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LêAnhMinh BTEX D01 K12 - Sao chép

Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
UNIT TITLE: Professional
Professional Development (CPD)
DATE RECEIVED: 10/06/2022
TUTORIAL LECTURER: ……………………………………
MOBILE NUMBER:0376697126
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LOL 1 : Communication, time management .......................................................................................... 6
Communication ........................................................................................................................... 6
What is Communication? ........................................................................................................ 6
What type of communication skills? ........................................................................................... 6
Communication is a Dynamic Process.................................................................................... 7
Why is Communication Important? ........................................................................................ 7
Goals of Communication ........................................................................................................ 7
Principles of Communication.................................................................................................. 7
The Communication Process .................................................................................................. 8
Barriers in Communication – Receiver ................................................................................... 8
Overcoming Communication Barriers .................................................................................... 8
TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS .............................................................................................. 9
Concepts of Time Management .............................................................................................. 9
Skill Manage Time ................................................................................................................ 10
Golden principles in Time Management ............................................................................... 12
Planning a training event....................................................................................................... 12
Applying skills to planning : ......................................................................................................... 15
LOL 2 : Problem solving, critical thinking ........................................................................................... 16
Problem-solving skills .............................................................................................................. 16
What is Problem Solving?..................................................................................................... 16
Problem types........................................................................................................................ 17
What is the problem solving process?................................................................................... 17
Steps of problem solving....................................................................................................... 18
Critical THINKING .................................................................................................................. 19
What is Critical Thinking? .................................................................................................... 19
Components of Critical Thinking ......................................................................................... 19
The Critical Thinking Process............................................................................................... 20
Apply problem solving skill and Critical thing on planning. ................................................ 20
LOL 3 : Teamwork skill ....................................................................................................................... 22
Teamwork skill ......................................................................................................................... 22
What is teamwork? ............................................................................................................... 22
The role of teamwork ............................................................................................................ 22
Purpose of teamwork: ........................................................................................................... 22
Form a group ......................................................................................................................... 22
TEAM WORK – RELATED ISSUES ............................................................................................... 23
Advantages and disadvantages of teamwork ........................................................................ 23
2. Some advantages and disadvantages in the process of group work .......................................... 23
Solutions to build effective working groups ......................................................................... 24
Equip teamwork skills :......................................................................................................... 24
Time management skills ....................................................................................................... 25
Communication skills ........................................................................................................... 26
Problem solving skills. .......................................................................................................... 28
Critical thinking skills ........................................................................................................... 31
Applying teamwork skills to planning (GANTT CHARACTERS) & events ...................... 33
LOL 1 : Communication, time management
1. What is Communication?
Communication is the imparting or interchanging of thoughts, opinions or information among
people by speech, writing, or signs
Communication skills include the ability to convey messages, listen actively, give and receive
feedback between the communicator (speaker) and communicator (listener) to achieve a
communication purpose. certain next.
2. What type of communication skills?
Personal Contact
Telephone (Land line)
Cell Phone
Video Messaging/Conferencing
Instant Messaging
Written letter
3. Communication is a Dynamic Process
The communication process allows us to convey a thought or feeling to someone else
How it is received depends on a set of events, stimuli, that the person is exposed to
How you say what you say plays an important role in communication
4. Why is Communication Important?
Inspires confidence
Builds respect in business and social life
Helps make friends
Develops a distinct personality
Reveals your ability to others
5. Goals of Communication
To change behavior
To get and give information
To persuade
To ensure Understanding
To get action
6. Principles of Communication
Open : act honestly and with credibility
Clean : Put your commnication partners in the picture
Individual : Try to exchange information directly
Fast : Look at information as a perishable commodity
Consultation-oriented: Make a point of listening
7. The Communication Process
8. Barriers in Communication – Receiver
Selective perception
Unwillingness to change
Lack of interest in the topic/ subject
Prejudice and belief system
Rebuttal instincts
Personal value system
9. Overcoming Communication Barriers
Seek first to understand the message
Listen actively
Be sensitive to body language
Use appropriate language
Use the right communication channel
Be honest and sincere
Obtain feedback
1. Concepts of Time Management
“Time management” is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time
between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter – not harder
– so that you get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high.
It may seem counter-intuitive to dedicate precious time to learning about time management,
instead of using it to get on with your work, but the benefits are enormous:
Greater productivity and efficiency.
