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PMS Pakistan Affairs Analysis-1

“Read To Lead” with Yousuf Jalal
Pakistan Studies (PMS)
Past Papers Analysis
( Year 2020,2019,2017,2016,2015,2014,2012,2009,2006,2005,2004,1996,1994)
Given on the
a. Muslim rule in the sub-continent and its down fall. Muslim renaissance, reform
and educational movements. Pakistan Movement; Role of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan,
Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam in the making of Pakistan.
Q. Discuss the role and efforts of Muslim religious leaders for the establishment of
Muslim society in the subcontinent. Times. (20 Marks) 2020
Q. Aligarh Movement injected a new life in the dead body of the Muslim nation
and helped to regain its lost glory and prestige. Discus. (20 Marks)
Q. Examine Allama Iqbal's concept of Muslim nationalism in the light of
Allahabad address. (20 Marks) 2020
Q. "The policies of Indian National Congress between 1937 to 1947 were such as
asked in the
to make the partition of India Inevitable". Discuss. 2019
Q. What was the contribution of the Muslim press in the struggle for creation of
Pakistan? Examine the role of prominent Muslim journalists in this regard.
Q. How do you substantiate that the speech of Quaid-i-Azam on 11 August 1947
was a great vision that designed the futuristic political and social structure of
Pakistan. (20 Marks) 2019
Q. How did the partition of the Punjab in 1947 affect the communal harmony?
Q. Give an account of the services of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan for the educational
and social uplift of the Muslims of the Sub-Continent. (20 Marks) 2017
Q. Discuss the Background, text and importance of Pakistan Resolution-1940. (20
Marks) 2017
Composed By: Muhammad Yousuf Jalal Shah 0300-6592731
Special Education Department: PMS 2020 Qualifier
Q. Allama Iqbal’s Presidential Address 1930 at Allahabad paved the way for
creation of Pakistan. Discuss. 2016
Q. Lucknow Pact 1916 is considered the culmination of Hindu-Muslim Unity?
What circumstances led to this historic pact? 2016
Q. Describe the services of Shah Waliullah for the renaissance of Muslims in India.
Q. Discuss the main events of the Faraizi Movement. In what way did it arouse
awareness amongst the Muslims of Bengal? 2015
Q. "Quaid-i-Azam was a great Constitutionalist." Elucidate. 2015
Q. Simla Conference 1945 failed to achieve anything and to break the deadlock
between Congress and All India Muslim League." Critically analyze. 2015
Q.. Examine the services rendered by the Ulema and Mushaik in the freedom
movement of Pakistan. 2015
Q. What circumstances led to the partition of Bengal in 1905? How it affected the
Hindu — British and Hindu Muslim relations? Discuss. 2014
Q. Discuss the circumstances which led to the conclusion Of Lucknow Pact 1916.
Q. Why the Indian Muslims demanded the right of "Separate Electorate"? Discuss
in detail. 2014
Q. The Congress Rue in the Provinces during 1937-39 provided an opportunity to
All India Muslim League to reorganize and reactivate. Discuss the Congress rule
in the province and its impact the Al India Muslim League.
Q. Critically examine the Cabinet Mission Plan 1946 and its proposals. 2014
Q. Analyze the factors which resulted in the creation of Pakistan. (20) 2012
Composed By: Muhammad Yousuf Jalal Shah 0300-6592731
Special Education Department: PMS 2020 Qualifier
Q. State the reasons Sir Syed advanced to the Indian Muslims to eschew politics.
To what extent he was successful? 2009
Q. Highlight the main features of the Cabinet Mission Plan. Could Pakistan
emerge a more viable and strong State under this scheme? Discuss its pros and
cons. 2009
Q. “The Ulemas of Nadwah attempted to make a synthesis of Modernism of
Aligarh and Conservation of Deoband in their syllabus"_ Examine. 2009
Q. The Quaid-i-Azam was against the performance of "a surgical operation" on the
provinces because such a step would be a dangerous proposition and would “let
loose terrible forces". In the light of the statement, discuss the division of the
Punjab and Bengal. 2009
Q. Simla Deputation was "not a command performance". Do you agree ? Discuss.
Q. "The Lahore Resolution enabled the All India Muslim League to embark upon
an effective programme which culminated in the establishment of Pakistan".
