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Aristotles Muse

Aristotle’s Muse
Volume I
Dedicated to God’s Grace
The written component within this book was derived from two words. Dedicated from my heart, to
the elegance of God’s Grace, the transformative nature of these words is symbolic of a seemingly
important conversation. A conversation between two peculiar, like minded individuals, who shared
an interest in one another. Well, ‘interest’ is an understatement. Though, this will later become
apparent in the book. The roots and origins of this component stem from taking a simple idea and
exploding it. Into something great. Something worthwhile. Something you can retain, and keep with
you for the rest of your life, to fall back on. I wrote this component to remind you that your
emotions are a thing of beauty. Vast and limitless. To remind you that, no matter where you are in
life, or what you are doing, your emotions are deserving. Deserving of every effort contributed in
writing this component. And every effort one could make to pursue you. To consider your worth,
and remember a time that was intensive and full of emotion. To express yourself fully, without
hesitation, in every scenario your life holds for you. To choose love and compassion, over
judgement. I acknowledge that the majority of this book is empty. And this is to remind you of the
emptiness of the World for someone of your merit. I acknowledge that people who possess such
beauty, such art within themselves, can feel lost in such a meaningless World. This book is to remind
you that despite the emptiness, some part of the World is full. And you will find it. Chase yourself,
appreciate your intricacy, and always remember, this book was composed for you. Utilise the
emptiness to document your thoughts and emotions on any given day, to express your difficulties
and most importantly, to remember me for everything I am or once was to you.
Wednesday 6th April 2022 18:21pm
Part I
“Aristotle’s muse” she said. Captivated by her rationale, his curiosity buried him. A goddess? He
wondered. Consumed by his thoughts, he began dismantling her emotive communications. The
emotions felt by her in this thematic clash. Possibly, a clash of two egos. An ego is defined as one’s
sense of self esteem or importance, although, this was not the case. Her tenacity expressed her
esteem in a mature and sensitive yet challenging fashion, imploring him to explore her further. Her
inquisitive nature led her to ask thoughtful and incisive questions, beyond his understanding. He set
his sights high, and preserved, until he mastered each topic. Was it the perfect combination? Despite
her modest criticism, his infectious personality allowed him to be influential. She struck him as
enthusiastic and determined while he showed a particular flair for analysing the inner significance of
her thoughts. Daringly, he took a step further into the abyss. Elements of time and place worked in
synthesis to induce empathy within their conversation. He relied on linguistic elements to
characterise the dynamics of his alleged ego. A sense of synthetic personalisation appealed his
ideological position to her. This gave face to the emotions and thoughts felt by her in confrontation
with someone of her nature. Critical and unfazed. The power distribution and deanchoring of her
initial communications made this thematic clash somewhat, depthful.
Thursday 7th April 2022 02:34am
Part II
The pair were very quickly, mystified. Her existence expropriated his mind. A million and one
questions but precisely, no answers. It was 2:52 am. “What’s on your mind?” She asked gently. He
didn’t know where to start. Overcoming his perplexity, he poured his heart into her hands. This was
unlike him. Perhaps, he craved her sensitivity, her tenaciousness. Perhaps he just needed someone
to talk to. Regardless, there was something about her. She had wild blue eyes, that carried an
overload of compassion. This compassion came at a cost. Though, she concealed this cost in a skilful
and satisfactory manner. Was it her secretive nature? His enquiring mind drowned him. A man who
does not grieve for the things he has not, but rejoices for those which he has. He was diligent and
methodical with a strong sense of duty, integrity and loyalty to his family. To her astonishment,
there was much more to him than perceived the naked eye. But where will this take the mystical
Friday 8th April 2022 11:38am
Part III
The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical.
They had lived through every emotion, from blissful freedom to suffering and pain. Both him, and
her, had limitless passion. Though, they were well versed in hiding their regard for one another. He
loved it. All that energy, that conviction, she was brilliant. “Undress me with your typewriter, pepper
my skin with your words.”, her subconscious mind said. He was an explorer of infinity, ready to
conjure the most ecstatically beautiful visuals, to the highest order of rigour. I need not tell you,
books, not flowers, please her best. They were independent, and proficient at being alone. But their
conversation proposed a vigorous, incandescent atmosphere. Her heart and soul discovered
captivity. They found sense in nonsense. His mind was free. She craved his freedom. And it is said,
the reading of all great books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries. He asked
himself, did he posses a fine mind or was he possessed by one?
Sunday 10th April 2022 17:35pm
Part IV
She drove him crazy,
He kept her guessing.
He was exotic and mysterious,
She was magnetic.
He was complex. Guarded, hard to decipher, while she had an edge of mystery; some part of her
that he’ll never figure out. He pledged alliance, she became his confidant. He was emotionally
distant, but encompassed by her charm. Their physical magnetism brought them together, naturally.
His personality was his trademark. Full, of character and dignity. Flirting was their natural art.
Though, they were both highly misunderstood. She was bold in thought, and relentless in action,
provoking his intellect. Her regard for his emotions left him in a state of, wonderment. This was new
and unorthodox to the pair. “Bienvenido a un mundo differente”, their subconscious minds
whispered. The reticent essence of the duo made their connection, indescribable. Could their
guarded nature distance them apart?
