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Keys for Mastering Ascension:
The Veca Consciousness Codes
© Copyright 2005 - A'sha-yana & A'zayana Deane, Ekr's MCEO
Keys for Mastering Ascension
Symbols hold a mathematical pattern of intention, an intention of originally held
creation. That intention gets down-stepped, in the form of mathematics, to hold living
forms of life forces that take on the shape of symbols. A symbol in its whole state is a
Being - a part of one of the consciousness streams. So we're co-creating when we use
one of these symbols, entering a relationship of co-creation, calling upon the power of the
symbol and the part of us that is manifest as that mati
Symbols are alive - We are all symbols. When we see each other, we don't
see the whole truth, just
what appears to be under certain condition - this
is the symbol level of ourselves. The symbol codes we use are just the
outer body, the outside form, but they are conscious thinking forms of the primal forces that
are intelligent and sentient on their own. The symbols can teach us many things - we
exist as the symbols - symbols are part of the consciousness that everything is made of.
There's an intimacy to our relationship with the symbols when we realize we are
using much more than just an inanimate dryness. The symbols are interactive, and
will talk back when we get quiet and interact with them. It becomes interesting when
we start to use the living consciousness of the mathematical programs of the Eira,
ManU, and ManA as they exist here in our bodies. Once we find that connection
in our bodies, and find that piece of the primal force within us, we start to have a
co-resonance or vibration, that's not just about us. We start to feel as part of our
own self, other parts of creation including each other. We start to feel the oneness.
We're dealing with templates of pre-light and pre-sound, what comes
before what we know as light and sound. The symbols are God languages of light,
symbol, sound, and color. When working with the symbols, we're really working with
wave spectra. They are also specific mathematical programs that represent specific scalar
wave patterns that go with the planet's and our own personal shields. Shields are the
templates upon which matter accretes, the templates behind matter.
Symbols are light technologies, because you can see them, and their
energy oscillates. Everything is a light-sound pattern - everything has its core
tone, the first expression of that form, whatever that form is. The codes act as a
core set of specific mathematical coordinates. In activating the High Vecas, using the
tones and images, which are all math coordinates, the more you'll activate, allowing
you to personally plug into those fields and to accelerate the process of bringing
in your avatar awareness. These symbols are already in Earth's and our DNA templates.
We just use them on the outside and bounce them off ourselves, thereby stimulating
them into activation. Symbols allow us to more rapidly wake ourselves up.
There are five categories: Planetary Low Vecas of Manu (Taurenic-Akashic
Codes), the Galactic Mid Veca Codes of Immanu (Akashic-Eckashic Codes), and
the Universal Level-1 High Veca Codes of Immanual (Dolaric-Rishic Codes), the
Cosmic Level-2 Codes of Immanuyana (Triadic-Polaric-Eckatic Codes), and the
God Seed Yunasai codes of Eckasha (Source Codes). (The Yunasai
Codes include the Eckasha code, which is also called the Yunasai-Eckasha God
Seed Symbol). All these symbol codes
Copyright A'sha-yana and Ahza-yana Denne, All Rights Reserved. 1999-2005,
Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings
contain the electro-tonal program or Kristiac mathematics for the Divine blueprint
structure that comprises the 15-Dimensional structure of our Universe and our bodies.
The Level-2 Immanuyana and Level-1 Immanuel High Veca Codes are
PHOTO-RADIONIC Codes, carrying the Mathematical Programs of the Trion-Meajhe Field
Khundaray Primal Sound AND Kee-Ra-ShA Primal Light Currents. The most powerful
Yunasai-Eckasha Codes are PHOTO-SONIC Codes, carrying the Mathematical Programs
of the Khundaray Current Primal Sound Meashe Field AND their bridging God Seed
vibration-rhythms connecting to Source.
The High Veca codes and the Eckasha symbol are the first codes that we
use in these technologies. They are universal time codes for primal frequency
access. Following induction and activation of these codes, we can then move on to the
more advanced Veca code technologies in the Flame Body techniques (Product Code
AFICDT) and the "Dance for Programs" series. More advance applications of Veca
Code technologies include the use of the Mid-Veca Immanu and Low Veca Manu
Codes, and the corresponding Seurias (body movements to direct frequency),
following a period of initial Induction and activation of the Yunasai and High Veca Codes.
The Bi-Veca and Tri-Veca Codes (Universal Codes of Immanuel) facilitate the
opportunity to open one's personal fields to the first levels of the Primal Life Currents: the
Kee-Ra-ShA- Primal Light Fields. The Khu-, Dha and Rha Vecas (Cosmic Codes of
Immanuyana) extend this process into the Primal Sound Fields (Khundaray). Using the
Vecas gives us the potential to create trans-time bridges of frequency between
ourselves and other simultaneous Incarnations in other time vectors all through the whole
density systems in our 15 Dimensional Time Matrix. Each Dimensional Field, and the
Primal Light and Sound Field have a set of Veca Code programs, that, when activated
in a Planet or Being, allow the corresponding Life Force Current, in its original organic
"Eternal Divine Blueprint" or "Divine Right Order" form, to progressively embody.
Coupled with the Eckasha, Manu, and related Codes, these "Keys" are
Universal Navigational Tools enabling the serious and diligent student to insure that
personal ascension efforts will be massively enhanced, focused and aligned with
Divine Right Order. Together with their corresponding Manu Codes, these are known
as the "Sacred Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven." These Codes are those by which we
genuinely open our fields to the Primal Life Force Currents called Sourcel God (or Yunasai).
We work with the symbol codes, the Vecas. The 12 Veca Codes talk to the shields.
The Maharic Shield is the 12 Dimensional (D) portion of the shield that holds all the
coding from D12 down to D1. The Maharic Shield literally is the Veca and Ecka Codes.
The symbols are alive as well. Each symbol has an identity that is a part of you. If you
saw yourself without the physical mask we are used to, you would see patterns of light and
sound geometrically arranged. Veca Codes are mathematical programs that will assist your
DNA to activate in very specific ways. It's the fastest DNA activation program on the planet.
It's the original DNA activation program on the planet - it's the Founders Program - and it's
the Kristos program. Veca Codes are power tools.
These are very intense multi-dimensional mathematical codings that speak to our
body templates and create change. They are mathematical programs that go with our
DNA and with the grids - they anchor the frequencies of D12 and the Prima Light and
Sound Fields. They open up the grids to receive the high frequencies
We do this in sequence - first D12, then D13, 14, 15, Light Fields, then the
Sound Fields. We open ourselves to receive these frequencies when we put them into the
grids. Using codes brings creation currents into the grids and into our bodies - the
currents go into our bio-fields even if you're not an Indigo - use of codes brings them into
your creation matrix. It begins the process of awakening frequencies (consciousness and
energies) that go with our Christos Avatar level, Rishi level (D13-15), and Ascended
Master levels of identity. They open up the DNA template to allow frequencies of
consciousness into our body so we can start feeling like what we truly are.
Veca Codes won't activate in your DNA or body unless you have a certain
level of D12 frequency sub-harmonics activated in your system - your Christos
frequencies. D12 always refers to the Kristos-level
Copyright A'sha-yana and Ahza-yana Deanc. All Rights Reserved 1999-2005,
Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings
carrier wave. Kristos is the part of you stationed in D12. If you have not worked with the
Maharic Shield or Veca Codes, you need to do the Emerald and Amethyst
Awakening technique, the Khundaray Sequence (Can be found on product code
ENT/2CD). The Khundaray Sequence has to be done at least once this lifetime,
or the Veca Codes just won't activate in the DNA. It's the physics of the matter
that's going to govern whether or not it's going to work for you. You need to work with the
Maharic frequencies for at least a month before your system is prepared to hold an activation
of a Veca Code.
Working with these codes in addition to the Maharic Shield and the
Merkaba Healing exercises expedites restoration of the Divine blueprint within our
DNA template. The Veca Codes link the planetary shields or scalar templates here and of
Tara (Earth's Density 2 Expression) and Gaia (Earth's Density 3 Expression) into the
Shield of Aramatena (Earth's Density 4 Espression) in D12, then into the Primal Light
and Primal Sound Fields. The Veca Code exercises also assist in opening the Maharic Shield
Rishiac Shield and balancing the new frequencies that have been anchoring on
Earth since the year 2000 (the Rishiac shield is the level of our Being in the 5th
Density or Harmonic Universe Level in the Primal Light Fields).
In practical terms, the Veca Code technologies facilitate healing of the
subconscious mind, helping us to intercept incoming distortions or miasms that block the
flow of God/Source perpetual Life-force energy flowing through our multidimensional
anatomy. This healing will in turn allow us to receive, hold and transmit greater and
greater quantities of interdimensional frequencies for our own and Client Healing
In one 15-Dimensional Time Matrix, the human and Indigo forms are
composed of five 3 dimensional density bodies called Hova Bodies (Nada, Alphi,
Betcha, Mahara, and Raja Hova Bodies), which hold our consciousness, and are
templates of scalar waves. An energetic pre-matter tissue capsule called a Radial Body
surrounds each Hova Body. Although the Radial Body is described as a tissue capsule,
it is a highly specific 3-dimensional structure within which manifestation of matter
occurs. The radial body is the body that radiates frequency - all the different currents, which
are woven into every cell - a woven dimensional layer, 3 dimension light-sound grids,
formed by merkaba fields. The field within the merkaba field, egg-shaped, is the Hova Body.
Veca Codes are specifically used for Radial Body healing. The
Radial Body is composed of five Hova Body tissue-like capsules of pre-sound, pre-light
life-force energy around part formed by the merkaba fields. When you use the Veca
codes, you're attempting to activate your radial body, your holographic skin. These
capsules surround each density level of our own multi-dimensional anatomy - every
dimensional level has a little radial body around it. Progressive depolarization of the 5
Hova Bodies and their Radial Bodies allow the being to ascend out of the 15Dimensional Time Matrix Veca Quadrant and into the Inner Ecka Universe 1st Lower
God World.
The Radial Body is also the projection screen for the creation of our
holographic experience, our manifestation machine. Distortions within our Radial Bodies
create distorted holograms and thus directly determine the quality of the life we experience as
manifest around us. It's the holographic refraction lens that allows the hologram to move
through us, bounce in the energy, and bounce back to give us 3 dimensional
holographic experience. We are mutated down to the elemental level. Therefore,
if you have a distortion in the mathematical program of say strand 2, you're going to
have a problem bringing any of the higher frequencies down, unless you get D12 in
there to reset what strand 2 is supposed to be. The distortions are the reason we
lost our ability for direct manifestation. Distortions prevent us from being able to think a
thought and have it manifest. We've taken on conditions when we came here to help
others heal. We can use geomancies or symbols, the mathematical programs that the
templates, blueprints of matter
Copyright A'sha-yana and Ahza-yana Deane, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005,
Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings
run on. If we reset the natural templates, it will progressively heal
whatever is distorted in the lower dimensional fields. That's the whole principal
of bio-regenesis - what Christos realignment is.