Discuss. 2009
Q. There is "unbridgeable gulf between Hinduism and Islam and their followers
existed together in the same land for hundreds of years like two streams which
continue to run parallel to each other indefinitely, without ever becoming one body
of water." Explain. 15+5(20) 2006
Q. Why Sir Syed had opposed the Indian National Congress and to what extent he
was successful? 15+5(20) 2006
Q. "The agitation over the partition of Bengal was a provincial rather than an AllIndia issue." Do you agree? What was its impact on the course of Indian
Nationalism? 15+5 (20) 2006
Q. "Nahru Report created more problems than solving the communal issues."
Elucidate. (20) 2006
Q. The net impact of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s contributions was the Separatism
that led to the creation of Pakistan. Prove. 2005
Composed By: Muhammad Yousuf Jalal Shah 0300-6592731
Special Education Department: PMS 2020 Qualifier
Q. Analyze the factors responsible for degeneration of Muslim society in 18th
century? 2004
Q.'Aligarh is arsenal of Muslim India'(Quaid-e-Azam)Narrate briefly the role of
Aligarh for the cause of the Muslims of the Subcontinent with special reference to
the final phase of their independence? 2004
Q. Account for emergence of All India Muslim League and assess its importance
in Indian politics during 1906-1913? 2004
Q. Trace the course of Khiafat movement and assess its significance for the
development of Muslim nationalism? 2004
Q. "Between 1937-1947 congress policies were such as to make Pakistan
inevitable',Discuss. 2004
Q. Critically examine the role of Allama Iqbal in the socio-political rejuvenation
of the Muslims of Sub-Continent. 1996
Q. Keeping in view the history of freedom movement, highlights the main
attributes of Pakistan’s Islamic Ideology. 1994
Q. Write a short but comprehensive essay on Muslim nationalism, as against
secular nationalism. 1994
Q. What was the Cabinet Mission Plan? Was it in any way an acceptance of the
demand of Pakistan? 1994
Q. Evaluate critically the causes and effects of Nehru Report. In what way was it
different from Quaid-E-Azam’s 14 points? 1994
Q. Illustrate the main features of the Government of India Act 1935. Review its
significance in the constitutional history of the sub-continent. 1994
Q. “An ideological state should have an ideological foreign policy”. In view of this
statement, outline the main foreign policy objective of the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan. To what extent the various governments of Pakistan have been
successful in achieving these objectives? 1994
Q. Khilafat Movement. (Short Note) 1994
Q. Shah Wali Ullah (Short Note) 1994
Composed By: Muhammad Yousuf Jalal Shah 0300-6592731
Special Education Department: PMS 2020 Qualifier
Syllabus Given
on the Official
b. Land and People of Pakistan. Geography, Society, Culture, Natural
Resources, Agriculture, Industry, Education.
Water Crisis in Pakistan (Short Note) 2020
Diamer Bhasha Dam (Short Note) 2019
Q. What are the Agricultural Problems of Pakistan and what steps have been
taken by the government to overcome these problems? (20 Marks) 2017
Q. The initial years of Pakistan wore very crucial for its existence. Discuss.
Q. Discuss the importance of the strategic location of Pakistan. 2015
Q. Describe briefly the geographical features and the natural resources Of
Pakistan. (10+10) 2012
Questions asked Q. "While refusing foreign aid measures would have to be taken for reducing
in the previous
unnecessary expenditures and generation of additional resources for
achieving the goal of self-reliance" Discuss. (20) 2012
Q. What are the factors that have deterred agricultural development in
Pakistan at the desired pace? Suggest remedial measures. (15+5) 2012
Q. Discuss the two major problems faced by the Government of Pakistan
soon after independence. (10.10) 2012
Problems of industrialization in Pakistan and their solution. (Short Note) 2006
Q. Politics of opposing the utilization of untapped water resources by
constructing Kalabagh Dam can be defused by developing the political
consensus. Comment. 2005
Q. What do you know about water crisis in Pakistan. Also suggest concrete
steps for its solution. 2004
Q. Policy of Privatization. (Short Note) 1994
Composed By: Muhammad Yousuf Jalal Shah 0300-6592731
Special Education Department: PMS 2020 Qualifier
Syllabus Given
on the Official
c. Pakistan and the changing regional scenario.
