Uploaded by Cody Anthony

Lesson 15 - Java Libraries

Lesson 15 – Java Libraries
Research on the Web to find a description of each of the following Java and Java
Development Kit libraries that explains its overall function and use.
a. java.base defines the foundational APIs of the Java SE platform. This includes
packages like java.io for data streams, java.lang for classes fundamental to the
Java language, and java.math for precise integer and decimal arithmetic
b. java.compiler defines APIs for the Java language model, annotation processing
and the java compiler. Defines interfaces for tools such as compilers that can be
invoked from a program.
c. java.datatransfer provides interfaces and classes for transferring data between
and within Java applications.
d. java.logging provides classes and interfaces of the Java 2 platform’s core logging
facilities. Allows the user to write log messages on program execution to a central
e. java.prefs allows apps to store and retrieve user and system preference and
configuration data. Provides an easy way to share preference data platform to
platform without having to worry about the backing store.
f. java.scripting defines the scripting API. Provides a language-independent
command-line script shell that supports executing JavaScript and other scripting
languages if the script engine is installed.
g. jdk.accessibility defines JDK utility classes implemented by assistive technology
h. jdk.httpserver defines the JDK-specific HTTP server API, which can be used to
build embedded HTTP servers.
i. jdk.jdi defines the Java Debug Interface, a high-level Java API providing info
useful for debuggers and similar systems needing to access the running state of a
virtual machine.
j. jdk.jshell provides support for Java snippet evaluating tools such as Read-EvalPrint Loops (REPLs), including the jshell tool.
k. jdk.jsobject defines the JavaScript Object API, providing access to the JavaScript
engine and HTML DOM in the web browser.
l. jdk.management defines JDK-specific management interfaces for the JVM.
m. jdk.management.agent allows JVM to be monitored and managed via the readyto-use JMX API.
n. jdk.net provides classes for implementing networking applications.
o. jdk.snmp allows a JVM to be monitored and managed via SNMP.
p. jdk.zipfs provides an implementation of the zip file system provider. Can
manipulate the contents of a ZIP or JAR file.