The Radial Body is the part of anatomy that controls, with the Kathara Grid, the
hologram. It's a living memory matrix - cells are connected to this that give us cellular
memory. The Radial Body tells the merkaba what to do; it's where instructions get
set. If there are distortions in the Radial Body, they are going to out picture
everywhere else.
Veca Codes don't just activate, but also work to clear the radial body. Radial bodies
surround all atoms and nuclei. Veca codes work directly with all levels of the radial body.
When using these codes, we remember how to speak to atoms and have them
speak to us in return - we develop a conscious and co creative control. We get
currents not of just energy, but of pure consciousness - the forces of God will - primal currents:
EirA, ManA, and ManU, bringing them back into the cellular structure of our bodies.
You're manually assisting your radial body capsules, and while you're doing all
the other techniques for directly affecting your DNA and Kathara grid, you're actually
hitting all the levels at the same time, getting the fastest activations possible. When
you use the symbols, which are actually a part of the Divine Blueprint, you're
activating things in the right order - you won't bring in a high frequency that will
crush the scalar waves of the template below it There's a Divine Order and a
sequence that is supposed to be used. The mathematics which are stored within the
Veca codes and Ecka codes above them hold these sequences, so they regulate
how the interdimensional frequencies come into the body so you don't hurt
yourself - you can't hurt yourself with these codes. First we open Veca codes and
then Ecka codes - but we actually move them at the same time.
Our body and the part of God that lives within it have its own connection to Source.
When we work with radial bodies and Veca Codes to move radial bodies and speak its
language, we're beginning to get the power over our elemental selves again. This is
the part of your consciousness that connects to the universe in all the different levels, and
connects down to the nucleus of your cells
When used with Kathara Healing, activation of the Yunasai and High Veca
Codes within the personal body prior to conducting a Kathara Client Healing Session will
cause the facilitator's Level-3 Diodic Grid to activate, temporarily transmitting Veca Code
sub-harmonics. This will cause the minute Diodic Chakras in the facilitator's finger
tips to activate if the palm chakras have been activated with either pure Maharata
Current or a selected Triadic Phase Current
The facilitator will then automatically transmit Veca Code sub-harmonics
into the client's Diodic Grid while conducting general Kathara Healing applications,
allowing the client to benefit from temporary Radial Body healing support, which will
amplify the effects of all healing applications.
Vecas correspond to time vectors, time coding we all have in our DNA. How
you get into specific time-space locations is coded in our body. The process of
ascension is the process of opening up the different currents to each other, and
progressively each level of the body opens up and you expand back into your wholeness.
You don't go someplace else, or you don't tack on anything to make it different,
you simply open up the locks between the dimensions that allow the bodies to
progressively merge together and allow the frequencies to blend together. Ascension
is density levels that you're trying to open, but the DNA has to be receptive.
Veca Codes have to do with opening these seals and opening them in the
right sequence, because technically these seals are called frequency seals - some
are between density levels, some are in the body, some are between the chakras, some in
the chakras, and some are al
he chakras, some in the chakras, and some are also in the auric field level. In one 15-
Dimensional Time Matrix, the human and Indigo forms are composed of 5 x 3 -
dimensional density bodies called Hova Bodies, each surrounded by an
energetic pre-matter tissue capsule
Copyright A'sha-yann and Ahza-yana Deine. All Rights Reserved 1999-2005,
Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings
called a Radial Body. Progressive depolarization of the 5 Hova Bodies and their
Radial Bodies allow the being to ascend out of the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix Veca
Quadrant and into the Inner Ecka Universe 1st Lower God World.
Veca Codes 1-2-3 activate to dissolve polarity of Density-1 Radial and
Hova Bodies, forming the Eiros Flame Body of Density-1 integration. Veca Codes 45-6 activate to dissolve polarity of Density-2 Radial and Hova Bodies, forming the
Dora-Amoraea Flame Body of Density-2 integration. Veca Codes 7 8-9 activate
to dissolve polarity of Density-3 Radial and Hova Bodies, forming the TeuraAmoraea Flame Body of Density-3 integration. Veca Codes 10-11-12 activate to
dissolve polarity of Density-4 (Avatar) Radial and Hova Bodies, forming the MaharaAmoraea Flame Body of Density-4 integration.
Parallel Universe Veca Codes 1-12 activate to dissolve polarity of Density-5
(Rishi) Radial and Hova Bodies, forming the Raja-Amoraea Flame Body and Veca
Cruxansatea Manu Window for passage to Inner Ecka Universe. Density-1 Ecka
Flame Body (Ecka Level-1) forms with activation of Veca Cruxansatea - at center of
Eukatharista Eternal Flame Body.
The High Veca Codes of D-12 Divine Blueprint and Primal LightSound Trion-
the power to restore all Veca codes and Scalar
Templates below them to their original Divine Blueprint or "Divine Right
Meajhe Fields have
Order." The five Vecas have to be activated in the system in order to use any of
the other codes (blanket codes).
Bi-Veca and Tri-Veca Codes. The sonic translation, or the pure tonal
signature of density 4, represented by the Bi-Veca Code is Mu A' Va, and the
corresponding tone we use to activate this code is "Ma ha ra' ta Mu A' Va Placement
on the body is on the ball of the right foot. The sonic translation, or the pure tonal signature
of density 5, represented by the Tri-Veca Code is Hal Sha. The corresponding tone we use to
activate this code is "Kee' Ra Sha Hal Sha. Placement on the body is on the ball of the left foot.
The Bi-Veca and Tri-Veca Codes represent the mathematical coding
releases for time continua. The Bi-Veca Code releases two time continua into each other
and the Tri-Veca Code is the code that can take those and link them into Inner Earth. Inner
Earth is the time continuum cycle that runs on the trions. So, it's the Trion Continuum,
where you still have polarity, but within the unity of the whole. Tri-Veca Codes are
specific mathematical programs that allow bio-fields and planetary grids to open up pillars of
frequency between here, Inner Earth, and meajhe time cycle. They are multidimensional, Intense mathematical
codings that speak to body templates and create change.
This is the first level of symbols given to begin the opening sequences on
the Inner Earth portals. It will be different for everybody, but once you have these codes,
you have the ability to begin having interaction with the Inner Earth people. These access
codes to open the Inner Earth portals were highly protected, and only the Magi race lines,
the Grail lines, were allowed to have them, and even those guys, sometimes, were not
allowed to know how to use them. These are major codings that will open the Inner Earth
portals, but they are also the frequencies that will protect Indigos and humans from
the frequencies that are being broadcast.
The eyeball part of the Tri-Veca code, the Trinity Code, is the
transharmonic conversion point, the Eye of Elohei, the place which connects to
the middle time zone, the Inner Earth time zone which leads up to the Shield of
Aramatena area in Density 4, the Home of the Elohel. Frequent and continued use of
the Veca Codes along with the other Keylontic Science technologies, will
progressively build Critical Mass of the Divine Blueprint program simultaneously
within ALL levels of the 15-Dimensional anatomy, eventually culminating in
expedited full restoration of the Dimension-12 Maharic Shield Blueprint within the BodyMind Spirit system, via the Radial Body Trion (Light)- Meajhe (Sound) Field.
Copyright Asha-yana and Ahza-yana Deane, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part of the
MCEO Freedom Teachings
The Bi-Veca, along with the Tri-Veca, are the visual translation of the mathematical
coordinates of that Bridge Zone time vector - we can use those symbols, embed them in our
DNA, literally embodying a portion
of our self that is stationed there, and has
made it through the change positively. We can use merkaba to accelerate that
and to clear the present distortions out of our template.
The Tri-Veca (Divine Trinity, 3-way Vesica) links us to Source and the
primal sound fields. Once activated in the body, it begins the process of
embodying as much of your Ascended Masters Level Self as you can - if you are 48
strands, you can anchor whole Eckar self, which is of individuation from Source: 36 strands,
you can anchor 36 octaves of your identity, which is still at the ascended
master level;
24 strands, you can anchor your Rishi range - all above Avatar level;
Human 12 strand can anchor Avatar level.
We can imbue the Bi-Veca and Tri-Veca codes into the grids and DNA
template using merkaba spirals. Once imbued in the body, it will activate
potentialities to allow you to rapidly make the shift in angular rotation of particle
spin. When the meajhe zones open and you get an invitation, it means you'll be
able to fulfill the invitation by going through.
Within the Veca technologies, we also use something called salutations that are all
about merkaba - it's using the body itself to generate the proper spin on the merkaba field. The
way to use the BI Veca and Tri-Veca when you do a merkaba is to put them on the bottom of
your feet. You put the Bi-Veca Code on the right ball of the foot, centered between the toes and
the arch, and the Tri-Veca Code on the left. You have chakras there and you are going
to be running your D12 frequency when you are doing a Salutation. You will use
the Merkaba velocity to literally burn down (or absorb) these codes into the
Planetary Shield, and into your DNA template.
if we use the Tri-Veca and Bi-Veca codes personally with our merkabas and
keep those codes awake in our fields by doing Salutations once or twice a week
and simply use the codes, it can protect us from being affected by the frequency
fence. These frequencies are being not just pinpointed toward Indigos, but have an extra
amplification just for Indigos.
You can also draw it at the bottom of your feet or use essence oils to do that. When you make
the imprint, you don't have to use a pen - you can use eyeliner, henna, stamps, etc. Your scalar
template does not read the difference between ink or oil on the chakras at the bottom of the feet.
When you do the Merkaba, these are what activate. You have a lot of current running up and
balls of your feet. You are directly imbuing a
frequency pattern that will give you the codes to enable you to go through gates
down through your feet and the
when the time comes.
Bi-Veca Code as a Manifestation Code - built on the vesica pisces. The BiVeca can be used for Manifestation, to embed things in the DNA then turn it into the
activating code. In the center of this code, there is the circle with a dot, which is the...
already fulfilled Vesica. This is actually what they call the trans harmonic conversion point,
that area that looks like an eyeball in the center (+ Astura Code). It has also been called
"The Eye of Elohi", because that's the place that literally connects you to that
middle time zone, out of the three, that Middle Earth Time Zone that leads all the way up to the
Shield of Aramatena in Density 4, which is the home of the Elohi. In working with this code, you
use the concept that the creation and ending point, and everything in between is
always in the Now, existing as vibration energy fields.
Thought is a manifestation template. We use the power of thought to make shifts in
our bodies, in our angular rotation of particle spin. The process is one of using symbols,
scalar wave patterns of light and sound, mathematically organized, geometrically
organized to directly put desired thought forms into the right places in your DNA template
so they can start their manifestation process, and you can start to see them in your
hologram. It takes about 3 days for the processes in the body, multilevels of the self, to
start projecting out because of the distortions in the grids. When they run properly, we
will manifest instantaneously
Part of manifestation involves responsibility for your thoughts - of
learning to observe your thoughts. When you start to become mindful, becoming
aware of what's going on in your mind, it helps to
Copyright A'sha-yana and Ahan-yana Deanc. All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part
of the MCEO Freedom Teachings T Series
take it with amusement let them be and move through you. Thoughts come
through from other incarnational thoughts, so be mindful. You can learn to dis-create
what you create. We used to transmute bodies with frequency when someone died-all
controlled by the most powerful Source force in the Universe: thought. Thought is the
director of frequency. Everything is formed of frequency.
