LAB TASK 6 LAB 6 Lab Tasks 1. Three different temperature sensors are connected to RB1, RB2 and RB3. If the temperature observed at any of the sensors exceeds the specific threshold, an alarm alert is generated by a Green LED connected at RC4. Implement the above task with microcontroller PIC18 F452 in Proteus. Use Switches with RB1, RB2 and RB3 to simulate the effect of sensors. CODE: #INCLUDE <P18F452.INC> LIST P=PIC18F452, F=INHX32, N=0, ST=OFF, R=HEX config OSC=HS, OSCS=OFF, WDT=OFF, BORV=45, PWRT=ON, BOR=ON, DEBUG=OFF, LVP=OFF, STVR=OFF ORG 0X2A BCF TRISC,4 BCF PORTC,4 AGAIN BTFSC PORTB,1 BSF PORTC,4 BTFSC PORTB,2 BSF PORTC,4 BTFSC PORTB,3 BSF PORTC,4 BRA go BSF PORTC,4 BRA AGAIN go BCF PORTC,4 BRA AGAIN END HASSAN ABBAS FA19-EEE-038 LAB TASK 6 SCREENSHORTS: HASSAN ABBAS FA19-EEE-038 LAB TASK 6 PROTEUS SIMULATION: HASSAN ABBAS FA19-EEE-038 LAB TASK 6 TASK 2: 2. Modify the above program by connecting two extra LEDs Blue and RED, with RC5 and RC6. Now three will be following alarm updates. a) Turn on Green LED if any one of the sensors sends an alarm. b) Turn on Blue LED if any two of the sensors sends an alarm. c) Turn on RED LED if all of the sensors sends an alarm. CODE: #include<P18F452.INC> LIST P=PIC18F452, F=INHX32, N=0, ST=OFF, R=HEX config OSC=HS, OSCS=OFF, WDT=OFF, BORV=45, PWRT=ON, BOR=ON, DEBUG=OFF, LVP=OFF, STVR=OFF ORG 0X2A CLRF TRISC CLRF PORTC XYZ MOVLW 07H MOVWF 00H ANDWF PORTB,W XORWF 00H BZ ON BNZ go ON BCF PORTC,4 BRA XYZ go MOVLW 03H MOVWF 03H HASSAN ABBAS FA19-EEE-038 LAB TASK 6 MOVLW 05H MOVWF 05H MOVLW 06H MOVWF 06H MOVLW 07H MOVWF 00H ANDWF PORTB,W XORWF 03H BZ CHECK XORWF 05H BZ CHECK XORWF 06H BZ CHECK BRA GO1 CHECK BCF PORTC,4 BSF PORTC,5 BRA XYZ GO1 MOVLW 00H MOVWF 01H IORWF PORTB,W XORWF 01H BZ EXIT BNZ ON1 ON1 BSF PORTC,6 EXIT BCF PORTC,5 BCF PORTC,6 BCF PORTC,4 BRA XYZ END HASSAN ABBAS FA19-EEE-038 LAB TASK 6 SCREENSHORTS: HASSAN ABBAS FA19-EEE-038 LAB TASK 6 OUTPUT: HASSAN ABBAS FA19-EEE-038 LAB TASK 6 PROTEUS SIMULATION: Turn on Blue LED if any two of the sensors sends an alarm. Turn on Green LED if any one of the sensors sends an alarm. Turn on RED LED if all of the sensors sends an alarm. HASSAN ABBAS FA19-EEE-038 LAB TASK 6 LaboratoryAssessment Criteria Psychomotor(evaluat ed duringtheexperiment ) Allocated Marks LearningLevel Poor Good VeryG ood Excellent 40% 50-60% 70-80% 90-100% Obtained Marks(P) 60% LearningLevel HASSAN ABBAS FA19-EEE-038 LAB TASK 6 Criteria Affective (Evaluated duringtheLab) Criteria Cognitive(evaluate d onreportsubmission ) Allocated Marks Poor Good VeryG ood Excellent 40% 50-60% 70-80% 90-100% Obtained Marks(A ) 10% Allocated Marks LearningLevel Poor Good VeryG ood Excellent 40% 50-60% 70-80% 90-100% Obtained Marks(C ) 30% ObtainedMarks= (0.6×P)+(0.1×A)+(0.3×C)= : TotalMarks: CourseInstructor: HASSAN ABBAS FA19-EEE-038