Name of ASC: Document/ Reference number: Title: Use of Abbreviations Date Adopted: Date Reviewed/Revised: Page 1 of 55 Purpose: ASC to fill in: POLICY (The Center) currently utilizes both paper forms and dictated procedure records. Both seek to optimize legibility of clinical records and to limit the use of certain abbreviations or symbols which are or may be read as confusingly similar to others. ( The Center) deems these considerations of the utmost importance for patient safety. PROCEDURES 1. Any new record templates for procedure reports are to be prepared without use of abbreviations. 2. Permitted abbreviations, when necessary, shall include the following: AA AAA affected area abdominal aortic aneurysm A2 aortic second sound abd abdomen ABG arterial blood gasses ACL anterior cruciate ligament ABN abnormal 1 ABP arterial blood pressure abs absent a.c. before meals acc accident accom. accommodation acid phos. acid phosphate ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone ADH antidiuretic hormone ADL activities of daily living ad lib as desired adm. admission AE above elbow AFB acid fast bacilli AFP alpha fetoprotein 2 A/G albumin globulin ratio AI aortic insufficiency AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome alb. albumin alc. alcohol alk. phos. alkaline phosphate ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis AMA against medical advice amb. ambulatory AMI acute myocardial infarction anes. anesthesia ann. fib. annulus fibrosis ANS autonomic nervous system ant. anterior ante before ANUG acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis A/O alert and oriented AOB alcohol on breath AODM adult onset diabetes mellitus AP ante partum A&P auscultation and percussion aph aphasia A-P & lat anteroposterior and lateral AP resection AR abdominal perineal resection of the rectum aortic regurgitation ARD acute respiratory distress AROM artificial rupture of membranes 3 ASA acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin A.S.A. American Society of Anesthesiologists A.S.A. 1 normal healthy patient A S.A. 2 patient with mild systemic disease A.S.A. 3 patient with severe systemic disease ASAP as soon as possible aud. auditory Aur. Fib auricular fibrillation A-V arteriovenous AVF arteriovenous fistula BA barium Ba.E barium enema BBT basal body temperature BFP biological false positive b.i.d. twice daily BIH bilateral inguinal hernia bilat. bilateral bili bilirubin b.i.n. twice a night 4 BiW twice weekly bk. back bl cult blood culture bld. blood Bl.T bleeding time BM bowel movement BMR basal metabolic rate body wt. body weight BP blood pressure BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy BPM beats per minute brach. brachial BUN blood urea nitrogen Bx. biopsy c. with C. centigrade Ca calcium CA carcinoma, cancer CAD coronary artery disease ACHD coronary atherosclerotic heart disease Cal calorie Caps capsules cath catheterization, catheter CBC complete blood count CBD common bile duct CBG capillary blood gas CC chief complaint Cerv. cervical Chol cholesterol 5 Chr chronic CIS carcinoma in situ CK creatinine kinase Cl chlorine, chloride cldy cloudy Cl.T clotting time cm. centimeter CNs central nervous system cnst. constipation c/o complains of Co2 carbon dioxide comb. combination comp. compound cons. consultation COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CPAP continuous positive airway pressure CPD cephalo-pelvic disproportion 6 7 CPK creatinine phosphokinase CPPB continuous positive pressure breathing CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation CRD chronic respiratory disease creat. creatinine CRF chronic renal failure C&S culture and sensitivity CT computerized axial tomography C-V cardiovascular CVA cerebrovascular accident CVP central venous pressure Cysto cystoscopy DAP distal airway pressure DD discharge diagnosis DDx differential diagnosis decr. decreased dehyd. dehydrated Derm. dermatology D5RlL 5% dextrose and lactated ringers D5W 5% dextrose and sterile water DIAG. diagnosis diam. diameter diff. differential dil. dilute dim. diminished dis. disease DOB date of birth DOE dyspnea on exertion 8 Dors dorsal drsg. dressing D/S discharge summary DU duodenal ulcer D/W dextrose in water Dx diagnosis EBL estimated blood loss ECG electrocardiogram E.coli Escherichia coli EEG electroencephalogram EENT eyes, ears, nose, throat EEX electrodiagnosis EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy EKG electrocardiogram elev. elevated En. enema ENT ears, nose, throat ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate ETIOL. etiology EUA examine under anesthesia EVAL evaluation FA fluorescent antibody F.B. foreign body FBS fasting blood sugar Fe def. iron deficiency fem. femoral f.f. force fluid fl. fluids fl. oz. fluid ounce FS finger stick F/U follow up FUO fever of unknown origin Fx fracture G.A. general anesthesia BB gallbladder GE gastroenterology genl. general G.I. gastrointestinal gluc glucose gm gram Gm+ gram positive Gm- gram negative gm.% grams per 100 c.c. gt. drop gtts. drops GTT glucose tolerance test GU genitourinary H/A headache HAF hyperalimentation fluid Hgb hemoglobin HBP high blood pressure HC03 bicarbonate Hct. hematocrit HDL high density lipids HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, throat hern. hernia HGO hepatic glucose output hist. history HIV human immunodeficiency virus h/o history of horiz. horizontal H&P history and physical HR heart rate H.R.S.T. heat, reddening, swelling, tenderness H2) water H202 hydrogen peroxide Hx history Hyperal. hyperalimentation i.d. during the day I&D incision and drainage IH infectious hepatitis IHD ischemic heart disease IM intramuscular in. inches incr. increased int. internal I&O intake and output IP intraperitoneal irreg. irregular intravenously IVP intravenous pyelogram KVO keep vein open lab. laboratory lact. lactic lat. lateral lax laxative lb. pound LB large bowel L.E. lower extremities liq. liquid LKS liver, kidneys, spleen LLE left lower extremity LLQ left lower quadrant L.N. lymph node LPN licensed practical nurse LRQ lower right quadrant LUE left upper extremity LUL left upper lobe lytes electrolytes mcg. microgram MDI metered dose inhaler Mets. metastasis min. minute ml. milliliter mm. millimeter mod moderate MOM milk of magnesia MRRI magnetic resonance imaging ms mitral stenosis n. nerve N2 nitrogen N2) nitrous oxide Na sodium NaCl sodium chloride NAD no apparent distress neg. negative Neur. neurology NG nasogastric tube NKA no known allergies NM neuromuscular NPO nothing by mouth O2 oxygen O2 cap. oxygen capacity O2 sat. oxygen saturation Obs observation O/E on examination oint. ointment Op. operation Ophth. ophthalmology Ortho. orthopedic surgery Oto otolaryngology OTC over-the-counter oz. ounce PA physician’s assistant p&a percussion and auscultation Path. pathology PA view posterioranterior view on x-ray PBI protein bound iodine PE physical examination Ped pediatrics PEG percutaneous endoscopic gastrojejunostomy PEJ percutaneous endoscopic jejeunostomy PEN penicillin PET positive emission tomography PF push fluids PH past history pharm pharmacy PI present illness plts. platelets P.M. afternoon PMH past medical history PM&R physical medicine and rehabilitation pneu. pneumonia polys. polymorphonuclear leukocytes POMR problem oriented medical record poplit. Popliteal pos. positive post. posterior pot. potassium PPBS post prandial blood sugar p.r. per rectum PR proctology PRBC packed red blood cells pre-op preoperative prep. prepare for PRN as often as necessary prod. productive Prog. prognosis pros. prostate, prostatic prot. protein pro.time prothrombin time PSH past surgical history psi pounds per square inch Psych. psychiatry pt. patient PTA prior to admission q every q.o.n. every other night qt. quart q.w. every week rad. radial RAtx radiation therapy RD respiratory distress RDS respiratory distress syndrome rect. rectum, rectal reg. regular rehab. rehabilitation RF rheumatic fever Rh. rhesus blood factor RHD rheumatic heart disease RLE right lower extremity RN registered nurse RLQ right lower quadrant R/O rule out ROS review of systems RP retrograde pyelogram RQ respiratory quotient Rx prescription s without Sa. saline SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis SBFT small bowel follow through x-ray SBO small bowel obstruction s.c. subcutaneously sec second sed. rate erythrocyte sedimentation rate sep. separated Serol. serology SGOT serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase sib. sibling skel. skeletal sm small S04 sulfate