REPUBLIC OF' THA PHIT.,IPF${SS TROYTNCE ST'BATAAN CITY $F BALANGA CITY HMALTT{ OTTICE MEBICAL CERTIFICATg June 9, 2*22 To tVhom'It hday Concern: t* €wiry *rat Ms. Jamie Lorieile Rnmur, 22, ylq &ffiele residing at Brgy. Cupang Wes! Batanga City, Bfttaffit 'is not u 'Foroo under Mrnitoring/persan This i$ under Investigation on the tirne ef consuttefisff". _ T,his serti$*ate is issued:,for ciexmee pffioses only" City Heatth ()ffice, City ttalt Annex, sA f* pr*uide f"g. n*A; f'or.}-*, Brtrrc, TeL # {04{ 23?-4333 Eaait* he*tth*ob@gr*ailcom A'KIAJVG trAAI*f,tf*$I. .. """KALUSIT GAN MAKAKAMTAN trfs'sfszu {,Uafity ffeef8ft serurees fftrpsgf? fmfensr/r"ed ffl?pieri?sr?fd$ tia* *f rllt preueffffrre srud eemfrmf pr$gruff?$, deuelop cngoc&iffffes of servdce praviders cnd upgrudfng of,lh*od#rfoeifities s.$ eer?ferf,cr wef/mess.