A better professional reputation.
Less stress.
Increased opportunities for advancement.
Greater opportunities to achieve important life and career goals.
2. Skill Manage Time
Ordering tasks with priority focuses on the most important things
Set performance goals and plans
Internet access only when needed Turn off non-work applications
3. Golden principles in Time Management
Be open to change
Consider time the same as money
Prioritize as if you’re going on vacation
Think about consequences
Take care of what bothers you the most
Use the T.A.R. Principle
Procedures and methods of effective time management
Plan your day in advance
Limit e-mail intake
Find your productivity zone
Eat the frog
Take regular breaks
Say “no” and delegate
Focus and block distractions
III. Planning a training event
- Theme and goal
+ topic: training for internal company employees about technology product launch
+ Goals:
Participants :
+ inside the company
- Location: Thai Binh
Time :
Thời gian
Stabilization and Introduction
Staff and MC will introduce themselves .
About our two-day plan where to go and
what to get
Product introduction, usage hd
Find out the pros and cons of the
Security guide
Incentives for company employees
Cultural program
Company art show
Rest Eat and Drink
Outdoor activities
The end trainning
Thời gian
Organize Teamwork training to use the product directly
Gift game. Answer the question
Group Problem Solving : Cannot Use Technology , Misuse
Speaking of incentives, vouchers for employees when buying products
End of program:
- Costs for items:
+ MC: 20 million VND
+ Gift: 10 million VND
+ Arts: 20 million VND
+ Outdoor activities: 10 million VND
+ Additional costs: 30 million VND
- Development problems
1. Human
Inability to go on stage
Replaced the 2nd MC that was hired
In case two MCs are not hired, shorten
the MC's part and then invite a team
member to read the shortened script.
Inability to go on stage
Replace presenter with sub-presenter
Can't see clearly when sitting at the
Can I ask to move to a better seat so I
can see better
Can switch to large projector from the
Can't go on stage for the first hour
Flip the art section first to prolong the
2. Machines
Speaker mic Broken on
Have a spare set of mic speakers to change and someone to bring up
Lack of
Spare table
Lost in the
middle of a
There is a dynamo
Pause the presentation and switch to teambuilding
3. Workshop
Mc talked about today's plan
Go to the presentation
The group started to present
Ask the staff a question Staff divided into groups to discuss
about the presentation
Chasing pictures to
catch letters
Unlimited quantities
Tools: : pictures, characters, short videos
Game rules: divided into several teams, all teams have the
task of guessing which proverbs, proverbs, idioms and
compound words are shown on the screen, press the bell to
give their answers. The team that guesses the most words
and follows the game rules correctly will win.
Drawing relay
Quantity: unlimited, divided into 2.3 teams
Tools: paper, pen
Rules of the game: players sit in a vertical line, the game
manager gives the keyword to the surrenderer and asks to
draw a picture describing that keyword. After 15 seconds, that
person shows the paper to the member behind to see for 10
seconds, memorize and return. Continue until the last person,
if you guess the keyword, you win.
4. Temabuilding
Looking for a half
Quantity: unlimited, equal number of men and women
Tools: heart-shaped pieces of paper, serrated scissors
Game rules: the game administrator writes "if" - "then" in the
2 halves of the heart, cut the pieces of paper in half so that each
piece has a different cut, and then distribute it to the members.
In 2 minutes, everyone has to compare to find their "other
half". After finding the correct one, the pairs come up with a
compound sentence in the form of “if” – “then” quickly. The
pair that finds each other and makes the fastest sentences wins.
Big fish, small fish
Unlimited quantities
Tools: no need
Rules of the game: players line up in a circle, shoulder to
shoulder. When the game manager shouts "big fish", the player
must spread his arms, shout "small fish" must close his hands
quickly. The administrator will both shout and perform illegal
movements. Players who do not remember the task and do it
wrong will be penalized.
Snake dragon on
the cloud
Quantity: unlimited, divided into 2 teams
Tools: no preparation required
Game rules: the teams play in a line, standing opposite each
other like 2 long snakes. The surrenderer will try to get his
hands on the opponent's members, while protecting his team
from the "hunt" of the enemy snakes. The team with the most
members caught will lose.