S.O.A.P. subjective, objective assessment plan SOB shortness of breath Sol. solution spec. specimen specific gravity spont. spontaneous SSE soap suds enema Staph staphylococcus STAT immediately stom stomach strep. streptococcus subling. sublingual suf. sulfate sup. superior supp suppository surg. surgery Sx symptoms sys. system syst. systolic T4 total serum thyroxine T&A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy tab. tablet TB tuberculosis tbsp. tablespoon temp temperature TIA transient ischemic attack T.M. tympanum membrane TMJ temporomandibular joint TO telephone order to AA to affected areas TPN total parenteral nutrition TPR temperature, pulse, respiration tr trace trach tracheostomy tsp. teaspoon TV tidal volume Tx treatment U/A urinalysis UCD usual childhood diseases UGI upper gastrointestinal series ULQ upper left quadrant ung. ointment unilat. unilateral Ur. urine URD upper respiratory disease URI upper respiratory infection Urol. urology URQ upper right quadrant US ultrasound USI urinary stress incontinence USP. United States Pharmacy UTI urinary tract infection UVL ultraviolet light vein VC vital capacity VCS vasoconstrictor substance Vd void vent. ventilator vert. vertical VG vein graft volume index Via by way of vit. vitamin VLDL very low density lipoproteins VM vestibular membrane VO verbal order vol volume VP venous pressure VS vital signs VSA vital signs absent VT ventricular tachycardia VTX vertex W/A while awake Wass. Wasserman WB whole blood WBC white blood count wheelchair WE wide excision wk week w/n within WN well nourished WNL within normal limits wt. weight w/u workup x times y.o years old yrs. Years 3. (The Medical Director) and (Charge Nurse) periodically shall review the list of permitted abbreviations and recommend changes which would improve the readability of (Center) clinical records and could offer patient safety benefits. 4. (Insert Accreditation body here) has compiled a “do not use” list of abbreviations, because their meanings may be readily confused, potentially jeopardizing patient safety. “Do not use” abbreviations include: U (for unit), which may be mistaken as zero, four, or cc. Write “unit” instead. IU (for international unit), which may be mistaken as IV or ten. Write “international unit” instead. Q.D. or Q.O.D. (Latin abbreviations for once daily and every other day), which may be mistaken for each other. Also, the period after the Q can be mistaken for an “I,” and the “O” can be mistaken for an “I.” Write “daily” and “every other day” instead. Decimal numbers less than one without a leading zero, since the decimal point may be missed. MS, MSO4, MgSO4, which can be confused for one another, meaning either morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate. Write “morphine sulfate or 5. (Insert Accreditation body here) has also recommended the following abbreviations not be employed: mg (for microgram), which can be mistaken for mg (for milligrams), resulting in a one-thousand-fold overdose. Write “mcg” instead. H.S. (for half-strength or the Latin abbreviation for bedtime), which can be mistaken for either half-strength or hour of sleep (at bedtime). The abbreviation q.H.S. can be mistaken for every hour. All can result in a dosing error. Write out “half-strength” or “at bedtime.” T.I.W. (for three times a week), which can be mistaken for three times a day or twice weekly, resulting in an overdose. Write “3 times weekly” or “three times weekly” instead. D/C (for discharge), which can be interpreted as discontinue whatever medications follow (typically discharge medications). Write “discharge” instead. c.c. (for cubic centimeter), which can be mistaken for U (units) when poorly written. Write “ml” for milliliters instead. A.S., A.D., A.U. (Latin abbreviations for left, right, or both ears, respectively), which can be mistaken for OS, OD, and OU. Write “left ear,” “right ear,” “both ears,” “left eye,” “right eye,” or “both eyes,” instead 6. (The Center) adopts prohibitions on all the abbreviations specified in 4 and 5, above. 7. (The Center) also prohibits the additional abbreviation that the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) recommends be avoided. 8. The ISMP list is given, beginning on the following page. November 27, 2003 Volume 8 Issue 24 ISMP List of Error-Prone Abbreviations, Symbols, and Dose Designations It’s been over 2 years since we published a list of abbreviations, symbols, and dose designations that have contributed to medication errors. Now, with the 2004 JCAHO National Patient Safety Goals calling for organizational compliance with a list of prohibited “Dangerous” abbreviations, acronyms and symbols, we thought an updated list would be useful. Since JCAHO has specified that certain abbreviations must appear on the organization’s list, we’ve highlighted these items with a double asterisk (**). Also, effective April 1, 2004, each organization must include at least three additional items on their list. However, we hope that you will consider others beyond the minimum JCAHO requirement. Selections can be made from the attached list. These items should be considered for handwritten, preprinted, and electronic forms of communication. Abbreviations Intended Meaning Misinterpretation Correction μg Microgram Mistaken as "mg" Use "mcg" AD, AS, AU Right ear, left ear, each ear Mistaken as OD, OS, OU (right eye, left eye, each eye) Use "right ear," "left ear," or "each ear" OD, OS, OU Right eye, left eye, each eye Mistaken as AD, AS, AU (right ear, left ear, each ear) Use "right eye," "left eye," or "each eye" BT Bedtime Mistaken as "BID" (twice daily) Use "bedtime" cc Cubic centimeters Mistaken as "u" (units) Use "mL" D/C Discharge or discontinue Premature discontinuation of medications if D/C (intended to mean "discharge") has been misinterpreted as "discontinued" when followed by a list of discharge medications Use "discharge" and "discontinue" IJ Injection Mistaken as "IV" or "intrajugular" Use "injection" IN Intranasal Mistaken as "IM" or "IV" Use "intranasal" or "NAS" HS Half-strength Mistaken as bedtime Use "half-strength" or "bedtime" Hs At bedtime, hours of sleep Mistaken as half-strength Use “half-strength” or “bedtime” IU** International unit Mistaken as IV (intravenous) or 10 (ten) Use "units" o.d. or OD Once daily Mistaken as "right eye" (OD-oculus dexter), leading to oral liquid medications administered in the eye Use "daily" OJ Orange juice Mistaken as OD or OS (right or left eye); drugs meant to be diluted in orange juice may be given in the eye Use "orange juice" Per os By mouth, orally The "os" can be mistaken as "left eye" (OS-oculus sinister) Use "PO," "by mouth," or "orally" q.d. or QD** Every day Mistaken as q.i.d., especially if the period after the "q" or the tail of the "q" is misunderstood as an "i" Use "daily" qhs At bedtime Mistaken as "qhr" or every hour Use "at bedtime" Abbreviations Intended Meaning Misinterpretation Correction qn Nightly Mistaken as "qh" (every hour) Use "nightly" q.o.d. or QOD** Every other day Mistaken as "q.d." (daily) or "q.i.d. (four times daily) if the "o" is poorly written Use "every other day" q1d Daily Mistaken as q.i.d. (four times daily) Use "daily" q6PM, etc. Every evening at 6 PM Mistaken as every 6 hours Use "6 PM nightly" or "6 PM daily" SC, SQ, sub q Subcutaneous SC mistaken as SL (sublingual); SQ mistaken as "5 every;" the "q" in "sub q" has been mistaken as "every" (e.g., a heparin dose ordered "sub q 2 hours before surgery" misunderstood as every 2 hours before surgery) Use "subcut" or "subcutaneously" ss Sliding scale (insulin) or ½ (apothecary) Mistaken as "55" Spell out "sliding scale;" use "one-half" or "½" SSRI Sliding scale regular insulin Mistaken as selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor Spell out "sliding scale (insulin)" SSI Sliding scale insulin Mistaken as Strong Solution of Iodine (Lugol's) Spell out Strong Solution of Iodine i/d One daily Mistaken as "tid" Use "1 daily" TIW or tiw 3 times a week Mistaken as "3 times a day" or "twice in a week" Use "3 times weekly" Unit Mistaken as the number 0 or 4, causing a 10-fold overdose or greater (e.g., 4U seen as "40" or 4u seen as "44"); mistaken as "cc" so dose given in volume instead of units (e.g., 4u seen as 4cc) Use "unit" U or u** Dose Designations and Other Information Intended Meaning Misinterpretation Correction Trailing zero after decimal point (e.g., 1.0 mg)** 1 mg Mistaken as 10 mg if the decimal point is not seen Do not use trailing zeros for doses expressed in whole numbers No leading zero