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Name: The
Intensity of a Broken Indigenous Woman
Author: Kari Barge- BA-- Social Entrepreneur
PO Box 2337 Fort St James, BC V0J1P0
1-(250)996-7627 HOME
1-778-978-1550 CELL
Pages: 20
Words: 4000
Theme: Indigenous Healing/Restoration/Humanity
I heard about this award through mutual poetic circles
Thank you!
Women in the Web
Things have changed
We may not be burned at the stake
But we are forced to fake…
Fear of life, fear of love, fear of death.
We are all a fucking mess.
My sister died March 2015 from a drug addiction.
Until you’ve experienced the heartache, the reality, the sickness
It's all just fiction.
Scholars bringing it into discourse
With their analytical frameworks
Quantifying the stories seems to dilute the remorse.
And then they try to compact it all neatly into a course.
Did you cover your checklist for the academic jargon?
Face down, ass up that’s the dialect for those women who
May or may not want to get fucked.
Systemized oppression, aggression, which is all about
Monopolizing fate for the privy to move with the succession.
I’m finally free from the pain this colonial empire put me through
So here…let me unpack it for you.
When a girl is born into a world
Where with sexual molestation
She could be the one in four.
That’s just one form of abuse, there's so much more.
What is at the core?
The insidious mental abuse
That our systems bequeath to us
Through forms of juxtaposition
About what being female should mean to us
If you’re not sexy, you’re not an asset to this society
But if you wear that and bend over you’re sacrificing your dignity.
Try walking as a vulnerable woman that isn’t protected.
Why aren’t we protected?
Why are aboriginal women more likely to get molested?
You see, when you have no one to vouch
For your sanity, the social services treat you like a disease.
Maybe your family is all alcoholics
So social workers think they can get away with treating you like garbage.
No one to say hey that’s my daughter.
If no one else is treating her with respect than why should we?
Please remind me what is the meaning of being free?
I know because it’s been tried and tested
So maybe this poem is a little bit of a confession.
My anthropological research began when I was one,
When an RCMP Staff Sergeant wouldn’t let my dad see me and then raped my mom.
This organization that beholds safety for its citizens and yet they protect their own when they fail to
withhold from the biggest of sins
You think they treat women of 2016 any better?
Sorry to seem like an anarchist but this has been a reality for most of my forever.
Do you think women that are vulnerable can really trust the very systems that fail us?
We fall through the cracks whenever we don’t fit the mold they used to scale us.
I’m sorry to say but the doctors aren’t any better
Writing prescriptions for paychecks because they blame the person
It’s like spraying the garden with poison and then blaming the weather.
How about an emotional juxtaposition for you, I hope it sticks.
When women are raising in solidarity for feminist movements
But they're using the methods of the man’s tricks.
When a woman is respected by spectrum of strength and aggression.
Because we are told if we listen to our emotions
We will all be labeled with depression.
Why wouldn’t we weep for our cultures decline?
The disconnection from nature and the divine.
It’s pretty serious, it just happened to rhyme.
Where was I?
Oh…an emotional juxtaposition women are forced to walk with.
We better pump you full of air but don’t you dare queff.
The air is the hatred, the violence, the makeshift acts of solutions that ain’t shit.
While the queff is the outpouring of needs that don’t stop piling up.
A 14 year old girl is told to sit in her classroom and listen when
She just needs to cry but this stranger of a teacher
has to follow a scribe.
She’s only at school because she needs to hide
She stopped eating so maybe she can eat herself from the inside.
Then she starts to become a target for those on the outside.
Outside of those social parameters of people
Who are supposed to protect you.
But she’s fallen through the cracks to the
Last people you would want to catch you.
Human trafficking doesn’t happen here right?
Why don’t you ask this woman in your clear sight?
Being sold as a virgin and then saved
by the same people that didn’t protect my mom when she was raped.
Now that’s the reality of juxtaposition I’ve had to face
Can you show me the places where the safety of women can truly fit in?
Hasn’t there always been a mission after a mission?
We have yet to cover spiritual juxtaposition.
When you are encouraged to follow your heart,
And yet taught
That your heart wants all the things that are store bought.
Then when you’re ready to sort out your life and find spiritual guidance,
You are preached to that it somehow lies outside of you.
You need a middleman, someone that you have to rely on that’s credible.
Rather than trusting yourself, you have to trust the bible.
Or another scripture that promises the ultimate fixer.
Please mister
Can’t you see, that I was whole before I was 3?
But then it was this society that crumbled me to my knees.
So why can't you let me go back to that space, with grace
Within myself so that I can heal from all that affected me?
Restitution of the self is being in the environment needed to heal from the inside out.
What women need is a place to just be. And be proud. Loud.