Applying skills to planning :
Time management skills apply to the following jobs:
- Assign work to team members with certain time limit
- Break it down into small tasks so that you can easily repeat the work to everyone
Communication skills :
- In the group, everyone has to communicate with each other to exchange information
- To debate, discuss a certain issue.
- Giving your opinion is also a form of communication
LOL 2 : Problem solving, critical thinking
Problem-solving skills
1. What is Problem Solving?
Problem-solving skills help you determine the source of a problem and find an effective
solution. Although problem-solving is often identified as its own separate skill, there are
other related skills that contribute to this ability.
Some key problem-solving skills include:
Active listening
Decision making
2. Problem types
3. What is the problem solving process?
The process of identifying the problem, prioritizing, selecting alternatives for a solution and
evaluating the outcomes.
Brain storming:
Brainstorming is used to generate a large number of creative ideas when problem
solving and achieving objectives. It can even be used for decision making.
Brainstorming Techniques Guidelines
Brainstorming take from a few minutes to a few hours. For big problems or projects it may
be done several times and over days, weeks or months.
4. Steps of problem solving
4.1. Define the problem
Clearly state the problem
Detect the circumstances lead to the incidence of the problem.
Write a clear definition of the problem and the barriers encountered.
4.2. Find possible solution (s)
Analyze the problem so you fully understand it and then develop ideas which will achieve
your goal
Develop several ideas to solve the problem to increase your chances of finding the best
solution to the problem.
4.3. Choose the best solution
This stage is a process of decisionmaking based on your comparing the possible outcomes of
your alternative solutions; this is the “DO” stage
4.4. Implement the best solution(s)
This stage involves accepting and carrying out the chosen course of action.
Implementation means acting on the chosen solution.
4.5. Evaluate the best solution(s)
Successful problem-solving involves looking at the outcome of the solution and making the
necessary changes in the earlier stages if necessary in order to reach the identified goal.
1. What is Critical Thinking?
Critical thinking is a way of deciding whether a claim is true, partially true, or false.”
2. Components of Critical Thinking
Critical thinking consists of a skill-set and attitude. There are six major components of
critical thinking:
3. The Critical Thinking Process
‘How does someone know that?’
How does someone know what they claim to know?
Do they claim through the result of a reliable process?
-It increases the likelihood of claim to be true.
Counter Examples’ The odd numbers 3,5,7 are prime therefore, all odd numbers are
prime (False)
Everything natural is good for you. (False)
Where there is smoke, there is fire. (False)
How could my belief be wrong?
What conditions have to be in place so my belief could be an error?
Create possibility of Doubts.
III. Apply problem solving skill and Critical thing on
Each group, when formed, encounters a difficult situation at work: Therefore, it will have to
have problem-solving skills:
- Solving difficult work
- Inappropriate time management
- members don't communicate with each other
- Deadline for submission but not submitting deadline
Critical skills are also very important in teamwork:
- Not everyone's opinion is always right, need to be dissected to know the limitations and
- Giving an opinion is a silent counterargument that doesn't have this skill
Situation arises:
- Human
Inability to go on stage
Replaced the 2nd MC that was hired
In case two MCs are not hired, shorten the
MC's part and then invite a team member
to read the shortened script.
Inability to go on stage
Replace presenter with sub-presenter
Can't see clearly when sitting at the
Can I ask to move to a better seat so I can
see better
Can switch to large projector from the
Flip the art section first to prolong the time
Can't go on stage for the first hour
Speaker mic
Broken on
Have a spare set of mic speakers to change and someone to bring up
Lack of
Spare table
Lost in the
middle of a
There is a dynamo
Pause the presentation and switch to teambuilding
LOL 3 : Teamwork skill
Teamwork skill
1. What is teamwork?
A team is a group of people working together for a common goal. A team cannot function
effectively when each team member is solely focused on his or her own goals. A workgroup
is not simply a collection of a group of people. It is an organization with its own functions,
characteristics and operating rules.
2. The role of teamwork
The one who laid the foundation
As a researcher, look for ways to
As a collaborator
As a planner
As an evaluator and analyst
Team staff
3. Purpose of teamwork:
In particular, working groups have the advantage of linking talents and coming up with
creative solutions to unfamiliar problems; In the absence of the right process or method, the
combined skills and knowledge of the whole team will give a far greater advantage than the
ability of an individual. However, there is generally a dominant advantage in the teamwork
workforce, which makes this model preferred by managers. That is, being able to get the most
out of a workgroup.