Questions asked
in the previous
No Direct Question from this section in Previous Years.
Syllabus Given
on the Official
d. Pakistan’s nuclear programme and international concerns.
Questions asked
in the previous
No Direct Question from this section in Previous Years.
Syllabus Given
on the Official
e. Regional Cooperation including SAARC, ECO, SCO and the role of
Q. Give Recommendation to make SAARC an effective organization at
regional level keeping in view success of European Union. (20 Marks) 2020
Questions asked
in the previous
Economic Cooperation Organization. (Short Note) 2017
SAARC (Short Note) 2016
Composed By: Muhammad Yousuf Jalal Shah 0300-6592731
Special Education Department: PMS 2020 Qualifier
Syllabus Given
on the Official
f. Socio-economic challenges and opportunities in Pakistan.
Q. Access the growing impact of Information Technology on Pakistan’s
Socio-economic and educational complexion. 2020
Questions asked
in the previous
Q. Explain the economic challenges being faced by Pakistan. 2019
"Pakistan is a rich country where poor people live. " (Short Note) 2012
Q. "Pakistan is a rich country where poor people live." Explain. (20)
Q. Discuss the socio-economics and political dimensions of Baluchistan
crisis. 2005
Syllabus Given
on the Official
g. National security dynamics and challenges for Pakistan.
Q. National Action Plan ( Short Note ) 2019
Q. National Security Challenges for Pakistan. (Short Note ) 2017
Questions asked
in the previous
Q. Six points of Mujeeb ur Rehman (Short Note) 2004
Q. Critically the factors, which contributed to the dismemberment of
Pakistan. 1996
Q. Review the causes of the dismemberment of Pakistan in 1971. 1994
Composed By: Muhammad Yousuf Jalal Shah 0300-6592731
Special Education Department: PMS 2020 Qualifier
Syllabus Given
on the Official
h. Pakistan and the United Nations.
Questions asked
in the previous
Pakistan's Role In the United Nations (Short Note) 2016
Syllabus Given
on the Official
i. Pakistan and important global issues, including Palestine, growing
extremism and militancy, war on terror etc.
Questions asked
in the previous
Pakistan's role in the war against terrorism. (Short Note) 2004
j. Constitutional history of Pakistan.
Q. The Objective Resolution (1949) satisfied both orthodox and modernists
by combining the features pf Western and Islamic democracy. 2020
Q. Compare and contrast the Islamic provisions of the 1956, 1962 and 1973
Constitutions of Pakistan. (20 Marks) 2017
Questions asked
in the previous
Q. Examine the difficulties in the establishment of an Islamic Order in
Pakistan after independence. 2014
Q. Can the Objective Resolution be termed as Magna Carta of Pakistan? Give arguments.
Q. Throw light on the steps taken under various Governments for the
promulgation of Islamic system in the country? 2004
Objective resolution (Short Note) 2004
Q. Give an analytical account of Islamization in Pakistan. 1994
Q. Muhammad Ali Bogra Formula (Short Note) 1994
Composed By: Muhammad Yousuf Jalal Shah 0300-6592731
Special Education Department: PMS 2020 Qualifier
Syllabus Given
on the Official
k. Political evolution since 1971.
Q. Give a brief account of constitutional and political developments in
Questions asked
in the previous
Pakistan from 1947 to 1956. 2016
Q. "Separation of East Pakistan, though a tragic part of History of Pakistan,
was not the negation of Two Nation Theory”. Discuss. 2016
Q. Evaluate forthcoming General elections is Pakistan. 1996
Q. Explain the causes of political instability in Pakistan. 1996
Syllabus Given
on the Official
l. Foreign Policy of Pakistan, Pakistan & its Neighbors, Super Powers, the
Islamic Block and the European Union.
