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neural mcq

1. Identify the correct statement? [AIIMS 2001]
(1) Optic is the shortest nerve
(2) Olfactory nerves have mixed fibres
(3) In anamniotes last nerve is vagus (4) In amniotes last nerve is spinal accessory
A frog has its brain crushed. But when pinched on the leg, it draws away. It is an
example of [AIIMS 2001]
(1) simple reflex
(2) conditioned reflex
(3) automated motor response
(4) neurotransmitter induced response
Which is mismatched? [RPMT 2002]
(1) Cerebrum - memory
(2) Medulla oblongata - temperature regulation
(3) Cerebellum - equilibrium
(4) Olfactory lobes - smell
4. Broca’s area controls [BHU/002]
(1) Breathing
(2) Movement of vocal cords
(3) Movement of tongue
(4) Both (2) and (3)
Cranial nerve showing maximum branching is
(1) Trigeminal
(2) Vagus
(3) Optic
(4) Facial
[AFMC 2003]
Sequence of meninges from inner to outside is
[KCET 2003]
(1) Duramater - Arachnoid - Piamater (2) Duramater - Piamater - Arachnoid (3) Arachnoid
- Duramater - Piamater (4) Piamater - Araphnoid - Duramater
7. In the resting state of neural membrane, diffusion due to concentration gradients, if
allowed would drive
[CBSE 2004]
(1) K+ into the cell
(2) Na+ into the cell
(3) Na+ out of the cell
(4) K+ and Na+ out of the cell
Injury to vagus nerve in humans in not likely to affect:
(1) cardiac movements
(2) tongue movements
(3) pancreatic secretion
(4) gastrointestinal movements
[CBSE 2004]
One of the following example of action of autonomic nervous system is : [CBSE 2005]
(a) Knee jerk reflex
(b) Pupillary reflex
(c) Swallowing of food
(d) Peristalsis of intestine
10. Which of the following is released by parasympathetic nervous system: [BHU 2005]
(1) serotonin
(2) Acetylcholine (3) Epinephrine
(11) Corpus callosum is formed between two : [KCET 2005] (a) Cerebral hemispheres
(b) Auricles
(3) Ventricles
(4) Kidneys
12. Tree of life is: [BHU 2005]
(1) Arbor vitae
(3) Organ of Corti
(2) Pons Varolii
(4) Diencephalon
13. Nerve cells do not divide because they do not have: [BHU 2005]
(1) Nucleus (3) Golgi body
(2) Centrosome (4) Mitochondria
14. If after cutting through dorsal root of a spinal nerve of a mammal, an associated
receptor in the skin were stimulated, the animal would [CPMT 2005]
(1) Show no response
(2) Still be able to feel the stimulation
(3) Show a normal but slow response
(4) Respond but only at different level of spinal cord
15. Bowman's glands are found in: [CBSE 2006] (1) Olfactory epithelium (2) External
auditory canal
(3) Cortical nephrons only (4) Juxtamedullary nephrons
16. Which one of the follows does not act as a neurotransmitter? [CBSE 2006]
(1) Acetylcholine
(2) EPineP/hrine (3) Norepinephrine
(4) Cortisone
17. Given below a table comparing the effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
system for four features (1-4). Which one feature is correctly described? [AIIMS’06]
Sympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system
Salivary glands
Stimulates secretion
Inhibits secretion
Pupil of the eye
Heart rate
4- „ Intestinal peristalsis Stimulates
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4
18. Post-ganglionic nerve fibres of sympathetic nerve system are: [Har. PMT 2006]
(1) Adrenergic (2) Cholinergic (3) Both (a) and (b)
(4) None of above
19. The supporting and nutritive cells found in the brain are: [Har. PMT 2006]
(1) Ependyrnal cells
(2) Microglia
(3) Astrocytes
(4) Oligodendrocytes
20. Eustachian tube is present between [Orissa JEE2006]
(1) Inner ear & larynx (2) Middle ear & pharynx (3)-Outer ear & pharynx
(4) Middle ear & larynx
21. A typical value of resting potential in a nerve fibre is: [Kerala PMT 2006] (1) (2) -60 mV
(3) -70 mV (4) -80 mV (5) -90 mV
22. Bowman's glands are located in the: [CBSE 2007]
(1) Olfactory epithelium of our nose
(2) Proximal end of uriniferous tubules
(3) Female reproductive system of cockroach
(4) Anterior pituitary
23. Injury to vagus nerve in human is not likely to affect:
[AIIMS 2007; AFMC 2007]
(1) Tongue movements
(2) Gastrointestinal movements
(3) Pancreatic secretion
(4) Cardiac movements
Which of the following cranial nerves are mixed?