And not afraid to step outside of conformity
Sacred acts of contempt formulating a new creed.
Being against the grain, is the only way to be freed.
Because normal people within a sick society
Are sick people, indeed.
So, what does that say for those that don’t fit in the mess?
I hope this poem can make you guess,
or second guess.
To see how you situate yourself, amongst the rest.
Genetic Remember Alli-Ance
Let’s talk a little politics and not from a politician
Because in aspects of discussion,
There can be forms of regression
When we hope for change but there’s
Cycles of deception
We’ve got mountains to climb
There’s no room for blame
These eyes have cried
And I can hardly describe
That when I fight for my people
I Fight for freedom
Who am I fighting for when I’m Metis
Am I choosing one side?
That can't be
There is hope for all mankind
To recapture the life before the scribe
There could be reasons that we’re scared
To get rid of the writings
That has dictated our lines of creation
Of the way that we think it has to be that life is
The only thing I know is. We have to grow
The dollar and the all mighty man
For a second you thought I was talking feminism
I’m talking the rulers that think their story is the way
It's taken years to say
That we’re passive
When people would fight for their freedom in the old way
People would fight for the freedom to escape the ball and chains
Now the ball and chain is invisible
No need to fight, its psychological
Can you escape the plight?
Break free from the chains that you believe
Because you can
It’s in your mind to decolonize
The aspects you thought you hold on to… to survive
Your voice matters
Your thoughts matter
Your beliefs matter
But when your beliefs are riddled with narratives handed to you
Fed to you
With a technological spoon
Before you were even a baby that swooned
Because they were handed to your mother, your father and your grandparents
Happens to everyone, it's not just racial
The weight lifted to move forward in a clean system
Is to cleanse your own system
The fight now is on the inside
But it has nothing to do with needing to be prescribed
That’s psychological disarray that encompasses our society
It’s not about a band-aid
Or a manmade disease
It’s about honoring that the psyche would be free
Clean, clear if you believe
In the way that you are wanting to believe
If there’s anxiety and depression
Stop pointing at your own fingers as though they’re part of the man's sins
this can't be
It’s like pointing blame at the bee instead of the beekeeper
Who’s not allowing it to be free?
Maybe your words of wisdom are trapped inside of you
Causing the dis-ease
These blessings that you hold
These gifts that you hold
This knowing that you hold
That something is not right
but you’re caught in a trap that you can’t fight
For the freedom
That wants to open the door
Those inner realms once more
That your predecessors were oppressed
When they went forth
My hope is these things are unlocked
Knowing that no one else is going to hold you into a box
When you’re the one who holds the key
And the box is inside of you
It’s you that turns the lock
You have to feel safe with that which you can do
When our nations are built on stories of apprehension and clout
It’s easy to doubt
Your impact
Or your knowledge
Because maybe everybody knows more maybe they hope to explore
The way that it was before
But they just don’t know
Because it’s so convoluted
But what if the convolution
Is the highway to redemption?
What if it’s the path to succession?
What if it’s the unity and diversity merged into one?
Simultaneously spurring a new set of oneness
Could it be freeing hope that ripples through the world?
And across the seas
That no matter the doubt or the fear or the greed
It’ll still succeed
Because life is meant to breed
Into the most vital evolved seeds
Survival of the fittest
in this age it’s the one that’s the wittiest
Does that wit come from inside or inside of a scribe?
Don’t worry about others beliefs that they must fight for their life by choosing strife
Follow the you, the new
The role that you encapsulate
The censorship of hate
Marked by freedom
Making it a new mandate
Something birthed that’s never been birthed before
In this technological climax of our explorers
we have so much to learn?
So much more
On How to merge the new with the old and the old with the new
The advanced with the traditional, not picking one or the other
Extremist views falling away as hybridization uncovers
The path of salvation
Correspondence by saturation of lactation
Lactation of wholeness
lactation of the remembrance
After the suppression
After the oppression
Who’s story matters within the worst of sins
When we’re fighting for our freedom we don’t have to compare who’s stories
Are the most important one in the season?
Oppression has happened worldwide
It’s important to lift all who’ve cried
My heart comes out far and wide
Because it’s the sorrow and the pain that has multiplied
Who says it has to be this way?
Sacrifice, plight, disarray
There could be a multitude of programs standing in our way
Programs of thought that’s been installed in our DNA
Go back to a time before your ancestors died
Let your DNA activate what at one time it thought it had to hide to survive.
To the Citizens of Kanata
To the Citizens of Kanata;
Our home and native land
Who’s your countries native wo(man)?
Is it yours to have?
Are we yours to have?
The queen beckons the great frontier
As the romanticized people of here
Are held down in fear
Of our power
We can dance and perform
To your standards of norms
As long as you can keep us reigned in
To your expectations
We are adorned with.