4. Form a group
Formation is the stage where the group is assembled
Conflict is the next stage. At that time factions formed, personalities clashed, no one would
give in
Standardized. At this stage, the team begins to see the benefits of working together and
reducing internal conflict.
Smooth operation. This is the climax, when the working group has settled down
1. Advantages and disadvantages of teamwork
v Increase creativity, problem solving ability
v Higher quality decision making
v Process improvement
v Improve communication efficiency
v Increase work morale
v Some group members have the upper hand in influencing the objectivity of group decisions
v Active members work more than others
v Good members can make independent decisions without the need for a group
v Group decision making may take longer than individual decision making
v Differences in experience, expertise, culture, etc. can hinder effective teamwork
2. Some advantages and disadvantages in the process of group work
2.1. Favorable
2.1.1. Advantages for individuals:
Less pressure than working alone.
Reduce panic and helplessness in the face of big goals
Gain a lot of experience working with others.
Arousing the members' potential and creativity.
Appreciate the mental rewards of completing group work.
Get more motivated to get the job done.
Productivity is more effective than teamwork.
2.1.2. Convenience for administrators
Less stress and pressure to accomplish goals because teamwork increases productivity,
interest, loyalty, and reduces internal stress. Group management is easier than individual
management because groups often operate in a semi-autonomous fashion.
2.1.3. Advantages for businesses
Contributing significantly to increasing productivity, interest rates and helping businesses
Contribute to the formation of corporate culture Build a positive image to external customers
and potential employees
2.2. Difficulty
Lack of trust
Don't care about work results
Avoid responsibility
Fear of conflict
Disagreement in teamwork
2. Solutions to build effective working groups
Build goals
Make decision
Commitment to implementation
3. Equip teamwork skills :
- Planning and organization skills
-Conflict resolution
- Communication Good communication
- Decision making
- Critical thinking
- Time management
- Ability to find problems
- Individual performance in teamwork:
Complete the target set by the group within the deadline
4. Time management skills
Every second that passes can never be regained, so before doing anything you should have a
specific plan to manage your time in the most scientific way, to avoid wasting time
unnecessarily. However, many people still have to worry about chasing time because they do
not know how to take advantage and arrange work and life in the most suitable way. So how
important is time and how to have effective time management skills.
Determine the target
Setting goals is the most scientific way of time management. When you have a clear goal,
you will know what you need to do to achieve it. Of course, to do that requires you to have a
specific schedule for how long to complete the goal. Then you will master the time and not
let it go to waste.
Make a to-do list
Make a to-do list for the day, week, and month. This will make it easier for you to manage
your precious time. You will know what you need to do at what time, so you won't have to
waste time remembering what you have to do today or what to do next after completing a
certain task.
Sort your work in order of priority
After making a list of to-dos, take a moment to double-check which tasks need to be done
first, and which ones can be left behind. The important tasks you should mark and do
immediately to ensure the work is completed on time, then continue to do the rest.
This type of arrangement helps you not to have to rush or stress because you forgot important
things and still ensure that other tasks are still completed on time.
Summary of work
Before the end of a working day, you should summarize the work at the end of the day to see
what you have done and failed to do, how much time you have spent on those tasks and are
really effective. fruit or not. Is the time you spend on those jobs really scientific, if there's
something unreasonable, find out the reason and fix it so that the next time will shorten the
golden time to spend on the job. other.
Discipline and Habit
To use your time wisely, you must also practice discipline and time-saving habits. Set your
own rules and follow them. You may find it difficult and frustrating at first, but practice
slowly, you will get used to it. Then everything will be in order and you will certainly find
that you have more time for life as well as work, will end the situation where every day is in a
hurry to race against time but everything is not. get it right.
Concentration is a great way to not waste time. When doing something, focus all your energy
and wisdom on the work, that not only brings high work results but also saves you a lot of
time. Because when you focus, you will quickly complete the work and have time for other
Set a specific time for work
To save time, you should set up a specific time for each job such as: Determine the start time,
the time for each step, the end time and the total time to complete the job. long. Then you will
have a detailed plan and specific time, not afraid of affecting the work results and not wasting
precious time.
