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Targeted Drug Therapy: A Potential Cancer Cure?

Targeted Drug Therapy as a Cure for Cancer
Through this project I seek to explore the cutting edge technology which could be a possible cure for
cancer. Cancer has plagued mankind for centuries with no cure or effective preventions found yet. A
recent exploration in adsorption chemistry however, has come up. Hypothetically, it shows great
promise to cure cancer. Through this project, the biology of cancer and the chemistry of targeted drug
therapy will be integrated to explain why targeted drug therapy could be the next scientific
The project will be mostly research-based aided by a questionnaire. The target audience of the
questionnaire will be medical professionals in the field of oncology.
Subtopics are as Follows:
● Introduction to Cancer Biology: In this section the basics of cancer biology will be explored.
What makes a cell cancerous - that is, how a cancer cell is different from a normal cell. How do
genes come into play- how is one more prone to cancer and why? Common types of cancer and
their prevention.
● Hallmarks of Cancer: The 10 stages or hallmarks of cancer will be discussed. The identification
of cancer cells will be discussed. Further, some hallmarks of cancer themselves can work
toward preventing cancer.
● Cancer Metastasis: Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition, Angiogenesis and other steps
involved in cancer metastasis will be discussed in detail. What causes metastasis in some cells
while others remain benign as well as how metastasis is prevented and classified will be
● The Science of Targeted Drug Therapy: Basics of adsorption, what is targeted drug therapy,
what does it seek to achieve - the same will be discussed. The exact mechanics behind targeted
therapy and which substances make for good targeted drugs will be discussed. Further, how
targeted drug therapy can be made more specific as compared to usual cancer therapies will
also be discussed.
● How Targeted Drug Therapy Could Potentially Mitigate Cancer at Each Stage: This will be
an analytical section supported by evidence from clinical trials. This will be a combination of
the hallmarks of cancer, stages of cancer metastasis and targeted drug therapy. Additionally,
this will contain contents from the questionnaire.
Through this project, I seek to find out new benefits of targeted drug therapy and hopefully prove
through extensive research that targeted drug therapy is a viable cure for cancer and potentially other
genetic diseases. Therefore, this project concludes with the hypothesis - ‘Targeted Drug Therapy is a
Breakthrough in the Fight Against Cancer.’
Aakanksha Pai
Roll No: 01 11 G