This form of the Bi-Veca can be used as a control code for implanting things
in past, present, and future. Take a symbol for what you want to manifest and its antisymbol, and put them together - one in the past and one in the future, then use the mind,
and bring both together, where circles become one - one moves up in frequency - one moves
down in frequency. This helps to de-manifest the original pattern, which is a lack of something -
the lower frequency pattern, which already exists somewhere. Place it with a pattern
symbolizing the event of where you already have it, and bring past, present, and future together
in center point - mathematically embedding into all levels simultaneously the thoughts
you're trying to create in your hologram.
The dot means it's loaded - you can pull it forward and read it - lots of
symbol codes wrapped up tightly within it. Pull your Maharic Shield up, and then
scan the code.
Khu-Veca. The Khu-Veca is a Khundaray Sound field code - the first level,
or Triadic Level of the primal sound field. It is called the Shar dA'z a, and its tone is Khu
Shar Da'z a.
It was one of the 1st codes to have ability to override Jehovian Seals in
physical and planetary body. D12 frequency alone won't override the J-Seals so it was
necessary to bring in not only the D12, but also the D13-15 frequencies of the primal
sound fields. You can clear miasmic blockages caused by release of Jehovian Seals
(J-Seals) with the Khu-Veca Code and Salutation. The Jehovian seals will
progressively release over time - all the way until 2012. The Khu-Veca will
progressively clear the Jehovian seals and their effects.
The Khu-Veca was not usable until there was level-1 activation of the Four Faces
of Man interface network in the planetary grids and the body. The Khu-Veca gave us the
potential to build frequencies in the shields and to progressively activate the other levels
of the Four Faces of Man. The Khu-Veca will amplify all of the other things that we've been
working with, as far as: protection, expediting DNA activation, balancing DNA activation, in
addition to breaking up Jehovian implants in the planetary grids and our bodies.
Jehovian Seals Placement of Khu-Veca. There are four main stations
for using the Khu-Veca: 1) Chakra 8, thyroid; 2) Chakra 2, tailbone D12 access;
3) heart chakra; 4th chakra; 4) pineal via chakra 6.
Thyroid: Sit or lay down - put a drawing of the Khu-Veca on the 8th chakra
face up; activate your Maharic Shield to bring up pale silver Maharic frequency
from your Maharic Shield 12" below the feet. Bring it up to the chakra, hold it a
moment, and then exhale it out through the chakra. Then inhale, imagining pale silver
coming up, and breathe out the front and back (up through the head at an angle
and comes out the back of the head) - exhaling a line of light, breathing the silver light
with the symbol on it, out through the front and back of the chakra - try to breathe at
least 2 minutes per code to start
Next imagine the code riding on pale silver light - imagine code
coming from thyroid and bring it down to the tailbone and exhale it out through the
chakra. This is connected to 2nd sacral and base chakras which will be getting the
code through the vertical current, so don't have to worry about base chakra. Repeat the
steps for the heart chakra, which will clear and encode the astral field. Then take it from the
heart up to the forehead, encoding the pineal, and breathing out through the 6th
The last step after clearing the 6th chakra (pineal, 6th and 7th chakras
intersect), imagine the code riding on pale silver light - imagine code coming from
forehead with code inside (like silver string attached to code and pull it from forehead to
pineal), inhale and hold, then pop it up to the 14th chakra. Then inhale the encoded ball and
exhale it down to earth core.
Copyright A'sha-yama and A'hza-yana Deane, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part of the MCEO
Freedom Teachings I Series
If you are starting to hurt, you can help clear and code all the chakras with this
code, then take the code and put it on specific areas of hurt with oil and breathe an encoded
silver energy ball through it. You can also draw the symbol on your hand and then
transmit frequency through it to help other people heal.
We use the Khu-Veca to bring primal sound field into the body to break
up the J-Seals. We move the symbol to an area and breathe in and out, hitting
areas with sound from the primal sound fields. When sound frequencies come
through, they will progressively break up J-Seals. The J-Seals can eat holes through
personal energy field - if our Maharic Shield isn't strong, they can eat holes through it from
the inside out.
When placing it on Chakra 8, thyroid, we can draw with essence oil, which
helps with electrical transmission and helps frequencies to pass through Holding
stones (selenite on jewelry: sugilite: amethyst) while meditating will assist in
bringing those frequencies in and assists frequencies of the code to activate in the
body (working with violet and white, D7 and D12 essentially).
The Khu-Veca was the first code given to help break up the JSeals. The Dha-Veca and Rha Veca help also, as they bring in even higher sound field
frequencies. If you
bring in even higher sound field frequencies. If you use them and keep them at a
stable rate in body, they will counter the effect of J-Seals in the body. The BiVeca code plugs you into the D12-D13 space - takes you up to Density 5 where
you make the D12-13 connection. The Tri-Veca code takes you up to D13-D14,
and from D15 to the beginning of the sound fields. The Khu-Veca is of the 1st
level of the sound fields and begins to make a bridge to the next level of the sound fields.
Use the codes to build very quickly those creation currents all the way down.
Anybody can work with the Vecas. We won't be able to fully anchor them in
the DNA template, but we can build it in the outer levels of aura, and thereby plug into the
trion field - primal light field. When we clear the J-Seals from our template, it also helps
clear them out of the planetary grids. Running the frequencies in our bodies will help
heal planetary grids - helping to neutralize the J-Seals in the planetary grids
The High Veca Codes programs only allow enough of the primal light and
sound fields into the body to clear the J-Seals progressively. They also activate our own
inner connection to the 4 Faces of Man grid. The more you use them will ensure
progressive plug-in to the primal light and sound fields and
progressively clear out
and recalibrate levels of J-Seals in the body.
Dha-Veca. The Dha-Veca helps us to access level-2 of the primal sound fields - it's a code
of the Polaric level. Placement on the body is at chakra 2, just below the naval. It assists in
clearing progressively the J Seals that release in the body. It is called the Dru A' jha, and we
activate it by toning Dha' Dru A jha.
Rha-Veca. The Rha-Veca helps us to access level-3 of the primal sound field it's a code of the Eckatio level. Placement on the body is over the tailbone. The sonic
signature is Ec Ka, and we tone Rha Ec' ka to activate it. It assists in clearing
progressively the J-Seals that release in the body.
Eckasha. Eckasha is a symbol code, a geomancy (mathematical, geometrical
program), which holds and directs the mathematical realities of scalar wave interactions
within the planetary shields. A large portion of our scalar templates is built on the Eckasha.
When we begin to activate those portions of our templates we can begin running the subharmonics of the Khundaray, the Kee-Ra-ShA, and the beginning of the frequencies
the Eckasha Universe, the one above the Inner Ecka one. Frequencies
run through the Inner Ecka and down to us in our universe. The Eckasha anchors the EckaVeca seed atoms via the Eckasha Ad-Don-draea Amoraea "13th pillar." The Eckasha symbol is an
Ecka Code. Using optical pineal induction, it goes into the corresponding correct part of
the scalar shields and DNA template and starts creating activation. The tone is Um
ah A' ThrA' EnaA.
Once the High Veca and Eckasha symbol code sequences are
embedded and induced into the Level 1 Kathara Grid, they are then activated in the
Kathara Grid by toning the corresponding Veca Code
and Athza-yana Deanc, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005, Part of the
MCEO Freedom Teachings TM Series
Ariea sequence. The primal currents are the Ec, the Ka, and the Sha, thereby
the name Eckasha. The name is a tonal vibration by which something is defined.
Therefore, the names are part of the toning. In Flame Body activation, we work
with the Eckasha as a part of the Maharic Seal technique. The first stage of
reclaiming the Flame Body is to work with a higher frequency Maharic Seal. The
Amoraea flame bodies take on the shape of the Eckasha
Reuche. The center part in the Eckasha, the Reuche holds the intrinsic
coding for the formation of Light and Sound. It works like a combination lock sometimes
- turn it like a combination lock, and it will show you pictures and things. The Reuche
can be used as a Vehicle to visit the Halls of Amenti, where 590 large leather-
bound books with all of our written historical records are kept. You can ask
for guidance to the most pertinent information for you at this present time and read the
book with your life mission/Divine Blueprint records in it.
You can play with these codes - and you can't hurt yourself with them.
There's protection built into the code. You need to run a minimum of D12 frequency
sub-harmonics and it will clear anything it did that wasn't supposed to be done - or the
code just won't work. If you reverse the codes, like the Reuche in the Eckasha, it won't
work and it won't hurt you. If your body's not ready to deal with the frequency, the
code just won't work. As long as you're running the D12 sub-harmonics in your
body, your body will be very self regulating - it won't allow activations to go too quickly
or out of sequence, so you don't hurt yourself.
All density and dimensional shields carry the same Krist Code core
Reuche Template. The 12 Reuche pillars are also known as the Eternal Life "Krist
Use Eckasha currents, the highest level of them, to help reset and hold in place the
natural form of lowest ones and move it up, progressively clearing the radial bodies,
eventually clearing out and getting rid of the victim/victimizer thing - eventually
getting our shadow back
Low Veca Codes of Manu. Low Vecas, Codes of ManU: lahaia, Lehaia,
Reushaia, and Shahaia. They control radial body Veca density locks on dimensions 1-12
Veca matter bodies. The lahaia, Lehaia, Reushaia, and Shahaia work with Manu
field, the reion field around them. Toning rapidly, use 12 rounds of the Magic Words
of Creation while gazing at code regularly 10-15 seconds, then bring it into cross-eyed
double focus. There is a minimum of 12 ways to focus - just find the one that's comfortable.
The Metatronic lenses/BeaST were activated because we were doing so well grids were at a higher frequency level than they expected. The Beast wasn't
supposed to be activated until 2011 - 23 Mar 2002 it was activated. The Emerald
Eyes were put in to counteract the Fallen Angelic ones. The Emerald Eyes
automatically when the Metatronic lenses activate. It therefore
becomes a frequency fight between 2 opposing forces and creates stress on
the grids. The Low Vecas, God world mathematical programs, slow down the effects
of the Emerald Eyes so that we don't go into pole shift.
lahaia: The lahaia when seeded, goes directly into the Emerald Eyes, and begins the
balancing phase on the Emerald Eyes and also helps to clear the Delphi Crystal so it isn't
used to amplify the Metatronic Crystal. It helps to balance the rhythms out - it stabilizes
the process and doesn't blast it. The Emerald Eyes were going to activate anyway,
but with the lahaia coding, the process would be more harmonious.
If there weren't any Indigos or angelics on the planet, it wouldn't matter
if we went into pole shift - the energies would come in, blast through, the planet would
rebalance and that would be that. However, we are here, and by working with the codes,
we can slow down the effects of the Emerald Eyes. We can run enough frequency to
counterbalance, and we can stretch out the effects of the Emerald Eyes so it balances in
the grids instead of whipping through and clearing stuff. We could have a Christos
Realignment Mission really fast, but no one would be left here to appreciate it.