before a decimal dose (e.g., .5 mg)** 0.5 mg Mistaken as 5 mg if the decimal point is not seen Use zero before a decimal point when the dose is less than a whole unit Drug name and dose run together (especially problematic for drug names that end in "L" such as Inderal40 mg; Tegretol300 mg) Inderal 40 mg Tegretol 300 mg Mistaken as Inderal 140 mg Mistaken as Tegretol 1300 mg Place adequate space between the drug name, dose, and unit of measure Numerical dose and unit of measure run together (e.g., 10mg, 100mL) 10 mg 100 mL The "m" is sometimes mistaken Place adequate space between as a zero or two zeros, risking the dose and unit of measure a 10- to 100-fold overdose Abbreviations such as mg. or mL. with mg mL a period following the abbreviation Large doses without properly placed commas (e.g., 100000 units; 1000000 units) The period is unnecessary and could be mistaken as the number 1 if written poorly 100,000 units 100000 has been mistaken as 1,000,000 10,000 or 1,000,000; 1000000 has been mistaken as 100,000 units Use mg, mL, etc. without a terminal period Use commas for dosing units at or above 1,000, or use words such as 100 "thousand" or 1 "million" to improve readability Drug Name Abbreviations Intended Meaning Misinterpretation Correction ARA A vidarabine Mistaken as cytarabine (ARA C) Use complete drug name AZT zidovudine (Retrovir) Mistaken as azathioprine or aztreonam Use complete drug name CPZ Compazine (prochlorperazine) Mistaken as chlorpromazine Use complete drug name DPT Demerol-Phenergan-Thorazine Mistaken as diphtheria-pertussistetanus (vaccine) Use complete drug name DTO Diluted tincture of opium, or deodorized tincture of opium (Paregoric) Mistaken as tincture of opium Use complete drug name HCl hydrochloric acid or hydrochloride Mistaken as potassium chloride (The "H" is misinterpreted as "K") Use complete drug name unless expressed as a salt of a drug HCT hydrocortisone Mistaken as hydrochlorothiazide Use complete drug name HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide Mistaken as hydrocortisone (seen as HCT250 mg) Use complete drug name MgSO4** magnesium sulfate Mistaken as morphine sulfate Use complete drug name morphine sulfate Mistaken as magnesium sulfate Use complete drug name MTX methotrexate Mistaken as mitoxantrone Use complete drug name PCA procainamide Mistaken as Patient Controlled Analgesia Use complete drug name PTU propylthiouracil Mistaken as mercaptopurine Use complete drug name T3 Tylenol with codeine No. 3 Mistaken as liothyronine Use complete drug name TAC triamcinolone Mistaken as tetracaine, Adrenalin, cocaine Use complete drug name TNK TNKase Mistaken as "TPA" Use complete drug name ZnSO4 zinc sulfate Mistaken as morphine sulfate Use complete drug name MS, MSO4** Stemmed Drug Names Intended Meaning Misinterpretation Correction "Nitro" drip nitroglycerin infusion Mistaken as sodium nitroprusside infusion Use complete drug name "Norflox" norfloxacin Mistaken as Norflex Use complete drug name "IV Vanc" intravenous vancomycin Mistaken as Invanz Use complete drug name Symbols Meaning Intended Misinterpretation Correction ?? Dram Symbol for dram mistaken as "3" Use the metric system ?? Minim Symbol for minim mistaken as "mL" x3d For three days Mistaken as "3 doses" Use "for three days" > and < Greater than and less than Mistaken as opposite of intended; mistakenly use incorrect symbol; "< 10" mistaken as "40" Use "greater than" or "less than" / (slash mark) Separates two doses Mistaken as the number 1 (e.g., "25 units/10 or indicates "per" units" misread as "25 units and 110" units) Use "per" rather than a slash mark to separate doses @ At Mistaken as "2" Use "at" & And Mistaken as "2" Use "and" & or + Plus or and Mistaken as "4" Use "and" ° Hour Mistaken as a zero (e.g., q2° seen as q 20) Use "hr," "h," or "hour" ** Identified abbreviations above are also included on the JCAHO’s “minimum list” of dangerous abbreviations, acronyms and symbols that must be included on an organization’s “Do Not Use” list, effective January 1, 2004. Any updated list of frequently asked questions about this JCAHO requirement can be found on their website at Medical Abbreviations Glossary These abbreviations are commonly used in hospital, medical, and dental records. There are many others, rarely used, and some doctors and hospitals create their own. ©Copyright 2011, JD.MD., Inc. ADM adm. ADR AE AEA AF AF or Aflb AFB AFO AFP AGA AgN03 AH AHCD acquired dermal me·1anocytos1s argin ne-deficient medium admission adverse cirug reacuon above elbow above elbow amputation afebrlle atriaIflbrlllatlon acid fast bacilli ankle-toot orthOSls a pha fetoproteln appropriate gestat onalage silver nitrate abdominalhy5terectomy acquired hepatocenuiar degeneration acquired hepatocerebral AHO degeneration AHF Argent nian hemorrhagic fever a.I activeingredient AdequateIntake AJ aortic lnsUfflclencv art1cu1at1on 1naex AIDS acquired 1mmun0deflciency syndrome AJDS-KS acquiredimmunOdeflciency syndrome with Kaposi's sarcoma AJ ankle Jerk AKA above knee amputation ale.a alCOlilOllC ICetoacldOS IS alb. albumin ale. aJCOlilOI alkPhos a kallne phosphate Al acute lymphocytiC/lymphoblastlc leukemia AlS amyoropt11clatera lsclerosis AT a an ne amlnotransferacse alasthma lformeny SGPT> a tematlng with AM befOre ante merldieml AMA agalrnst medical advice antb. ambulating ambulatory age-related maru1ar AMO degeneration AMI acute myocara1a1 Infarction actJte myelold/myeloblastic AML leukemia amnlo amniocentesis amp. ampule amputation ANA see FANA ant nuctear antlbodV test anes. anesthesia ANF antinuc ear factor ann.fll>. annuJus fll:>roslS ANS autonomtc 1nervous system ant. anterior ANUG acute necrotizlng u cerative glngMtls An:xty or ANX AO AOB AODM AP anxiety aorta alcohol on breath adult onset diabetes memtus ac d phosphatase active pepsin ante partum AP anteroposterlor AP res. al:ldom1na1per1nea1resection of the rectum A P&.lat anteroposter1or ana 1atera1 or AP&L APC atrialpremature contractions aph aphasia aq. water active-resistance AR aortic regurgitation AIDS Related complex ARC ARD acute resp ratory distress ARDS aduIt respiratory distress svndrome ARE active-resistance exercise ARF acute resp ratory failure acute rheumatic fever Arg. arginine AROM active range of motion artlftclal rupture of membranes art arter al artlcu1at1on AS aorticstenosis left Aurls slnlstra> ASA aspirin tacetYlsallcyuc acid> ASAP as soon as possrble Ase or arter1osc1eroS4s ATS ASCVD atherosc1erotictarter1osc1erot1 c carcuovasrular disease ASD atria Iseptal defect ASHD arter1osc1erotic heart disease antistreptolySlno ASO aspartate amlnotranSferase AST Cformeny SGOTI aspartate transamlnacse AT AChmes tendon at flut_ atria If lutter ATN acute tubular necrosis ATNR asymmetricaltonic neclc reflex ATP adenoslne tr phosphate ATR AChrnes tendonreflex arginine tolerance test according to rustom aCI usuml Mtn earslLat.auris un1tas1 aud. auditory Aur.Fib aur cular flbrtllatlon aorticvalve AV atrloventrlcuJar AV or AVV atr1oventr1cu1ar valves AVD aorticvalve disease AVE aortlC valve ech0cara1ogram AVF arter ovenousfistula A'll'.HS acquired va lvu arheart syndrome AVO aorticvalve opening AVp arginine vasopressin AVR aorticvalve replacement AVS aorticvalve stenosls arginine vasotocin Avt AW able to work above waist AX. axial axma axillary AXR abdominalX-ray Arr AU B B back Mm B&C B&J B. b.l.d.or BID bJ.n_ or en. B .U .O. BA biopsy and curettage bOne andJo nt bath twicedally bisIn die> twice a night bis In noxl bleeding of undetermined or gin bruising Of undetermined or gin bracn1a1artery bronch bar um enema Ba.E or BA or BE Ba.S bar um swallow Bab. BAC BAL BAM BAO Babinski sign bloOd alcoholconcentraitlon bronchoalVeolarlavage basilar artery migraine basalacid output bracnialartery output BAO-MAO basalacid output to maximal acid output BAP Behavior ActiVlty Profi e brachia!artery pressure BAR barlatrlCS barometer barometric bet.a-adrenergic receptor Barb barbiturate BarbDep barbiturate dependence BARK beta-adrenergic receptor BAS Bas. baso BAT BAV BB BBA BBB BBBB BBF BBk BBS BBT BBTC BO kinase beta-adrenergic stimulation basal basnar basophile basophilic Del bile eluct blood donor brain damage BND BNO barely noticeable difference b a.dder neck obstruction brain e1eaci brain death BO<RI BOA bowels open <reguJarw1 born onarrf\la I twice dally BOE b lateral otltls externa broncrt1011t1s obllterans Interstitial pneumonia Dirtf'I aate Bd. BOC Doard Dum dressing change BOM BOMA b lateralotltls media otltis media.Dothears.acute beta blocker both bones Dorn befOre arr1va1 BdG