Scientific workplace arrangement
Organizing your workplace scientifically helps you not to waste time searching for the
necessary records and documents when needed. A cluttered workplace with piles of new old, important - unimportant documents is not only confusing, but it also takes a lot of time
when you need to find a certain type of document. So, arrange your workplace neatly and
scientifically, then you will have more time so you don't have to waste time on useless work.
When you are a person with goals and know how to organize your work in a scientific way,
you will feel that your time budget is expanded. So right now you should seriously examine
yourself to see how you have managed your time, effectively or not, wasted time for any
reason… Then you I will know what I need to do to not lose my precious time.
5. Communication skills
We use communication skills every day, through conversations with people around us. That's
why many people mistakenly think this is an easy and natural thing. If you keep that outdated
thinking, you will definitely never get the key to success and happiness in life and work.
There is a saying that the ancestors passed down, which is "learn to eat, learn to speak, learn
to pack, learn to open". Whether working alone or in a group, you also need to train yourself
with smart and sensitive communication skills, so that the work results of yourself and the
whole team will achieve common goals, efficiency and effectiveness. So how to practice
communication skills when working in groups and promote this skill in the most effective
way, please join CareerLink.vn to find out.
Don't be afraid to express your thoughts and opinions
Sometimes there will be times when you find it difficult to express your thoughts and ideas,
or are stuck when finding a direction for a group meeting. This is not an easy skill, but if you
want your abilities to be recognized and appreciated, you should have confidence in yourself
and don't hesitate to suggest new ideas even though the results may not be as you expected at
first. would like. But at least you don't become an "invisible ghost" in your own group.
Effective use of communication media
The phone is not just a tool for entertainment, taking pictures or checking-in facebook. You
can completely turn your phone or laptop into an effective tool to connect members. A
sudden idea, a new business plan can immediately be shared with members via skype, email
or phone. The flexible use of support tools will enable individuals to complement each other's
shortcomings and improve themselves.
Listen and understand
As a team member, you must respect and listen to the opinions of others. You don't have to
talk a lot to show that you are smart and talented, but you need to listen to the members'
opinions to know what they think, what they want, what their opinions are. That not only
shows your respect for the other party, but also contributes to the bond between team
members. This seems simple, but it is the key to effective communication in teamwork.
Respect the opinions of the members
An idea, a plan, no matter how good it is, it cannot avoid shortcomings. If you know how to
respect other people's opinions, draw good points and be creative, it will help the work of the
group to be more effective. This is also the biggest motivation for team members to promote
their strengths and contribute most effectively to the common work. Because when that
member feels that their opinion is respected, they will try harder at work and see their own
value enhanced.
Don't forget to communicate in writing
One study found that at least 80% of the time in group work is verbal communication.
However, don't forget the remaining 20% with written communication. You should know that
the language used to communicate in writing needs to be standard and accurate. If you use
ambiguous or inaccurate language, the recipient may not understand or misunderstand the
problem and cause unpredictable consequences. This will cause discomfort for the team
members themselves and the work performance will be seriously reduced.
Make time for personal communication outside of work
Do not think that you just need to communicate with members while working is enough.
Take time to meet and socialize with friends and colleagues, find new experiences outside the
office to keep your mind calm and comfortable. You should learn to stay close to people
through fun and entertainment activities because only cohesion can create the most perfect
group. Affection and attachment among team members is one of the important contributions
to the success of the group and helps to reduce conflicts at work.
Praise others honestly and sincerely
Don't skimp on compliments with team members' efforts and efforts. Any words of
encouragement or praise make the members feel that their efforts are appreciated, and are
more open to sharing and helping each other in work as well as in life.
Communicating in teamwork is not difficult, but how to help people promote the strengths of
each individual to contribute most effectively to the common work is something not everyone
can do. If you really master the skills of effective communication in teamwork, you will be
amazed at the progress you can make in building professional teamwork.
6. Problem solving skills.
6 steps in problem solving skills.
After learning the basics of problem-solving skills, we will learn about the steps to implement
it together. According to the research, to be able to solve the problem we need to go through
6 steps including: Identify the problem; Identify the cause of the problem; Offer solutions;
solution selection; Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. As follows
Step 1: Identify the problem in problem solving skills.
The first step in the problem-solving process is to identify a specific problem. You can't solve
problems If you don't know exactly what your problem is. Defining the problem needs to be
done in a multi-dimensional objective way. From there you can make your first assessment of
the problem you are facing. Please limit the use of individual frames of reference to group
problems. To be able to identify the problem you need to perform a series of actions:
Acknowledge the problem you're having
State the problem clearly and unambiguously.