Copyright A'sha-yana and A'han-yana Deane, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005, Part of the
MCEO Freedom Teachings
Use of the lahaia begins the opening of the D-1 Chi to D-13 KEE Manu
doorway, beginning activation of the Eckasha Force rays within the D-1 "Cave of
Creation" point, the First of the First 8 Cells in Tailbone and the Neutron Windows within
the Atomic structure. It also progressively activates the Manu Rays within the Density-1
Body and brings the Manu Phase of the Eckasha 12-Point Merkaba Vehicle into temporary
Lehaia: A God World mathematical program used to help slow down effects of
the Emerald Eyes to forestall pole shift. The Lehaia allows us to work with the Manu
field and controls radial body Veca density locks on dimensions 1-12 Veca matter bodies.
Lehaia and Ur-Immanu: to be used prior to building pillars of sound when
working with the second set of 3 seurias.
Optical-Pineal induction - with individual codes - then ManU Psonn
12 times. Use Magic Psonns (Eckasha Psonn Sequence) - repeat sound tones while
doing symbol code pineal induction - slightly cross eyes - you almost get two images get into a fuzzy space where you blend currents coming out the eyes - you're braiding
them together, accessing directly into the pineal. When you play with focus, you're
beginning to braid current that are being held apart separately in polarization (there
are 12 levels of focus).
There's a technical skill involved in learning to find the 12 points of focus.
The 12 points of focus show different frequency spectrums. Do the toning when you
find the fuzzy focus (the two images that seem to form the vesica pisces). When you're
braiding those currents and bringing those frequencies together, you can more fully bring
the mathematics in their whole form - otherwise you're only bringing a piece of it through
each eye. When you blur focus, you bring it together into one beam of consciousness,
and it is therefore more powerful.
Reushaia. Veca 8, the Reushaia, is a God World mathematical program that works with
the Manu Field. It controls radial body Veca density locks on dimensions 1-12 Veca
matter bodies. With Veca 11, Thun Immanu, it becomes part of the Monadic Code and
used in the Monadic Override Sequence.
Shahaia. The Shahaia, Veca 9, is a God World mathematical program that works
with the Manu Field. It controls radial body Veca density locks on dimensions 1-12 matter
bodies. It was first used in the Master Stand in Paxos, May 2003.
Mid Veca Codes of Immanu. These codes, the Ur-Immanu, Thun-Immanu, and
Or-Immanu control radial body Ecka density locks. They are also called the blood
codes, because they have to do with affecting the crystallization of the templates that
manufacture the blood. There are actual chemical changes that take place within the blood
in order for the body to undergo the whole cellestalline wave thing, the particle/anti particle
fission/fusion where we get to roll up into light and pop up somewhere else. These are main
activator codes that activate sequences of other ones.
Ur-Immanu. This code, Veca 10, is one of the blood codes, as it affects the crystallization of
the templates that manufacture the blood. It controls radial body Ecka density locks. It's
also a main activator code that activates sequences of other ones.
Thun-Immanu. Part 3B of the cosmic 12:12:12:12 Initiation. It's an elemental fluids
template restructuring code. It's a Blood Crystallization Code and a cellular repair code.
It clears the reverse program from any fluids - use it under your water at home or put it
on the body to help clear the fluids in your body. When placed on the body, it doesn't
matter whether it faces out or in. Use it under anything that has a fluid base. The
12:12:12:12 Initiation activated both Veca code 11 and Parallel Veca 11.
Copyright Asha-yana and Ahza-yaria Deanc, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part of the
MCEO Freedom Teachings T Series
The Cosmic 12:12:12:12 Initiation began on Nov 5-17, 2002, as the Scepter 12,
Ecka 12, Veca 12, and Reuche 12 Lock Key Codes initiated within the Universal
Veca Shields and were anchored into Earth's Templar as Parallel Star Gate-12
began its opening cycle. The secrets of the 11s & 12s always referred to the precise
sequence of Lock Key-Codes that needed to be entered into the Cosmic-UniversalGalactic Planetary Shields in order to open the Density-Locks and Star Gates to
the Eckasha-Aah God Core Worlds.
Implementation of the Cosmic 12:12:12:12 Code represented activation of the
Cosmic "Checks and Balances" by which the "Cosmic Clock and Cosmic Divine Blueprint" would
be reset
within the lower Shields, via anchoring/initiation and
activation/Consummation of the 12-Reuche Scepter Pillars of the "Cosmic Clock"
Reuche God Seed Core. The Cosmic 12:12:12:12 Activation will allow
the Universal Radial
Bodies from the Eckasha-A Universes to the Universal Veca Systems to open,
forming the Eternal Eckasha-Aah-Amoraea Flame Body "support capsule"
through which the final Cosmic 11:11 Activation can take place to reset the
Cosmic Clock.
The Cosmic 11:11 Activation is the Templar Lock Key-Code Activation
Sequence that opens the Shield Azur-A Center Point Locks from the EckashaA to the Universal Veca and its planets/stars, enabling the "13th Reuche Pillar,"
the Eckasha-Aan-Amoraea Cosmic entry of the "ONE Codes" - Reuche-1,
Scepter-1, Ecka-1, KRIST-1.
Reushaia and Thun-Immanu. Veca 8 and 11. Called the
Monadic Override Sequence. This "Monadic Override Sequence" is often referred
to as the "Universal 11:11 Activation; Veca-11/Parallel 11=Veca 12 Initiation. It utilized
initiation of the Veca Code-8, Veca Code-11 Sequence, which triggers expedited
initiation of Veca Code-12, via using the "Monadic Override Sequence,
which used Code Veca 8 to run the Gold Wave Infusion, allowing Veca-11
and its parallel Veca-11 to merge for triggering of Veca 12 Initiation.
It prevented destruction of Star Gate-12 as the Golden Censer went
through, along with mitigating effects of the Planetary Blue Fire Sword Initiation. It
facilitated the Gold Wave Monadic Infusion. It expedited initiation and activation of
Veca Code 12, the elemental solids template restructuring code (Or Immanu) when
using 12:12 induction and Rishiac shield activation and preceding tech 17, the
Thun Immanu Veca code 11:11 parallel induction. Together techniques 16 and 17 of
the Flame Body Activation series trigger expedited natural initiation and activation
of Veca 12 to complete part 3 of cosmic 12:12:12:12 initiation
Or-Immanu, Veca 12 is the Elemental Solids Regenesis Code. It should
be used on all solids to reset the reverse spin. It controls radial body Ecka
density locks and also affects the crystallization of the templates
that manufacture
Nov 517, 2002 (Scepter 12, Ecka 12, Veca 12, and Reuche 12 were the Lock Key
Codes Initiated within the Universal Veca Shields and were anchored into Earth's
the blood. It is part of the 12:12 Code which initiated the Cosmic 12:12:12:12 Initiation on
Templar as Parallel Star Gate-12 began its opening cycle)
Activating Manu Veca Codes begins freeing us from the reversals. They
are activated by the seuria tones/sound tones. If you've used the High Vecas
and they're already active in your system, you can start to feel and experience
results rather quickly when using the Manu codes. The ManU consciousness doesn't think
like we do: it doesn't believe, just knows. ManU holds the common knowing. EirA and ManA
each has a piece, but not the whole. Working with the Void/Manu Codes will start to
bring back the pieces into a whole, into a natural state of harmonization.
Scepter 12. El Haialeal. The El-Haialeai Scepter Code is the Eckasha-A Spectra
Code and activates all Scepters below it. Activating Scepter Code 12 and calling
on any one of the 11 Scepter Codes, will reveal the secrets of the codes to us. This
process sets in motion the opening of a set of 12 personal lessons as
Copyright A'sha-yana and A'zo-yana Deane, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005.
Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings
we start to become our own teachers. Continued exploration of these
codes reveals the Eternal Flame Secrets of the Eukatharaistic Eternal Flame
Reionavana Ecka 12 Code. Activates all 12 Ecka Codes
(Eckasha corridor codes)
This code along with Scepter 12 was used to initiate parts 1 and 2,
Cosmic 12:12 lock key code sequence into personal shields and initiate Level 5 Veca
Amoraea Flame Body activation - Eckasha Amoraea Flame Body activation and activated
Density 5 Rishiac shield. It prepares the body mind. spirit. and personal shield and DNA
template to receive the cosmic 12:12 12:12 Flame Body activation the Earth entered
upon December 21, 2002 it releases the outer lock seals on the Eckasha-Aah, Eckasha, and
Ecka, and universal Veca radial bodies to activate the cosmic Eckasha-Aah,
Eckasha-A, Eckasha, Ecka and Veca Amoraea Flame bodies in preparation for
anchoring and initiating the cosmic 11:11 13th pillar Krist Code 1 activation during the
HE-Thar-O peak of May 27, 2003.
One must anchor the 13th pillar Eckasha-Aah, Amoraea Eiros Arc, the
Arc of the Covenant during the HE-Thar-O in order to catch the wave of ascent into
the bridge zone time continuum to reset the cosmic clock and divine blueprint in the
personal shield through anchoring the inner 12 Reuche pillars. Activation of the
inner 12 Reuche Scepter Pillars neutralizes metatronic implants and prevents D13R blue fire sword currents
from causing monadic reversal of the shield enabling one to avert wesedak black hole fall
between 2012-2017
Veca Mahadra, KRIST-1 Code. The KRIST-1 Code opens the
Azur-A center seal of the Cosmic Krist Shield and the EukatharistaAmoraea Flame Body, allowing release of the Eukatharista-Amoraea "Cosmic
Krist Flame." The Krist-1 Code holds within it the mathematical programs of all of the
"ONE" Codes below it, and thus the 1-1-1-1 Lock Key Code Sequence is entered into the
Shields via the single Krist-1 Code. The Cosmic 11:11 is actually the entry of the
"ONE Codes" - Reuche-1, Scepter-1, Ecka-1, KRIST-1. You can consolidate Veca
Code induction with the Veca Mahadra 12:12 Krist Code to initiate Ecka-Veca body sub-
harmonic activation.
The KRIST-1 was Part 4 of cosmic 12:12:12:12. It was used to complete initiation
of cosmic 12:12:12:12 lock key code sequence into personal shields to enable shields,
DNA template, and body to automatically receive cosmic 12:12:12:12 Eckasha Amoraea
flame body activation as it activated within the universe galactic planetary shields on 21
Dec 2002. It helped prepare the shields for receiving the KRIST-1 Code Cosmic 11:11
13th pillar initiation to catch the wave of ascent to the bridge zone continuum during
the May 27, 2003 Universal-Galactic-Planetary HE-Thar-0. It was also used
during HE-Thar-O to anchor the recreation of the Halls of Amenti Arc Interface System.