BDI BDil bid rectional Glenn shunt BOO b adder outlet obstruction blunt duodenalnJurv Dronchodllator BOOP bronchloltt s obliterans organizing pneumonia bundle branch block bilateralbundle·branct1 block bronchialblooa flow blood bank basllftllbladder syndrome bilateralbreath sounds Dasal body temperature basal body temperaturechart BE BEA BF IO BFP BHT Bl be1ow e1Dow below elbow amputation DIOOd HOW bio ogical false positive blunt head trauma basilar mpression biologicalIndicator DOdllY Injury BOP D OOCI ova parasites BoTox or botullnum toxin BOW BP boneImpaction burn Index BPD BPH bronch.opulmonary Clysp as a bruilgn prostat c hypertrophy Blc. biceps BPM Deats per minute brought n dead bilateral 1ngU1na1 nem1a bilateral bilaterally billnJDln brainInjury BPP BR b ood pressure and pulse bedrest BK twice weekly bicepsJerklrefleXJ DOnesJolnts muscles below knee bk. BKA BkMD back 1>e1ow Knee amputanon Becker muscu ar dystrophy broncno Dronchoscopy BRP bathroom privileges. D OOd sugar BS bowel sounds breath sounds Dronch1a1secretion BSA DOdy surtacearea BSA or bowel sounds active breast blopsyHrozen section BC basal cell BID Dinn control board certifled breast cancer bronchialcarcinoma bUffl( coat bicarbonate BIH BCH bulim ia nervosa Bo or D .O.B. BBX/FS BCD BCE BCG bone marrow transp lant basic aid training blunt abdominaltrauma Drown ad pose tissue bicuspid aortic valve breast biopsy BCAg BCC BMT or HOC BN BOIP BBx or BrBX. Bc or HC03 BCA band barbltal-depenclent behavioral disorder balloon cameter ang1op1asty basal cell atypla breast cancer antigen, basal ceuantigen basal cellcarc noma benign cellular changes blrtn control clinic basal cellciysp1as1a basal cellep1tne11oma bacillusca1mette-Guer1n bli B lnj BIW BJ BJM BL bloodloss BL or BsL basellne Blad. Dlac:ICJer bid. blood ctubercu1os1s vaccine> DallIstocara1ogram bal11stocardlography Dromcresol green1Dye1 BLE BU.F BLO BLS both lower extremities bilaterallower 1ung fields both lower quadrants basic life suppon: basal cellhyperp asia BLS-0 basic life support and BT BPC or BPCuff Dag Of water b ood pressure Dody part b ood pr,essurecuff BR or wc bathroom Br. brach. BRBPR breeeh presruitation brach ia! bright red blood per rectum BS+ BSB BSC BSD BSEX BS.N BSO bedslCJe bag beCISiCJe commode bedside drainage Dreast self exam1nat1on bowel sounds normal b lateral sa1p1ngooopnorectomy BSP bromsulpha e n cove> BCP BCS Bet BCU t or bloult BCVF BCVFP blrtn control pllls breast conservation,surgery blood count blood curwre breast cyst f1u1a breast cyst fluid protein BM BMD BMI BMR deflbrlllatton basalmetabolism Dlackma1e Done marrow bowel movement Best's macu1ar aysrropny DOdy mass inc.Jex basal metabolic rate B'SR BSS BST basal skin resistance b ood sedimentation rate Dowel sounds regular balanced sa lt solution b ood serologlc test BT bladder tumor blood type body temperature brain tumor breast tumor BT ·or Bl.T bleeding time BT or HS bedtime BTB bromthymolblue (Oyel BTE beh indthe ear BTFS breast tumor/frozen section BTL bilateraltuballigation BTLS Mslc trauma life support BTR biceps tenaon rettex BTS blood transfusionservice British thennalunit by the way blood transfusion brevetoxin Betnesda unit Dlood urea burn unit Buru11 u1cer blooci uric acid buccal BTW BTX BU BUA Bue or Bucc BUE both upper extremities BUN blood urea nitrogen BUN/CR blood urea nttrogentcreatlne ratio both upper quaarants BUQ BUR bilateral ureteralocclusion BUS Bartholln,urethral,and Skene glands BV blood vessel BVE blood vessel endothelium BVO brancn vein oce1us1on BVP blood ves·sel prosthesis BW bed wetting be low waist blrtt:I weight Dlacrc woman body weight or bOdy Wt. BWS battered woman/Wife BX. syndrome biopsy c Clo CIS C1 - C7 ca CA CAA CABG cac03 CAD CAF Caf. CAH CAHO ca1or Kcal. CAM CAPO Caucasian adult male continuous ambulatory peritonealdialysis caps capsu es car. carotid card cathcardlac cathetemat on card. cardiac can:IMyo cardlomyopathv casac calciUm saccharin CAT computerized axial tomography Cat. cataract cath catheter cameter1zat1on CB cesarean birth complete Dlood count CBC CBD common bile Cluct CBF cerebralblOOCI HOW CBG capillary blood gas CBR CBV complete Ded rest catheter 1>311oon vatvu oplasty cerebralblOoCI 1101ume cc Caucasian chllCl chief comp1a1nt cc. c Caucasian cervical CCB CCF C CF C&S cultureand sensltfVlty cccc c. Celsius complement cent graae gallon c. With C.I color 1ne1ex compla ns of compla nts cesarean section cervical vertebrae calcium carcinoma canoer cardiac arrest Caucasian adult cerebral amylold anglopathy coronary artery Dypass graft ca1e1um carbonate coronary artery disease Caucasian adult female cell adhesion factor caffeine chronic active hepatitis coronary atherosc1erot1c heart disease ca1or1e cou co co or COD or cause of death uat.causa mortlsl c.m. CDC coys CEA cerv. CF cg. CHB CHO Chem. CHF CHO Chol cnr Cl C IOU C ID C IND CIS Cl-JOI CJD C-JF CK cl Cl cu Clav.or cldY CLL CM center f'Or Disease control cardiac dysrnymm1a carc1noemDryon1c antigen carclnoembryonlc enzyme cervical cervix cardiac failure caucaslan tema1e cysticfibrosis cent gram complete heart iblocl< BTU congenitalheart disease coronary heart Cllsease chemotherapy congestive heart failure carbohydrate cholesterol chronic cardiac 1ne1ex cardiacInsufficiency cerebral nfarct on cardiacIntens ive care un·1t carpalInstability,dissociative carpal nstability,non· dlSSOC latlVe carcinoma In situ 1st to 12th cranial nerve Creutzfeldt-Jakob dls·ease carotid-jugular fistula creatlnlne kinase centlllter Chloride chlorine CIUl>blng clottingtime ClclaVlcle cloudy chroniclymphocytlcleukemia Bw cardiac murmur cardiac muscle cubic centimeter cm. CMal caucaslan male cent meter cerebralmalaria caldum channel blocker congestive cardiac failure carotid-cavernous fistula CMass cmc CMCJ center of mass carpometacarpal carpometacarpaljoint capillary columngas CMem cellmembrane cnromotographv coronary care unit caoaver donor cardiac disease contag ousdlseas·e CML CMV CN chronic myeloldleukemia cytomega10111rus cranial nerve CNS cnst. centralnervous system constipation cande a <unit for tight! co c.v. Certified Nurse-M idwife tomorr·ow night C/O care of CO.AD chronic obstructive airway cusease chronic obstructivelung disease combination comri111e CV cardiac volume card1011ascu1ar currlculumVitae dil. aim. DINO CVA cerebrovascular acc dent <strolcel costoverterira1 angle comm. comp. communicable compound compress eve DIP dis. central venous cattleters cardlo11ascUJar disease central venous Hne dlSCh. Cllsp. dist. c<>nc. c.ons. cont. concentrated consultation conunuea contractions CVP CVS CWP COP center Of pressure COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease heart C .M.M. COLD c.omb. cor co2 or co carbon e11ox1e1e CVD CVL ex CXR DNA D&C DNKA DNR d d not keep appointment do not recussltate D&E dilation ana evacuat on DNRCC D&R D&V D.P. dlatlon and radiumImplant diarrhoea andvommng dorsal pedla Cl/C discontinue dextroseIn dlstmed water Cllstilled water decuter ao not recuss1tate comfOrt care dead on arr1va1 date Of birttl ayspnea on exertion dorsal d aignostlC peritoneallavage CPAP Cl CpBy continuous positive airway pressure card opu monary bypass CPC CPD CPK cllnlcopathologlcalconference cephalo-pe1111c disproportion creat1n1ne phOspholClnase CPPB continuous positive pressure lbreathlng CPT CR eran. CRD creat.or Crea CRF CRP CRS CRT CRU CRV D D/DW D/L closed reduCtion cranial chronic respiratory disease creatlnlne DIS DIW case report torm chronic renaltanure c-reactlve protein catheter-:related sepsis capillary refilltime DSW DAH OAP db. DBE discharge summary dextroseIn water cllscussed With 5% dextrose and lactated ringers 5% dextrose andsterile water dlffUse alveolar hemorrhage distal airway pressure decibel deep 1>reatn1n9exercise card ac r·esusc1tat1on team DC discharges DSLR card ac rehabil tation unit central retinalve n DIU CllV. DJD DICA d scharge d sposiion d stal d stllled deathIn utero cuvorcea degenerative Joint disease d abet c l<etoaddosls right CLat. dexter> dlatlon and curettage Cysto cereDralpalsy chest pain card opu monary resuscitation chest physicaltherapy centralvenous pressure cardlo113scular system cell wan protein cervix culture chest x-r.ay g1assru1 cystoscopy dilute a1m1n1shea delayed lschemlc neumloglc deflctt d stal lnterphalangealljo ntl d sease d sseminatedlupus erythematosls d abetes mellitus d astolic murmur deoxyribonucleic acid cyam. CP CPR carbon monoxide cardiac output discontinue DD discharge diagnosis OLE DM DOA DOB DOE oors DPI. DPT DR ar. DRE arsg. DSE d phtheria. pertussis,tetanus