Friday 15th April 2022 20:03pm
Part V
The answer would be no. He had a huge heart: kind, gentle and understanding. Above all, accepting.
His devotion was one of a kind, truly wonderful. She was fascinated by his ethic, driven by his
enthusiasm and intrigued by his flaws. Someone that seemed so perfect, definitely had secrets. He
portrayed himself as an open book, though his reality was much less simple. Despite the complexity
of her thoughts, he understood her. To an extent, though more than the average person. To him,
that was a win in itself. She claimed he underestimated her, in many ways. Perhaps, he knew how
capable she truly was, but didn’t express this to her. His appreciation was expressed in different
ways. He trusted her, opened up to her, put his faith in her. He was honest and down to Earth. She
felt no pressure, no judgement. Though, he was bold and never afraid to act. She was a gemini. And
preferred Spotify over Apple Music, but he was willing to put his pride aside. Their chemistry had
proven worthy; what he referred to as an ‘initial thrill’ she called a ‘science experiment’, both
entailed the same fate. A fate we will very soon question in this book. His intuition was in her favour.
But reality prevailed. He didn’t have her at all, apparently. This didn’t surprise him. Their story
continued :)
Sunday 17th April 2022 15:54pm
Part VI
What appeared to be a spark between the mystified pair, advanced into a natural continuation of
thoughts and emotions. They liked each other’s messages, a lot. His beauty emerged from the way
he spoke. His mind. Note, this was his intent. To be remembered for his remarkable perception of
reality. To be, one of the world’s most eminent thinkers. Thus, he approached the world maturely.
And became a museum of his experiences. One, her mind loved to roam. She explored his depth and
fragility, though, she found her curiosity was only heightened. He honoured his experiences and
chose compassion over judgement. A sense of emotional intimacy lingered, as their guarded natures
began to dissolve. By now, we have established that this was not a clash of two egos. Rather, two
narcissists. No. Two… charming… emotionally intelligent, individuals. That’s how we’ll define them.
In reality, they were simply two beautiful people. And fate, or the uniqueness of events, merged
their paths together. As their conversation evolved, the words of the book were cemented. Line by
line. Each word, reinforced. Fascinating was the term. Everything about them. Grace has many
connotations. In mythology, goddesses believed to personify and bestow grace. God’s grace is the
spontaneous, unmerited gift of divine favour. Though, the Grace immersed in their conversation,
was elegance and beauty of form. He liked Grace. She liked his aura. His Cardigan Era. Everything
about them was divine.
Wednesday 20th April 2022 19:24pm
Part VII
Exactly fifteen days have passed since the inception of our journey. And so far, it has been a
memorable one :) Though, we are yet to discuss the fate of the pair, as promised earlier in the book.
How will the prodigious odyssey end you ask? That’s where the beauty of Aristotle’s Muse truly lies.
Fate. Providence. And destiny. The power dynamic in itself was mystifying. But who was really in
control? They hid a great deal of emotion. At their own expense. But somehow, this was invigorating
to the pair. They disclosed just enough, to stimulate thought in one another, without revealing their
secrets. Both him, and her, were infamous for concealing their private affairs. He was an enigma.
And her wit was impenetrable. This was one of many great combinations they shared. Only very few
had access to their energies, though, their energies aligned. Recall the first time they spoke, how
naturally their magic flowed. Sensational is the word. Their rapid development of ideas and
understanding of each other was second to none. Though, they weren’t exactly compatible.
Fundamentally opposites, but weirdly similar. In fact, they had a lot in common. Starting with this
book. They loved provoking each other, tensions were often heightened in their critical
communications. Was it pride? Or an illusion of control? Either him, or her, were superior. There was
no in-between. What we know definitively is that without him, or her, the book would come to an
end. And in their presence, the word count thrives. The first of anything is like a drug. But could they
Sunday 24th April 2022 23:56pm
He often speculated about the emptiness of the world. The laws that governed nature. He had
everything on his mind, but nothing in his heart. Empty. She felt this emptiness. But also his depth.
He was dark. In need of light. Was she his light? She was often intrigued by him. The way he carried
himself. His perception of women. He lived his life, as if he had no past. This was the type of freedom
she sought after. Indeed, one of the first things he said to her was “no expectations”, And he was
careful to abide by this ideal. He didn’t care for the opinions of others, but valued hers highly.
Though, she was wary. She had her reasons. People weren’t as genuine as he was with her. And this
made her question everything. Her wariness drowned him. But he was patient. What more can a
man do then be his true self? There was so much to love and hate about the pair. They promised
each other a lot. But will their promises prove worthy? He wanted her heart, the depth in her eyes.
And he kissed her, not because he loved her, but because he thought she was cute. There are many
unanswered questions in this book. All being well, these answers will be revealed in volume II of
Aristotle’s Muse. But for now, i’ll see you soon. And I hope you’ve enjoyed joining us on this fantastic
00:54am complete.
About the journal:
The Tree of Life represents our personal development, uniqueness and individual beauty. Just as the
branches of a tree strengthen and grow upwards to the sky, we too grow stronger, striving for
greater knowledge, wisdom and new experiences as we move through life. Inspired by
Shakespeare’s papers on the tree of life :)