The long-anticipated event of entering the Cosmic Krist-1 Code and the 11-1-1 Lock Key Code Sequence into the "Stairway to Heaven" levels for resetting
of the Cosmic Clock and the Divine Cosmic Blueprint, has been referred to as the
"Second Coming of Krist" or Christ (the first being the origina Creation-point). The Cosmic
Templar opening procedure has become cloaked within the "12:12/11:11"
symbology, which has been known as the "Krist Code," and in our Universal Vecas
as the "Code of the Second Coming of Krist/Christ." All of this symbology has always
referred to the eternal procedures for resetting the Cosmic Clock for restoration
of the Cosmic Divine Blueprint within all manifest worlds
The 1-1-1-1 Lock-Key Code Sequence became "cloaked" within the 11:11
symbology. The Cosmic 11:11 13th Pillar Activation begins the reset on the
Cosmic Clock. The 12 Reuche Scepter Pillars of the Cosmic Clock "Ride on
the Carrier Wave" of the 13th Pillar. Before the 13th Pillar Eckasha-Aah
Amoraea Flame could anchor/within the lower shields, the Universal Radial
Body Density Locks for the Eckasha-Aah, Eckasha-A, Ecka and Veca Universes had
to be released to allow the 13th Pillar to pass from one God World level to the next level
Copyright A'sha-yana and A'za-yana Deane, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part of the MCEO
Freedom Teachings. TM Series
The Cosmic 12:12:12:12 Lock Key-Code Sequence (Scepter-12;
Ecka-12; Veca-12; Reuche-12) must first activate the outer Cosmic-Universal
Radial Bodies into their Flame body, which then opens the central shield Azur-A point
to open to receive the Cosmic 11:11 13th Pillar Lock Key-Code Sequence. The
opening procedures for Resetting the Cosmic Clock are the running of the Cosmic
12:12:12:12/11:11 Templar Code Sequence.
The third part of the Cosmic 12:12 was expedited into initiation through
initiation of the Universal Monadic Override Sequence, which utilized initiation of
the Veca Code-8, Veca Code-11 Sequence, which triggers expedited initiation of
Veca Code-12, via using the "Monadic Code" Veca-8 to run the Gold Wave
Infusion, allowing Veca-11 and its parallel Veca-11 to merge for triggering of Veca-12
The 12:12:12: 12 activations released main lock seals: Main lock
seals have to be released all the way down to allow the 13th pillar and subsequent
reuche pillars to come down into the Veca system. The 12:12:12:12, Vecas 8 and 11
universal override system gives Veca 12 activation early. Once the locks open, they
initiate in shields, then a cycle of time passes until they fully activate, which is when
radial bodies turn into flame bodies - and flame bodies you can pass through because they
no longer polarize.
Once anchored in the Ecka Base Shield, the 24 Reuche Pillars interact
and bend toward each other through the mathematical program of the Krist Code,
"stepping-down" to form 2 sets of 12 Ecka-Veca Body Primary Lotus Arc Sets.
Mahadra Adhrana. This Master Key Code specifically opens the two double density
lock seals (above head and below feet). It holds all the Veca Codes within it. It was
used in Phoenix 2003 to anchor and activate the Universal Christiac Vision Seed
through the opening of the 24 Blood Crystal Seeds, within us, the Indigo Shield,
Planetary, Galactic and Universal grids.
The Manu Psonn is one of the Sacred Seuria Songs. There are body
movements and sound tones that go with these Songs. They work in manifestation
because they use combinations of the natural sound tones that go with the natural
vibrational primal (3) currents - ManU, ManA, and EirA. This is a process of
circulation of primal force currents, using sound strings, built upon the sound
of Eckasha and 3 currents (EirA, ManU, ManA). Using them in right sequence will
start to bring back mathematical coding of the natural sequence of the ManU body.
When your selves hear these sound tones, they begin to wake up the
parts of the Manu, begin to reassemble that which was broken down before, and
dissemble blockages that don't belong there. The sound tones are the key - use them as
commands, as statements. It's a vibration,
a wave form - if you can't feel it in your
body, you're not putting enough energy into it - you need to sing and speak in a way
that all the parts of yourself can hear you - it's a command - it's a wave form. It's not
always how loud the sound is, but how resonant it is - how much it is moving
through the cells.
Eckasha - Hailing the Eckasha, The God Force. Would you co-create
with me? (The Request) I'm requesting the Presence of the God Force . let's cocreate together. Here you're putting out a frequency to get the attention of the
ManU, the EirA, and ManA - the parts of the consciousness of God - to get the
attention of the consciousness fields - to get the attention of the parts of you that
are stationed in the ManU, EirA, and ManA. When these sound frequencies emanate
outward there's a direct response.
The In-breath - (The Intention-Embedding Breath). This is what takes a
piece of the hologram, through me, through the template, through transduction
sequence, back through the planet, and back to
Copyright A'sha-yana and Athan-yana Deane, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part of
the MCEO Freedom Teachings T Series
Source. And when you exhale, you're bringing energy back out into the
hologram - this is your manifestation and demanifestation current.
What you are holding in your head and in your emotional body at time you
think a thought, when you inhale, wherever your Shadow, your emotional body, mental
body, and physical body is stationed at the time you think a thought, that imprint gets
sent back with the inhale breath into the Manu fields. Whatever level is closest to where
you are. If you're blocked and can't go past 3D, it will go into the Manu fields
surrounding 3D. The ManU fields have one job - to uphold the original intention to
create in the image of God itself, which is the gift of free will creation. So whatever you
decide to put in it, you've planted it - it's a consciousness, and agrees to take whatever pattern you
send to it and turn it into vibration and set the mechanics in motion to manifest.
The part of you that is the ManU is the part that makes it happen. Then the
ManA current on the exhale starts to bring it out into manifestation. In the days when
there weren't DNA problems, you could hold an intention and image of what you wanted
to happen, then just run the currents, and use the seurias, talk to yourself in your head
telepathically, and exhale a breath, and it would happen. It would go out and
have the same power, in its own way, of creation. If you wanted something to move,
you would just imagine it, and it would move.
In every breath we take we are using this power - we are not taught about the
power of our breath. You can use your breath to jump time a little more quickly,
especially once the body is cleared of the distortions. We work with the sound and
the symbal codes - and what the sound can't do the symbols will and vice versa.
Hold in mind the image of what you want to manifest - then sing the
Directive and then the Intention Embedding (EirA) - you have made a statement
- you know you are creating now - a gesture of eloquence - it commands power
- you know you are talking to God, you know you are co-creating with God, that
you and God are one, and that what you are intending to manifest is God intending to
manifest right now - you are speaking it, lovingly, commanding creation. Request (moves up
and down), the others are much more of a tight line of energy, as opposed to a wave
of energy moving up and down - it's a finely balanced set of currents
Pause (Manu) - where intention is created. Take an in breath, and with it, speak
out a line, then pause, and what you're doing in the pause is where you give it time, where
you're allowing energy transfer to fully transfer - to download from the computer - trying to
take it from the decision point and now you're sending it to the printer "to take" - it is intention
Out breath (ManA) - exhale and make your sound, and manifestation comes out
into the hologram. Sound is very powerful. Most of the evil avatars were very well
spoken - they could trigger activations just by the way they carried the voice, by the lift in
the voice - they could trigger reversal activations - they could use language as a surface
carrier, but underneath they modulate the voice and using tones that trigger things that
could affect the chemicals in the body, on your DNA, and if you're not aware, and do
not have enough frequency in your fields of your natural life force current, you could
be affected - but if you have enough of your own D12 or at least the sub-harmonics,
you won't be affected.
We're very susceptible to tone - our bodies are built on the void the
sound, and the light - so sound and light and frequencies of the void can all be used
to interface with us for positive or negative purposes. Using tones for positive purposes
creates immunity. We can also help others by speaking these tones - they will undo the
negative ones.
We're getting our sound back - and eventually we'll get the light back that goes
with it - and then we'll have our power back. Taking pieces of the 15 primary rays - some
are being combined correctly - some aren't. There's reversed matrix language plugged
in. Some of the alphabets we're taught are made of reversed symbols and reversed
tones, and words made of these and then spoken keep reversals set in our atoms
by the action of talking. Languages are mixed - primary letters that would release the
Copyright A'sha-yana and Athra-yana Deane, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005,
Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings
currents were taken out, and others put in that cause a skip code reversal - it all started with
the Tower of Babel. Part of the challenge is bringing back the old languages that don't
have the reversals
In terms of our personal own development for contact, the Eira work is more
associated with sound. If we need more Eira Force then we should develop our Inner
Hearing by utilizing sound and tones. ManA Force is more keyed to visual stimulus.
If we need more Mana Force then we should work with the Veca Codes and
develop our Inner Sight.
Direct Induction: Induction and embedding of the High Veca Codes
into the 15 Dimensional Anatomy involves placing the individual symbol codes
over the regions of the physical body that correspond to specific areas of the
underlying Kathara Grid. The body placement of each code also corresponds
directly to its location in the Energy Shields of the body.
Once the symbol is in place, the breath is used to direct D12 Maharata
Current through each symbol code and into the body. Use of the Maharata Current
carrier wave (via activation of the Maharic Seal/Shield) is required to induce the
code's mathematical programme or signature into the body's Kathara Grid, where the
programme will then naturally transfer into the corresponding areas of the Level-1 Kathara
12-Tree Grid core template.
Optical-Pineal Induction: Body placement induction of the High Veca Codes is
amplified by the use of optical-pineal induction. In this process, the eyes are focused
for a time upon the image of the symbol code, and using the breath, you bring the
mathematical Veca Code program into the Pineal gland through the optical currents and
6th Chakra. The mathematical program of the Veca Code being induced then
travels through the Central Vertical Current and into the body region to which the code
corresponds. Here it is embedded and induced into the corresponding location of the
Kathara grid. The mathematical program goes into the template and literally turns
on a program in the shield. This begins to turn on the consciousness in accordance
with the program.
In the beginning stages of working with optical-pineal induction it is
recommended to use either a relaxed or active cross-eyed" focus, which ever feels
most comfortable. This sends a double, overlapping image of the symbol code into the
pineal gland and facilitates the realignment of distortions in the optical region at the centre of
the brain (see CCR-Phoenix 2003 and SYCA- workshops for further information on the "Adhrana
The process of Personal Induction, and subsequent embedding, is a
profound process of healing and multi-dimensional consciousness/ identity
expansion. The process invokes essential Merkaba correction, and directly assists in
meaningful activation of the higher level Merkabas.
Imbedding and activation of the Veca Codes via optical-pineal
induction is not as powerful as the direct body placement technique since the
mathematical current of the Veca Code loses charge and strength when travelling from the
pineal gland into the central vertical current. The optical pineal induction is therefore used
for daily amplification of the Veca Code frequencies, while the direct body
placement technique is used once a week. When placing Veca Codes on the
body, they should be placed in the appropriate place with the code facing out and
the blank side of the paper touching the body. If you use Veca codes upside down,
they won't work. You can put tattoos over place on body, activate your MS, and then
just tone the tones while you're doing something else - you can create a continual level of activation
do the Flame Activation Techniques that go with Tech 8. that will work also to
keep a continual level of activation. Use with sound tone equivalents after induction to re-
stimulate it, to recalibrate your emotional bodies.