Sac recognizes the problem by taking a multi-dimensional overview.
Researching the Pitfalls leads to denial of the problem.
To be able to identify a problem you need to ask a series of questions. These questions help
you get a picture of the problem you are having. Some questions you can ask when you have
a specific problem are as follows:
Why does this problem arise?
Where does this problem occur, when does it say hello and what does it have to do with other
Has this issue occurred in the past and has it been resolved.
Is it possible to map this problem?
Are there potential contradictions within the problem that the fetus has not seen?
What are the consequences of not addressing the root of this problem?
What are the possible risks when you deal with this problem?
What are the consequences of not addressing the root of this problem?
How will we benefit from solving the problem?
Role and importance of problems What if they are solved?
Is this problem simple or very complicated?
Is this problem solved by available resources?
What is the end goal that needs to be achieved when solving the problem?
Step 2: Identify the cause of the problem
The second step in implementing problem-solving skills is to identify the cause of the
problem. To be able to determine the cause of the problem, you need to analyze the core
factors, subjective and objective factors leading to the current situation. You need to
understand and properly recognize the complexity of the problem you are facing. In
particular, the steps to do it are as follows
Gather the data that leads to the problem being encountered.
Determine the scope and complexity of the problem.
Consider the limitations of the prepared solutions.
Use problem analysis techniques to arrive at final results.
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Step 3: Come up with a solution to the problem.
The third step in problem solving is to come up with solutions to your problems. Right after
you have an overview of the problem that you have. At this point you need to come up with
the first solutions. In this step you need to try to think of all possible solutions to solve your
problem. No matter what the solution is, how crazy they are, make a note of it when you can.
The larger the number of solutions of the Problem, the higher the chance for you to solve the
problem. Don't be thrilled with any solution especially solutions from people around.
However, to be able to come up with the right solutions, you need to stick to the following
What is the goal of the problem?
What factors are prioritized in the problem-solving process?
What resources do you have and can mobilize?
What is the minimum goal that you need to achieve.
Step 4 select the optimal solution.
After you have come up with a series of solutions to the problem you have. At this point, you
need to seriously choose an optimal solution. An optimal plan is one that is suitable for
resources, saves costs, resources and time but gives the highest efficiency. When choosing an
optimal solution you need to constantly ask the following questions:
Is the plan feasible?
Is the plan suitable for the resources you have and can mobilize.
Can leadership and supervisory skills make the solution?
Is the implementation time of the incubation solution optimal?
Which solution gives the best results?
Barriers may be encountered during the implementation of the option.
Is the solution risky?
Is the solution in line with the interests of the parties to the problem solving?
Solutions that are consistent with legislative ethics and enforceability when not.
Vi has too many factors to choose an optimal solution. Therefore, the most commonly used
method is to evaluate and measure solutions. Let factors for solution evaluation The weights.
Then calculate and give the final results for a possible solution. This is similar to applying
KPIs to employees. OLD Finally you compare the numerical scores based on this scoring
method. From there you can accurately assess the feasibility of the solution to the problem.
Step 5: Create a problem-solving and problem-solving plan.
The fifth of the six steps to help you solve problems is to plan and execute on specific
problems. You need to develop a blueprint for implementing who solves the problem. Your
plan includes the snail resource allocation implementation steps and the plan implementation
In addition to allocating resources, you need a specific action plan. Try to break down time
periods and small goals to accomplish the big one. Through each stage, numbers are required
for statistical evaluation and analysis. This will give you an overview of your problem
solving progress.
Step 6: Monitor implementation and evaluate results.
The final step in the problem-solving implementation process is monitoring performance and
evaluating results. In this step you have two things to do including monitoring and evaluation.
The essence of broadcast monitoring is to evaluate minor problems based on the reported
results. Based on the actual situation of the work progress, you can make appropriate
adjustments. Evaluate performance on a regular and proactive basis. Avoid waiting until the
last time to do the evaluation process.
