SASA act 84 & NEPA . SASA 84 of 1996 in section 10 states that no educator may administer Corporal punishment to a learner. The National Education policy act of 1996 states that no person shall administer corporal punishment or subject a student to psychological or physical abuse at any educational institution. Corporal punishment Corporal punishment according to the WHO (2021) is defined as any punishment where physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort, however light. Physical force involves hitting with hand, implement, kicking and so forth. Children are viewed as a vulnerable group of the population that cannot speak up nor stand up for themselves, thus a law aids in speaking for the vulnerable. Human rights are put in place to protect vulnerable groups from abuse Human rights careers, n.d). A law was passed by the South African constitution to protect children in all ways. That is how the constitution of South Africa of 1996 was put in place to ensure that people may not be treated or punished in a cruel, inhumane or degraded way. This law was to protect everyone but one needed to be put in place to protect especially children or learner’s Disadvantage Corpora • Children who have been physically punished tend to exhibit high hormonal reactivity to stress, overloaded biological systems, including the nervous, cardiovascular and nutritional systems, and changes in brain structure and function. Corporal Punishement The following disadvantaged were observed by the WHO (2021) Triggering of harmful psychological and physiological responses. Experience of pain, sadness, fear, anger, shame and guilt. • Feeling threatened that leads to physiological stress and the activation of neural pathways that support dealing with danger. Basic guidelines to be followed when implementing disciplinary consequences Code of conduct with the transgression codes, levels and disciplinary action to be administered for that transgression should be given in the beginning of the year in the learner’s diaries. This should be read by educators and explained to the learner’s to ensure they understand. Why corporal punishment banned Discipline is a good way to model desired behaviour in children and make them accountable for their behaviours. However, when overcome with anger one can’t think rationally and finds it hard to act accordingly. Thus, although corporal punishment ensured that learner’s came to school, did their school work and hardly bunked classes the punishment was at times cruel, inhumane and made the learner’s feel degraded. Some educators stepped over the line and boundary, by enforcing unfair disciplinary measures, when implementing corporal punishment. This was as a result of educators not being bound by any law to keep them accountable. The ban of corporal punishment does not however exempt a learner from getting any form of disciplinary action. C Write down a report of the incident and whether a verbal warning was given or a first written warning was administered. All this should be recorded on the departmental SASAMS so that if the educators are at all attacked by the learner there are grounds of expelling the learner as there is a written trail or children and make them accountable for their behaviours. However,any form of disciplinary action.