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The Dressmaker Chapter 2 Summary Worksheet

The Dressmaker – Chapter 2 summary:
Setting/context – Where exactly is the chapter set
physically and time.
Key moments – dot point.
Characters we are introduced to -brief outline
Elsa Beaumont:
Mona Beaumont:
William Beaumont:
Alvin Pratt:
Muriel Pratt:
Gertrude Pratt:
Fred Bundle:
Purl Bundle:
Percival Almanac:
Faith O’Brien:
Reginald Blood:
Big Idea/Issues/Values
“Mothers…shop and gossip”p13
Insular society/judgement/secrets
What it means?
“Mother says we can let the
dreadful hired help go. That Mr
“My name is Tilly….everyone will
know soon enough” pg7
“yes I am aware your mother
considers herself very refined”
“Mrs Beaumont had airs’ She
was a farmers daughter who had
married a well-to-do graziers
son, although he wasn’t as wellto-do” pg 16