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Sustainable Fishing: Importance & Threats

When we talk about sustainable fishing, we are referring to a series of practices
aimed at keeping the population of marine species at optimal levels to ensure
survival, thus respecting the natural environment. In particular, sustainable fishing
is based on fishing techniques that do not have a negative impact on other
inhabitants of the ecosystem.
Sustainable fishing is essential, as our seas and oceans are threatened by
overexploitation and consumption of specimens below the minimum sizes.the most
importance of fishing it participate the development of the nations as we are
Somaliland we had so plenty of fishes in our ocean it could alternatives to meat of
animal due frequently of droughts in the country
Moreover, fish and other marine products are rich in proteins which help in bodybuilding or replace worn-out tissues. Their fat provides energy and forms a
valuable source of reserve food for the human body. Many essential minerals are
found in fish including iron, calcium, iodine, copper, magnesium and phosphorus,
in relatively greater proportions than in many other foods. Fish-liver oils, e.g. codliver oil, are a very rich source of vitamins A and D. In fact, almost three-quarters
of the total fish catch is used for food, whether fresh or processed
Fishing is an important economic activity which provides food from the sea and
thereby creates employment not only for whoever (the fishermen) directly collects
that food (fish, crustaceans, molluscs) but also for those who operate in the entire
chain, from the construction of vessels and equipment supplies related to the
marketing of products , The fishing sector contributes to development and growth
in many countries, playing an important role for food security and nutrition,
poverty reduction, employment, economic development and trade,
overfishing is a serious threat to the fish in our sea. There are many species of fish
which simply need to remain in the sea, they are not necessary for food security or
their lives are not suitable for captivity, yet the Food and Agriculture
Organization have estimated that over 50% of species of marine fish have been
fully or over-exploited. By overfishing, we are destroying entire ecosystems and
the food chains which are essential to keep them thriving. Not only is overfishing
wiping entire species out, it’s also having a direct impact on other species in the
food web. Some of the methods used for fishing are destructive in themselves, such
as bottom trawling which destroys habitats and captures many fish which are not
even wanted, and then tossed aside.