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Donate for Dollars!
Dona t io n Tra ck ing She e t
D a te :
D ona te d to:
Donating can mean tax deduction dollar s for y ou, and it also puts dollars back into your com munity while keeping usable item s out of the
landfills! Be a Conscious Donor by m ak ing sure your belongings ar e going to a r eputable nonpr ofit lik e Goodwill, who directs 84% of
collectiv e revenues toward their m ission of putting people to work . F in d y ou r near est Go od w ill do na tion ce n ter an d calcula te the
im p act of yo ur do na t io n a t h t t p :/ / do na te .g oo d w ill.or g .
D e scr iptio n of I te m
Ex ce lle nt
( exam ple: wom en’s shoes)
T ot a l Do na t ion Va lue f or t h is Pa ge
$ xx
Tota l Va l ue
$ xx
$ xx
I tem s m ust be in good or ex cellent ( not poor ) condition to qualify for tax deductions in the United States. Clutter Diet, I nc. and Goodwill
I ndustr ies I nternational, I nc. are not r esponsible for tax adv ice or assigning values to donated goods. We suggest
w w w .ch a rityd ed uction s.com for pr oper ly valuing y our donation item s. Attach donation r eceipts to this form , along with photos of your
donation item s if y ou have them. File in your tax folder for the cur rent year .
© MMVI I - MMXI Clutter Diet, I nc.
w w w .clut t e r d ie t .co m
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