Article Evaluation - Rubric Clarity Does not provide examples of where standard is and is not met AND/OR uses inappropriate example (does not match standard) 0points Provides only one example of where the standard is or is not met AND uses the standard appropriately (example matches standard) 5points Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (with explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard) 7.5points Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (non-obvious, with detailed and thoughtful explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard). 10points Accuracy Does not provide examples of where standard is and is not met AND/OR uses inappropriate example (does not match standard) 0points Provides only one example of where the standard is or is not met AND uses the standard appropriately (example matches standard) 5points Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (with explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard) 7.5points Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (non-obvious, with detailed and thoughtful explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard). 10points Precision Does not provide examples of where standard is and is not met AND/OR uses inappropriate example (does not match standard) 0points Provides only one example of where the standard is or is not met AND uses the standard appropriately (example matches standard) 5points Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (with explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (non-obvious, with detailed and thoughtful explanations) AND uses standard appropriately matches standard) 7.5points (example matches standard). 10points Relevance Does not provide examples of where standard is and is not met AND/OR uses inappropriate example (does not match standard) 0points Provides only one example of where the standard is or is not met AND uses the standard appropriately (example matches standard) 5points Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (with explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard) 7.5points Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (non-obvious, with detailed and thoughtful explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard). 10points Depth Does not provide examples of where standard is and is not met AND/OR uses inappropriate example (does not match standard) 0points Provides only one example of where the standard is or is not met AND uses the standard appropriately (example matches standard) 5points Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (with explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard) 7.5points Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (non-obvious, with detailed and thoughtful explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard). 10points Breadth Does not provide examples of where standard is and is not met AND/OR uses inappropriate example (does Provides only one example of where the standard is or is not met AND uses the standard appropriately (example Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (with explanations) AND uses Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (non-obvious, with detailed and thoughtful not match standard) 0points matches standard) 5points standard appropriately (example matches standard) 7.5points explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard). 10points Logic Does not provide examples of where standard is and is not met AND/OR uses inappropriate example (does not match standard) 0points Provides only one example of where the standard is or is not met AND uses the standard appropriately (example matches standard) 5points Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (with explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard) 7.5points Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (non-obvious, with detailed and thoughtful explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard). 10points Fairness Does not provide examples of where standard is and is not met AND/OR uses inappropriate example (does not match standard) 0points Provides only one example of where the standard is or is not met AND uses the standard appropriately (example matches standard) 5points Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (with explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard) 7.5points Provides one example each of where standard is and is not met (non-obvious, with detailed and thoughtful explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard). 10points Significanc Does not provide Provides only one Provides one Provides one e examples of example of where example each of example each of where standard is the standard is or where standard is where standard is and is not met AND/OR uses inappropriate example (does not match standard) 0points is not met AND uses the standard appropriately (example matches standard) 5points and is not met (with explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard) 7.5points and is not met (non-obvious, with detailed and thoughtful explanations) AND uses standard appropriately (example matches standard). 10points