Discuss Pakistan-China relations, highlighting the economic and strategic
Importance of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). 2016
Q. Analyze the main determinants of the Foreign Policy of Pakistan. 2015
Questions asked
in the previous
Q. Discuss the various dimensions of Pakistan-China Relations, how it could
be further strengthened? (15+5) 2012
Pakistan's relations with Saudi Arabia. (Short Note) 2006
Q. “In the USA-Pakistan relationship of mutual dependence, Pakistan’s
obligations are substantial while American ones are minimal.” Analyze. 2005
Composed By: Muhammad Yousuf Jalal Shah 0300-6592731
Special Education Department: PMS 2020 Qualifier
Syllabus Given
on the Official
m. Evolution of democracy and democratic institutions in Pakistan.
Q. Describe the reasons that led to the Pakistan Army plunging into politics,
Questions asked time and again. 2005
in the previous
Q. Do you propose a presidential system for Pakistan? Develop your arguments
by keeping in mind the past national experience in the process of solving
constitutional problems. 1994
Syllabus Given
on the Official
n. Kashmir Dispute.
Q. Discuss the Important developments and events which shaped the Kashmir
Liberation Movement during last one decade. 2019
Kashmir Dispute (Short Note) 2016
Questions asked
in the previous
Q. The Indian Government is "upholding one theory regarding Junagadh one
part of the librarv and the opposite theory of Kashmir with the other part of
the library". Explain the paradoxical stand of India on Kashmir on the one
hand and junagadh, Manavadhar. Mangrol etc. on the other. 2009
Q. Some consider independence of Kashmir as third option. Analyze its merits and
Kashmir and the UNO. (Short Note) 1994
Composed By: Muhammad Yousuf Jalal Shah 0300-6592731
Special Education Department: PMS 2020 Qualifier
Syllabus Given
on the Official
o. Situation in Afghanistan since 1979 and its impact on Pakistan.
Questions asked
in the previous
No Direct Question from this section in Previous Years.
Syllabus Given
on the Official
p. Pakistan’s energy problems, their economic impact and prospects for the
Q. Discuss economic, political, and linguistic problems which the
Questions asked Government of Pakistan had to face after independence. 2014
in the previous
Energy Crisis in Pakistan. (Short Note) 2012
Q. Write a short note on Indus Basin Treaty. 1996
Syllabus Given
q. Socio-economic, problems of Pakistan and strategies to deal with issues
on the Official
related to poverty, education, health, sanitation, empowerment of women
and human rights.
Problems of Education System in Pakistan. ( Short Note ) 2020
Unemployment in Pakistan. ( Short Note ) 2020
Q. What do you know about "The Punjab Protection of Women against Violence Act2016". Write in detail about the different court orders which can provide relief to women
Questions asked under this Act. (20 Marks) 2017
in the previous
Q. Un-planned population growth is the root cause of problems relating to health,
education, shelter, law and order, unemployment and environment. Discuss. 2005
Q. What are the merits and demerits of establishments Education Boards in the private
sector for certification of secondary and higher secondary education in Pakistan. 2005
Q. Critically analyze the role of bureaucracy in Pakistan. 1996
Q. Pakistan is confronted with serious economic crisis. Analyze. 1996
Composed By: Muhammad Yousuf Jalal Shah 0300-6592731
Special Education Department: PMS 2020 Qualifier
Syllabus Given
on the Official
r. 1973 Constitution, Constitutional amendments and important
Constitutional cases.
18th Constitutional Amendment ( Short Note) 2019
Maulvi Tameez-ud-Din Case. ( Short Note) 2017
Questions asked
in the previous
Eighteenth Constitutional Amendment and the issue of Provincial Autonomy.
(Short Note) 2012
Q. Spell out the Islamic provisions of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan. 2005
Q. Briefly trace the constitutional development in Pakistan. What are your
views on the 1973 constitution with or without 8th Amendment. 1996
Syllabus Given
s. Governance issues in Pakistan, accountability, transparency,
on the Official
Fundamental Rights, Women empowerment, Sustainable developments
goals etc.
Questions asked
in the previous
Q. Discuss the obstacles in the way of good governance in Pakistan. In your
view what steps can be taken to achieve the goal of good governance. (20
Marks) 2017
Composed By
Muhammad Yousuf Jalal Shah
Special Education Department
PMS 2020 Qualifier
Composed By: Muhammad Yousuf Jalal Shah 0300-6592731
Special Education Department: PMS 2020 Qualifier