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Nature Drawing for Kids is Powerful Relaxation Tools
Art and nature are such an effective, fun and stress-relieving techniques that we
can seek out ways for the kids to connect with nature and be inspired by it to
create a masterpiece. Teach kids to appreciate the beauty around them by
encouraging them to spend more time outside and emphasizing the significance
of environmental awareness so that they will desire to safeguard our fragile
ecosystem. Children can really connect to nature through hands-on art projects
like nature drawing. In fact, studies show that environmental art influences what
children think, feel, and do about environmental issues because they remember
the images they created themselves for a long time.
Nature is filled with so much beauty to spark creativity in kids. With children, I
think doing anything creative with them that involves nature, whether that be
searching outside for natural objects to incorporate into games, creating animals,
flower or a tree with natural thing (leaf, flower or stick), or simply looking in an
encyclopedia for weird and wonderful animals to draw, gets them thinking about
and interacting with the environment. This sort of creative play can help foster a
love and attitude of care and empathy for all things wild and wonderful, including
other people.”
Home Work: Create a Nature book/ Journal (maximum 15 pages if you enjoy
doing the activities you can fill the whole art file from your creativity)
Materials Required: Art book (any size), Natural things (different leaves, flowers,
twigs, trees small sticks, buds), Fevicol, colors.
PAGE 1 ACTIVITY: “Let’s explore the nature”
Visit a park or a beautiful garden. Look around you and sketch or color everything
you observe on the first page of your art file.
(NOTE: If it’s possible, then write five points about what you notice in the park or
garden on the same paper where you will draw your image.)
PAGE 2-5 ACTIVITY: “Press and dried plants”
Collect various sorts of leaves, tiny plants, and flowers, place them on a
newspaper, and cover it with another newspaper. Keep heavy books on top of the
newspaper for one week, and then open it to see the magic. Take it out of the
newspaper and place it in your art book.
(Use 4 to 5 Pages)
PAGE 6 ACTIVITY: “Lines & Shapes in surrounding”
As we have learned about different lines and shapes, look around you for
different lines and forms of living and nonliving objects, and draw the lines and
shapes you notice with a pencil, color, or sketch pen, and also write the name of
those things on the art page in which you saw those features.
For Example- I saw curve line on a leaf.
I saw square shape in a computer.
(At least 5 Lines & 5 Shapes)
PAGE 7 ACTIVITIES: “Let’s Trace”
Collect various leaves and flowers, place them beneath the art sheet, and draw
the design by coloring on the sheet. Use different sizes of leaf and flower and try
to be more creative by doing different colors on leaves as well as flowers.
(Use only 1 Pages and crayon color for good result)
PAGE 8 ACTIVITY: “Explore the forms”
Paste three to four different shaped leaves on the page then create an outline of
the leaf with two distinct colored sketch pens and fill the entire art sheet with the
same outline.
(Use only 1 Page)
PAGE 9 ACTIVITY: “What’s my Name”
Collect leaves, flowers, little seeds, twigs, and small sticks and try to put them on
an art sheet in the shape of your name or the first letter of your name.
(Use only 1 Page)
PAGE 10 ACTIVITY: “I love nature”
Create scenery, a flower, a tree, a butterfly, or an animal (any animal) out of
leaves, flowers, seeds, twigs, and sticks, then glue it to the art page and write the
(Use 1 to 2 Pages)
PAGE 13 ACTIVITY: “Make a Face”
Make a face with detailing through leaves, flowers, seeds, twigs and sticks and
paste it on the art sheet. (Use only 1 Page)
PAGE 14 ACTIVITY: “Natural color painting”
Draw a flower, tree, butterfly, animal or a plant on the art sheet and paint it with
natural color.
How to make natural color?
Material: Turmeric (Haldi) for yellow color (mix haldi with water), beetroot juice
for pink color( crush the beetroot and collect pink color), mud for brown color
(mix mud with water) and rub leaves directly on the sheet for green color. Use
paint brush, finger or cotton to fill the color.
Note: For easy coloring make the drawing in big size. (Use only 1 Page)
PAGE 15 ACTIVITY: “Create pattern”
Collect stones of different sizes and make pattern out of it. Use lines and shapes
as an inspiration. Create the pattern on the floor and click a photo (if possible
take a printout of your photo and paste it on the art sheet.
(Use 1 or 2 Pages)
Note: Cover your art file with some waste material (like fabric, newspaper, paper
bag) don’t use chart paper or cover sheet.
These pictures are examples how to do the activity. Create something new out of
If you ever get confuse, do it whatever the way you like, as nothing is wrong in
art, but enjoy the process.