vacc ne delivery room DT'S aram d gttal rectalexamination dressing aeriutamlne stress echocard109ram deep tendonreflexes delir um tremens DU duodenal ulcer DUB dysfUnctlOnal uterine bleeding DUI drlVing underInfluence DTR CRVO cs CSAVP DDX aecr. decub. CSD central retinalve n occlus on case cer'eDralsubarachnold venous pressure cat scratch disease CSDB CSF cat scracn a1sease riacmus cererirosplnalflu d oerm. DES DH c-sp ine CT differential a1agnos1s decreased lyingdown Clef. defacatlon Clef'lyd. dehycnated d agnosis E e E.coli e.g. Dermatology w thout Esmerlctlla coll tor example!Lat.exempli 01emy1st11riestro1 drug history diabetes Insipidus iagnostic Imaging d EAR 9rat1a1 estimated average requirements EBL estimated blood loss EBV Epstein-Barr virus EBV·IM Epstein-Barr virus llnf'eCtious mononucleosis) extended care faclllty extracellular fluid Cliff. diagnosis diameter dissem nated coagulopathy disseminatedlntravascular coagu1at.1on differential D oOd count echocardlogram ext. external fk1. flU ICI enterocytopathogen c human orphan virus endocervlcals.crape extremity 1Ext. extract ext.gen. external genitalia flex. FM Hexion Hexor finger movement e1ectroconvu1srve therapy emergency department estimated date Of F FNA FNAB FOB fine needle aspirate fine-needle aspiration biopsy fecal occult blood FOOSH FOS FPAL cervical spine chest tube DI computed axlal tomography Clhr CTS CTSP cerebraltihrombos s carpaltunnelsyndrome called to see patient cu cause unknown ECHO ox D IAC. diam DIC ECF ECS ECT ED EDC f Fahrenhe t confinement EDOD estimated date Of cie11very EEC electroencephalogram EENTsee eyes,ears,nose,throat HEENT EEX e1ectrocuagnos1s EGA estimated gestational age EOD es.ophagogastroCJuoCJenoscopy EKG or e1ectrocart11ogram ECG elev. El!F elix. EmBX EMG e evated e1eet1velow forceps elixir ene1omett1a1 biopsy electromyogram/electromyog EMS raphy emergency meCJ calservice enCJometr1a1 scrape female finger first aid farelgn DoCJy f.f. farce flu CJ fA fluorescent ant1boCJy 1FANA see fluorescent antinuclear ANA antibody test fBC fUllblood count fract. fellon outstretched hand tull ot stoovconsr1pateci fUllterm premature abort on 111111ng fUllpass ve movement fracture frequency of respirat on fUllrange fractional fBS tast ng btooCI sugar FRBB fracture of both bones f CA f CC EMU urine IFCCC fracture,complete.angulated fracture,complete, commlnutec:J fracture,compound, commlnutec:J fracture,complete, early morn ing IFDA Food and Drug Adm inistration enema IFDP fibrin degradation prociuct ears.nose.throat f CD IFD commlnuteCJ,compound fracture.complete.deviated tu1rv ctllatea IF.A. IF.B. FPM FR En. ENT EO<:. Hexor CJ gttorum protundus eos1nopn11es fDS Hexor d gttorum superftc1a11s EOM Irondeficiency extraocular movement Ep epilepsy Ep s. eplslotomy Ep s.LML left medio ateralepislotomy f EC Ep s_ mea1a1ep1s1otomy Med. Ep s.RML right meCJ io ateraleplslotomy fEF fed:ef. treestand1ngemergency center farced expiratory flow f EKGor fetale ectrocartl ogram IFECG fem. femoral endoplasm ic reticulum endoscopic retrograde ctiolanglopancreatography enCJoscop1c retrograde ERP pancreatography ESR or erythrocyte sea1ment.at1on Sed:.rate rate enCJ-stage r·ena1disease EST e ectrOShOCIC therapy fem.pop.femoral popllteal fet. fetal et and ETIOL.or etiology Etlo ETOH ethano11a1cono11 ELIA examine under anesthesia EVAL evaluation ex. example fh tundalheight fHR fetalheart rate f HR-UC fetalheart rate - uterine contraCtlon IFHS fetalheart sounds IFHT fetalheart tones IFI02 taCtlon ofInspired oxygen ER ERCP IFEV IFEV1' fFP IFOC fH farced expiratory volume farceCJ expiratoryvolume 1n 1 second tresh frozen plasma fullgold crown ESRD tamuy history fetalheart tunct1ona1 res1Ctua1 capac ty fUll range Of joint movement tull range Of motion fUllrange Of movement FS finger stick FSC fracture,simple commlnuted FSCC fracture.simple.complete. commlnutec:J FSH to111c1e st1mu1at1ng normone FT fUllterm FTD tauure to descend FTND tull term normalde11very FTSG fUH thlekness sklngraft FlT failure tothrlVe FlW fast-twitchwhite!skeletal musdel FU or F/UfOllOW·t.IP FUB fUnctlonal uterine bleeding FUO fever of unknown1unCJeterm1nec:J origin FVC torced vital capacity FW fetalweight FX fracture FXBB fracture of both bones FRC FRJM FROM G exercise Exp. Lap. explorato rv aparotomy fl_ concentratlOn fluids 9or 9m gram Gor grali'ldaILat.pregnant! GRAV G&S groupand save G.A. general anesthesia G .C. gonococcus growth hormone G H. G/E gastroenteritis G/M granulocyte/macrophage g/ml grams per mllllllter exp r expiration fl. cir. flUiCI dram GIP grali'lda/para expiratory ft OZ. ftaC.. fluid ounce flae<:ICJ G/W glucose and water GA GAB.A Gal GB gastr c analysis general anaestnetile/anest nesla generalappearance gestationalage gamma-am1no1>utyr1c acid gallon gallbladder Gulllaln-Barr6 <syndromel gait training glycerol trlnlnltlrate glucose tolerance test Hep. ock Hepar n IOCk hem_ hem la hgb hemoglobin gtt. OU GVH or GVHD drops genitourinary graft versus nost c11sease HOO Hit HH or HOH hepatic glucose output he<ilttl history hard Of nearing GYN Gynecology H IDA H IE hepatobmarv 1scan1 hypoxic lschemlc encephalopathy hist. h history nyorogen hypodermic hour histology history human 1mmunodiflc1ency virus H&C H&P hot and cold history and physical HKAFO HLA at becitlme house Officer hip knee ankle foot orttlosls hlstocompatiblllty leukocyte Focus human leukocyte group A HM HMO HMG nanci movementtmotion hyallnemembrane disease human menopausal gonadotropln HNP HOB hemiated nucleus pulposus head Of bed HOCM hypertrophlC obStructlVe cardtomyopathy hor zontal Cit. tr. CTN on GBEF gallbladder ejection fract on H GBS GC H GC/MS gallbladder series generalcondition gonococcal gonococcus gas chromatography/mass GCP spectrometry good clln calpractice GCRP <guldellnesl good c11n1ca1researcnpracuce h.d. H .O. GCS GCT GDM Glasgow coma scale germ cell tumor gestationaldiabetes mellltus H.R .S T. GE gastroenteritis GED gen G.astroenterology gastroesopnageal gastr c emptying duration Graves· eye disease general GER gastroesophagealreflux H20 water hydrogenperoxide H202 HA or H/A headache HAF hyperallmentatlon nuld HASCVD hypertensive a rter osc erotlc cardiovascu ar disease GERO gastroesopnagealreflux HB heart block Hb.or Hgb HBP hemoglobin gest. GFR disease gestation g1omeru10 filtration rate gamma-g1utamy1 transpeptldase gastrointestinal good laboratory practice glucose gramnegative hbse GGT GI GLP glue Gm- or GN gm.% Gm+or GP GMA grams per 100 c.c. gramposltNe h/O H+ HBV HC HC"C Hct. HCVD Hd grand mal attaek GN glomeru onephrltis GNC GOT GP generalnursing care goal of treatment generalparalysis generalpractice GeneralPractitioner Goodpasture!syndrome> HDL HEADS neat,reddening.swemng, tenderness history Of H IV hydrogenIon hor'iZ. HPC history Of presenting complaint hpf HPI HPL high power field history Of present Illness human piarentallactogen human behavior and sodaI environment hepatitis Bvirus nead circumference human chorlontc gonadotroptn hematocr t hypertensive cardlovascular disease head HOOgkln's ci1seasee HR heart rate uymphomal highdensity 11pprote1ns hypOC1erm1ca11y >lcholesteroll nome, education/employment, actlVlties,drugs.ana sexuality Ctr1age technique HyperaL hyperaumenatlon hypo highblood pr·essure f<>r adolescent n1stor1es> HRT hormone replacement therapy HS or h_s_ at bedtime <Lat hora somnll hysterosalplngograpny HSO HSV nerpes s1mp1ex virus Ht heart Might HT or HTN hypertension hypertensive ·vascu ar dJsease HVD Hx history Hz hertz 1cyc1es/secona 1 radtoaCtiveIodine l&O Incision and drainage GPA Goodpasture antigen HEENT GPP gr. Grav. good pnarmacy pract100 HEENT head,ear,eve.nose and see EENT throat GSS GSW Gerstmann·Strausslerscnelnker syndrome gunshot wound Hem 9f. drop Hem Pro hematology profi e grains!dosage> pregnancy HELLP head,eyes,ears,nose,throat hemotysts,elevated liver enzymes,1ow platelet count !syndrome> Hematology l&O int.aKe ana output Le. between meals !LatInter cenaml intracutaneousllyl dur ng the day 1nternat1ona1 unit expiratory t.d. LU. l/E 1nsp1ratory IA Inferior Alveolar 1ora1lnJeCtlon s ltel 1ntra-arter1a11v IABP I tra-aortic balloon pump n pressure IBD ICCU Intensive coronary care unit ICD Implantable carclloverter defibrlllator 1ntrace11u1ar f UICI lntracranlal pressure lntercostalspace Insulincoma therapy I F C ICP ICS ICT I U C ID IDDM IDET IDL 19 lgA usly lgG I tensive care un t n Identification Infectious Dtsease m inute lntradermal Insulindependent diabetes mellltus.rype I 1ntrac11sca1e1ectrott1erma1 annuloplasty lntermecnate denslry llpoprotein 