You always know we are here
And that
We’re not going anywhere
But somehow you want to chase away
The reality that our debt is not cleared
Oh more monetary debt you think we are requiring
It wouldn’t need to be money if
We didn’t have your methodology
Infused in this society
Everything built off ownership
And status
Those people following the creed you have built to stay
The debt needing to be paid
Is our ancestor’s say
Their voices heard through retribution of principles
Canadian Citizens please see my request is not needy
It’s a desire to be freed
Stephen Harpers apology falls on deaf ears
Because we are still picking up the pieces
And it’s going to take years and years
We are the ancestors of your future peers
The debt paid must be gratification that’s delayed
Not some broken promise for fame
Stop only taking what you want from us
It’s like honoring the art
Without acknowledging the artist
We are forever robbed of our dignity
As you choose which pieces you want of us
Suppressing the history that’s still locked in
Canada’s dirty little closet
Suppressing the bums on the street
That showcase the facts at your feet
As you put on your collared shirt of progress
Through our defeat
While our moccasins are more accessible through
Chinese factories
Because our dreams have been herded
Into narrowing feelings
They just can’t get over it
You say
Don’t we all need equal rights as?
You already stand much higher than the sand
We are sinking in
Why are people complaining
Don’t they have everything handed to them?
They don’t even have to work
These are the narratives characterized by
Some of your perks
You want room for white guilt
And privilege context
As we forge ahead
But only if you are fully willing to listen
If you can’t hear our cries
Without defending Canada’s lies
Then how can we have a dialogue
On your own station of demise
Our debt
That Is still owed
Is to stop being sold
All your jargon of complicated hope
It’s simple
Our people are sick
As the rich
Are increasing their networks
That build more momentum to support
Their bank cheques
That instant gratification way
Won’t allow all of our next generations to stay
Long-term solutions will
Right now our immediate need is
to be freed from the
Confinement of your system
we are all inundated with social conditions
If we see them as waterfalls of human vehicular descendant
We can change the water source and then
Work together for the infrastructures
To create a purposeful obstruction
Of the elite class benefiting from
Suppressing the opposite
We focus on the problem and expect a way out
The solutions to the problems
Is the alternative
Focusing our efforts on a right
To live
Indigenous rights are the way forward
To resolve the fights of the less fortunate
Canadian Citizens,
Our nativeness
Is more than a tokenized aspect of our successes
We are here and you know it
The largest young population and we
We will keep on growing
Truth and reconciliation is more than
A skirted around topic
It’s a continuous process
for decolonial long standing initiatives.
The ecology of all organisms
Interweaving for all Nations
We must release the dogmatic collisions
Forgiving your ancestors decisions
We are asking you to be a part of the solution
Allies creating truth and accountability friends
We are all the revolution.
Pure distribution
The water is so much more than false retribution;
of the state of it.
The fate of it
Let’s stop denouncing the quality of it
As though the mother doesn’t have the power to cleanse its blood.
The system is a whole, all systems go!
Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate the flow.
Purify the waters by encouraging the organs of the earth to flourish
March to the beat of stewards!
Distribute the wealth
Fear of scarcity doesn’t make you stealth.
The rich are promoting destitution
Through their lack of promotion, devotion, and locomotion
Locomotion for change
Steer away from incentives of fame.
Let all previous aspects of the game
Fade away
Focus on what we want to stay.
Both bodies rediscovering their inner child
Reconfiguring its original style
The conditions of healing transpiring by allowing its own rhythm
The progress narrative fading away even though it’s hard to fathom.
We cannot fix tomorrow’s problems with yesterday's thinking,
Adding more technology to a ship that’s already sinking.
Our humanities mark on the world is a matter of blinking.
The waters can clear
All it takes is for us to stop wanting to steer
The most crucial piece to address is fear.
Fear within self
Cleanse it away with the waters
For longevity of health
You’ll notice that the lines of differentiation
Start to meld.
The lines of the earth body and the human body running parallel
Let’s rise, empower and grow together
The health status an ascending stairwell.
Striving for thriving
No matter the weather
When the waters are swelling,
Like the breast of the woman
Like the heart of the woman
Like the womb of the woman
May the storms be embraced, faced, never disgraced
No matter the pace
So I guess this leads me to say:
Everything is going to be okay!
Protect the water as though it’s your own blood
The wisdom of emotions cleanse the past
If we Just let them flood.
Walking the halls am I the only one?
What makes me not turn and run?
Story behind the eyes bequeathed to me
Does my lens shatter me or make me?
Always finding proof of my perception
Gathered within my realms of recollection
Dare discriminate what my past leaves me?
How does it outline my trajectory?
Linear thinking trying to turn caterpillars into butterflies
Or is it a box trying to cage my wings from flight?