[BHU 2007] (1) Vagus
(2) Trigeminal (3) Glossopharyngeal
(4) Auditory (a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(b) 1 and 2 are correct (3) 2 and 4 are correct
(4) 1 and 3 are correct
Which part of brain controls intellectual ability?
[DPMT 2007] (1) Frontal lobe
(2) Parietal lobe (3) Temporal lobe
(4) Occipital lobe
The correct sequence of meninges of brain from
outside to inside is: [DPMT2007]
(1) Duramater -> arachnoid -> piamater (2) Arachnoid ->
duramater -> Piamater (3) Piamater -> duramater ->
Arachnoid (4) Duramater -> Piamater -> Arachnoid
27. Synaptic vesicles are found in [DPMT2007] (1)
Pre-synaptic neuron arachnoid (2) Post-synpatic neuron
(3) Synpatic cleft (4) None of these
28. Parkinson's disease (characterized by tremors and
progressive rigidity of limbs) is caused by degeneration
of brain neurons that are involved in movement control
and make use of neurotransmitter: [JIPMER 2007]
(1) Acetylcholine
(3) Dopamine
(4) GABA
29. Bony labyrinth contains a fluid called: [Haryana PMT
‘07] (1) Perilymph
(2) Endolymph (3) Haemolymph (4) Lymph
Identify the correct sequence of organs/regions in
the organisation of human ear as an auditory
mechanoreceptor organ:[Kerala PMT’07]
(1) Pinna - Cohlea - Tympanic membrane - Auditory
canal - Malleus - Stapes - Incus -Auditory nerve
(2) Pinna - Tympanic membrane - Auditory canal - Incus
- Malleus - Stapes - Cochlea -Auditory canal
(3) Pinna - Malleus - Incus - Stapes - Auditory canal Tympanic membrane - Cochlea -Auditory canal
(4) Pinna - Tympanic membrane - Auditory canal Cochlea - Malleus - Incus – Stapes -Auditory nerve
(5) Pinna - Auditory canal - Tympanic membrane Malleus - Incus - Stapes - Cochlea 31. Action potential is generated by: [MP-PMT 2007]
(1) Na+ (2) K+ (3) Ca++ (d) CI-
Injury to vagus nerve in human is not likely to
affect: [Har. PMT 2008]
(1) Tongue movements
Gastrointestinal movements
(3) Pancreatic secretion
(4) Cardiac
Which one feature is common to leech,
cockroach and scorpion? [AIIMS 2008] (1) Nephridia
(2) Ventral nerve cord
(3) Cephalization
(4) Antennae
34. Aqueous and vitreous humours are divided by: [Har.
(2) Iris
(3) Retina
(4) Optic
35. Fovea in the eye is a central depression in the
yellowish pigmented area called: [Kerala PMT 2008]
(1) Blind spot
(2) Retina
(3) Cornea
(4) Macula
(5) Choroid
36. Part of brain concerned with the muscular
movements is: [WB-JEE 2008]
(1) Cerebellum
(2) Thalamus
(3) Hippocampus
(4) Temporal
lobe of cerebrum
37. which part of human brain is concerned with the
regulation of body temperature: [CBSE 2009]
Medulla oblongata Cerebellum Cerebrum Hypothalamus
Satiety centre of brain are present in: (1)
Cerebral hemisphere
(3) Cerebellum
Eustachian tube connects:
(1) Pharynx with middle ear (3) Middle ear with external
(2) Cerebellum ._
(4) Hypothalamus [CBs^oo9]
(2) Hypothalamus (4) Medulla
(2) Middle ear with internal ear
(4) External ear with internal ear [CPMT2009]
Vomiting centre is located in the: [DPMT 2009]
(1) Stomach and sometimes in duodenum