After a problem is resolved, you need to go through the process of looking back and
evaluating the details of the project. For some businesses they will do the packaging and
process. This will help the next generation of employees to approach and apply the process
thoroughly when facing a similar problem. For individuals, the process of evaluating results
will help you have an overview and correct view of the effectiveness of the problem-solving
7. Critical thinking skills
The 5 most important critical thinking skills are:
Observation skills are the starting point for critical skills. Observant people can quickly sense
and identify a problem, even if it is new, and easily understand the possibilities and possible
risks, initially making judgments and predictions based on signs. signs, expressions and
practical experiences in work and life.
Once a problem has been identified, analytical skills become necessary for the critical
thinking process. If you know how to use critical skills, you will know how to analyze and
evaluate a situation in the most complete and reasonable way: What data or event does the
situation relate to, in the infinite? What is the important information?... In addition, the
analytical ability in the set of critical skills also creates conditions for you to collect and
process information without bias, ensuring its integrity. objective.
Inference is another critical skill that involves drawing conclusions about the information you
gather, which may require you to have technical or industry-specific knowledge or
experience. When you make inferences, it means you are developing answers based on
limited information. Example: A mechanic may need to infer what causes a car's engine to
stop at seemingly random times based on available information.
The role of critical thinking skills at work
Besides, communication skills are also very important when it is necessary to explain and
discuss problems and their possible solutions with colleagues and other stakeholders
(partners, customers). All your efforts can be futile when you lack the skills to interact,
present to clarify the opposing point of view, persuade, and negotiate with the other side.
Problem solving
Once you've identified the problem, analyzed it, and found a few solutions, the final step to
completion would be to implement those solutions. Problem solving certainly requires critical
thinking to choose the right solution and deploy it in the most reasonable, profitable, and
timely manner.
2. The importance of critical skills
Clearly, critical thinkers identify, analyze, and solve problems systematically rather than
intuitively or instinctively. Skills to help you:
Understand relationships between information.
Determine the importance and relevance of arguments and ideas.
Record, develop arguments, and validate them.
Identify inconsistencies and errors in arguments.
Approach the problem consistently and systematically.
Think carefully to protect your beliefs, beliefs and values.
Critical thinking is thinking about the overall problem, without omitting or passing it on, only
knowing whether to agree or disagree without understanding the essence of the matter. When
you think critically, you won't stop thinking, finding the best solution. Critical skills are the
foundation for self-development and self-improvement, the premise for creativity.
Read more: Develop negotiation and persuasion skills for convenience in work and life
How to improve critical thinking?
3. How to develop critical thinking
To become a person with critical thinking and related skills, you will need time to practice,
practice, maintain. However, from now on, there are many things you can do to change and
improve gradually. The following 7-step process might work for you:
Defining the problem, asking questions: Try to define the problem as precisely as possible
and remember, the narrower the problem, the more it looks at its essence, the easier it is to
find a solution or answer.
Gather data, opinions, and arguments: Find several sources that present different ideas and
points of view so you can take a more holistic view of the issue.
Data analysis and evaluation: Are the sources of information and opinions you know reliable? Are
their conclusions supported by accurate data or are they just arguments and opinions? Is there enough
information or data
III. Applying teamwork skills to planning & events
Problem-solving skills :
Communication skills (listening): Before solving the group, I need to listen to how the people around
me feel about the problem, what problems are there. And after solving the problem, it is necessary
to communicate it to the people involved. Therefore, possessing communication skills while solving
problems is essential. No matter how well the problem is handled, but the way it is conveyed is not
correct, it is easy to make people around feel unhappy.
- Research skills: After identifying the problem in the group, in order to solve the group, I need to
carefully study the related events to have the best solution.
- Analytical skills: When solving problems, my team knows how to analyze the problem and find the
cause. Therefore, analytical skills are necessary and important, it helps to handle problems in the
best way.
- Decision-making skills: When solving problems, my teammates and I will have to find a lot of
different solutions. However, in the end, only one best solution is chosen. Therefore, the decisionmaking skill of the leader right now is very important. Because if you choose wrong then you will
have to go back to check where the process went wrong and fix it.
- Risk management skills: Each problem that occurs will bring certain risks. group c identifies possible
incidents and makes contingency plans for the worst case scenario. That helps to minimize the loss
for the project, or even more, the loss for the business. So if you are someone who does not have
risk management skills, it will be difficult to have good problem solving skills.
- Reliability: When solving problems, you need to trust the information that you or your team
members have previously found, or believe in the arguments that you have given. Reliability
determines decision-making skills in the problem-solving process.