1mmunog10Dulln 1mmunoglobulln A l E lmmunoglobulin E g lmmunoglobulin G!Gamma Clobullnl 1mmunog101:>u11n M 19M IH lnfeetlOUS MpatitlS pye1ogram IHD lschemlc heart disease lnfeetlous mononuc1eos1s lntramedullary IOP IP IPJ 1ntraocu1ar pressure lntraperltoneal 1nterphalangea1Joint IRDS lrreg. IS IST ITP IUC IUCD 1c11opat111c respiratory distress syndrome 1rregu1ar lntercostal space Insulin shock therapy ldlopatl'llc thrombocytopenlc purpura Intrauter ne catheter intrauterine contraceptive device Intrauterine device Intrauterine fetalCleath intrauterine growtn retardation Intrauterine pregnancv Intrauter ne term pregnancv J Joint nvsterectomv l ocatlVe a large bowel J-P JRA Jt. Jackson Pratt drain Juvenne rheumatoidarthritis joint lb. LBBB LBP pouna l ft 1:>una1e i>rancnblock e lower back paIn JVP Jugular venous pulse LBW low birth weight kidney LCA LD LDH LDL l ft coronary artery e lethaldose 1aet1c cienyarogenase low density llpoproteln lcholesteron lupus erythematosus leukocytes low ftap 1ow f0rceps left frontoanterlor 1ow torceps delivery I D V IVI I termediate medical care unit n Inpatient multidimenslonal psychscale J I p. m IMV I pression m Interm ittent mandatory ventilat on Inches INR lnsplr I jection n Injured coagulant response time InternationalNormalization Rate Inspiration loss of consciousness 1umbosacra1 liter per lax LB IVC I travenous n Intraveno Inferior vena cava Intravenous cholanglogram 1nterverte1:>ra1Cl se Intravenous Infusion IMCU IMP In) L S. I/min lntravasc ular ultrasound IV IVUS 1nev.AB 1neVltat>1e .aDornon If n Inferior lnftlS I011 ct11or1cie lnhal. Inhalation lVlng and well 1aoor ana e1e11very lower extremities lymphnode laocatlVe of choice 1eve1 of consciousness LAE lam_ LAN lap_ lat_ LAVH IUP IUTP Intramuscular Incomplete aoort1on Increasednngl L IiW L&D L EL_N_ LO .C. second, third lumbar vertebrae left antrum lat>Oratory laceration lacrlmal 1aet1c left anterior Clescendlhg !coronary artery> left axis deviation lymphaden opattly left atrialenlargement 1am1nectomy lymphadenopaty laparotomy lateral 1aparoscop1c assistedvag1na1 IUD IUFD IUCR intravenous Intravenous p ggy Dack IM Intravenous urogram I c. AB n Iner. l ft e light lit er llver lo wer syphlll s!Lat.luesl lumbar IPPB Intermittent positive Inflammatory Dowel cJisease oreatn1ng Intelligence quota 10 IP V IVPB IVU In. L K K KC1 Kcal. KCO potassium potassium KJ1oca10111e Kg_ transter factor tor carDOn monoXlde kilogram l(J knee Jerk KK knee kick KSl17-l or 17 l<etosterolds 17KS L2,U LA lab_ lac_ lacr_ 1act_ LAD LE 1euc. LF LFA LFD LFP left frontoposterlor left fl'ontotransverse 1nsp1ratory Instill Int. INTHC 10 ION LFT lnstillatlon KSS Keams-Sayre syndrome Internal KUB kidney,ureter,bladder <x-ray1 KVO keep veinopen 1ntrathecanv I ferior oblique n lschem lc optic neuropathy L Hver funCtlon test lg large leg LCA LOV l rge forgestationalage a lymphogranu oma venereum LH LHRH LHT LICS Hg. LIH lq.. LKS see L:SK u LLE LLG UL uo LMA LMD LML LMP LMT LNMP LOM LOP LOS LOT LP lpf LPN LR LRO Ls. LSA L:SB LSCS L:SO lutelnltlng hormone lurelnlzlng hormone-releasing t'\Ormone left hypertrophla leftlntel"oostal space ligament leftIngu inalhernia, liquid Lymphs rvtes rower lid lowerleft extremity m. m.a.s. leftlateral gaze lowerleft obe nungl lowerleft quadrant !abdomen> left mentoanterlor m.b. m.g.r. M.R.D. tamlly doctor left medlolateral last: menstrualperiod left mentoposterfor left mentotransverse last normal menstrualpenM left occlput anterior left otltis meda left occipital posterior lengthOf stay left occlput anterior light perception lumbar puncture low powerf eld licensea pract1ca1 nurse labor room lateralrectus light reflex lower r ght quadrant loose lateralsacrum anterior left sternal border lower segment cesarean ·sect on left sa1p1ngo-ooph0rectomy LSP L:ST left sacrum postertor left sacrum transverse Lt. left LTCS LUE LUL LUO LV LVEDP LVF LVH lymphocytes electrolytes mg/di MOCT MCF male married mass met·er molar MOJ MH MHC or HLA mother murmur minim patient Is disagreeable and uncooperative mix well murmurs. gallops. or rubs mecncal records department m icro med ical record librarian med1ca1 technologist/techn cian muscles andtendons mental age macerated major adversed in cal event macrocytlc macroscopic major arrhythmic events MLF MM mm mm. MMPI M m M.R.L M .T. MA mac. MACE macro. MAE MAL MAP max.. MBC mcg. MCH MCHC malignant mean arteria lpressurn maxillary maxtmum maXlmum breathing capacity microgram meancorpuscular nemoglobln mean corpuscular nemogJobln MC1 MOP MCV MD MDI Mdnt. concentration mldclav1cu1ar line metacarpophalangealJo nt mean corpuscularvolume muscular ayst11ophy met·ereCI doseInhaler idn ght m MOS myelOdysplastlc syndrome ME MICU min MltrJ Ml ml. m11119rams per decHtter malignant granular celltumor maternalgranatamer MCGF maternalgreat grandfather mucoglngivalJunction mar1ta1 history major histocompatibilltV complex mlcrocytlc microscopic mecnca1 lntensrve care un t minute mltralinsufficiency mltral insufficiency myocardialinfarction mmmter media l longltudlnal faSC ICU IUS mucous membrane musc1es mill meter Minnesota Multlphaslc PersonalityInventory LOA MmR Mumps,measles.Rubel a Mn. manganese midnight MNeo or malignant neoplasm MNpl MOC maintenance Of oertiflcatlOn mOd mOds moderate multlple organ Cfysrunct on syndrome mot. wt. mo1ecu1ar welgnt MOM milk of magnesia monocyte mono. MP MPA Mr. metacarpopha angea metacarpopha angeal malpraetice attorney media l recrus mental retardation mltral regurgitation MRA magnetic resonance MRCP angiography magnetic resonance mea1ca1 exam iner m idd eear MRI cno1ang1opancreatography magnetic resonanceImag ng light MEC mea1ca1 emergency clinic MRM modified radical mastectomy low transverse cesarean sect on left upper extremrtv left upperlobe left upper quadrant MED Med. MEN mEqA MERRF minimum effectlVe dose medicine multiple enaocrlne neop1as1a mllllequlvalents per Hter mvoclonlc epi epsy With ragged ma muscle fibers metabolic equiva ent metastasis myasthen1a gra111s magnesium milligram lllgrams per 100 cc m MRN magnetic resonance 1 neurography messenger RNA Methlcillln Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus magnetic resonance venography mitral stenosls morphine sulfate multiple sclerosis mu!"murs mldsternal line left ventricle left ventr1cuiar encl diastolic Pl"esSUre left ventricular llure left ventricular hVPertrophy MET Mets.. MC Mg. mg. mg.%; mRNA MRSA MRV ms MS MS MSL LWCT coagulation time Lee-Wh te Clotting Time ms:s massage MSU MT mtDNA MVA MVD MVP MVR MW m idstream urine metacarpopha1angea1Joint itochondrial DNA m motorvehicle accident m1crovascu1ar decompression mltral valve prolapse mltral valve replacement maximum voluntary ventilation NPH NPN NS NS. nausea and vomiting normaland well n_ nerve N .P. N.S. Neuropsye111atrv nervous system N/A not applicable NIT N2 N20 NA Na numbness & tingling n trogen nitrous oXlde 1anesthet1e1 not available sodium NaCl NAD sodiumChloride no abnormality detected no apparent distress neutrophllalkaline phosphatase newbOm note well NAP NB nb NBM or n po_ NBS OGTT hydrocephalus NPH 1nsu11n!Neutral Protamtne Hagee1omn1nc1 1nonproteln nitrogen <BUNand creat1n1ne1 OH Neurosurgery 1nonspeclflc 1nerves OHi olnt_ OMS 008 Op. OPC oralhygieneInstruction ointment organic mentalsyndrome out of t:>eCI operation outpatient c11n1c OP,D Ophth. opt. outpatient Clepartment Ophthalmology NSA NSAID 1no significant aDnormallty 1non..sterlodal antiInflammatory drug NSD NSR NST NSVD nonnal spontaneous Clel!11ery 1nonna1 sinus rh'(thm inon-stress test nonnal spontaneous vaginal NTG delivery 1nltrogtycer1ne N N&V N&W 1nonna1 pressure NTP NVD NWB nonnal temperature and pressure never gave birth next lllslt nausea.vomiting,diarrhea 1non-we1gnt be<iring NYD 1not yet diagnosed nulll p NV 0 0 0 1none without oedema oral occupationalhistory overhang!dental restorat1on1 OHC17-I 17 hydroxy steroid or170H OHO organic he<irt dtse.