Place codes over areas, activate your Maharic Shield, breathe D12
through each symbol - lower to higher sequence - then begin toning the
corresponding tones - sing them as a song.
Copyright A'sha-yana and Alhameyann Deine, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part of the MCEO
Freedom Teachings T Series
When working individually, repeat at least 3 times, to let vibration comes in. When
singing it as a whole song, sing the whole song 3 times (singing each code-song once in
each sequence). It not only brings in power, but also brings in the Presence of your
God Self. And when you speak it, you are giving it a D5 dimensional twist that
actually hits your 5th strand template. So by reading it you get it on D3, but when
it's verbal it's being transmitted through the 5th chakra, it's carrying D5 sub-harmonics.
So you can get an extra push behind the sound tones - it can give you a head start on
sequencing things.
Moving through the 5 High Veca Codes, spend 3-4 minutes gazing,
focusing with the cross-eyed approach for each card, and using the tones with
them. The basic way to do the Veca Code song for the first time - use the given
form, then move to variants on a personal level with your interaction with what is, not
inanimate something, but something that is a live animate consciousness, a
representation of a being - the codes are alive. And when you hold them in your
hand and you perform this tune in your private space and you begin to feel that
Being feeling you, then you know you're working with the Vecas. To help you do this,
the Beloveds suggested we use half octave increments, so you go from a
relatively low level and then
Veca Codes are very specific symbol codes, each possessing
corresponding Sound Tones or Arieas. When we begin to use the ancient sound
tones, the whole tones, the tones of the words themselves, the vibrational patterns,
we call more and more of that living life force into our embodiment, and with this comes
more of our at-one-ment. The ancient sound tones are their real names - using them brings
of the at-one-ment into our fields
Practice each set of Veca tones by themselves while fixating on the code - take
one at a time, and simply stare at it - and while you are, pronounce the tone. After you
stare for a while, they start shifting focus - there is a place where you get your focus,
where you can see the realities of energy behind the hologram. Take the symbol code
and go sit in a dimly lit space - and just focus on it - let the image talk to you and talk
back to it with the tones. This begins the process of inducing into the pineal the
mathematical program. Start once per day.
It's important to run them while we're vertical, because the kundalini does
something differently than when we're reclining. When you're inducing it, you'll have more
energy available if you pay attention to your posture. The idea is to be able to hold
frequency while conscious in the body - reclining will cause us to more easily fall asleep.
Start with 3-5 minutes per code using the tone. The longer the toning is sustained, the
greater will be the quantity of Veca Code Activation. When you can draw the code
without looking at the picture, that's when you know you have it fully induced - or
remember all the components.
When we tone the ancient sound tones, the whole tones, the tones of the words
themselves, the vibrational patterns, we call more and more of that living life force into
our embodiment, and with this comes more of our at-one-ment. All languages came
out of the original patterns of the Divine Blueprint and consciousness currents, and
sound tones are the vibrations that sound tones made, such as mana came from ManA.
When used with the Temporary Maharic Seal, Toning of the Veca Code "names" (auditory
translation of their core mathematical vibration. Mu-A'-va, Ha-Sha, Shar-DA'z-a,
DrU-A'jha and Ec-ka), activates corresponding mathematical codes in the DNA Template,
expediting embodiment of the personal D-12 Pre-matter Divine Blueprint and
corresponding levels of personal expanded consciousness.
Use of the Veca Codes expands personal consciousness while
activating personal Christos trion meajhe field - primal life force fields. We can create
our own personal trion-meajhe fields - our own way of linking into universal trionmeajhe fields. This is the way we get into right probability when two polarity fields
separate. If you work with these codes, you'll be able to link - you'll have your sound
pillar that will anchor you into the right time vector instead of getting sucked into black
hole matrix.
Copyright A'sha-yana and Alha-yuna Deanc. All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part of the MCEO
Freedom Tenchinas TH Series
Using the tones will allow us to sing our way through Star Gates. Putting the
codes in visually and holding that pattern on the body will help the templates to activate
faster, but it's hard to remember them. In the old day, you would have to know how to
draw one code before you went on to the next.
The symbols are not just symbols, but are mathematical patterns that go
with specific scalar waves in your shields. Everything is composed of the units of
the consciousness of God, which means the scalar shields that are a part of you
that is a part of God are alive, they're not just inanimate things that you can keep track
of with numbers and symbols - this means the Veca Codes themselves are Beings that
hold knowledge and identity.
The Veca Codes give natural mathematical sequencing of running primal
light and sound fields current into the body and bio-fields in a way that is natural for the body
to process it. We each have a part of our own being that manifests as these types of light
and sound forms - they're in our shields with us. We use them to activate the shields, the
mathematical templates which tell consciousness and the primal life
e made from which way to bend light and move sound in order to
create the 3-dmensional hologram. Shields directly connect to merkaba, and are the control
mechanisms for merkaba, and merkaba is a natural biological machine that
circulates the primal currents and primal consciousness through our fields
They can teach us things. We can meditate with an Eckasha - do the
optical-pineal induction for a little bit, then just start having a telepathic
conversation with it. Before too long, it might start talking back it will
communicate with you. Each code has a different personality - they're different
identities. When we use a picture of a code, we're actually bringing the energy
signature of that being up. They become actual energy links directly into your
Everything out here is a holographic projection. Consciousness
projects...we see the hologram because of what is held within our DNA. When
working with symbols, programs affect certain parts of our DNA that affect our
perception. The Ecka and Veca codes go into the core of the shields, creating large
levels of activation. Consciousness and the shields are connected the shield
anchors consciousness.
We need Veca Codes to be able to block psychotronic transmissions, which are
scalar pulses with disharmonic waveforms. They can be used for master grid mechanics, and
will build more quickly. protection fields in our bio-fields. They build sound fields as a
buffer in our fields, the only way to clear the progressive layers of Jehovian seals. In
addition, Symbol Codes activate the locks. Psonns and the Anuhazi language activate the
nodes. Using both activates all.
Veca codes help clear miasms in the DNA - with DNA distortions you also
have consciousness distortions. Whatever we have in our mind is picked up as a
template. It's bounced back up, but eventually if you keep energizing a particular
thought or pattern of crystalline keylons, you will give it enough energy where it will
manifest itself outside of yourself where you will see it.
These would be the thought forms that are made from thought frequency
where you would put the intention in and send it back to the Manu so that you could manifest
it in your hologram - currently due to the distortions, you would only manifest part of it.
The 12 Attitudes of Mastery are very important. Our thought patterns embed in the DNA
template and create chemical realities in our bodies that will either help us through a
Star Gate or stop us from going through. The contents of our consciousness manifest in
chemical terms within the DNA and the body - that body's chemicals will determine
whether it can actually ascend or not
The Transduction sequence is a manifestation process by which thought
becomes physical stuff. If there are distortions in the grid, it begins to form miasms
in the body. Miasms are anti-particle build-up in the particle field. This build-up
throws off the natural electromagnetic charges in the body. Miasms form in the
Kathara Grid and all the way up - if there are distortions in mathematics here, it
begins to form a miasm
Copyright A'sha-yana and Ahza-vana Deane. All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part of the MCEO
Freedom Teachings IM Series
which is a distorted pattern of energy that blocks the flow, rather than allows
the flow of primal life force currents - also called our karmic pattern. Karma is a buildup of miasmic residue from other lifetimes.
Our DNA is linked not only to our parallel self right now, right here, but
it is linked to our 1727 other selves - which means they're in their space-time frames - if
they're in a personal or planetary drama that they're starting to have distortions in their DNA
template, in any of their electro-magnetic fields, those things get recorded in their DNA.
When your DNA hits a certain activation level, it has a co-resonant vibration, which
means the information that's in their DNA template starts to come up to yours and you
send some back to theirs.
Karma isn't something that you are born with in the way that you picked it
up last time you died and took it here - it's literally an immediate connection, just like
our connection to God. It isn't something that
hen we were created - it's here every moment - the karmic
imprint comes through every moment. The more we work with Veca Codes, the
more we are able to clear the stuff we already have and to catch the new stuff
as it comes up and to put it right back into its correct mathematical sequence.
All our radial bodies are carrying distortions. As we work with the mathematics
contained in the Veca Codes, they are restoring original mathematical imprints.
Miasms are twists of energy that have reverse mathematics compared to
what they should have - and they block energy and create separation and
polarization instead of allowing energy to flow harmoniously. Miasms are in our
scalar template, our shields, like burned out light bulbs. Veca codes help clear
miasms in the DNA and will help in Radial Body clearing. They will begin to
clear distortions on the radial body level and start to restore the original memory
matrix. They are the fastest way to work with the memory matrix, and get faster
control over thought manifestation.
Miasms are anti-particle build-ups in the particle field created by reversals
in the scalar template - they will change what you're trying to manifest. If you have a DNA
template with distortions and merkaba with distortions, they're coming because there are
distortions in the planetary and subsequently in the personal Kathara Grid - and if it's in
the Kathara Grid, it manifests itself all the way up through every sequence. This is why
we've lost control of our manifestation process, and don't realize we're manufacturing our
hologram as we go along. Our personal templar and templar are microcosmic
reflections of each other. Our radial body is really our memory matrix. Distortions in
our radial body messes with our memory matrix - the magnetosphere is our planetary radial body
- therefore, there are also distortions in the planetary memory matrix
Everything out here is a holographic projection. Consciousness projects.
We see the hologram because of what is held within our DNA. When working with
symbols, programs affect certain parts of our DNA that affect our perception. The Ecka and
Veca codes go into the core of the shields, creating large levels of activation.
Consciousness and the shields are connected, for shields anchor consciousness.
The symbols are not just symbols, but mathematical patterns that go with
specific scalar waves in your shields. They build more quickly a protective sound
field as a buffer in our bio-fields. The symbols give the natural mathematical
sequencing of running primal light and sound fields current into the body and biofields in a way that is natural for the body to process it.
We need to activate our shields. The shields are mathematical templates
that tell consciousness and the primal life source currents our bodies are made from
which way to bend light and move sound in order to create the 3-dimensional hologram. Shields
also directly connect to our merkaba, and are the control mechanisms for merkaba. And
merkaba is a natural biological machine that circulates the primal currents and primal
consciousness through our fields
Inducing Veca Codes within the body is quite simple: using stamps
puts the mathematics right into the energy system of your body and then when you
run energy in a certain way you amplify that and you're bring it directly and very quickly
into your template. The Psonns we've been using are the activation tones for Veca
codes within the body.
Copyright A'sha-yana and A'han-yana Deane. All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part of the
MCEO Freedom Teachings M Series
When we use Veca Codes or Ecka Codes we are literally putting the
mathematical program back into the radial body - that's the fastest way to get it into the
Kathara Grid to clear the core template and it's also helping the planet as well - it's activating
DNA - as it goes along, it's clearing DNA, because DNA is part of this transduction sequence
- it's quite an early part - so if we put the code in here it gets sent out very quickly
through the DNA, very quickly into the hologram, then comes back around again
and goes back out and clears the stuff behind it. So, it's the most rapid way to
create change as well.
