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Questions for probedutics

Questions for offset
Propaedeutics in orthopedic dentistry
1. Types of physiological bite. Articular, muscular and dental signs of physiological bite.
2. Name the types of pathological bite. Describe the characteristics of each type
3. Principles of plastering models in the articulator
4. Types of articulators
5. Describe the device of an articulator that implements the concept of a HIP plane
6. Functional analysis of occlusion
7. The concept of cranio-sacral dynamics.
8. Facebow using
9. Clinical methods of examination at the appointment of an orthopedic dentist
10. Paraclinical methods of examination of an orthopedic patient
11. Main goals of orthopedic treatment
12. Rules for preparing a tooth for a metal-ceramic crown
13. The main mistakes in communication between an orthopedic dentist and a dental
technician. Implications for orthopedic treatment.
14. Orthopedic treatment plan as a strategy for the patient's comprehensive
15. Ergonomics of the workplace of an orthopedic dentist.
Propaedeutics in surgical dentistry
16. Features of asepsis and antiseptics during operations on the face and in the oral
cavity. Treatment of the operating field.
17. Organization of work and equipment of the surgical department (office)
18. Instruments for extracting teeth in the lower jaw.
19. Tooth extraction technique
20. Local complications during and after tooth extraction
21. Upper Molar Extraction Instruments
22. Instruments for removing premolars in the lower jaw
23. Instruments for the extraction of the third molars of the upper jaw
24. Mandibular third molars extraction instruments
25. Instruments for extraction premolars in the upper jaw
26. Tools for extracting the roots of teeth in the upper jaw
27. Tools for removing the roots of teeth in the lower jaw
28. Tools for removing upper jaw incisors
29. Tools for removing the roots of teeth
30. Actions of a dental surgeon when a part of the tooth root is broken off during an
extraction operation.
Propaedeutics in therapeutic dentistry
31. Dental formula.
32. Asepsis and antiseptics at a dental appointment. Disinfection and sterilization of
dental equipment and instruments.
33. Anesthesia in dentistry. Application anesthesia. Infiltration anesthesia. Conduction
34. Endodontics. Definition of the concept of "endodontics", "endodont", "endodontic
35. Anatomical and histological characteristics of human teeth. The structural elements
of the pulp chamber.
36. Topographic and anatomical features of the cavities of the teeth of various groups on
the upper and lower jaw.
37. Physiological apex, anatomical apex and radiographic (X-ray) apex.
38. Endodontic instruments. ISO standardization. Appointment.
39. Instruments for root canal treatment. Manual instruments, machine instruments
(hand-driven and engine-driven instruments).
40. Purpose and sequence of use of endodontic instruments
41. Methods for determining (checking) the working length of root canals.
42. Methods of passage and enlargement of root canals. The "Step back" technique for
the passage and enlargement of root canals. The "Crown Down" technique.
43. Filling materials for root canals – classification, properties, indications for use.
44. Instruments for removing pulp and putrid masses, and for filling the root canal.
45. Irrigation of root canals. Goals and objectives of irrigation. Solutions. Activation by
46. Temporary and permanent filling materials for root canals. Goals and objectives.
Errors and complications in endodontic treatment. Methods of their prevention and
47. Pulpitis. Etiology, pathogenesis of pulpitis.
48. Pulpitis. Classification of pulpitis.
49. Pulpitis. Methods of treatment of pulpitis (biological method, pulp amputation
vital\devital pulp extirpation). Indications, methodology, instruments.
50. Periodontitis. Disorders of the periodontal tissues. Definition of periodontitis. Etiology.