Am I the only one who sees it?
Please show me the walls where my soul fits.
Left or right, right or left
Which paradigm defines me best?
Make me, make me
Now you want to break me
To your level
But I’ll never
Forsake me.
If you see what I see
And I see what you see
Then where is our divinity?
How far do I push the mold?
Past the lines foretold
Critical thinking, they say?
Yet we’re limited within the systems of today.
Regurgitation at its finest
Do I thank you, your highness?
Learning colonization while being institutionalized
Match your bias to your favorite biased.
Language limiting our velocity
Imagination squelched by animosity
Performing our rights to singularity
After we prove our solidarity.
Unity cascaded by righteousness
Elitists forming social hype fits.
The infamous “theysayers” say
What the “hearsayers” need
to be freed
from their naiveté.
Glorification enveloping the privy.
Hastened to categorize and conceptualize
While everyone else is just trying to survive
Statistics say I shouldn’t be here
So, as you deliver your lecture about people like me
Who’ve had these experiences
And I want to agree or disagree
But the faces around me are filled with disbelief
So, I quiet my story and I fill up my page
Like another outsider looking upon the stage.
I devise an assimilative disguise
Of the chapters behind my eyes
And I ask you…
How do I do what I’m told
When I can see it so clearly?
Like a fly on the wall
Determined not to get stuck in the web
So, I crawl
It gets lonely out here
As I peer
At the fear
That the world can’t escape.
But I offer my embrace
As I race
To get in line for the days
When we can say
That perception is grey
And that’s great.
Circumference of Kindness
Intersectionality breeds Canada’s seeds
On a country formed by taking away the aboriginal needs
Now they’re freed
Or are they?
What do people always say?
They get tax breaks and fake their ailments
The devastation can’t be fathomed and it sure wasn’t stalemates
It’s good to be proud to be here
But it’s important to make choices of love over fear
Being Canadian is a blessing many never experience
We have to consider that and no longer pretend
Face the hate
When the history is still swept under the rug
As Canada’s
Dirty little secret
The rugs been leaking and they can't hide that
now they are weakened
They came claiming to fix their sins
While creating more mess to walk in
That isn’t god or pure or what’s wanted by “heaven”
People always say they should just get over it
It happens to every race and every place
At least that’s what people always say
Let's analyze the truth
Statistics are easy to find of suicides by youth
I’m not trying to be in your face
We need to stop and relate
Why does it happen for the Indigenous more?
There must be a common denominator spread all over
What facts do we need to explore?
No matter what we add, subtract and multiply
It remains the same
It’s shame
That’s forced on for another’s gain
Trauma healing is here to alleviate
And with time and commitment it will succeed
We must be coming together in more ways than to just breed
My intersectionality comes from way more
than just native and white
it comes from the cross sections of variables that arose
my need to fight
crossroads of plight.
Are not always in clear sight
You have no idea of when and how and why
Others have needed to show their might
Going to school attending classes with
The rest and no faces around could
Fathom what happened just last night.
I don’t know what else to say
I'm trying my hardest
In a structure devised for those who want to
strive the farthest
In a standardized culture that my intersections don’t match up
They clash rough
I speak up in class fearing no one will relate
If I debate
Then I feel I may or may not be safe
I race
From the pedagogical normative practices of late
What are my intersectionalities?
Or are they all fallacies?
Narratives derived to peg my experiences as contrived?
Are they a lie?
Creatively exploring identity
I don’t know where I fit within it
I’m seeking
When I feel vulnerable am I a weakling?
These spaces created, are they matching
Or have we suppressed it?
Maybe it’s my job to know it's not aggressive
to assert my knowledge of years of transgressions.
I can't help think of those without voices
So why wouldn’t I share for the purpose of progressions?
My hope is to be in a place that’s just right
And my fear is that there’s no place that’s just right
Does that place even exist?
Must I continue to persist?
Do I even want to fit on some list?
Maybe my fear is that I will be misunderstood
Slammed down for trying to spread a message of love
In a culture that honors rising above
Okay here’s the love, why be ashamed
I don’t want profits or have motives of fame
I want the unity that so strategically aims
To move people together
And honors by name
It’s everyone’s commitment.
Hey it was my ancestors not me
Well when the luxuries you face were based on dis-ease
Please see
We all must move together, no one falling behind
Next time you just want to stay blind
Choose to see the way things are and be kind
You can free AND be freed
Circumference of kindness
We can rewind this
We are all people breathing towards death
In our movies of life, we are all different
With main actors and factors that make you second guess
The reason we are here
Is it for love or fear?
Or competition
Fact is, it's what you choose
There’s no right or wrong answer I can give
It’s your choice to know if there’s a win or a fail
At the end when you breathe
That last exhale.