Once these codes are imbued in your body, it means it has activated the
potentialities that you can rapidly make the shift and angular rotation of particle spin.
The Veca Code technologies help us clear the Radial Body distortions and regain
the ability to undergo Radial Body merger at will. This then allows us to activate
the multiple levels of our natural Merkaba Vehicle, facilitating activation of the Flame
Body, in preparation for biological ascension. Each time we work with the Veca Code
technologies we release more and more levels of the Radial Body locks, which hold the
levels of the Radial Body separate from each other.
Once Activated, the Veca Code programs travel upward though the stages
of the Transduction Manifestation Sequence from the Kathara Grid, to the Shields, into
the Keylon Crystal Body Morphogenetic Field, then into the Merkaba Field, DNA
Template and Hova Body / Radial Body Levels, temporarily restoring the Christiac
Merkaba Field, Radial Body and Memory Matrix Divine Blueprint.
Frequent and continued use of the Veca Codes will progressively build Critical
Mass of the Divine Blueprint program simultaneously within ALL levels of the 15-
Dimensional Anatomy, eventually culminating in expedited full restoration of the D12 Maharic Shield blueprint within the Body-Mind-Spirit system, via the Radial
Body Trion-Meajhe Field.
As the Radial Bodies fold up together, we turn back into light. The
Eleyani suggest that if we want to take our body with us after death, that if we want
to physically go to the Inner Ecka/Inner Earth, then we need to work with the Veca Codes
to get the evolutionary acceleration that they provide.
Veca codes are specialized geomancies that are radial body codes - codes
that hold programs for radial body, control opening and closing of radial body
capsules. There is a certain sequence to them. Veca codes give us the potential
to progressively restore the natural radial bodies, the natural sound tones, and
light frequencies of the primal currents and primal forces as they run through us - and
our hologram will progressively clean itself up.
The Veca codes allow us to activate in the body the currents of consciousness
that will allow us to develop a relationship with birds, plants, animals, and beings from
other places. They allow us to develop a relationship with beings of other Space-timeperiods - you can telepath with them to learn information needed to develop. It's not the
words; it's the vibration underneath them - that's what birds understand. The
Eleyani speak in direct cognition - as do animals and plants,
The Song of Lyra is a decree to bring Christos Presence in and anchor
it. You're making a statement, a command. If you feel you need more of your true
Self anchored in this manifest reality, and need reinforcement, you can use this. It's
encoded in the song. You're Invoking I AM - saying I AM my Avatar - rallying all your
1728 selves, sending a frequency out to other time vectors and mobilizing the
energy of all of you, linking with and being as your total self.
To do a healing - or even if you're on a plane with a terrorist - you start singing
the Song of Lyra to yourself while holding an intention that peace be restored and the highest
Christos be restored right now immediately!
You push the energy into the pattern
you've set - the pattern is the intention. You can effect change and shift the
energy with it. There's a state of consciousness, your wholeness you can feel when
you're the energy of the song.
Copyright A'sha-yana and Ahza-yann Deanc, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005, Part of
the MCEO Freedom Teaching
When you sing this song, it's you and your Christos self saying you're going
to be one now - you're calling in your Avatar Self. The more you sing this, the faster
it happens - it brings in frequency, along with a level of protection, stability, and peace.
The more you use it, the better you'll get at staying in full alignment. It's the sound tones
- they can make the difference on whether the Founders can anchor the Christos template.
The Psonn will anchor beginning frequencies that will allow Veca Codes to work their best it will amplify the D12 frequencies and get you in full alignment with your Christos self.
Sound is the core of frequency behind light manifestation, which is actually
refracted sound (light can deceive, but sound always tells the truth). The sound and
the frequency behind it, which is the most powerful (the sound tones), are the power.
The Guardian Alliance wants us to sing this song to open meetings, as an
opening prayer, etc. It creates a protection field, creates a platform of D12 in the room/space
you're working with blocks people's ability to mess with you. The Psonn of Lyra activates
DNA and planetary grids. It has certain combinations of sound tones that activate
very specific parts of the planetary grids, and ley lines, meridians, DNA strands,
and axiatonal lines in your body
Bring the Song of Lyra into public places - use your presence as a
frequency carrier in public. You can assist those within a 10-20 miles radius - if you've
had a Regent Ordination. You sing it to yourself and bring the energy in. You're helping
others link into the trion-meajhe field by going into public and offering others' avatar selves
assistance (mentally) and then singing the Song of Lyra and the Veca codes.
Become one with the tones of the song. Sing it with the feeling of evoking
Divine Right Order right now - get a feeling of the energy you should be bringing in feel that tone - move with it. Try to feel yourself as a face of God, - a Spark of
Source - to anchor whatever is Divine Right Order right now. This is the feeling of
the energy you need to bring in, and what will give you the ability to stimulate it
in others.
Once you get that you can combine it with Veca tones, go out into a public
place, and put out a mental note to all the Avatars (D12 or higher) of the people and
offer the triggering into activation of their Maharic Shield - say you're here to assist,
and let them know that the energy you generate will stimulate temporarily into
activation the Maharic Shield of all the consciousnesses in the area. However, for it to hold,
it's up to the Christos Avatar of the person. Offer the Avatar the opportunity, because
due to the conscious personality, the Avatar hasn't been able to access the grounding field
or anchoring field you've set. It helps the Avatar link into trion-meajhe fields. However,
only do this if you feel your fields are strong,
When you can see yourself glowing with that pillar of light around you,
and feel it running through you, then go out sing tones to yourself, on every exhale
breathe feel them run down your feet, out your
eld, and feel your Maharic Shield expand out over many miles triggering the Maharic
Shield of everything it touches - see all the disks light up under people's feet. At this
point, your Service is done. Now it's up to the Avatar Self whether to hold the
You're building a grounding/anchoring field that others can link into your disk will
spark others! disks into activation. This way when the shift happens, they won't end up in a
black hole matrix. Their Avatar will help them hold the meajhe field, so they don't end up in black
hole matrix.
The basic 15 dimensional structure is a symbol code, which allows a
certain set of frequencies to convey the consciousness reality of what a 15
dimensional structure really is, it helps by using this symbol. A relationship with a
symbol code requires basic etiquette - you can't just boss them around - a friend
which gave itself specifically to me without any judgment and said you may use this to
create, anything you choose, without any judgment - a field of love - co-creative
We have two Kathara Grids on the chart - one that comes from the primal
sound field - and one set that comes down - 24 points of primary focus that sets the
pattern for the dimensional structure. The Kathara Grid is the core template
mathematical blueprint of everything in the time matrix - the original
Copyright A'sha-yana and Ahza-yana Deanc, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part of
the MCEO Freedom Teachings T Series
thought held in the Manu - how the Manu organizes itself and its relationships with itself
in energy terms to create a reality field - 3D holographic experience in this reality field.
The zero point happens where 12 connects with 1 of the next one upward, towards the
primal fields.
There are geomancies in the Kathara centers, which are the consciousnesses that are holding
the intention
of keeping the manifestation framework in order. Your Kathara
centers are beings, part of your consciousness. Energy is consciousness, and
consciousness is energy - therefore everything is a being. We're talking about "being"
structure as well as "thing" structure. You must recognize that EirA, Manu, and ManA are
forces of consciousness before you can successfully direct them to do much.
The Paths of the currents would all come through 12, then split: Manu: 12, 9, 6,
3, 1 - Path of Amoraea; ManA: 12, 11, 8, 5, 2, 1; EirA: 12, 10.7, 4, 1. Each level they break
down, the vibration changes, therefore the name of the current changes - end up with
a string of names. To evoke and bring into activation in your body those particular
currents of energy, you would chose which ones by their sound - by their vibration, and
speak it; and that would allow it to go out in your hologram, bounce back in, and the breath
would carry it back into your template where it would manifest in your body.
In order to transmute, go through a star gate, and pop up on Tara,
you need to change the chi, rei, ki into prana, mana, and traia - once you clear
and heal the system where it's capable of doing merkaba, its easy to get to
where you want to go once you know the sounds - you simply think them to yourself
and the vibration sends you there instantly - the vibration is the thought, the
Activating the natural Manu Veca codes will begin freeing us up from the
reversals. They are activated by the Seuria tones/sound tones. If you've been using
the High Veca Codes and they're already active in your system, by using the Manu
codes, you can start to feel and experience results rather quickly. The ManU consciousness
doesn't think like we do; doesn't believe, just knows. ManU holds the common knowing - EirA
and ManA each has a piece, but not the whole. When starting to work with the
Void/Manu Codes, they will start to bring back the pieces into a whole, into a natural
state of harmonization.
The numbers have the names we are becoming familiar with - these
correspond with these - some of them you notice have two numbers, like 2 & 7/5&10 - this
means that both of those codes control the seal. When we do ascension, we naturally fold ourselves
back up into light - in the Veca map. looking at the Veca quadrants, and we are in Veca
quadrant 4: there's a natural process that when we do ascension, we literally kind of fold
ourselves back up into light - the natural systems go from 4, 3, 2, 1.
The override system opens these so you can ascend really quickly - you would
bring primal light and its field together and they would be brought together - it's a much faster
level of activation. What needs to be done in these universal systems - the Vecas control
locks that are between densities - the combination of codes would open the two.
If we want to go all the way up to the Ecka, we need to open all the Vecas - if
we open all of these, activate all of these codes, it opens all the density locks in our Veca s
system. If we were just going to go to density 2, then we would just have to open L1, and
use Vecas 4 and 9. Every time we work with the Veca Codes, we're putting in
the programs that go with the Density Locks that are in our shields and our
radial bodies - so we are releasing the radial body locks so we can pass
through the voids and expand very rapidly. The Veca and Ecka Code Lock
Keys chart is very important because it shows you what we're doing when we're
playing with these Vecas.
Vecas and Eckas are mathematical coordinates that open these particular locks
that will allow for this and this to come together, and this and this to come together - it will
allow this mathematical configuration in your shield to fully activate and come together
so you can literally turn your body into light
Copyright A'sha-yana and Athra-yana Deanc. All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part of
the MCEO Freedom Teachings I Series
and get in the gates to go up. It begins to give you the key so you can see which
locks are being opened by which specific Veca or Veca combinations - and there
would be another level for the Eckas,
The Veca Codes and Ecka Codes help release the Density lock seals in the radial
bodies so all the frequencies can blend together so you can roll yourself up in a ball of light
and sound and do a merkaba and get out of the Veca system and go into the Ecka system.
The Ecka codes will do the same, and allow you to go from the Ecka to the Eckasha level
- each level has that level of codes. The Veca code activations also begin the activation
of the Void seals.