-ise open reduction operat ng room OR- F or openreductJon withInternal ORCF fixation operating roomtechnicia n ORT Ortho. OrthOpaedlc surgery OS DOne!Lat ossa1 mouth <Lat. or sl opening ot. OTC Ott> ear over-the-counter Cpharmaceutlca sl oto1aryngo1ogy OU both eyes ov eacheve uterq1e1 office visit O&P normal breath sounds NCT NEC NED nerve conductiontest necrot1s1ng enterocontts no evidence Of disease neg_ negative NER NERD no eVJdence Of recurrence no evidence Of recurrent disease Neurology nasogastrlc tube noinsurance O/D O/E os or OBG OB/GY1N Obs OBS Obstetrics NIP neonatal11ntens1Ve care neonatal1lntens1Ve care unit non 1nsuun-aependent diabetes mellltus.type 11 noInfect on present NKA noInflammation present no knownallergies oc on call oralcontraceptive P .T. NM NMR neuromuscular nuc lear magnetic resonance ooc. occasional occlpltal p/c NIC NICU NIDDM Dest Lat optJmusJ OR nothingJby nilper OriSI normal bowelsounds Neur. NGT NI oralglucose tolerance test O.D. ova and parasites <stool exam! ptn.t 1r1ght eye !Lat.oculus dexter! OXPHOS oxld.ative phosphor{lat on oz. ounce O.L left eye!Lat ocu1uss1n1sterl p O.M. otitls media left eye occupationaltherapy otCJ tubercunn p after phosphorus pu se p& a percussion andauscu1tat1on overdose on examination oxygen P&N p_c_ Psychiatry and Neurology after meals !Lat_ post cenaml afternoon !Lat post mertd1em1 post-mortem by per or sl o_ o_s_ O .. 02 02 cap. oxygencapacity 02 sat oxygensaturat on OA osteoarthritis Obstetrics andGynecology observation organic Drain syndrome P.M. p_o_ or per/os p_o_d_ p_r_ p.r m. p.r n. postoperative day per rectum aocore11ng to circumstances as Often as necessary <Lat pro re natal physical therapy posterior tiblalartery pu se presentingcomplaint noct. NOS NP IPA View IPAIS>P IPABA IPaC02 IPACU IPAF 1pa1p_ 1Pa02 IPap IPAP 1Para 1paren_ IPARU IPAS I canI s noctuma1 not otherwise speclfled neuropsychiatric PND post anesmes1a care unit paroxysmalatr al fibrillation palpable palpate palpated alveolar oxygen pressure Papan1co1aou test 1pap smear> pulmonary artery pressure parapleglC prior births PET pOf POI porvs parentera llV post anesmesla recovery unit p-aminosa11cy11c ac10 pulmonary artel')I systolic pressure 1Patn_ IPb putmonary artel')I wedge pressure lead IPB IPBC IPBI IPBPs peripheralblood primary biliary cirrhosis protein bOUnd IOd lne Penicill n-binding Proteins IPCA patient controlled anesthes a pump posterior cruciate ligament carbon dioxide concentrat on pneumocystJs car1n11 pneumonia IPD IPDA P·A pneumoencepha ogram Penlcllln throughor by perlneaJ pupils equal and responcung to light & accomodatlon PERRLA pupils equal, round,reactive to light and accommodation cnorman pregnancy at term Pathology IPC IPCV OCI P2 PA PEG PEN per peri PERLA paroxysm atr1altad'lycardla IPCl IPC02 IPCP OCP Obsessive- compu1srve Disorder oralcontraceptive Pill onoo da11y poster1oranter1or view on xray pulmonary artery 15\'Stollcl pressure para-am1not>enzo1c acid premarureatrial,auricular contraCtlon arterialcarbon dioxide tension pressure IPAT IPAWP OCD primary care physician polymerase chain reaCtlon packed cellvolume <of bJOOdl perinataldeath peritonealdla!ySls puplllary d stance patent ductus arterlosus pneu_ PNI PNS PNX P02 POC pu montc second heart sound physician's assistant posteroanterlor paroxysmalnoctumaldyspnea post nasaldrip pneumo pneumon a per1pnera1nerveinjury IPAC per pheralnervous system pneumotnorax oxygenpressurelor tension> product of conception pharm PHN positron em1ss1on tomography push fluids persistent fetalcirculation porcelainfused to metal pulmonary ftmctlon,test pseuoogout <chondrocaldnoslsl paternal grandfather hydrogenIonconcentration potential Of hydrogen past lhlstory pu1omnary hypertension pharmacy post-herpetic neuralgln PPBS post parrum post prandlal post prandlalblood sugar PHYS. physical PPD purlfled protein derivative !of Pl prws101ogy present Illness pulmonaryInsufficiency PPF tuberculin> pr·oteln plasma ffaet1ona1 PF PFC PFM PFT PG .PGF pH PH POMR prnow ontace post operat·\/e nstructions polymorphonucrear leukocytes problem oriented medical recorcl popHt. pop11tea1 pos. positive post. posterior POSTOP. postoperative pot.or K potassium pp per protocol pp PICA posterior Inferior coronary artery PICC ppm PPP PPPG PPS P l perlphertalty Inserted central catheter pulmonaryIntensive care unit percutaneousIn situ coronal')I venous arterlaJlzatlon pelVlcinflammatory dlse<ise pregnancy- nduced hypertension per1pnera1Intravenous 1ine post partum hemorrhage primary pulmonary hy,pertenslon parts per million per pheralpulses palpable post prana1a1plasma 91uoose p asma protein solution ppt PR PRBC PRE partpertrlIlion Proctology packed red b ood cells progressive resistive exercise P IP proximalJnterpl'lalangeal prem premature P it PKU <JoIntl Pitodn pnenylkentonurla pre-op prep_ PRICE pr·eoperatl\le prepare fOr/as protection,re ative rest,Ice, prts_ p acenta p atelets PM PM&R pet t mal Physical Medicineand compression.elevation pr'imlp_ Hrst pregnancy pro_ t me prothrombln time pr0<1 produCtlve PICU PICVA P ID P IH PlaC. PPH IPDN IPDR 1pdr. IPE private duty nurse Pnys1c1an·s oesk Reference powder pelvic examination pnys1ca1examination pulmonary embolism IPEA IPed. IPEEP IPEFR prognosis passive range Of motion premarurerupture Of membranes pronation pronator Renabilitatlon private medicaldoctor past medicalh story past medical history poivmorpnonuc1ear PMT premenstrual tension pros_ prostate PN poorly nouriShed pract cal nurse prostl\_ premarure nodalcontract on prot prostatlc prosthesis protein PrP Protestant prJon protein peMc examinationunder anesthesia Ped iatrics pos tl\le endexpiratory pressure peek expiratory flow rate Prag_ PROM PMD PMH PMH PMN PNC pror:t prenatalclinic PRV polycyttiaemla rubra vera q.1'1. every tlour RCU r'esplratory care unit PS Plastic surgery qJ .d. tour times a day RD reaction to degenerat on psychOtlc q.l.w. tour times a week pu monary stenosls Posterior Superior Alveolar q.L q.n.s. or as mucn as des red quantity not sUfficlent PSA 1ora1Injection slteJ PSH q.o.d. q.o.n. every otner day every otner night psi PSMA pounds per square Inch progressive sp nal muscular q.p. q.q. as mucn as you please eacn atrophy PSVT progressive systemic sclerosis paroxysmalsupraventrlcuJar Psychiatry PT physical therapy prothromblntime pt. patient PTA 1'1ectal rectally r,ectum r,ectus muscle reg. resp. r·egu lar rehat>. r,ehaDllltat on r·esplratlons respiratory RF rheumatic fever rheumatoid factor RFA RFP RFT Rh right frontoanterlor right frontoposterlor right frontotransverse rhesus bloodfactor RH right hyperphOrla RHO RHF rheumatic heart dlseas-e right heart failure RHT right hypertrophla q.s. quantity sufficient q.v. q.w. as mucn as you wish every week q2H every two nours percutaneous,trans um lnal angioplasty qhs onceInthe doslngJ prior to admlsslontarrlval patellar tendon bearing qn every night <Lat. quaque no>O qt. quart qts. drops quad. quadriplegic quant. quantitative RIH quantity RLA Rancho Los Amigo Scale RLE rightlower extremity Rll rightlower lobe 11ung1 RLO rightlower quadrant evening!drug percutaneous transhepatlc. Cholanglograpny PTCA rect. q.q.n.or every fOurnours <Lat. quaque qqhor quarta hora> q:4H Psyeh. PTC respiratory distress syndrome r,econdltlonlng exercise every <Lat. quaquel tachycardia PTB RDS RE ONS prostate-speciflc antigen past surglc.alhistory PSS respiratory disease 1'1esplratory distress percutaneous translumlnal coronary.angioplasty rightInguinalhernia !balloon anglop astyJ PTH parathyroid PTTK partial thrombop astln time w ith kaolin PTX pneumothorax PU PUD pregnancy urtne peptic u cer d sease hormone R R toL&A react to light and accommodation r. '(aDdomen1 rectal rectal temperature RLS Restless Leg syndrome right right mentoanterlor roentgen RMA PUO PUPPP pyrexla Of unknown origin prurtt c urticaria!papu es & plaques of pregnancy R. right mecno1atera1 RMP right middle 101:>e uungl right mentopostertor RMSF Rocky Mountainspotted Fever RMT right mentotransverse RNA rlbOnuclelc acid PUVA psora1en u1trav101et A R.A.S. rapid a'lternatlng movements right arm sitting PY per vaglnam RS.V. respiratory syncytlal Virus per pheralvascu ar Ra radium RA refractory anemia RO or RIOrule out PY bleed per vagIna bleed rheumatoid ROA ROM PVASI peMc vascular njury right atrium PVC premature ventricular contraction rad radiation absorbed dose right axis deviat on PYO per pheralvascular disease rad. radial ROP ROS right occlpttal posterior review Of systems PVl PVR postoperative visualloss Proliferative Vltreal RADS reactive alravs dysfunction syndflome ROT RP right occipital transverse r,etrograde pyelogram RAI radioactiveIodine RO 1"1esp1ratory quotient RR r,ecovery room r,esplratory rate RRE or RR&E l"Ound,regular,and equal rRNA r1t>osoma1RNA plasma volume Retlnopathy pu monary vascular resist.anee prev ous trouble PWB% partial weight bearing w1tt1 r.a.m. x-ray rub RML arthritis RAP RAST RAtx PVT recurrentabdominalpain radlo-allergosort>ent test radiation therapy RBBB right bundle brancn block RBC red blood cell percent PX right occlpltal anterior range Of motion<Joint> right otitls media ruptureof membranes physical exam inat on red blood count 0 q each/every !tat.quaque) qd. once a da,y every day <Lat. quaque 1n die> RCA right coronary artery RRP radicalretflopublc prostatectomy RCS RCT reticulum cell sarcoma root canaltherapy RRR Regl!llarRate & Rhythm RSA right sacrum anterior <fetal sec sickle cellcrtsls sod. soellum positionI reflex sympath.etic <fymophy SCD sch z sudden cardiac death sch zophrenia SOL RSD SOL space occupyinglesion solution RSO right salplngo-oophorectomy SCIO severe combined sono_ sonogram RSP right sacrum posterior <fetal positionI scu 1mmun0Cleflclencv disease special care unit spliH sp_ speechand nearing spinal RSR regular sinus rhythm SDH suDduralhematoma RST right sacrum transverse u-etal positionI Se<: second sem_ ves seminalvesicles sp.cct sp_fl sp1na1cord spinal fluid RT radiat ontherapy respiratory merapy sens... sp_gr spec. specific gravity specimen Rt RTA right renal tubular acidosis sep_ separated sept.AB septic aDOmon spg_ spin. sponge sp1na1 road traffic accident serot serological test serot serology spont_ spontaneous SGA SGOT small for gestationalage serum glutamlc oxalacetlc SR sedlmentat onrate stimulus response RTC return to clinic RUC RUE regular uterine contraction right upper e)(tremity RUL r ght upperlobe uung> RUO right upper quadrant ca1:>e1omen1 SH residualvolume uung SI RV spine superior rectus muscle transamIn·ase capacityI serum hepatitis soc al history SROM system review spontaneous rupture of membranes sacrolllac Joint stroke index SS socialserv ce syndrome of 1nappropr1ate Antidluretic Honmone SSC SSE sta1n1ess steel crown soap suds enema SID. secretion Slbllng SSS st sick sinus syndrome stage <Of disease> S.ICU surgical Intensive care unit st stomach sensat on SIDS sudden Infant death syndrome Staph stat. staphylococcus 1mmec11ate1y sensitive SU sacrolllac Joint STD sexuallytransmitted d isease SIRS systemic Inflammatory response syndrome stom or stomach skeletal under the tonguellat.sub strep_ subcut. RVF RVH rlght ve ntr1cu1ar tallure right ventricula r hypertmphy RX prescription therapy s s sensation sensory spine serum SIADH s Without Clat.sans> S&RP S&A scalingand .root planning sugarand acetone sket SL s.c. subcutaneous Without conrectlonlsans lingua> sl orsJ_ in a broad sense Clat.sensu glasses> S.O.A.P. subJectlVe,objective assessment plan st streptococcus subcutaneous SUbllng_ sublingual sulf_ sulfate latol SI. SLA Slightly left sacroanter1or <fetal sup. supin. superior sup1nat1on supp suppository surg_ surgery surgical SVC superior vena cava SVD SVR spontaneous vag1na1de11very systemic vascuiar resistance SVT SWD supra,ventricular tachycardia snort wave d athermy posltfon1ILat. sacrolaeva sx symptoms transversal sys_ system systolic s.o.s_ repeat onceIf urgent S.T S. S/B sero1og1ca1test tor sypl'lliiS seen by SLE anter1or1 systemic lupus ervthematosus S/E systemic enquiry SLP left sacroposterlor <fetal SIP status post :cprevious condition> s.a_ sa11ne sut:iacute combined SACO poslttonl< Lat s:acrolaeva pos1t1on1<Lat. sacro1ae11a posterlorl SLR SLT degeneration straight leg raising left sacrotransverse <fetal SAH systemic arterialhypertension s.a02 arterialoxygen saturation stillbOm sm SMA-14 small routine admission chemistry syst. SB SBE subacute bacterial SNS sympathetic nervoussystem T enciocardltls smallbowelfOliow tnrougl'l<x- so S04 superior oblique SUifate T SBfl temperature thorac c SOA swelling Of ankles T Of f tetralogy Of Fallot T&A tonsillectomy and adeno1aectomy rayI SBO SC smallcowelobstruction sickle ceu SCA subclavlan,artery SOB shortness Of breath SOB<OEI shortness Of breatn ton exerc1se1 tonsils and adenoids T&C type and crossmatch T,OD TOROH cttter1 T R. T3 T4 tension.right eye <Lat oculus dexter1 tet.anus antitox n tuning fort three times a day three times per week ear drum l at. tympanum membranD Therapeutic recreation trlodotnyronIne total serum thyrox ne TA TAB tab. tendonAchilles therapeuticabortion t.ablet TPR TAH TB TBI totalabdominal hysterectomy tuberculosis totalbodyIr.radiation traumatic brain Injury TBLC TAT. T F. t.l.a. tJ.w. TM. TOS TP TPA TPHA TPN toxoplamosls,others [Mpatms.beta strep,Hu, mumps,etcJ rubella, cytomegalovlrus (CMVI, <herpes VIrus II thoracic outlet syndrome term pr:egnancy tnromDo proteolytic actMty treponema palllaum :naemagg1ut1nat1on assay totalparenteralnutrition tr tracn TltH tRNA TS th,yrold releasing hormone tranSfer RNA tncuspld stenosls term birthIMng child tablespoon TSH tsp. th,yrold stimulating hormone teaspoon tum,cough,deep breath· to come n tas three times dairy TEE transesophageaI echocardlography temp temperature TENS transient electric nerve st1mu1at1on TESD total eM$Ystollc diameter TFT thyroid function test transposition great vessels roA THERAP. therapeutic THERAP. therapy tnor. thoracic thorax THR totalnip rep1acement1reV1s1on Tl trlcusp dInsufficiency transient 11schem1c attad( TIA TSS TTI toxic shOCIC syndrome tot.althrombopla,stln ndex TTO TTP to take outs ca1scharge arugs> thrombotic thrombocytopenla purpura cno1ang1ogram TCDB TCI T-TUbe TUNA TUR TURB TURP TV TVH TVR TX ung. unlat. UOP :Ur. :URD :URI :uro1. :URO URTI temperature,pulse, :respiration trace tracneostomy tbSp. :UL Uln :ULO umb. transurethral needle ablation (prostatfc> transurethral resection transurethral resectionof the 'bladder t:ransurethral resection of the prostate tidal volume totalvaginal h.ysterectomy mcusp1a val\le replacement traction :USA. USI USN :USP. USPHA ut. UTI UVL TIBC TIP TIUP TJ TKR TLC TMJ TNF TNI TNM u u. un it Uo lntl termIntrauterine pregnancy triceps Jerk 1ret1ex1 total knee rep1acement1rev1s1on tenaer 10V1ng care tota lung capacity triple lumen catheter temporomandlbular Joint temporalist mandlbulae Junction> tumor necrosis factor total nodalIrradiation tumor.1nodes.and metastases TO TOA telephone order to AA tubo-ovarlanabscess navel/umbllle.alcord C umblllCUSI ointment unilateral urine output urine upper respiratory disease upper respiratoryInfection urology upper right quadrant upper respiratory tract Infection unstable angina urinary stress lnconunence u1trason1c ne1::>u11zer United States Pharmacy United States PUb l C Health Administration uterine uterus urinary tract Infection ultraviolet Hght v v V &T VJ. VJR. VA vag treatment transient 11scnem1c snock tota Iron binding capacity term1na11nterpna1angea1 upper lid u1nar upperleft quadrant VC or vlt.cap. vcs to affectedareas vein volume and tensionlpulsel vaginalIrrigation vascular 1ntervent1ona1 racllology right vision ventilation rate vocal resonance v1sua1Iacuity vagina vag1na1 Vital caipacltv vasoconstrlctor substance U/A urinalysis vcu voiding cystourethrogram U/E urea and electrolytes U/O for VD venereal disease under observation Vd VOid urine output VDR.L venereal disease research u/s or us ultrasound laboratory 1syphllls testJ UC u1cerat1ve colitis vent. ventilator uterilne contractio ns vert. UCO diseases UCG chortonlc vertical usualchlClhOod VF ventricular flDrlllat on urinary visual fields gon.adotropln VG UCHD diseases UE Clat. vein graft usualchildhood VHD valvular heart disease upper extremity VI volume Index extremitasl Via UG by way gaze Of upward UGI upper gastro1ntest1na1 VIPS voluntary interruption of pregnancy and sterilization upper gastroi ntestin al series service (X-ray) v l t . V i t a m i n VLDL very low density llpoprotelns VM vestibular membrane VN visiting nurse VO verbal order voo ;1on right eye w vol vos volume visionleft eve VP VPC venous pressure ventlculo·peritoneal ventr1c:u1ar premature contraction VO scan ventlladon-perfuslon scan vs ves1cu1ar sound volumetric solution vs or v.s. vitalsigns vso Vitalsigns at>Sent ventrlrular septaldefect vss vitalsigns stable VT or v ventr1c:u1artacnycardla VSA Tach VTX verte>e VWF von w111e1:1ranci factor vx.. verte>e presentat on w w wn1te W/A wn11eawake W1dowed w/c or wheelchair numller of ,days x-matcn cross-maten Wh.Ch. ·w/n xn W/R Within ward round W/U workup Wass. Wasserman y WB wno1e t>IOOd v.o. years old wee white blood count yrs_ years wee or white blood cells XT xv exotrophla distance male sex chromosome z Wl>. C. weight bearing to tolerance well developed,well nsertionfOroe ZDV WDWN zeep Zldovudlne zero end-expiratory pressure nourished WE w ide exc sion Z lfit zygote lntrafalloplanTranSfer WF white female Zig Z:osterimmune globulln Wk week ztp zoster-lmmune plasma WM white male well nourished ZOE WN zinc oXide eugenol zeta sedimentation rate WNL wnn1nnormal 11m1ts WNV West INlle Virus WP wn1r1poo1 WPW Wolff-Parkinson-White weight WBT wt x x x exopnorta distance times X/12 numller Of months .lC/52 numller of weeks zsr Zif zero