PERSONALITY PROFILING Since the evolution of man, there has always been this urge or drive for man to gain more knowledge about himself. As a result scientists especially psychologists have and are still postulating a number of theories to explain the human behavior and have come up with various ways for the individual person to gain more understanding of himself and the effects of his external and internal environmental on his behavior. Some of these methods including personality tests, taking IQ tests, reading ones’ Zodiac signs etc. Personality profiling is a scientific method used to measure individuals’ personality traits, strengths, weaknesses and to measure person-job fit. There are various websites that allow people take these tests at no cost. This measurement arose because individuals want to get to know themselves more and to know where they fit in the business industries. According to the Myers and Briggs Foundation, the MBTI is valid based on the numerous research carried out from the best. I would agree with them to a certain point because I feel that the personality test that I took actually figured me out good. I have always been skeptical about personality tests that is one of the reasons why I have never taken any of it before but taking it now made me realize that it is good way to measure your personality trait, it is obviously not an absolute way of measuring ones’ personality but for the moment it is one of the best ways if not the best. The following are some of the websites for taking the personality tests: MBTI/Personalities: This website on the ideas of Carl Jung speculation about personality traits, particularly the concepts of introversion and extroversion. TestColor DiSC Berkeley Emotional Intelligence Test. PATH Assessment. My parents thought on my personality test For starters, my parents are kind of against scientific theories that pride themselves with be able to decode an individual’s behavior so when I told them that I took one of the tests, we had a little argument about it. I decided I was going to educate them more on why these tests are helpful if one is really honest with him or herself while answering the questions. I agreed with them that these measurements are not 100% accurate but they give the individual a slight view of him or herself. My parents were forced to change their perspective of personality tests when I showed them my results. They agreed with my personality test result and even said it almost figured me out a 100%. At the end of our discussion, they also took the personality test and we had a longer discussion about it. Personality tests and employee selection PERSONALITY testing has never been uncontroversial in psychology. Many academic psychologists would be surprised to find that in the business world personality profile testing in job recruitment and selection is considered to be the pith and essence of psychology. Regardless, personally, I see it as a good approach for businesses to make sure people are doing the jobs that correlate with their personality. Most importantly though, employees should also be given the chance to pick the field or the jobs they really want to do. The manager should not presume he knows what is best for the employee just because of the personality test scores. Also managers cannot rely too much on the tests because the employee might not be honest while taking the personality test