The Veca and Ecka Codes are the override codes, the fast way - usually a radial body
opens when all the little seals release - this fast way allows the radial bodies to open to
each other it's really the fastest way to ascend
In looking at the chart, draw the lines from the oval to see what lock it
connects with - opens up the two to each other. If you open 7 and 10, it triggers 8 and
9 into opening. The lahaia opens D13 Center Lock 4. Code 1 opens the D12 Center
Lock Start with a lock and see what oval it connects with, then draw a line right through
the oval to the other lock it connects to - it literally opens up the two to each other.
We're building the Cruxansatea Eckasha merkaba field.
The Signs, Seals, and Scepters are sacred mathematical programs by and
through which the Domains within God's Cosmic House of Many Mansions (Stairway to
Heaven) are perpetually created and maintained. These Divine mathematics represent the
visually as encoded Master
Symbols, vocally as Master Psonns, and tactically as Master Se'ur
movements (seurias). Symbols, sounds, and movements: these are the sacred God
sacred alphabet of the God language expressed
languages - literally how creation was formed - the original creation languages.
SIGNS: The VECA CODE SYMBOLS, also called The 12 Vehicles of Mobility.
High Vecas of Immanual and the Immanuyanas. These apply to DNA Template Strands
1.5 – 12.5. Full activation of the Vecas opens the Radial Body Veca Passages between
the 14 manifestation Fields in the 4 Veca Quadrants of the "7 Higher and Lower
Heavens" and the 15th Manifestation Field of the Ecka Lower Inner God World, the
entry point "Receiving Station" to the "Masters Rooms" in the "House of Many Mansions."
Passage through the Ecka "Inner World" gates is required to move from the Veca
Worlds of the 7 Higher or Lower Heavens into any of the 4 God Worlds (Eckasha,
Eckasha-A, Eckasha-Aah and Yunasai).
The Veca Codes are also pass keys that allow for specific activation of the
personal DNA and merkaba by which a mortal being can progressively reclaim the
divine heritage of spiritual and biological passage into the manifest domains of
eternal life creation, the sacred ascended God worlds of the Ecka, Eckasha, EckashaA, Eckasha-Aah, and the Yunasai, where only true ascended spiritual masters can reside.
Veca Code activation in the DNA Template creates temporary 12th
sub-harmonic activation of the 12-strand DNA template and corresponding
temporary activation of the 12-dimensional/12.5 sub-harmonic ManU Phase-1 Eckasha
Merkaba vehicle, the vehicle needed to pass through the base-12.5 gates to the Ecka Inner
Lower God World. Veca Code activation also allows beings with less than 12
active strands of Base-12 DNA to link into the Base-12 Planetary Fields for temporary
shift into the Ecka with the planetary radial body during Stellar Activation Cycles.
Veca Codes open passage from Veca worlds 7 higher and lower heavens to the
Ecka Inner Lower God Worlds, the first level of the Ecka Worlds.
SEALS: The ECKA CODE SYMBOLS-Eckasha Corridor Codes, also
called the 12 Postures of Residency. Ecka codes apply to DNA template strands
2-24. Full activation of the Eckas opens the radial body Ecka passages between the
Ecka Inner Lower God World and the 4 Eckasha Corridors and 22
Copyright A'sha-yana and Ahm-yonu Deine, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part of the MCEO
Freedom Teachings
Manifestation Fields of the Eckasha Middle God Worlds. These are the codes that
will allow you not only to go through using the Vecas into the Eckas, but then you can
use the Eckas to go up into Eckasha level.
Ecka Code activation in the DNA template creates temporary 24th subharmonic activation of the 24-strand DNA template and corresponding temporary
activation of the 12-dimensional/24-sub-harmonic Phase-2 Immanu Eckasha Merkaba
Vehicle, the vehicle needed to pass through the base-12/24 sub harmonic gates to the 22
Manifestation fields of the Eckasha Middle God Worlds. Ecka Code activation allows beings with less
than 24 active Strands of Base-24 DNA to link into the Base-24 Inner Lower God World Planetary Fields
for temporary shift into the Eckasha Worlds with the planetary Radial body during
Stellar Activation Cycles
SCEPTERS: The 12 Scepter Codes - Eckasha-A Codes. These apply to DNA
template strands 2-26. Full activation opens the radial body Eckasha-A passages between
the 4 Eckasha Middle God World Corridors and the 4 Eckasha-A Spectra and 96
Manifestation Fields of the Eckasha-A Higher God Worlds.
Scepter Code activation in the DNA template creates temporary 36th subharmonic activation of the 36-strand DNA template and corresponding temporary
activating of the 12-dimensional/36 sub harmonic Phase-3 Immanual Eckasha
Merkaba Vehicle, the vehicle needed to pass through the base 12/36 sub-harmonic gates
to the 96 Manifestation Fields of the Eckasha-A Higher God Worlds.
Scepter Code activation also allows beings with less than 36 active strands of
Base-36 DNA to link into the base-36 Eckasha Middle God World Planetary Fields for
temporary shift into the Eckasha-A Worlds with the planetary radial body during Stellar
Activation Cycles. The 12 Scepter Codes also allow beings within all of the "Heavens"
and God Worlds to bio-energetically link into the Reuche Pillar Scepter Arcs of the
Planetary-Galactic-Universal-God World Cruxansatea Fields from the Cosmic Radial
Body for various reasons, such as direct manifestation through Se-Ur' sculpting,
protection from localized planetary influences, acceleration of the evolutionary cycle
through time leap," relocation to other Time Matrices via "host Matrix" contracts.or Ecka evacuation
from distressed
planetary environments.
Ecka codes and Scepter Codes have to do with activations in the bio-energetic
fields, in the radial body, and in the DNA and the consciousness that make the
difference between being stuck in the 7 higher or lower heavens down here in our
15D time matrix, or being able to go into the God worlds. Both Veca and Ecka
Codes must reach a critical mass of sustainable activation within the personal
DNA template before activation of the Scepter Codes can occur. Activation of the
Veca, Ecka and Scepter Codes properly awakens the 12 Reuche Scepters in the
body to build the Eckasha Merkaba and merge personal Radial Body levels.
REUCHES - Codes of the Templar, govern the Eckasha-Aah level. Once
sustainable activation of the 12 Eckasha-A Scepter Codes occurs, the 12
Templar Reuche Codes of the God Seed Eckasha-Aah TEMPLATE PILLARS
("Templars") within the Eckasha-Aah God Core Highest God Worlds can begin
Templar Reuche Code activation in the DNA Template creates
temporary 48th sub-harmonic activation of the 48-strand DNA template and
corresponding temporary activation of the 12-dimensional/48 sub-harmonic Phase4 Immanuyanas Eckasha Merkaba Vehicle, the vehicle needed to pass through the base12/48 sub-harmonic gates to the Infinite Manifestation Fields of the EckashaAah God Core from which all other Cosmic Matrices can be accessed. Templar
Reuche Code activation also allows beings with less than 48 active strands of Base48 DNA to link into the Base-48 Eckasha-Aah God Core Planetary Galactic-
Universal Fields for temporary shift into the Eckasha-Aah Worlds with the
planetary Radial body during Stellar Activation Cycles.
Copyright A'sha-yana and Alha-yana Deane, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005. Part of
the MCEO Freedom Teachings TM Series
We have gates and locks - and Keys, the specific mathematical patterns in
our shields that when turned on run the specific frequencies that create the correct
vibrations to open the locks and the gates that allow us to pass. Those keys are
expressed as symbols - consolidated, compact, mathematical symbol codes. These
symbols are the mathematical programs that when run through your consciousness into the
right parts of your body and your Template, will activate the corresponding frequencies. Every
symbol has a tone, a sound vibration that goes with it. Using either a symbol or a tone (or both)
that is the key for one of the Locks or the Gates, you could hum yourself through a Star Gate.
You don't have to have all sorts of fancy calculators to keep track of really wild
mathematics for you. It's that simple. The ancient sciences are as complex as you want
them to be. Every one of these symbols can be translated numerically, but not with numbers
here. It's a Base-12 system and literally, the math here isn't big enough to translate the
mathematics of these. These are like mega-computer programs that make our
computers look like tiny little calculators compared to them. So, when we work with the
symbol codes, we are working with the keys to the Gates and to the Locks.
The Locks become very important. If you can open the Locks, they trigger
the opening of the Gates. So, when we're working with building our own Flame Bodies and
getting our Template activated as fast as possible, the fastest thing to work with are the
Lock Codes. They will create more rapid Template activation and more rapid shield
activation than using the Gate Codes themselves that are coded into the body.
Opening of the Veca Density Lock Seals in the Ecka-Veca Body is the first step
to initiate Eukatharista Flame Body Activation. Veca and Ecka Codes open the Shield
Templates to transcendent Eukatharista Body Life-Source Currents for Flame Body
Activation. Veca Codes open the Radial Body Locks between the Veca Quadrants and
the Ecka Core of the Ecka-Veca Body allowing passage of the Heliotalic Currents into the
manifest Density Body.
Ecka Codes open the Radial Body Locks between the Ecka-Veca Body
Level-1 and the Eckasha Body Level-2 of the Eukatharista Flame Body, Flame Body
Activation occurs through De-polarization of Density Radial Body Levels & merger of
corresponding levels of Consciousness and Auric Field. When Veca Codes are fully
activated the Radial Body levels merge to form the Cruxansatea Eckasha Merkaba Field
Veca Codes are also one set of the Flame Codes, which are also
Eukatharista Shield Codes. Five sets of Eukatharista Shield Codes open the flow of Primal
Life Force & Life-Source Currents between each of the Standing Wave Flame Body Spheres
of the Eukatharista Body and God-Source. The five sets are the Veca, Ecka, Scepter, Templar
Reuche and Krist Codes. The Shield Codes are also called Heliotalic Passage Codes.
Veca Codes open Radial Bodies between the Veca and Ecka. Ecka Codes open
Radial Bodies between the Ecka and Eckasha. Scepter Codes open Radial Bodies between
the Eckasha and Eckash-A. Templar Reuche Codes open Radial Bodies between the
Eckasha-A and Eckasha-Aah. Krist Codes open flow between the Eckasha-Aah and Life
The Eukatharista Shield Codes are encoded within the
Scalar Templates of the Dimensional & Density Shields & replicated within
the Axiom & DNA Templates as Dimensional Fire Letters (sub frequency bands).
The Shield Codes, access to Eukatharista Body Currents & Flame Body
Activation remains dormant until Eukatharista Shield Codes are brought into activation via
Flame Body technologies,
Flame Body Activation initiates the flow of Ecka Heliotalic &
Eukatharista Currents within the Axiom & DNA Template & Axiom Lines, initiating
corresponding Life-Force/Life-Source Current Activation within the Atomic connection in
preparation for Biophysical cellular activation of Ethos-Etheric & Transcendent Flame Body
Currents. The "Linking Sequence" Techniques Series of Kathara-2 Shield
Technologies followed by the Consolidated Veca Code Induction (Veca Mahadra 12:12
Cosmic Krist Electrical) are
Copyright A'sha-yana and Ahza-yana Denne, All Rights Reserved 1999-2005, Part of the
MCEO Freedom Teachings T Series
Study collections