks associated
with his or her job role.
Practicum Experience
Before the start of first semester for the school year 2020-2021, our teacher assigned us to different
offices at ESSU-GUIUAN for our OJT. Our teacher, Mr. JAIRUS ISAIAS CELIS assigned me at
ICTC office. We submitted our requirements before we start.
Dec 06, 2021 Monday, was my first day as a trainee I was assigned in the IGP office. On the way to
the office I felt nervous and excited at the same time . When I first arrived in the office, my first duty
is to wiped windows, and cleaned cr in the morning. In the afternoon we wrapped up or packaging
the monitor stand .Dec 13, 2021 Raise heavy cartoon bond papers. No one was able to take a picture
of us because my companion suddenly ordered us, so i just took a selfie picture.Dec 20, 2021
Sweeped and wiped the windows Dec 27, 2021 Sweeped & wiped the window as well. Jan 03, 2022
Cleaned the printer in the student publication office. And arranged important school papers (Folders,
Books) Jan 10, 2022 Sweeped & wiped the windows. I helped ma'am bring the folders next to the
ICTC Office.
Accomplishment and Contribution
From that training i learned to wrap or packaging a monitor stand . & I have learned that doing actual
works are much easier, and you learn something Competences Gained and Learning Experiences
On my first day, just first observing a BOT student we were with, I looked at him while wrapping the
monitor. It seems difficult because you need to wrap the monitor stand properly, and you also need to
be doubly careful not to break or whatever. but when I tried, it was easy.
Impact to Field of Specialization
On the Job training has a great impact to the field of Specialization of the students for it will help you
enhance your skills.
Even though it is really hard to accomplish some duties, I still enjoyed being a trainee. For me, the
problems that I had encountered are just a challenge and a lesson that I might use in my future career.
I know that this is just the start of everything but I'm willing to learn more.